Friday, May 27, 2011

Names Added To Virginia's WALL OF HONOR

RICHMOND, VA (WWBT) - Hundreds of people gathered at the State Capitol today to honor Virginia's service men and women.  State leaders hosted a ceremony today to celebrate active duty military, fallen heroes and their families.

Two hundred and thirty three Virginians have died while serving in the global war on terrorism. Among those honored today are two service men from here in the Richmond area.

Hundreds of people gathered in the hot sun for a special ceremony.  The Governor, Attorney General and other state leaders spoke about soldier's sacrifices.  The event proceeded viewing of The Wall of Honor housed in the lobby of the Attorney General's office. 

The wall features Virginians slain serving in the war on terror.  27 names were added this year including Staff Sergeant Jaime Newman from Richmond who was killed in September in Afghanistan and Air Force Captain Charles Ransom from Chesterfield.  He was killed last month when an Afghan military pilot opened fire at Kabul's airport.

Event attendee Carmen Gentile says he came out today because he wanted to honor those lives lost.

"I want to show my respect for them; they are the true American heroes of today.  I wanted to be here; it's a special ceremony, and I just wanted to show my support for our departed service members," Gentile said.

This day was especially meaningful for Maris and Vera Adcock who's son Shane was killed in Iraq five years ago.  The Mechanicsville family says events like these help in the healing process.

"It's an opportunity to pay tribute not only to our son who was killed in 2006, but to all of the fallen who have given their lives so selflessly, so we can enjoy the freedoms that we take for granted everyday," Vera Adcock said.

"I want to support the soldiers, I want to support the families just as they've supported us, and to remember our son and all those young men and women who've sacrificed and who still serve today," said Maris Adcock.

Another way to honor our service men and women, Governor Bob McDonnell just announced in time for memorial day weekend that through the end of this year, all active duty military and Virginia veterans will get into state parks for free.


Police Have Sober Hopes for Drunken, Distracted Driving This Weekend

TOM RISEN ¦ Staff Writer

(May 27, 2011) Memorial Day is here, and Ocean City police are keeping an eye out for unsafe summer traffic with the hope that newly approved police powers and laws could make their jobs easier.

One recently passed law, Senate Bill 424, grants police more discretion on what constitutes distracted driving, which means officers may stop drivers for texting on their cell phones while driving.

The Ocean City Police Department also keeps an eye out for other distracted driving moves such as changing the car stereo or eating while driving, according to Jessica Waters, public affairs specialist for the department.

“As a resort town, Ocean City is already so distracting, and now we have people on mopeds and scooters, so more than ever we need our drivers to be vigilant,” Waters said. “The new law is helpful since it gives police more reason to enforce it. I hope it means I write fewer press releases about fatalities from distracted or drunk drivers hitting pedestrians.”

Another new law mandates Breathalyzer interlocks to start a car for repeat drunken driving offenders. The law focuses on drunken drivers under age 21 and drivers with a blood alcohol content of at least .15 BAC. The legal definition of drunken driving is .08 blood alcohol content.

Waters said the law might cut down on drunken driving somewhat, but Ocean City is a resort destination where many visitors come to drink while on vacation. These visitors might not have previously been convicted of drunken driving.

Ocean City’s annual driving under the influence arrest numbers have not changed much in recent years. In 2010, there were 360 driving under the influence arrests; in 2009, there were 368; in 2008, there were 322; in 2007 there were 326; and in 2006 there were 344.

“We have the alternative forms of transportation and numerous taxi companies, but we still see high numbers,” Waters said.

Ocean City bus tickets are $1 per pickup or $3 for a whole day and night of rides. Employees at bars often have information about taxi services.

People mandated to have an interlock under the law who are arrested driving without one are subject to up to a year in prison and up to $1,000 fine, with a maximum $2,000 fine and up to two years in prison for a second offense. That offense is the same as the penalty for driving without a license.

Resort police are still likely to see a high holiday turnout, as approximately 644,000 Marylanders are expected to take to the road this Memorial Day holiday, according to Ragina C. Averella, manager of public affairs for AAA Mid-Atlantic.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving had supported a competing interlock law proposal that would have required firsttime drunken driving offenders to accept an ignition interlock as a condition of keeping their license.

A statement made by Anna Duerr, spokeswoman for the advocacy group’s Maryland office, asked vacationers to “designate a sober driver before festivities begin,” but took a sober outlook on the compromise made by the General Assembly.

“Unfortunately, Maryland’s recentlypassed ignition interlock law only addresses part of the drunk driving problem, so MADD will continue to work towards life-saving legislation to keep American families safer on our roads,” Duerr stated.

