Friday, December 2, 2011




Pulled Chicken Sandwich/ w Side
Drink ~ $7.50

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Prices, Then and Now

I stopped at the fuel station tonight to put some well needed fuel in my truck and while the dollars were clicking away I had a reflection of what that hundred dollar bill used to buy.

My truck is a diesel with two fuel tanks, each holds 18 gallons. One tank was empty, one had just over 1/4 tank. Diesel fuel cost $3.79.9 today. I gave the cashier a $100 dollar bill. It filled the empty tank and the remainder went in the tank that had 1/4 tank and it put that tank to 3/4 full. That was a whole 26 gallons for $100.00.

That's when I stopped to think of things I used to buy for 100 bucks. It's sad, I don't even want to think about that anymore. I have bought vehicles for 100 bucks when I was young. Now, they may not have been perfect cars/trucks but never-the-less they ran and drove and most needed only minor repair. Not to mention all the Vega's with blown head gaskets that I bought for 50 bucks to fix and resell.

My father used to send up the street to Mrs. Littleton's store to get him a pack of cigarettes, I think they cost $0.35 and while I was there I had to have one of her super delicious hamburgers ($0.30)...mmmmman they were good. All she had in her store to cook them in was a cheap electric griddle with a lid, and she'd put the bun in a waffle maker with the flat side up and smash the bun while it heated it.

Then there was Sam's Market. Remember Sam's? I'd have to stop Sam's for some penny candy, of course Sam's penny candy was 2 for a penny, and I'd usually have a couple of bottles to cash the deposit in on.

I could go on and on but I'll leave it at this.

Send us in your "Then and Now" memories in the comments, I love to see the prices that y'all remember in your youth. Don't be shy now.

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Taking a risk and making a dash for marriage in the 1880's!

Aspiring Eastern Shore brides-to-be are in the news in 1884 and 1888... will Cupid win?

And Across The USA... from 1878, "THE STRAIN UPON MODERN LIVING."

Read more this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Chincoteague Island Old Fashioned Christmas Parade

Chincoteague Island
Old-Fashioned Christmas Parade
Saturday, December 4
7:00 p.m.

This fun family-oriented event features fire companies from Delmarva, brightly illuminated floats, horses, bands, antique autos and colorful marching groups.

The parade will set the tone for an exciting holiday season.

Festivities begin with the traditional lighting of the town at 6:30 p.m. followed by the parade at 7:00 p.m.

For additional information contact the Chamber 336-6161.

Horses Could Soon Be Slaughtered for Meat in U.S.

WASHINGTON -- Congress has lifted a de facto ban on the slaughter of horses, a move hailed by Missouri farmers and state political leaders who say the prohibition had inadvertently caused more harm to the animals than good.

But some animal-rights activists decried the little-noticed provision, which sailed to passage earlier this month and was signed into law by President Barack Obama on Nov. 18. And they vowed to keep the issue alive, pressing for an outright prohibition of horse slaughtering in the U.S.

At issue is a ban, first enacted in 2006, that prevented the U.S. Department of Agriculture from using federal funds to inspect any meat processing plants that slaughter horses. Plants that are not inspected by the USDA cannot ship meat across state lines, so the provision effectively ended domestic horse slaughter.

There is no U.S. market for the human consumption of horse meat. But it is seen as a delicacy overseas, especially in some European and Asian countries. In addition, horse meat has been used in the U.S. to feed zoo animals, because it's a good source of protein.

Farmers and some policymakers say the ban resulted in old horses being abandoned and neglected. In response, Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., successfully pushed for a provision requiring the non-partisan Government Accountability Office to study the impact of the ban. The GAO study, released in June, highlighted the concerns of Baucus and others.

The GAO report concluded that the slaughter of American horses didn't stop because of the ban, but simply shifted to Mexico and Canada. "From 2006 through 2010, U.S. horse exports for slaughter increased by 148 and 660 percent to Canada and Mexico, respectively," the GAO report states. "As a result, nearly the same number of U.S. horses was transported to Canada and Mexico for slaughter in 2010 -- nearly 138,000 -- as was slaughtered before domestic slaughter ceased."

In addition, horse prices declined for those animals most likely to be bought for slaughter, the report concluded. The GAO said that comprehensive data was not available on abandonment and neglect, but that state and local governments, along with some animal welfare groups, reported an increase in investigations of such incidents since 2007. "State, local, tribal, and horse industry officials generally attributed these increases in neglect and abandonments to cessation of domestic slaughter and the economic downturn," the GAO stated.

