Thursday, July 15, 2010

Inmate Work At Horse Farm Suspended

Officials have suspended a program that provided inmate labor for a Howard County horse rescue farm, after complaints from neighbors and parents of young volunteers who said they weren't notified that prisoners would be at the site.

The Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services rolled out the program at the Days End Farm Horse Rescue last week. But just days later, officials were apologizing for how the initiative was handled.

"I was definitely against it. Nobody knew about it," said Tammy Mirabile, who lives with her husband and four children, ages 2 to 11, less than a mile from the farm on Woodbine Road and learned about the initiative through a newspaper account last weekend. An inmate could flee, she said, into the rural and residential areas near the farm.
Days End is a temporary home to 70 abused and neglected horses, and has taken ailing equines from all over the state — including some of Baltimore's a-rab ponies that pull fruit carts downtown. About 1,200 people volunteer at the farm over the course of a year, said executive director Kathy Howe, including teenagers who help the operations of the nonprofit devoted to nursing the animals back to health and finding homes for them.

If the program resumes, "they're going to lose volunteers, rather than gain them," Mirabile said.

She and others registered their displeasure with state Del. Warren E. Miller, a Republican who represents the area.

"I got complaints from parents whose kids work there," Miller said. "They never told the parents. It's disconcerting."

Miller called his colleague, Del. Gail H. Bates, a Republican who serves on a subcommittee that oversees corrections spending, who in turn contacted Gary D. Maynard, secretary of the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services.

Maynard, who was at the farm when the program was launched July 8, quickly agreed that he had erred in not informing the community or the legislators, Bates said.

The corrections chief suspended the program indefinitely Monday, though department officials point out that the four inmates who were the first participants were classified as nonviolent offenders.

"I am not saying it's a good or bad program. It was handled poorly," Bates said, adding that she too was not informed about the program's launch. "In Howard County, we keep the public informed."

Howe, the farm's executive director, said she thought the inmates, supervised by a correctional officer, would be a help in managing the 58-acre property, which runs on a $1.2 million yearly budget. The first group of inmates worked for two days last week before Maynard told her the program was on hold.

"There was never any communications between the volunteers and the inmates," she said. "They were a group very well supervised and were helping to maintain the land."

Howe acknowledged that the farm had not informed the farm's many volunteers or the community of the program, because it had not occurred to her anyone would be upset.
"I guess I really didn't anticipate it," she said.

She said the farm did not get complaints directly from the public, though she said several parents of young volunteers did call seeking information after seeing an article in some editions of The Baltimore Sun.

On their first day at work, inmate Paula Jordan, 41, of Baltimore, said she and the other three inmates said they were grateful for "a little taste of freedom" on the sprawling farm.

"I made wrong choices, and I'm paying the consequences, said the single mother of three, who worked in the hot sun cutting grass.

"Being here and knowing that I'm helping them for a good cause makes me feel like I'm giving something back," said inmate Whitley Neal, 22.

Rick Binetti, communications director for the corrections agency, agreed Wednesday that the department "probably did not do its due diligence" and that community and local officials should have been notified.

"It was probably a lack of foresight," he said, while praising the program for allowing inmates who have shown a commitment to changing their lives to work outside prison in different locations across the state.

The state corrections agency sends inmates to a variety of locations to provide labor. Recent efforts have included using inmates to help build Habitat for Humanity houses on the Eastern Shore, as well as planting orchards and other trees to help restore the Antietam battlefield.
Binetti said that the hope is that in time, after community concerns are addressed, the program can be restarted. The inmates involved have made progress on their educations and had shown good behavior.

"It was part of their transition back into the community," he said.


CHINCOTEAGUE -- The 23rd annual Chincoteague Blueberry Festival will be held at the Chincoteague Community Center at 6155 Community Drive July 23-25

The Blueberry Festival will be held from 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. rain or shine. The festival remains the largest fine arts and crafts event on the Eastern Shore of Virginia with exhibitors from 10 states including many excellent local artists. This large exhibit brings a unique Christmas in July shopping atmosphere to Chincoteague. The arts and crafts exhibits are located both inside the Chincoteague Center building and outside on the green space and parking lot.

The fresh gourmet blueberries will once again be provided by Dick's Kitchen. These succulent delicacies are unlike any blueberries that can be found in the grocery store or produce stands and are a huge favorite of festival visitors and sell out every year. For fresh blueberry pre-orders, call Dick Jones at 540-273-2963.

The Blueberry Festivals' net profits from the fresh blueberry sales will be donated to the Chincoteague Police Department's "Ride for Kids" program to benefit local children. Buying fresh blueberries at the festival provides not only a tasty and nutritious treat for the family, but helps the kids in need. Blueberries freeze extremely well and many of the festivals blueberry devotees stock up for the entire year.

For a free pint of fresh blueberries, be one of the first 50 paid adults each day of the festival.

The "ultimate blueberry pies" will once again be made and sold by Sugarbakers Bakery. These offerings also sold out last year and should be pre-ordered. To pre-order blueberry pies, call 757-336-3712.

The blueberry confections continue with blueberry ice cream from the Island Creamery, old-fashioned blueberry shortcake from Diana James, blueberry funnel cakes from Cross Concessions, blueberry pancakes from Pepper Jack Grille and more.

Breakfast and Lunch will be served by Pepper Jack Grille. For a complete menu, visit

The musical offerings are expanding for the 2010 Chincoteague Blueberry Festival to include the Celtic Islanders, the Piped Piper, Mountain Faith, Johnny Mo -- "The Musical Chef," Ron Cole and Wayne Young and Moonstruck Music. Musical performances will continue for the entire event. For a complete musical schedule, visit the website.

Attractions for kids include pony rides from Against the Wind Farms, sand art and face painting.

For directions, discount coupons and more visit www.Chincoteague or e-mail: samserio@

State Surplus Will Go Towards Bonus, Schools, Water, Roads

The state finished the last fiscal year with a $220 million surplus, Gov. Bob McDonnell confirmed today, which means state workers will get a bonus in December.