Volunteers Needed For Chesapeake Bay Cleanup

On Saturday, June 4, thousands will take to the beaches along the Chesapeake Bay to partake in one of Virginia's largest volunteer cleanup efforts - "Clean the Bay Day."

The 23rd Annual Clean the Bay Day is scheduled to begin at 9:00 AM and goes until 12:00 noon. Currently the Chesapeake Bay Foundation is looking for more volunteers to join in and help the bay clean up.

Individuals, families, businesses, and groups will help cleanup litter along the coastline and beyond. Citizens will work on foot and by boat to restore and protect the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed.

The event hopes to raise awareness about pollution issues beneath the surface.

Last year 7,430 volunteers removed 217,641 lbs of debris at 245 sites along 419 miles of Chesapeake Bay watershed shorelines.

Those who wish to volunteer should visit  Cleanup sites are available throughout Virginia's Eastern Shore.

Source;  shoredailynews

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Gunshots Heard In Pocomoke


March 16 -- 10:29 p.m. --
400 block of Laurel Street
April 18 -- 9:53 a.m. --
Newtown Ball Park
April 24 -- 6:16 p.m. --
Clark Avenue and McMichael Street
May 1 -- 9:57 p.m. -- Moore Street
May 5 -- 8:26 p.m. -- Laurel Street
May 8 -- 7:28 p.m. -- Ninth Street
May 8 -- 7:53 p.m. -- Clark Avenue and Cherry Street
May 14 -- 8:59 p.m. -- Short Street
May 15 -- 8:48 p.m. --
Fourth Street and Bonneville Avenue
May 16 -- 9:16 p.m. -- Eighth Street

Source: Pocomoke City Police Department

If you have any information on this please call the police department.

No Evidence Found In Gun Shot Calls

Written by
Jennifer Shutt
POCOMOKE CITY -- In March, the police fielded a call they don't often get: a gunshot, heard downtown. Two calls came in April. And in May there have been seven such calls, summoning Pocomoke police for a report of "shots fired" in the downtown area.

All of the calls have led to dead ends. The police found no evidence, such as shell casings, victims with bullet wounds or any witnesses who could place someone with a gun in the area.

"Every time we get a report of shots fired, we do respond," said Lt. Kelvin Sewell of the Pocomoke City Police Department, explaining the department's policy requiring two officers to respond to any call for service. "Most of the time two officers do respond, unless the other officer is tied up on an arrest."

The last several months, Sewell said, police have responded promptly to each call, spoken with people in the area and searched for casings or other evidence a gun had been fired.

Since it is getting close to the Fourth of July holiday, Sewell said, kids may be playing with fireworks -- some of which are legally sold in nearby Virginia -- and that may be what people are hearing. He does not believe Pocomoke City has a gun problem.

The Rev. James Jones of Save the Youth, an anti-crime community group, said the calls are legitimate and he has first-hand knowledge of youths in Pocomoke carrying guns.

"I have no idea why the police aren't finding these situations to be accurate and adequate. ... It does happen on a regular basis," Jones said. "I live on the edge, away from town, and I hear them also. I know young men around here are carrying weapons. I have talked to them about it."

Worcester County State's Attorney Beau Oglesby, in an interview, said he's heard the sounds himself.

"I was in Pocomoke with the Criminal Enforcement Team executing two search warrants when I heard gunshots," said Oglesby, who took office last winter. "I personally heard nine gunshots go off while I sat with law enforcement. ... There is no doubt in my mind they were gunshots."

Jones said he respects the police department and the work they do, but said there may not be enough trust between the community and the police department. This lack of trust, Jones said, may be making those hearing the shots reluctant to talk to police.

"They don't want to hear gunshots. They fear a stray bullet may hit one of their loved ones. But when it comes down to sharing the who, what, where, when and why with police, they are a bit reluctant," Jones said.

During a community meeting last June, in the wake of the shooting death of Reginald Handy Jr., Pocomoke City Police Chief J.D. Ervin said police can't prevent violence when "somebody targets somebody."

During the last year, the Salisbury Police Department received 180 calls for "shots fired," 18 of which were found to be legitimate. Pocomoke City has received 25 calls in the same time frame, none of which has yeilded evidence.

Captain Mark Tyler of the SPD says whenever the department receives a call they send every available unit.

"You have to respond as if someone has been hit," Tyler said. After police arrive, if there is not an obvious victim or shooter, police begin going door-to-door asking if residents have heard anything.