The agency suggested that Congress should either reconsider restrictions on the use of federal funds to inspect horse slaughtering facilities or consider a permanent ban of horse slaughtering.

Animal-rights groups have long pressed for the latter option -- and they hope they now have their opening.

Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States, said he thinks that if horse slaughter plants reopen in the U.S. that will provide "juice" to the society's effort to pass a ban on the practice.

He said he agreed with GAO's conclusion that the federal USDA ban has not stopped horse slaughtering. But he questioned the contention that it has led to more abandonment or neglect of horses.

"It's largely fabrication," Pacelle said. He said that if about the same number of horses are being exported to Canada and Mexico for slaughter as were killed in the U.S. before the ban, it doesn't add up that there is also a spike in abandonment.

The lawmakers who have embraced the GAO study are "slaughter proponents," he charged. "And that they are crying crocodile tears over abandonment is essentially a cynical and hypocritical line of argument. And it's a little too convenient."

But for critics of the USDA ban, the GAO study provided the evidence they needed to move forward with repeal.

As the 2012 agriculture appropriations bill moved through Congress this year, Rep. Jack Kingston, R-Georgia, moved to strip out the USDA funding ban. A spokesman for Kingston, who is chairman of the House agriculture spending subcommittee, said the provision was ineffective in stopping slaughter, but it did kill jobs.

"It's a $65 million industry in America -- it was before it was banned," said Chris Crawford, Kingston's spokesman.

The Humane Society and other groups say they think the repeal will prompt renewed interest in the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act of 2011, which would ban the interstate transport and live export of horses for slaughter for human consumption. The bill was introduced earlier this year by Sens. Mary Landrieu, D-La., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. There is companion legislation in the House.

The measure has been introduced in previous sessions, but could pass this time, Pacelle said, if there's fresh evidence of horse slaughter in the U.S.

"I think what will happen now is we will see cosponsoring of both bills accelerate as there's more talk of opening slaughter houses in the United States," he said.

"Victorian Christmas Celebration" In Parksley On Friday

The Town of Parksley will welcome Christmas Friday night with their annual Christmas celebration on Dunne Avenue. The street will be blocked off and a big bonfire will warm the participants.

There will be hay rides so that riders can tour the town and vote on the Christmas decorations.

 Prizes of $100, $75 and $50 will be given to the top three deocrated homes in Parksley as determined by the vote of the hayriders.

There will also be carolers and Santa will arrive at 5:30 via firetruck.

Merchants will be open until 8 to allow for convenient local Christmas shopping.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

PLEASE Help Find "Shadow"


His name is SHADOW

Black cat currently wearing no collar due to a skin disorder.


  Be advised that SHADOW takes  daily medication  for a skin disorder AND SEIZURES. 

Family has looked for him and has found no sign of him.  If YOU have seen him or have any information at all PLEASE call  757-999-1041

Shadow is missed very much by his human family............

Pocomoke City's "An Old Fashioned Christmas Evening"

An Old Fashioned Christmas Evening
and food drive

Downtown Pocomoke City
Friday, December 2nd
5:30 - 8:00PM
In front of City Hall, 101 Clarke Ave.
*Bring non-perishable food items for free refreshments!

5:30PM - 5:50PM Pocomoke Elementary School Afterschool Choir
5:50PM - 6:30PM The Larks
6:45PM - 7:30PM Sarah Bernstein
7:30PM - 7:35PM Mayor Bruce Morrison's Annual Christmas Tree Lighting

7:35PM - 8:00PM Pocomoke High School Show Choir  

Throughout the evening...
Visit Mr. & Mrs. Claus in Santa's House
Enjoy s'mores by the bonfire
Toast friends and family with local wine from
Layton's Chance Winery

Appreciate holiday decorations via a horse-drawn carriage
Keep tummies warm with hot dogs, hot cocoa & coffee
Enter fun contests and raffles
Visit with your neighbors and meet new friends...

Finish the evening by going to the Mar-Va to see "Elf" at 8PM! Tickets are only $5!

Bayside Arts - SALE

Just in time for your Christmas shopping.........
Select a gift created by local artist Jenny Somers


4215 Main Street
Chincoteague, Virginia

Saturday, December 3, 2011
10:00 AM  until  5:00 PM
10%   to  50% OFF


Visit Chincoteague for the day and be there for the Chincoteague Christmas Parade at 7 PM.

~MERRY CHRISTMAS from Jenny at
Bayside Arts !


If you live by these dog rules, you will be a happier person!

There's a lot we humans can learn from dogs. If you live your life by the same philosophy that dogs do, you will be much better off in life. In the wild, animals fight only for two things, not a fancy car, not clothes or jewelry, they just fight for food or a mate, everything else they get after that is just pure happiness.

1. Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joy ride.

2. Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.

3. When loved ones come home, always run and greet them.

4. When it's in your best interest, always practice obedience.

5. Let others know when they've invaded your territory.

6.Take naps and always stretch before rising.

Milton with his best cat friend
7. Run, romp and play daily.

8. Eat with gusto and enthusiasm.

9. Be loyal.

10. Never pretend to be something you're not.

11. If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.

12. When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.

13. Delight in the simple joys of a long walk.

14. Thrive on attention and let people touch you.

15. Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

16. On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.

17. When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.

18. No matter how often you are criticized, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout. Run right back and make friends.


This is a wonderful website.  Please take some time a visit.  If you love animals you will find alot to like.

Facebook Settles With FTC Over Deception Charges

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg
AP Photo

Facebook is settling with the Federal Trade Commission over charges it deceived consumers with its privacy settings to get people to share more personal information than they originally agreed to.

The FTC had charged that the social network told people they could keep the information they share private, then allowed it to be made public.

The charges go back to at least 2009, when Facebook changed its privacy settings so that information users may have deemed private, such as their list of friends, suddenly became viewable to everyone.

"They didn't warn users that this change was coming, or get their approval in advance," the FTC said.
The FTC said the settlement requires Facebook to get people's approval before changing how it shares their data.

In a blog post, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the company has made a "bunch of mistakes." But he adds that this has often overshadowed the good work Facebook has done. He says Facebook has addressed many of the FTC's concerns already.

The settlement is similar to one Google agreed to earlier this year over its Buzz social networking service. Like Google, Facebook has agreed to obtain assessments of its privacy practices by independent, third-party auditors for the next 20 years.

Facebook isn't paying anything to settle the case, though future violations could lead to civil fines.

Zuckerberg said Facebook has created two new executive positions - a chief privacy officer of products and a chief privacy officer of policy as part of its response to the settlement.


Shore Beef and BBQ - LUNCH SPECIAL



Special Pit Beef Sandwich/ with Side
 and Drink ~ $7.50

11:00 to 3:00

Eastern Shore Madrigal Singers, Santa Train/ Other Christmas Entertainment

Christmas season is here and several traditional Christmas season events are happening this weekend. The Eastern Shore Madrigal Singers will perform their annual Christmas concerts Friday evening at7:30 PM at the Nandua High School Auditorium. Two WESR radio personalities will appear in the program. Saturday morning hostess Christy Northam will begin her second season with the singers and afternoon personality Will Russell will have an acting part during the program.

Tickets can be purchsed at the Book Bin in Onley as well as other locations. There will be two shows Friday night at 7:30 PM and Sunday afternoon at 2:30 PM.

Tickets are on sale at the Book Bin Four Corner Plaza, Marsh Jewelers, Runningers Pharmacies in Parksley and Onancock, H&H Pharmacies in Chincoteague and Oak Hall,Taylor Bank in Pocomoke City,
Bonnie's Bounty at T's Corner and Rayfield's Pharmacies in Nassawadox and Cape Charles.

Also the Santa Train will make it's run this weekend. The train will start at Cape Charles Saturday morning at 9 AM and make it's way up the Shore stopping at several times during the run. Santa will greet children at each stop up the line. The train will stop at:

Cape Charles, 9:00 a.m.
Cheriton, 9:50 a.m.
Eastville, 10:20 a.m.
Nassawadox, 11:25 a.m.
Exmore, 12:05 p.m.
Painter, 1:00 p.m.
Melfa, 1:35 p.m.
Onley, 2:15 p.m.
Parksley, 3:10 p.m.

Four Corner Plaza will celebrate Christmas at the Plaza on Saturday. There will be events throughout the day which include:

All stores will be having an Open House.

Santa will be arriving at 10am on the Onley Fire Truck.

Pictures with Santa will be available 10am-2pm Support the Blue Crab Bay Relay for Life Team.

Accomack Community Band 11am to 12pm.

Nandua High School Chorus will be caroling 12pm to 1pm.

Finally, Cape Charles will have their Grand Illumination Saturday December 3 at 6:30 PM at Central Park in Cape Charles.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Metal Theft Arrests Are Made - Warrants Issued

According to Accomack County Sheriff Todd Godwin, an extensive investigation into the theft of a variety of metal items has resulted in multiple arrests being made. Between July and October 2011, the Sheriff's Office received reports involving the theft of power line cables in addition to other property belonging to A&N Electric as well as the theft of equipment from several irrigation systems located throughout northern Accomack County.