McDonnell told a news conference that the money will go to a $82 million, 3 percent one-time bonus for state employees, to local school divisions, to the Water Quality Improvement Fund and to the transportation trust fund.

Actually, state tax revenue continued to decline in the fiscal year ended June 30, but not by as much as had been forecast, McDonnell said. The decline was 0.6 percent, versus an estimate of a 2.3 percent decline.

McDonnell hailed the surplus as a product of prudent fiscal management, noting that the state in January was forecasting a $1.8 billion shortfall. He also said a $4.2 billion budget shortfall had been forecast for the two years ending June 30, 2012.

"We have reduced state spending in this new biennium to 2006 levels," he said.
State employees have gone without a pay raise since 2007.

McDonnell said there are still problems in the economy, particularly in the real estate sector, but that tax collections appeared to have begun turning around in April.

Exmore Marina Offers Boat and Jet Ski Rentals

EXMORE -- Deep Creek Marina now offers weekday and weekend boat and Jet Ski rentals.

Karl Wendley and Jerry Ormsby of Deep Creek Marina have available two Jet Skis and a 20-foot Wellcraft with a 115 horsepower Mercury available to use from the marina at 20104 Deep Creek Road.

"We thought there would be a demand for boat and Jet Ski rentals because it is not easy to see waterways and the bayside islands without access to the water," said Ormsby, who also operates International Auto Services from the same location.

The boat rents for $175 a day on weekdays and $185 on weekends, plus fuel, with a $10 discount for a boater safety card. The Jet Ski rental is $85 per hour, including fuel, with a $10 discount for a boater safety card.

"The boat has a depth finder and VHF radio and can be used for fishing or just sightseeing," said Wendley.

Ormsby said the facility will add sailboat rentals if there is a demand for it.

Deep Creek Marina is certified and carries insurance for rentals. You have to be 18 to rent a Jet Ski unless with a parent.

For more information, call 787-4565 or 787-4400.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Growing Older

 A group of 40 year old girlfriends discussed where they should meet

      for dinner.
  Finally, it was agreed upon that they should meet at the Ocean View

      restaurant because the waiters there had tight pants and nice buns.


      10 years later at 50 years of age, the group once again discussed where

      they should meet for dinner. Finally it was agreed that they should meet

      at the Ocean View restaurant because the food there was very good and the

      wine selection was good also.


      10 years later at 60 years of age, the group once again discussed where

      they should meet for dinner. Finally it was agreed that they should meet

      at the Ocean View restaurant because they could eat there in peace and

      quiet and the restaurant had a beautiful view of the ocean.


      10 years later, at 70 years of age, the group once again discussed where

      they should meet for dinner. Finally it was agreed that they should meet

      at the Ocean View restaurant because the restaurant was wheel chair

      accessible and they even had an elevator.


      10 years later, at 80 years of age, the group once again discussed where

      they should meet for dinner. Finally it was agreed that they should meet

      at the Ocean View restaurant because they had never been there before.  

Hat Tip; Kack

Virginia's Fiscal Year Turns Out To Be Better Than Anticipated

Virginia's battered state budget ended a turbulent 2010 fiscal year on June 30 with a surprise surplus of about $220 million, government figures show.

That exceeds forecasts of a month ago anticipating a $140 million unspent balance and guarantees a September bonus for state employees, the first pay boost in years for most.

Gov. Bob McDonnell's administration is expected to formally announce the figures in a late morning news conference.

The surplus ended a dire budget year in which official revenue forecasts were lowered three times and raised once as policymakers struggled to reconcile a nearly $2 billion shortfall.

Preliminary June revenue figures show that the larger-than-expected year-end balance resulted mostly from strong collections of individual and corporate income taxes, said Finance Secretary Richard D. Brown.

Taxes withheld from individual wages barely topped $820 million last month, up 2.5 percent from June 2009. That brought final annual collections of the tax that accounts for two-thirds of the state's general operating budget to nearly $9.2 billion by the time the fiscal year ended on June 30.

It was an increase of just 0.4 percent over total withholding income tax collections for the previous fiscal year, but it beat the official forecast which was for an increase of only 0.2 percent, and that made the difference, Brown said.

Corporate income tax receipts of $157 million for June increased by 14.2 percent over the same month the year before, and collections of about $806 million for the full year were nearly one-fourth greater than the previous fiscal year.

Sales tax collections for the most recent month doubled what they had been in June 2009. In a bid to generate a cash boost, the state accelerated the schedule for retailers to turn in taxes collected on sales. But Brown said the accelerated sales tax generated less than expected and did not boost the final surplus figure.

Bay Queen Galley and Bakery

Smith Island BabyCakes - All made from scratch with love!

BabyCakes now come in these new flavors:

Pina Colada~ Pineapple Mousse, Coconut, Butter Cream and Yellow Layers
S'mores~ Choclate Ganache, Marshmallow and Graham Cracker Cake Layers
Mounds~ Chocolate Ganache, Coconut and Yellow Layers

More news from the Bay Queen Galley and Bakery......

"We are proud and excited to annouce our move to a bigger and better facility!!

We will be leaving our wonderful, little location on Market St.

We are re-opening the restaurant at the Days Inn in Pocomoke City, Md.

Our current location will remain open during the transition.

The new location is set to open Sept. 1st!!!

...........Thanks to all the customer support that has made the move to the new location possible!!! "

Virginia Aquarium Worker Helps Gulf Turtles

NEW ORLEANS, La. (WAVY) - Volunteers from across the country are helping the residents and marine life on the Gulf Coast of Louisiana, and Hampton Roads is no exception.

The Virginia Aquarium in Virginia Beach sent their Assistant Stranding Response Team Coordinator Christina Trapani to help with the sea turtle recovery effort.

"Most of them coming in are in good body condition," she said. Trapani has helped with the recovery efforts of about a hundred sea turtles at the Audubon Institute's Aquatic Center in New Orleans.