"We stay there until we have completely exhausted our resources for the shots fired call," Tyler said.
There is no set number of officers required for a shots fired call, Tyler said, but police often stay in the area for 10 minutes or longer.

During the most recent call for shots fired in Pocomoke City, police said one officer responded and reported hearing something sounding like gunshots, but could not find where the noise was coming from. The officer's paperwork listed the incident as unfounded, in part because the officer could not find any witnesses or casings.

From a prosecution standpoint, Oglesby said if members of the community are not willing to step forward and work with police and his office to identify suspects, nothing can be done.

"If shots are being reported fired, then most likely someone saw them being fired," Oglesby said. "Until the community is willing to work with law enforcement, it is incredibly difficult to be proactive and make a difference."


Disney Withdrawls Navy SEAL Trademark Application

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Walt Disney Co. said Wednesday that it has withdrawn its application to trademark the phrase "SEAL Team 6," the elite unit that killed Osama bin Laden, after the Navy moved to protect its rights and the entertainment giant endured a wave of criticism and late-night jibes.

Disney sought the trademark rights on May 3, two days after U.S. operatives raided a luxury compound inPakistan and killed the mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks.

Disney'sABC subsidiary wanted to develop a TV show along the lines "NCIS" and "JAG," which are also real-life Navy units, and would have focused on the drama and heroism of the special forces members.

But it drew flak for not only its rapid filing, but also for a trademark application that included items like Christmas stockings and snow globes.

Comedy show host Jon Stewart needled the company on his "Daily Show": "I can't wait for the Happy Meal."

Navy spokeswoman Amanda Greenberg said the Navy already had rights to the SEAL trademark but recently submitted two new applications for trademarks of "Navy SEALs" and "SEAL Team."

"The Navy is fully committed to protecting its trademark rights as it pertains to this matter and is currently examining all legal options," she said.

Disney/ABC spokesman Kevin Brockman said the company pulled the plug on its bid "in deference to the Navy's application."

Disney is still interested in producing a show based on the unit's operatives although it would likely be produced  by a third party studio.


Near Death Experience For Trucker On CBBT

Andy Fox
CHESAPEAKE BAY BRIDGE-TUNNEL, (WAVY) - Two tractor trailers toppled on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel (CBBT) during Tuesday's line of storms. The driver of the tractor trailer left dangling over the bridge spoke to about the scary experience.

Rob Roll has been a trucker 27 years, driving three million miles. That last mile on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel was nearly his last.

Did he think it was the end? "Yea, I thought it was. I thought I was going in the water," Roll said standing in front of his totaled tractor trailer in the back lot of Tidewater Express in Hampton.

He had good reason to think he was going in the water because he was teetering on the rail with a long fall below.

It began as he was traveling through the bridge-tunnel toll on the Eastern Shore headed to Virginia Beach.

"I have a weather alert on my CB, and I heard from the National Weather Service there were thunderstorms and I was a mile from the toll bridge...they give you areas that are going to be bad, and they said at 5:15 p.m. Chesapeake Bay Bridge, and it was only 4:25 p.m.," Roll said. He thought he could make it.

At 4:27 p.m. Roll went through the toll. "I said to the kid who was giving the height permit, 'Am I going to get across?' and he said, 'The storm's a long ways away yet,'" Roll remembered.

Roll said, "I start going across and everything is clear. I could see the City of Norfolk [Virginia Beach] and it was crystal clear. When I get on the second island and the second bridge, it was a wall of white like a building was coming across the water and it was coming fast."

It was coming fast all over Hampton Roads, and at 4:34 p.m., another truck overturned. About the same time Roll noticed an alert on the bridge tunnel.

"The police called an alert which changed the lights from green to yellow. I got yellow flashing lights, but I was too far beyond that, and I was trying to get to the tunnel where I'd be safe," Roll added.
Roll didn't make it. At 4:42 p.m. Roll said he found himself in a bad place.

"The first gust moved my truck to the left. The second head on gust shook the truck. The third gust sent me into the rail...the whole event took 30 seconds....I don't really remember anything because it was happening so quickly...Now, I'm stuck. I know I'm in a bad spot, and I'm still on the bridge. I know I'm okay, I'm not in the water, I'm stuck, and all I can see is a guard rail out through he window and that's all I can see," Roll remembered.

Concerns were racing through Roll's mind as he waited for help. "I'm thinking, okay, is this going to catch on fire? I got diesel fuel on board," he said.

At 4:45 p.m. Roll got his regular call from his wife back in New York.

"I said I had a wreck, rolled on one side, and I have to get back in touch with you because I don't know what's going on yet," Roll said.