She says the oil spill in the gulf is affecting several different species of sea turtles.

"They're unable to submerge, they've been slowed down," she said. "Their prey items are also oiled so it's hard for them to find things to eat,"

Christina and other expert volunteers at the aquatic center have treated the turtles with antibiotics to prevent against infection and provided the turtles with nourishment.

And although most of the rescued turtles have been responding, their future is uncertain.

"This is kind of uncharted territory. We don't know the long term affects of the oil or even the dispersants," she said.

More troubling, perhaps, is the fact that the Gulf of Mexico is the breeding area for some species of sea turtles already battling extinction.

"The Kemps Ridley Sea Turtle is the most endangered of all the Sea Turtles and the Gulf of Mexico is basically their major habitat...they really only nest in South Texas and in Mexico. So all those hatchlings are going to be coming out into the Gulf of Mexico."

Some the sea turtles removed from the Gulf are already being released in other waters, but the question lingers: How many will actually be returned to the Gulf and when will it be safe to do so?

"You always take a chance when releasing animals," she said. "I think that that is still under debate as to where and when they will release those animals."


BURN BAN still in effect in Accomack and Northampton Counties!
PLEASE check in your area to see if it is safe to burn.

Jimmy Buffett Gives Free Beach Concert

By JAY REEVES - The Associated Press
Sunday, July 11, 2010; 10:24 PM

GULF SHORES, Ala. -- Tens of thousands of people dressed in Hawaiian shirts and parrot hats sang and danced on a broad beach Sunday at a free Jimmy Buffett concert meant to show not all the tourists are covered in oil on the Gulf Coast.

The show, which was telecast live on the CMT cable channel, came on a particularly good day: The skies were mostly clear and only a little oil was washing in on the white sand about 100 miles north of the Deepwater Horizon site. A sand-filled barrier erected by the Alabama National Guard kept members of the audience from getting near the surf just in case.

Buffett, who grew up on the Alabama coast, came on stage to a huge cheer.

"It's a little like Jazz Fest with an ocean," said Buffett, referring to the huge music festival in New Orleans. "It is a pleasure to be here on a beautiful Gulf Coast day."

Buffett's set list included favorites like "Son of a Son of a Sailor," "Come Monday" and "Margaritaville," with its line about "all of those tourists covered with oil." His biggest fans, who call themselves "Parrotheads," sang along with every word.

Alabama Gov. Bob Riley said the state might use its $15 million in tourism promotion money from BP to stage additional shows through the fall.

"With all the Gulf states running commercials saying, `Our beaches our beautiful,' we'll show people ours are," Riley said. "It would be something different, and a great way to get people to the coast."

Florida Gov. Charlie Crist even came to see Buffett.

"I think all the Gulf states will benefit from this," Crist said. "We're all in this together. God bless Jimmy Buffett."

The Buffett bash accomplished its goal of luring visitors to the coast despite the oil spill: Parking lots were fuller than they had been in days outside of hotels, condominiums, restaurants and souvenir stores in this beach town of 5,000 residents.

Organizers gave away 35,000 tickets, but an officials attendance count wasn't available.

The concert originally was scheduled for July 1 but had to be postponed because heavy surf from Hurricane Alex.

Buffett was born in Mississippi and grew up on the Alabama coast, and his sister owns a popular restaurant and marina on the intracoastal waterway within a few miles of the beach. Buffett played a surprise concert there on June 30 after the cancellation.

Mayor of Portsmouth Loses In Special Election

PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) - About 16,000 Portsmouth residents showed up Tuesday night to vote on whether or not to recall their city's mayor, James Holley, in a special election.

The numbers were greater than in the recent council election, where only about 10,000 showed up to cast votes. Sixty-eight percent voted to recall Mayor Holley and 32 percent wanted Holley to stay in office.

The recall effort began with a round of complaints from one of his former assistants that he created a hostile work environment. The City Council voted to ask Mayor Holley to resign, and when he refused, a petition drive was initiated to force Holley out.

This is the second time Mayor Holley has been recalled, but is the end of a political career that spans 42 years.

Mayor James Holley did not want to hear the news.

"I want all the numbers," he said. And those numbers came in quickly at the voter registration office.

Robert Marcus, the architect of the recall effort, was there watching the returns.

"I have to tell you that I am shocked that this many people came out," he said

More voters came out than in the previous two city wide council elections, and the loss could not be misunderstood.

Holley did not want updates on the vote count.

"What are you trying to scare me out of office? Take it easy now," he said. "Wait till everything [has] been counted."

The mayor's son took the numbers and shared the news with his father. He was gracious in defeat surrounded by his children--the veteran of many political wars tried to put the election in perspective:

"I know you have some disappointment. Well, that goes in the political process. You win some elections and you lose some."

The supporters thanked Holley, and he urged them to stay engaged in the political process he has dedicated his life to, " involved in the democratic process, that you fulfill the responsibility to improve the quality of life for the Portsmouth family."

Councilwoman Elizabeth Psimas says the election showed voters want Portsmouth to have a mayor who can be a leader at the regional table.

"First we need to celebrate [Mayor Holley's] good service. Second, we must unify the city back together...there has been a racial divide...there have been hurt is the time to come back together."

Preliminary analysis of the returns show Holley did well in predominately African American precincts, but the voter turnout there was not enough to make a difference. The predominately white precincts overwhelming voted against Holley.

The election will be certified at 2 p.m. Wednesday. Portsmouth City Council is scheduled to meet in closed session tomorrow at 5 p.m., where they may appoint an interim mayor until November, when a new mayor will be elected by the voters.\

Bottled Water Ban Reversed In Virginia

Gov. Bob McDonnell has reversed his predecessor's ban on state agencies' and institutions' purchase of individual-sized plastic water bottles.