Then the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel Police showed up. The officer crawled on top, Rob stood up in the cab, and unlocked the door. The officer opened the door from above, and Rob scampered out.

Thankfully he is not seriously hurt. He was staying at an Oceanfront hotel, but his company is picking him up and taking him back to New York.

After 13 Years, Woman Gets Prison Sentence

Written by
Nancy Drury Duncan

EASTVILLE -- A woman who pleaded guilty to charges in Northampton County 13 years ago and then apparently left the Eastern Shore was finally back in court this week for sentencing.

Johnifer Jackson, 37, address unknown, will serve two years, eight months of a 10-year sentence for three counts of forging a sales draft, three counts of uttering a sales draft and possession of a stolen credit card.

"It is a pleasure to have Ms. Jackson back," Commonwealth's Attorney Bruce Jones told the court. "She is my oldest outstanding case. She pleaded guilty, then disappeared."

Jackson pleaded guilty to these charges in 1998 and then failed to appear for sentencing.

Jones said the store she stole from was no longer in business and that her probation officer had since retired.

During those years, Jackson lived in both Alabama and Georgia, committing numerous crimes in both places, Jones said. He said she spent much of the past ten years in prison.

While living in those states, she was convicted of shoplifting, grand larcenies and obstruction of law-enforcement officers, he said.

Defense attorney Theresa Bliss asked that Jackson be allowed to serve her time in a detention and diversion center, noting that, "there is nothing violent in her record"

She said her client was needed to take care of family, including a one-year-old grandson.

Said Jones, "While she is incarcerated, she won't be stealing from people in the public, though she might be stealing from people in the penitentiary. However long the court incarcerates her, that's how long she won't be committing crimes against the public."

Before sentencing Jackson, Judge Robert Cromwell asked, "Why do you continue to do this? This is not the most extensive criminal record I have ever seen, but it is close to it."


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Crisfield Mud Bog This Sunday

Storms Cause Minor Damage In Local Area

A line of thunderstorms moved through the Eastern Shore at about 4:30 Tuesday afternoon accompanied by high winds and in one area hail.

The storms hit causing two tractor trailers to be overturned on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. One was on the northbound trestle and the other on the southbound lane.

In the Atlantic area heavy winds, and hail and at least one unofficial report of a funnel cloud citing were reported.

Elsewhere there were reports of tree branches down in the Leemont area and one tree that partially obstructed traffic on the road near Drummonds Mill Pond.

The storms passed quickly but stronger storms south of here caused damage in the Tidewater area with power outages and downed trees.


Kyle Busch Gets Ticketed For Speeding OFF The Track

By Meghan Cooke

Days before he is set to drive in NASCAR’s longest race, driver Kyle Busch was flagged for speeding and careless and reckless driving in Iredell County.

An Iredell County Sheriff's deputy stopped Busch on Tuesday at about 2 p.m. after he clocked him driving 128 mph in a 45-mph zone near where Perth and Judas roads meet near Troutman, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

Busch, of Mooresville, was driving a yellow Lexus LFA sports car with a female passenger. The passenger was not identified, police said.

Busch drives the No. 18 Toyota for Joe Gibbs Racing in the Sprint Cup Series and will compete in Sunday’s Coca-Cola 600 at Charlotte Motor Speedway.

Busch also owns his own Truck series team which is headquartered on Mazeppa Road in Mooresville, about 4 miles southeast of where he was stopped.

In a statement released Tuesday Busch said he was test driving a new sports car and “got carried away.”

“I went beyond the speed I should have been going on a public road. I apologize to the public, my fans, sponsors, and race teams for my lack of judgment,” he said.

“I take responsibility for my actions and I can assure you that something like this will never happen again. I thank the Iredell County Sheriff's Department and all law enforcement for the hard work they do every day to protect the public and to enforce the laws in a fair and equitable manner.”

A spokesman for JGR said the organization was aware of the incident and was looking into it.

According to the N.C. Department of Motor Vehicles Web site, Busch could lose his driver’s license for at least 60 days with a conviction.

That would not affect his driving career in NASCAR, however. Competitors in NASCAR need a license from the organization but not a state driver’s license to compete.

NASCAR spokesman Kerry Tharp said the incident does not fall under the probation which Busch has been placed on by the sanctioning body through June 15 for a post-race altercation on pit road earlier this month at Darlington, S.C.

This is not Busch’s first speeding violation.

Court records show Busch was cited with speeding 55 mph in a 35 mph-zone in Iredell County in 2008. He was found “responsible” for speeding, according to records, but his speed was reduced to 44 mph.

Days before he is set to drive in NASCAR’s longest race, driver Kyle Busch was flagged for speeding and careless and reckless driving in Iredell County.

An Iredell County Sheriff's deputy stopped Busch on Tuesday at about 2 p.m. after he clocked him driving 128 mph in a 45-mph zone near where Perth and Judas roads meet near Troutman, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

Busch, of Mooresville, was driving a yellow Lexus LFA sports car with a female passenger. The passenger was not identified, police said.

Busch drives the No. 18 Toyota for Joe Gibbs Racing in the Sprint Cup Series and will compete in Sunday’s Coca-Cola 600 at Charlotte Motor Speedway.

Busch also owns his own Truck series team which is headquartered on Mazeppa Road in Mooresville, about 4 miles southeast of where he was stopped.

In a statement released Tuesday Busch said he was test driving a new sports car and “got carried away.”
“I went beyond the speed I should have been going on a public road. I apologize to the public, my fans, sponsors, and race teams for my lack of judgment,” he said.

“I take responsibility for my actions and I can assure you that something like this will never happen again. I thank the Iredell County Sheriff's Department and all law enforcement for the hard work they do every day to protect the public and to enforce the laws in a fair and equitable manner.”

A spokesman for JGR said the organization was aware of the incident and was looking into it.

According to the N.C. Department of Motor Vehicles Web site, Busch could lose his driver’s license for at least 60 days with a conviction.

That would not affect his driving career in NASCAR, however. Competitors in NASCAR need a license from the organization but not a state driver’s license to compete.

NASCAR spokesman Kerry Tharp said the incident does not fall under the probation which Busch has been placed on by the sanctioning body through June 15 for a post-race altercation on pit road earlier this month at Darlington, S.C.

This is not Busch’s first speeding violation.

Court records show Busch was cited with speeding 55 mph in a 35 mph-zone in Iredell County in 2008. He was found “responsible” for speeding, according to records, but his speed was reduced to 44 mph.


Sheriffs Office Business Security Check Program Nabs Robber In The Act

According to Major Todd Godwin, on Tuesday, May 17 at approximately 12:57 a.m., an Accomack County Deputy was conducting a business security check at Taylor &  Fulton in Temperanceville when he spotted a burglary suspect at the place of business.

Further investigation revealed that the suspect had attempted to steal commercial property from the building. The suspect was apprehended on the scene without incident.

The suspect was identified as Hubert Chancellor Herring, III, age 35 of Temperanceville. Herring was arrested on charges of Breaking & Entering and Grand Larceny. He was released on a $3500 bond.

The Accomack County Sheriffs Office was assisted by Parksley Police Department and Virginia State Police.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

In Virginia

Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel is CLOSED - South bound lane -  due to accident involving tractor trailors.

Also wind gusts have been measured at 78 MPH

Soccer Academy

Click to enlarge

This Saturday At the Mar-Va Theater

Tickets are selling FAST!
Call (410) 957-4230

Birthday Today

Born Robert Allen Zimmerman
May 24, 1941
 American singer-songwriter, painter and poet

70 years old and still young.

According To Harold Camping: The World Will NOW End On October 21st

By: Robert Johnson
Harold Camping, who announced the Rapture would occur Saturday, has had another revelation: The world will now end on October 21.

Camping says God held off Saturday out of mercy: He did not want man to suffer for five months, but he was here on earth, spiritually.

Speaking on Family Radio, Camping said (via Daily Mail):

Last weekend became a very interesting weekend because May 21 came and has gone and all the dire predictions that have been talked about did not come to pass.

I can tell you when May 21 came and went it was a very difficult time for me – a very difficult time. I was truly wondering what is going on. In my mind I went back through all of the promises God had made. What in the world was happening? I really was praying and praying: “Lord, what happened” because all through this I’d been astounded how God opened door after door ...

The great earthquake didn’t happen on May 21 because no-one will be able to survive it for more than a few days or let alone five months to suffer God’s wrath because everything will be leveled and destroyed after that earthquake and there will be no food or water to keep everyone alive ...

We’re not going to be passing any more tracts or put up any more billboards or advertising in any way about judgment day – that’s all done. The world has been warned – we did our little share and boy, did the media pick it up. Now the world has been told that it’s under judgment.

The great earthquake and rapture and the universe melting in fervent heat will be happening on the last day – October 21 2011... It’s all going to happen on the last day...The great earthquake didn’t happen on May 21 because no-one will be able to survive it for more than a few days or let alone five months to suffer God’s wrath because everything will be levelled and destroyed after that earthquake and there will be no food or water to keep everyone alive.