Then-Gov. Timothy Kaine issued the directive that the state shouldn't buy plastic-bottled water, unless there's an emergency or health reason, as part of an overall government resource-conservation plan. Plastic water bottles are a major source of waste worldwide, and their continued use has been criticized as adding to overall pollution.

But McDonnell scrubbed Kaine's plastic-water-bottle ban, which he said would hurt state bottled-water manufacturers. He did carry over many elements from Kaine's plan, including asking state employees to recycle, turn off lights and employ carpooling.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


SAN DIEGO, CA, July 13, 2010… Surf dog Ricochet, the SURFice dog who lives a lifestyle of helping others by pawing it forward, has been leading a fundraising campaign over the last several months for Ian McFarland, a six year old boy who suffered a brain injury in a horrific car accident that claimed the lives of his parents.  Ricochet's fundraising campaign presented a unique and exciting double challenge: Help raise funds to offset Ian's costly rehabilitation, and motivate him to get back on a surfboard/surfing. 

In July, 2008, Ian and his family set out for a road trip to Colorado, but never made it.  A devastating car accident claimed the lives of his parents, and Ian suffered a severe traumatic brain injury that left him in a coma.  He spent almost four months in the hospital, and although he's made remarkable progress in his recovery, he still has a long way to go.

Last week, Ricochet presented Ian with a check for more than $7500!  These funds will help pay for Ian's hippo therapy (horseback), physical therapy, occupational therapy, and aqua therapy.

Most of the funds Ricochet raised were through her inspirational YouTube video "From Service dog to SURFice dog" (  The video went viral, and has over 2.5 million views, which continues to increase on a daily basis with donations coming in from all over the world.

The second part of the challenge for Ricochet was to motivate Ian to get back on a surfboard.  Ian and his dad were passionate about surfing.  The ocean has been very healing for Ian, and some of his first steps after the accident were in the ocean.  But, getting back on a surfboard was more challenging and scary for Ian.  Sometimes it would take an hour or two to work up his confidence.

Ian's Aunt Melissa, who he affectionately refers to as Aunt Happy says "The night before Ian and Ric were to surf - Ian and I spoke about our schedule for the next day and what it would entail.  Ian was SUPER excited to see Ricochet and even more excited to surf with her!!  The next morning, Ian woke up boldy demanding, "I want to surf!!!"  Any fears that he had were replaced with excitement!!  I seriously cried as he boomed toward the water! Since the accident, he hasn't ever been that excited to get on the board.  I am so grateful to Ricochet for making that happen as I know the whole surfing experience and being in the ocean - will continue to aide his recovery emotionally and physically."

Ricochet's surf sessions with Ian will continue as the two share a special bond which is illustrated in this inspirational slideshow that highlights the healing power of the ocean, and the healing power of a dog!
Ricochet was slated to be a service dog for a person with a disability, but had to be released from that role due to her drive to chase birds and other small animals.  She is now assisting people with disabilities in a non traditional way!  She also raises awareness and funds for human/animal causes, and has raised more than $30,000 in the last eight months.

Note:  For more information, please contact Judy Fridono at 707-228-0679, or, on Facebook & Twitter: "Surf Dog Ricochet"

Censored Protest at Ground Zero Americans Stand Up Against Radical Islam in New York – We Will Not Submit!

Stop the Mosque at Ground Zero
June 16, 2010, New York , N.Y. ,   –  by El Marco

Americans Stand Up Against Radical Islam in New York – We Will Not Submit!
Not one major network sent a satellite truck or camera crew to this event. Without bloggers, this newsworthy event would have remained unknown to the public and history.

On Sunday, June 6th, a multi-ethnic, multi-racial coalition of Americans opposed to Islamic violence and intolerance rallied at the site of the World Trade Center in New York City.

9/11 families were joined by immigrants from India, Russia, Egypt, Israel, Africa, Iran and Europe to show opposition to the construction of a mega-mosque at Ground Zero. Others flew in from overseas to speak or just to share their particular ethnic communities’ experiences at the hands of Muslims.

These are parents and spouses of firefighters killed on 9/11. The rally took place just a minute’s walk from Ladder 10 Firehouse, where their loved ones were stationed for duty that terrible day. Ladder 10 lost seven firefighters.

Crowd estimates ranged from 5,000 (NYPD) to 10,000. The crowd overflowed the police barrier enclosures that ran the full length of two city blocks. This photo shows the enclosure in front of the stage at the intersection of Liberty and Church Streets. The second enclosure ran the length of the next block and can be seen on the other side of the traffic lights.

Thousands of additional participants filled the treed area of Zuccotti Park .

Robert Spencer and  Pamela Geller are the founders of STOP ISLAMIZATION OF AMERICA, which sponsored the rally. Ms. Geller is a citizen journalist and blogger who runs the human rights web site Atlas Shrugs. Mr. Spencer is the author of several books on Islam and head of the influential web site Jihad watch.  Pamela Geller:

“Ground Zero is a war memorial, Ground Zero is a burial ground. We are asking for sensitivity…It is unconscionable to build a shrine to the very ideology that inspired the jihadist attacks at Ground Zero, right there. We are asking the imam Rauf and Daisy Khan to be sensitive. For mutual respect and mutual understanding that is demanded of us every day.

There’s a hair-trigger sensitivity in the Muslim world, you can’t run the cartoons, you can’t say Mohammed, this is offensive. This is an offensive mosque. To build a shrine, an Islamic flag of conquest on the sacred ground the cherished site, of a conquered land. This is historic, this is Islamic history. It’s what they do. The St. Sofia in Turkey , the al-Quds, at the holiest Jewish site in Israel. Not here. This is where we take a stand. We must take a stand. We must say no.”

I do not believe that the landmarks commission, controlled by Mayor Bloomberg, is going to stop this mosque. It’s not going to happen. Here’s Omar Muhamedi, on his human rights council, a CAIR lawyer, who sued the airlines and the Jane and John Does that saw something and said something on those airplanes, if you remember. That’s who’s on his human rights commission. It ain’t gonna happen with Bloomberg. We have to make it happen. You have to get involved.” ( Pamela Geller)

Police enclosure on left, with crowd flowing out of park on right. The new Tower 7 and World Trade Center site are in the background. The green tent, center, is located immediately behind the stage.