Princess's Hat Is Sold On eBay

I immediately thought about my Mother  and Easter Sunday many years ago when I saw Princess Beatrice wearing  this hat.  On that Sunday, everyone dressed up, I told my Mother that my new Easter hat she had selected looked like a bucket on my head.  I was so glad it didn't have a chin strap!  I honestly don't know what I would have done if this had been her selection!

But it seems to have been the best selection for Princess Beatrice.  And to think I laughed so hard when I saw the hideous thing -- just like everyone else.

(Reuters Life!) - The much-mocked hat worn by Princess Beatrice to Britain's royal wedding last month -- widely described as looking like a toilet seat -- sold for 81,100 pounds ($131,000) on eBay, charities which will benefit from the sale said.

The money will be equally split between UNICEF and Children in Crisis, which posted the auction results on their websites.

The fuss over the hat worn to the royal wedding of her cousin Prince William to longtime girlfriend Kate Middleton seemed to have taken Beatrice -- who is the daughter of William's uncle Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson -- by surprise.

"I've been amazed by the amount of attention the hat has attracted," Beatrice said on the auction site. "I hope whoever wins the auction has as much fun with the hat as I have."

The hat, by milliner Philip Treacy, was given a starting price of 5,000 pounds.

Treacy said he was "delighted, flattered and touched by HRH Princess' Beatrice's decision to donate the hat to charity."


The "Cat Buglar" Cat

This cat gives "cat buglar" its true meaning!"

Suspect Wanted By Crisfield Police In Shooting

CRISFIELD — Police are searching for a suspect wanted in connection with a weekend shooting at Somers Cove Apartments.

Daniel Wesley Smith Jr., 24, is wanted on attempted murder, handgun and assault charges, according to the Crisfield Police Department.

Smith is desccribed as a black male, 5 feet 1 inch tall, weighing 150 pounds. He has dreadlocks and the tattoo “Pooh” on his left arm.

Smith is accused of arguing with someone, whom police did not identify, at 265 Somers Cove Apartments and then shooting them in the head.

The victim was transported to McCready Hospital then flown to Peninsula Regional Medical Center.

The victim was listed in fair condition.

Anyone with information regarding Smith’s whereabouts is urged to contact the Crisfield Police Department at 410-968-1323.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hymn Sing at Parksley Baptist Church

Hi--just wanted to invite everyone to a Hymn Sing this Wednesday night at Parksley Baptist Church at 7 pm. The group from Pocomoke called Kerrusso will be performing as will the Youth Group from Bethel Baptist Church in Bloxom, VA. This is a fundraiser for the Parksley Baptist Believers, our Relay for Life team and a love offering will be taken during the hymn sing however the hymn sing itself is free. Refreshments will follow the event.

Also want to invite everyone to the Parksley Spring Festival on June 4th. Antique car show and Womanless Pageant are among some of the things. Still hoping to add the Accomack Community Band and the Scales and Tales program. Starts at 9 am. Vendors are also wanted and a space is only $10. Give Sandra a call at 757-665-1867

Websleuths Tricia Griffith Radio Debut

Tricia Griffith of Websleuths Forum now has a weekly radio show along with great guest on Websleuths Radio.

Today Tricia discussed the Casey Anthony case and some of the horrific things that came from Casey Anthony that you do not see or hear on the MSM.

I'll leave the details out, listen to Tricia for yourself on her new Radio Show, believe me it's worth a listen.  

If you missed the debut of Websleuths Radio you can still listen to the show.
Go here:  and scroll to the bottom of the page. You will see the show in the archive.
If you get a chance to listen I would appreciate any constructive criticism. Be gentle since it is my first live radio show since about 2002. LOL
Thank you for your support.

~Welcome To Monday Morning~

You didn't REALLY think the world was going to come to an end !

Did you ??

Moon Rock Woman Tried To Sell Must Be Tested For Authenticity

 NASA officials have not yet determined whether the chunk of rock a woman was trying to sell in Lake Elsinore for $1.7 million is, in fact, genuine moon rock as she claimed.

"It's possible this is a moon rock, but it has to be tested first," said Gail Robinson, deputy inspector general at NASA.

The woman, who has not been identified, was taken into custody on Thursday morning as part of an undercover sting conducted by NASA investigators and aided by local police. She was not arrested, Robinson said.

The investigation, which spanned several months, led to a covert meeting in a Lake Elsinore restaurant on Grape Street where undercover NASA officials agreed to buy the rock for $1.7 million, according to a report by the Riverside County Sheriff's Department.

When the woman produced the artifact, several Lake Elsinore police investigators and NASA agents swooped in.