Port Authority and NYPD officers kept watch over the rally and were well aware of the need for heightened security at this event. One of their own Port Authority officers, WTC Sergeant Alan T. DeVona was on duty at the World Trade Center on 9/11, 2001, and was one of the first to help victims of the terrorist attack. He spoke these words to the SIOA rally:

“It’s almost nine years. I’m hoping that America is watching. I’m hoping that America is remembering. Because, make no mistake, September 11 was an act of war. And thank the military that has lost almost 5,000 troops from that day, defending us. I don’t know what to say to jar America’s memory. I want America to remember."

Port Authority Police and FDNY firefighters are seen here gathered beneath this banner

The issues at stake will certainly affect the heart of American freedom, democracy, cultural values and tolerance. America is a tolerant country that allows for the free worship of all its citizens. But our tolerance has limits. Do we have to tolerate intolerant Islamic ideology and Muslims who preach intolerant Islam?”

Hindu human rights activists Narain Kataria, Prasad Yalamanchi and unidentified friend came from Mississippi and Chicago with banners and flyers highlighting the radical statements of imam Rauf and his jihadist roots.

Stephen Dyer and Gary Jules journalism students at York College, with Pamela Geller. Not one major network sent a satellite truck or camera crew to this event. Without bloggers this newsworthy event would have remained unknown to the public and history.

Pamela Geller is greeted by Hindu human rights activists Prasad Yalamanchi and Narain Kataria.

Bhupinder Singh Bhurji, Pamela Geller, and Robert Spencer. Singh Bhurji is the president of the  NAMDHARI SIKH FOUNDATION. The foundation is a member of the Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam (HRCARI). HRCARI is a coalition of Hindus, Sikhs, Christians from Sudan, Egypt and Iraq, moderate Muslims and Jews — who are victims and targets of radical Islam around the globe. He said, at another rally:

“Radical Islamists are killing people in India, trying to dominate that nation. And here too they come with violence against “infidels.” We are “infidels united,” standing together, brown, black and white, against this epoch’s fascist movement. Radical Islam wants to dominate entire world. They want everyone to surrender. Islam radical or otherwise. They want to put the Islamic flag on White House.”

Because of Islamic terrorism, America and the world have seen massive new security measures become a way of life. Anyone openly critical of Islam, or terrorist ideology, must surround themselves with security, or live in hiding. Those courageous enough to confront Islamism are criticized by the cowards and appeasers of the left who seek safety by supporting the enemy. Moderate Muslims were silent when Theo van Gogh was brutally murdered in Amsterdam, just as moderate Muslims in the United States are generally reluctant to speak out against violent Islam. Moderate Muslims also face great danger in speaking out.

Geller and Spencer will press on despite the danger. They hope to inspire Americans to stand up and say enough of political correctness and work to stem the galloping islamization of America and Europe.

Hat Tip; Eric

Man Shoots Neighbor's Puppy

I had a neighbor very similar to this a**hole at one time. It was never pleasant. People that react like this around animals usually don't get along very well with people either. It's just a shame you can't take a garden tool to the heads of people that do these things.

Varina, Va. A Varina man told police he chased down and shot a neighbor's dog last week after it strayed onto his property,Henrico County authorities said.

Mack Donald Hudson, 79, of the 8600 block of Osborne Turnpike told police he was afraid for his life Friday when he saw Grace, an 11-month-old Australian shepherd, on his property with another dog.

But Grace's owners say their dog simply went outside to wander the wooded area around their unfenced property and use the bathroom.
Grace's co-owner, Heather Sheffield, said her boyfriend let Grace outside Friday about 10:30 a.m. A short time later, he heard a shot, and he found Grace bleeding a few dozen yards from their house, she said.

Hudson's property is near Sheffield's, though neighbors' lots buffer between the two.
Hudson told police he was doing yardwork when he saw two dogs running loose. One of the dogs ran off when he yelled at it, but Grace did not, he told police.

Hudson told police he went inside his house, got a 12-gauge shotgun, and went outside to find the dog. When he couldn't find it, he got in his truck and found the dog on the rear of his property, Henrico police Lt. Eric Owens said.

He told police, "I was in fear ofmy life and I shot it," Owens said.

A woman at Hudson's home yesterday said the family had no comment.

Grace remains under observation at the Veterinary Emergency Center in Carytown, where she is expected to recover.

Dr. Robert Fulton, who admitted Grace to the clinic, said she had been shot in multiple places, with two pellets or bullet fragments in her body.

Even worse than the gunshot wounds was the blunt-force trauma to her skull, caused perhaps by a garden tool, that gave her a concussive injury, he said.

The wounds all were consistent with one attack, Fulton said.

Sheffield said Grace would not have been aggressive toward Hudson.

"She's an Australian shepherd. They don't go up to strangers. She's barely 20 pounds," she said. "Her favorite thing to do is play Frisbee.

Mack Donald Hudson was charged Saturday with misdemeanor cruelty to animals, according to - Online Court Records" He is scheduled to appear in court in August.

Assateague Lighthouse Undergoing Renovations

CHINCOTEAGUE -- The historic Assateague Lighthouse is undergoing renovations after serving as a beacon for more than 100 years.
After ownership of the building passed from the U.S. Coast Guard to the Fish and Wildlife Service in 2004, a $1.5 million, multi-phase restoration project began. The lower gallery deck has already been replaced, allowing visitors to walk on the deck -- approximately 130 feet in the air -- for the first time.

The second phase in the restoration project involved removing and replacing the glass windows at the top of the lighthouse to seal water leaks.

Funded largely by grants and entrance fees visitors pay to climb the lighthouse, these two projects together cost almost $400,000.

Now, fundraising for the remaining phases of the lighthouse restoration is under way. These include replacing the rest of the lighthouse windows, recentering the stairwell, renovating the upper gallery deck and eventually giving the lighthouse a new coat of paint.

"We don't want to change the fabric of the building, but we want to make sure it can withstand visitors going up," said Refuge Manager Lou Hinds.

Because the lighthouse is a registered historical structure, restoration efforts are being overseen by a Virginia historical official "to ensure the work is correct," Hinds said.

International Chimney Corporation is now working to replace the windows, which are bowing out due to pressure exerted by the wrought iron frames that are expanding as they rust.

"If we don't take steps fairly quickly, additional windows will break, and that is a loss because some of those are original windows," said Hinds.

The Chincoteague Natural History Association is working on a capital campaign to raise funds for the continued restoration of the lighthouse. The association "wanted to be involved in the restoration of the lighthouse, so they began saving money many years ago. That's what's given us such a great start on the restoration," Hinds said.

The CNHA leads tours of the lighthouse, and this summer, five interns from as far away as California have been employed to help.

"Our interns this summer are ... relaying the cultural importance of the lighthouse," said Park Ranger Melissa Perez. "They'll be ... explaining why we're doing what we're doing with the restoration."

She hopes the tours will gives visitors a deeper appreciation for what the lighthouse symbolizes, rather than a single-minded goal of climbing the 198 steps to the top -- although the view of the island from 142 feet is breathtaking.

Perez said education is an important step in gaining public support for the CNHA's capital campaign, and Hinds agreed that "it's the community's lighthouse ... so having community support is important."

The CNHA is currently working with the Curtis Group, a Virginia Beach-based organization that aids in nonprofit fundraising, to survey the public about attitudes regarding the lighthouse and restoration "to find out what fundraising approaches will work best," said CNHA Executive Director Beth Hanback. The CNHA aims to raise $1.5 million for the restoration project and to establish an endowment fund for the future maintenance of the lighthouse.

In addition to the study, which Hanback hopes will be completed in three to five weeks, the CNHA is working to plan events including National Lighthouse Appreciation Day on Aug. 7 and a lighthouse benefit concert on Oct. 2.

The timeframe for the remainder of the restoration project depends on funds received. The final step of the process will be stripping the lighthouse of its old, lead-based paint and applying a new coat.

"Literally the icing on the cake is going to be when the lighthouse is repainted," Hanback said.

The lighthouse was completed in 1867 and had six keepers until the lens was converted to electric operation in 1933. The Coast Guard still operates the lens.

Visitors can go inside the lighthouse Thursday through Monday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. -- but those wishing to climb to the top should arrive by 2:30 p.m. Adults pay $4 to climb, and children under 12 pay $2. All entrance fees contribute to restoration efforts.

Anyone wishing to donate to the restoration project can send checks to the Assateague Lighthouse Restoration Fund, P.O. Box 917, Chincoteague, Va. 23336. Call the CNHA at 757-336-3696 for more information.

"In the end, it takes the public and donations from the public ... to help us achieve our goal of complete restoration," Hinds said.

Campaign Strategy

You have to give Keith Stouten credit for trying, even if his cutting maneuver with a large Ehrlich for Governor sign may still run afoul of Baltimore County rules.

Last month, the Dundalk man who owns Stouten's Bear Creek Marina received a notice from the county that he had to remove the 4-by-8-foot campaign sign from his front porch on Wise Avenue because it was four times too big for that particular area, where political signs are limited to 8 square feet. He said he did a bit of research and came up with what seemed a solution.

"I thought I'd have some fun with it," said Stouten. "I took a razor knife and cut it into four pieces I knew would be 8 square feet" each.

Then, spacing the four panels a few inches apart, he mounted the sign back on the porch rail, where it once again announced his support for Republican former Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., who hopes to unseat Democratic Gov. Martin O'Malley in November.

That seemed to fix the problem, Stouten said, or at least he never heard anything further from the county. But the county's inspector returned, took a photograph of the altered sign and noted in the case file: "Sign cut into 4 pieces and install(ed) on front porch."

Timothy M. Kotroco, the county's director of Permits and Development Management, said the razor tactic might satisfy the size limit, but it still falls short of another requirement that signs be spaced at least 12 inches apart. That way, it's more clear what is one sign and what is several signs.

Still, Stouten is safe for now from a citation that could mean $200-a-day fines for not removing the sign.

Because another county resident has taken a dispute over his 4-by-8 Ehrlich for Governor sign to U.S. District Court, Kotroco said, the county is pulling back enforcement on political signs. Unless there's a question of public safety — such as a sign blocking a motorist's view of the road ahead — the county will respond to complaints by issuing a notice, but won’t pursue the matter further if a sign is not removed.

"We're not going to be pressing charges pending the outcome at federal court," said Kotroco. He added that he's seen the sign-cutting move before, during one political season or another. Campaigns can never be over soon enough for his taste.

"In our world we look forward to the day when these signs go away," said Kotroco.

Yankees Owner George Steinbrenner Has Died

The Associated Press
Tuesday, July 13, 2010; 10:05 AM

NEW YORK -- The Yankees say owner George Steinbrenner has died. He was 80.

Spokesman Howard Rubenstein said he died Tuesday morning. He had a heart attack, was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital in Tampa, Fla., and died at about 6:30 a.m, a person close to the owner told The Associated Press. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the team had not disclosed those details.

Steinbrenner, who celebrated his birthday July 4, had been in fragile health for several years.

Flags were immediately lowered to half-staff at Steinbrenner Field, the Yankees' spring training complex. The Yankees says many employees there were in tears.

The death comes two days after the team's beloved public-address announcer Bob Sheppard died at 99.

Worcester County Burn Ban Still ln Effect

July 7, 2010 - Worcester County Places A Burn Ban In Effect

Written by Jeff McMahon Wednesday, 07 July 2010

Update: Monday, July 12, 2010 - BURN BAN STILL IN EFFECT

Effective immediately (July 7, 2010), outdoor burning is banned for an indefinite period of time in Worcester County.