Moon rocks are classified as "national treasures'' and federal law prohibits the sale of the artifacts.

Robinson said "it's not all that unusual" for someone to try to sell a piece of the moon.

Twice a year, the space agency's inspector general's office issues a report outlining what space trinkets were found on the black market. A recent report detailed the recovery of two rocket motors from the Apollo missions that put man on the moon; the motors were on sale on the Internet.

Astronauts who landed on the moon collected 2,415 samples of moon rocks weighing a total of 842 pounds. Most of these rocks were collected during the Apollo 15, 16 and 17 missions. In addition, three unmanned Soviet Luna spacecraft brought 0.66 pounds of lunar samples back to Earth, according to NASA's website.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pocomoke Chamber Job Fair

Thursday, June 2 at 11:00am at Lower Shore Family Ymca, Pocomoke City, Maryland
Several companies will be hiring! Please let anyone you know that is looking for work know about this event. If you are an employer and would like to have a table, please call Denise Wagner at 410-957-1919 for details.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

TIME MACHINE ... January, 1885

(The Freeborn County Standard [Minnesota])


Remarkable Mirage Seen From The Decks Of A Steamer In Chesapeake Bay

From The Baltimore Herald.

"At the time I discovered it," said Captain Wilson of the steamer Tangier "we were off Watts Island on the Pocomoke Sound. The day was clear and bright. I was standing on the hurricane deck forward with a passenger, and we were commenting on the strange action of a dense line of smoke which rose perpendicularly from the stack of a saw mill in Pocomoke City, which lay to the east of us. My attention was suddenly called to the distinct outlines of a three-masted schooner which appeared above the line where the smoke spread out and disappeared. I could hardly believe my senses, and, calling my attention to the gentleman who was with me to the strange sight, I rushed into the pilot house and got my glasses. Through them I discovered more clearly the outlines of the vessel. There was evidently no breeze, as the sails were lying inboard. Then I scanned the horizon on either side of the smoke with the glasses and discovered four additional schooners, all of them similarly rigged and all wearing a full set of sails which were also inboard. They were more or less distinct as they were nearer or farther from the shore. Three of them pointed north and two south. The vessels were enveloped in what appeared to be a transparent haze, which I at once supposed to be the ocean. Fringing the lower edge of the haze were the outlines, perfectly distinct of the Atlantic coast between Chncoteague and Cobbs Islands. Even the inlets and small capes were discernible. Next appeared the broad waters between the outer bar and the mainland. This was also depicted as a haze, the land dovetailing into it here and there. Skirting the lower edge of the haze was the mainland, with open fields and clumps of trees. The mirage extended down to the meeting line of the land and the eastern horizon. I called all the passengers up from the lower deck and saloon, and all of them gazed at the phenomenon with wonder and admiration. The sight lasted about twenty minutes and gradually disappeared from view."

Captain Wilson stated that a land breeze had prevailed for several days previous to the mirage, and the phenomenon is accounted for on the ground that there was unusual retraction of the lower strata of the atmosphere. This is the first known instance of a mirage being seen in the lower Chesapeake. This phenomenon, however, is not infrequent in the Chesapeake, and Captain Wilson states that he once saw Cove point light from the lower end of Tangier Island, a distance of 38 miles. He calculated the distance of the mirage of a few days ago to be 30 miles.

Visit The Delmarva Discovery Center



SATURDAY - MAY 21, 2011
2:00 PM
"As the summer season approaches and temperatures rise, what will *you* see along the Pocomoke River?"

Go to for admission price.

Beginning  Memorial Day weekend
the Delmarva Discovery Center will be open
7 days a week.

Center hours will be: 10:00 am until 4:00 pm

Stop by the Discovery Center to purchase a membership and visit  the Discovery Center for one full year ADMISSION FREE!

~Performing SUNDAY At The MarVa Theater ~

at the
SUNDAY  MAY 22, 2011
AT 2:00  PM
Adults - $12.00   Students - $7.00   Small Children -  $5.00

~Delmarva Discovery Center On Saturday ~ 5/21/11

Bombs Away - It’s Armed Forces Day!
Saturday, May 21st
10 AM - 3 PM

Come visit the DDC as we celebrate our men & women in the military!

Receive 50% off admission with valid Military ID. Learn about

"Hearts Away, Bombs Away" from author, Vince DePaul Gisriel, Jr.

He’ll also be signing books between his talks!

*Hearts Away, Bombs Away is available for sale in the DDC Museum Store


Appeals Court Denies Condemned Va Man's Appeal

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) A federal appeals court has denied a Virginia death row inmate's request to reconsider his case, clearing the way for his execution to be set.