Worcester County Fire Marshal Jeff McMahon issued the burning ban today, July 7, 2010 after dry weather and 12 outdoor wildfires occurred in Worcester County during the past 30 days.

The ban applies to all outdoor ignition sources, including campfires, bonfires, fireworks, leaf, brush, grass and trash burning and other similar methods of open incineration.

The ban does not apply to public permitted fireworks displays with fire company personnel assisting or Assateague beach campfires.

Since the beginning of June, the County has experienced an increased number of brush, field and woods fires,” said McMahon.

“These fires cause safety concerns for area residents and responding personnel. -The ban will remain in effect until the dry conditions dissipate.

For further information contact Fire Marshall Jeff McMahon at 410-632-5666.

Did Somebody Say Cake?!

OH this story just keeps getting better and better!

— The Virginia Beach Commonwealth's Attorney's Office said Monday that "it could just be a coincidence" that a federal probation officer restricted Michael Vick's travel within days of a prosecutor recounting a confrontation Vick had with a cake-wielding man outside his June 25 birthday party.
"No one in our office has talked with the federal probation officer," said Marcie Pridgen, a spokeswoman for the prosecutor's office. "They have not called us."

Ralph Pacy, the deputy federal probation officer in charge of the Hampton Roads region, said Monday he could not discuss the Vick case or the reasons for the travel restrictions. Virginia Beach police also declined to say whether they spoke with Vick's probation officer.

Vick was supposed to attend two events over the weekend, a charity golf event in Georgia and an appearance at a youth football camp in Raleigh, N.C.

The travel restrictions — imposed over the weekend — led to both events being canceled Sunday. The football camp's director said Vick's people promised as late as Saturday that he would be on hand, while the golf tournament's organizers said Vick told them on Friday that he'd be there.

An Associated Press article Monday said the decision to restrict the quarterback's out-of-state travel "followed" the prosecutor's earlier statement about the cake incident.

Virginia Beach's top prosecutor, Commonwealth's Attorney Harvey L. Bryant, said late last week that Vick got out of his car outside the Virginia Beach club where a birthday party had been held and "intended to confront" a man who had shoved cake in his face inside the nightspot.

But Bryant told the Virginian-Pilot that Vick's friends surrounded Vick, and the Philadelphia Eagles quarterback "correctly" got back in his car.

"He's an athlete and an entertainer, but he's also a human being, and things that would tick you and I off would tick him off," Bryant told the Pilot. "But he extricated himself … and left with the help and encouragement of some of his friends and supporters."

Witnesses at the birthday party have told the Daily Press that the cake-wielding man was Quanis Phillips — the same man shot in the leg four minutes after Vick's car left the parking lot. Bryant said the shooter hasn't been charged because the victim and witnesses aren't cooperating.

Phillips was a co-defendant with Vick in the 2007 dog-fighting conspiracy case that sent Vick to federal prison.

In the interview with the Pilot, Bryant said that Vick got out of his car "as if he intended to confront someone in the crowd," before getting back in the car and leaving. "All of this is before any shooting occurs," Bryant said.

Gingrich Considering Running For President

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Monday he's seriously considering seeking the Republican presidential nomination and will announce his decision early next year.

Gingrich, 67, told The Associated Press that he would focus on helping Republican candidates through the midterm elections in November, then decide in February or March whether to seek the GOP nomination.

"I've never been this serious," Gingrich said.

It's fair to say that by February the groundwork will have been laid to consider seriously whether or not to run," he said.

Gingrich, in Des Moines for a fundraiser and workshop for local Republican candidates, predicted President Barack Obama would be a one-term president. Obama's poll numbers have dropped below 50 percent, and Gingrich predicted they would continue to fall, making him vulnerable in 2012.

Unlike President Bill Clinton, who rebounded from first-term problems by pushing for welfare reform and budget balancing changes that pleased moderate voters, Gingrich argued that Obama shows no inclination to move toward the center.

"He's not like Bill Clinton," Gingrich said. "Bill Clinton was an Arkansas, Southern Baptist, sort of understood middle American. While he had some Yale overtones being liberal, the truth is Bill Clinton was quite happy to move to the right."

Gingrich has been mentioned as a possible 2012 presidential candidate along with other Republicans, including former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

Gingrich had a long congressional career and was House speaker from 1995 to 1999. He was given much of the credit for the Republican takeover of the House in 1994. But he abruptly resigned from Congress in 1998 after his party faired poorly in midterm elections. He also was reprimanded by the House ethics panel for using tax-exempt funding to advance his political goals.

The former speaker, who championed a family values agenda, spearheaded efforts to impeach Clinton for perjury over his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Gingrich later admitted having an extramarital affair of his own in 1998 with a former congressional aide, Callista Bisek. He married Bisek after divorcing his second wife, Marianne.

After leaving Congress, Gingrich created American Solutions for Winning the Future, a tax-exempt organization that promotes conservative causes. He acknowledged considering a White House run in 2007 and said he also thought about a run against Clinton before deciding it wasn't possible.

"You couldn't be the first Republican speaker in a generation and engage in a contest with Bill Clinton for setting the direction of the country and run for president," said Gingrich. "It wasn't physically doable."

Gingrich said he would to return several time this year to Iowa, where precinct caucuses lead off the presidential nominating process. He said he planned to lay the groundwork for a campaign by working hard for Republicans in the midterm elections.

Gingrich is known for his frequently harsh rhetoric, and he didn't hold back in speaking about Obama.

"I think he will replace Jimmy Carter as the worst president of modern times," said Gingrich.

Thanks to Obama's performance, Gingrich said he expected that whoever wins the Republican nomination would win the White House.

"He is a disaster," Gingrich said of Obama. "His principles are fundamentally wrong. The people he appoints are more radical than he is and less competent."

Despite his fiery personality, Gingrich said he wasn't worried that his comments would turn off moderate voters. At a time when the economy remains fragile, Americans want results and aren't worried about personality, he said.

"I think likable is a word you have to think about a lot," said Gingrich. "If people believe their country is in trouble, they want a captain of the lifeboat, they don't want a fraternity brother."

18 Year Old Shot By Police Was Armed

Reported 7/12/10

NORFOLK--A man killed by police during a chase early Sunday was raising a handgun when officers fired, the Police Department said today.

Jamarr Hassell, 18, was shot about 2:23 a.m. after officers tried to pull over a Ford Explorer he was driving. About five officers had responded to the 7100 block of Sewells Point Road for a report of gunfire.

Hassell ran from the Explorer and was shot by police during a foot chase, "Prior to shooting, officers verbally challenged suspect, instructing him to drop his gun. Suspect turned toward officers and began to raise his weapon when officers fired," a police statement said.the department said.

Two officers have been put on administrative duty while the shooting is investigated, which is routine in such cases.

The gunfire report was made at 2:17 a.m. A second caller five minutes later said a man in a Ford Explorer was firing a gun into the air near Johnstons Road and Chesapeake Boulevard, police said.

Officers tried to stop an Explorer on Sewells Point Road; when it stopped, Hassell ran from it, police said.

The officers at the scene were not aware that Hassell was wanted on charges of robbery, carjacking and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony in connection with a Wednesday incident, police said. In that case, four people tried to carjack a man about 1:40 a.m. in the 7400 block of Fenner St. Police allege that Hassell was one of the carjackers and fired at the victim as he ran.

The Ford Explorer that Hassell was driving had a North Carolina license plate that did not match the vehicle, police said. Chris Amos, a police department spokesman, said investigators believe it was stolen.

He was wanted in Chesapeake and Virginia Beach, Norfolk police said. In Chesapeake, Hassell was facing charges of vandalism, two counts of grand larceny and failure to appear, police said. The Virginia Beach charges came while Hassell was a juvenile, and a police spokesman said he couldn't comment on them.

On his Facebook page, Hassell said he liked comedian Martin Lawrence, and he listed his interests as "money" and his activities as "Smoking weed."

16 Year Old Ellicott City Girl Injured In Uganda Terror Attack

As Emily Kerstetter and her fellow church mission members enjoyed a meal at an Ethiopian restaurant in Uganda, the 16-year-old Ellicott City resident told her new friends that she wanted to stay and work through the rest of the summer.

She had already extended her trip once, opting out of her original flight that departed five days earlier. She was ready for more.

Minutes later, a suicide bomber struck outside the restaurant, one of two attacks in the Ugandan capital of Kampala that killed at least 74 people and wounded 85 others, including Emily, her grandmother and three other members of her group. Ugandan police believe an al-Qaida-linked group, al-Shabab, is behind the bombings at the restaurant and a rugby club. At both locations, crowds had gathered to watch the World Cup final between Spain and the Netherlands outdoors on a large-screen TV.

Emily sustained a serious leg injury, but was in stable condition on Monday, said Liskovec, who was in contact with U.S. government sources. Joanne Kerstetter, her paternal grandmother and traveling companion, had an elbow injury but was in good enough condition to accompany her granddaughter to Johannesburg, South Africa, for surgery. Her parents, Matthew and Jennifer Kerstetter, took a Monday afternoon flight to meet them.

The other four members of the party, a mission group organized by Joanne Kerstetter's Selinsgrove, Pa., church, sustained injuries that were not life-threatening, according to the Rev. Kathleen Kind, pastor at Christ Community Church.

Joanne Kerstetter asked her granddaughter earlier this year to accompany her on the trip, said Liskovec. But the elder Kerstetter warned her granddaughter it wouldn't be easy. Emily would have to raise $4,000 to finance the mission.

The then-sophomore at Mount de Sales Academy in Catonsville contacted family, friends, relatives and anyone she could think of to support her cause, said Liskovec. In a newsletter for Mount de Sales Academy, Emily asked her community at the private school for help. "I am feeling that God is calling me to reach out to those who are less fortunate," she wrote in April. "I have been presented with this opportunity to grow in charity toward others." At that point she had raised only $1,000.

Chantel Hunter, a classmate, said via e-mail yesterday that Emily is known as a caring person who "is always thinking of others before herself."

Liskovec said neither she nor Emily's parents have been able to contact the girl but have received word of her condition from the State Department and FBI.

Such a deadly attack came as a shock to the missionaries. Kind said her church has sent members on mission trips to Uganda for years. Eight other members of the church's party had returned on the flight last week.

Kind said Joanne Kerstetter has been a part of several trips, and considers her to be a pillar of the church. "Before she left, she asked every child in the church to pray for her," Kind said. "That comes from a place of sincerity and deep faith."

In Washington, President Barack Obama spoke with Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni on Monday to express his condolences for the loss of life in the bombings. Obama offered to provide any support or assistance needed in Uganda, said White House spokesman Robert Gibbs.

Gibbs said that, while the FBI is assisting in the ongoing investigation, the U.S. believes that there is "no clearer signal of the hateful motives of terrorists than was sent yesterday."

A California-based aid group said one of its workers, Nate Henn, 25, of Brandywine Hundred, Del., was among the dead, the only confirmed American casualty.

One of the leaders on Emily's team, Lori Ssebulime, told the Associated Press the members had arrived early at the restaurant for dinner to get good seats to view the soccer match. After the blast, Ssebulime said, she scrambled around the bodies, found Emily and got her inside a minivan.

"Emily was rolling around in a pool of blood screaming," she said. Ssebulime added, "The blast happened. It was total chaos. I fell over backward. Everything was gray. Five minutes before it went off, Emily said she was going to cry so hard because she didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay the rest of the summer here."

"A couple of people have said, 'Man if she'd only come home,' " said Nikki Liskovec, a family friend and former next-door neighbor of Emily and her parents. "But if you'd seen Emily's face, she loved doing this work. You'd understand why she was there."