The U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday denied 29-year-old Jerry Terrell Jackson's request asking a three-judge panel that ruled on his case last month to reconsider or to allow the full court to hear the case.

A federal judge ruled last spring that Jackson deserved a new hearing because his attorney did not present evidence during his 2002 sentencing of the extreme abuse Jackson faced as a child. Last month a three-judge panel of the 4th Circuit overturned that ruling.

Jackson was convicted of raping and killing 88-year-old Ruth Phillips of Williamsburg in 2001.


Hurricane Preparation Tax Holiday Begins Wednesday

Virginians who want to stock up on batteries, bottled water and other supplies for the hurricane season will get a tax break next week.

Starting Wednesday, May 25, and continuing for seven days, a sales tax holiday will spare them state and local levies for items deemed eligible. They include flashlights, first aid kits and big-ticket items such as generators priced at $1,000 or less.

U.S. government forecasters announced Thursday they expect three to six major hurricanes from an above average Atlantic storm season.

For a full list of products eligible for the sales-tax break, go to  

Source; shoredailynews

Friday, May 20, 2011

Pirate Party! CASA Event at the Sunset Grille

If you are in the Ocean City area this evening stop by and bail out Beau so he doesn't have to walk the plank!

Good Luck, Beau !!

Dear Friends,
I am writing to ask for your help. This Friday night I will be helping to raise money for a very important cause. The Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) 3rd Annual Pirate Party is being held at Sunset Grille from 5:00-9:00pm. I will be held captive on "the brig" after 7:00 pm. If I don't raise enough bail money, I'll be forced to walk the plank! Please join us for a great night at Sunset Grille and stop by the brig to help bail me out! If you can't make it Friday night, but would still like to donate, let me know and I can fill out a "bond" form for you!

Every day in Maryland, 22 children are abused or neglected. In our State alone, there are over 10,000 children caught up in the court and child welfare maze because they are unable to live safely at home. In an overburdened social welfare system, abused and neglected children often slip through the cracks. Appointed by judges, CASA volunteers typically handle just one case at a time—and commit to staying on that case until the child is placed in a safe, permanent home. While others may come and go, CASA volunteers provide that one constant that children need in order to thrive. The goal is simple – to speak up for every child’s right to a safe, permanent home.

Please join us Friday night to help this worthy cause!

Yours truly,

Ocean City Shark Tournament Catch & Release

Statement in Support of the Ocean City Shark Tournament Catch and
Release Clinic May 21, 2011

On Saturday, May 21, Captain Mark Sampson and the other the directors of the 31st Annual Ocean City
Shark Tournament will be conducting a catch and release clinic on the docks at the Ocean City Fishing
catch and handle sharks in a manner that's safe for both fish and fishermen.

We commend Captain Mark Sampson and the Ocean City Shark Tournament for taking concrete steps to protect sharks and emphasize the importance of having fishermen catch and release sharks safely, said Steve Stock of the Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation and Dr. John W. Grandy of The Humane Society of the United States

According to Dr. John Grandy, senior vice president of The Humane Society of the United States, the catch and release clinic is an important step forward in shark conservation. “We applaud MarkSampson’s commitment to promote the catch and release of sharks in this summer’s tournament  and toprovide this special training to help ensure that released sharks will survive the encounter.” Steve Stock, president, of the Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation agrees. “Guy Harvey has officially endorsed this year’s tournament and fully supports this clinic because it will increase public awareness of the status of sharks and how important it is to utilize proper release techniques.

For more information please contact:
Mr. Steve Stock
Dr. John W. Grandy (202) 251-2163
Captain Mark Sampson (410) 726

~This Weekend At The MarVa Theater~

Fri, May 20th   
Sat, May 21st 
Time: 7 p.m.  
Tickets: $5  

When Blu, a domesticated macaw from small-town Minnesota, meets the fiercely independent Jewel, he takes off on an adventure to Rio de Janeiro with this bird of his dreams.
 Rated G

College Teams Will Launch Rockets From NASA On Saturday

Teams from three southeastern colleges will try to launch rockets 10,000 feet in the air from Wallops Island and survive a water recovery.

Students from the University of Alabama at Huntsville, Mississippi State University in Starkville, and Mitchell Community College in Statesville, N.C., will participate in the event sponsored by NASA on May 21.

As part of the challenge, each team will design and build its own rocket and operate it during flight. Each team is also required to develop a project website and write progress and post-launch analysis reports.

Teams also develop space- and exploration-themed educational projects to share with schools and youth organizations in their communities.