The result of these thefts amounted to thousands of dollars worth of property loss and damages being incurred by the victims. During this investigation, suspects were developed, and subsequently, warrants were obtained against several individuals.

Kyle Branden Binder, 20 of Wattsville, was arrested on November 10, 2011 and charged with seven counts of grand larceny. Binder was released on a $14,000 PR bond.

Joshua Lee Brown, 23 of Sanford, was arrested on November 10, 2011 and charged with six counts of grand larceny. Brown was released on a $10,000 PR bond.

Antonio Orlando Flores, 23 of Bloxom, was arrested on November 4, 2011 and charged with six counts of grand larceny and one count of trespassing. Flores was released on a $1,000 secured bond.

Jonathon Gene Mears, 25 of Nelsonia, was arrested on November 19, 2011 and charged with seven counts of grand larceny. Mears was released on a $3,500 secured bond.

Arrest warrants have also been issued for Joseph Taylor Young, 20 of Bloxom, for 1 count of grand larceny and one count of trespassing. Anyone with information as to the whereabouts of Young are asked to contact the Accomack County Sheriff's Office.

The investigation into these incidents is continuing and additional charges are expected.


No More Turkey???

If you're tired of turkey leftovers or if you are lucky enough to have run out of turkey here's a nice change if you like seafood, or better yet, fish................

How about a 50 pound, 48 inch long Striped Bass for dinner?

 The weight may not be exact because the scale used to weigh the catch of the day only measured up to 50 pounds.  And the fisherman will recieve a citation for his catch.

Not bad for a hard days work.  According to the fisherman  it WAS a hard days work -  A fish that large isn't about to give up without a fight.

Theft of Metal - Berlin Man Charged

DATE:  November 23, 2011
CBI Case #     10-0253
LOCATION:     10300 BLK Research Lane
        Bishopville, MD
ACCUSED:     Christopher Charles SIMONE, W/M 31yoa Berlin, MD.

NARRATIVE:    On November 19, 2010 a Deputy of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office took an initial report of a Burglary, Theft and MDOP from a Perdue Facility. There are several chicken houses and an office building on the property. The report was forwarded to the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation for further investigation.

It was reported that entry was gained by forcing a door that secured the office building. Once entry was gained, access to the entire building was possible. The building was “gutted” for the valuable copper, aluminum and other precious metals. The interior walls and ceilings were damaged so that access could be gained these those metals.

SIMONE was immediately identified as a possible suspect after a neighbor reported seeing a vehicle registered to him in the immediate area. The same neighbor reported seeing a white male having similar physical characteristics to Simone walking across the Perdue property carrying buckets in the direction of where Simone’s vehicle was parked.
A lengthy and thorough search of invoices from area salvage yards where precious metals can be taken for cash was completed. Simone had many invoices in his name for the week prior to the initial report and they were for cooper and aluminum. The amounts are consistent with the estimated loss.
Based upon the above facts and the detailed investigation an Application for Charges was prepared for a District Court Commissioner’s review and consideration. As a result an Arrest Warrant was issued for SIMONE on the above charges.
On Wednesday, November 23, 2011 a Deputy of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office was able to locate SIMONE and place him in custody without incident. He was ultimately arraigned before a District Court Commissioner and released on his own recognizance pending a future court date.

Pocomoke City Christmas Parade Results- 2011

Pocomoke City

Christmas Parade

Winner's List 2011

Judges Choice #1
 Powellville VFC
Judges Choice #2
The Island Boys 
Best Equestrian Unit
 Chinco. Drill Team

1st Place
Youth Float
Plaque/ $150
 PES K-Kids

2nd Place
Youth Float
Plaque / $125
Beaver Dam Church 

1st Place
Marching Unit
Snow Hill ROTC 

2nd Place
Marching Unit

1st Place
Commercial Float
 Lowes of Pocomoke

2nd Place
Commercial Float
Bay Country 97.9 fm 

1st Place
Adult Float
Plaque / $150
Atlantic General Hosp. 

2nd Place
Adult Float
Plaque / $125
 Dash Rescue
1st & 2nd Dance/Cheer
 Dynamics/ Dance Loft
Best Non-Motor Antique
Princess Anne VFC 
Best Motor Antique
 Berlin VFC
Best Modern Equipment
Salisbury St. 2 
Best Marching Fire Co.
New Church VFC 
2nd Best Appearing Fire Co.
Greenbackville VFC 
Best Appearing Fire Co.
Parksley VFC 

1st Place
Division III Band
$100 &Trophy
St. Francis de Sales School 

2nd Place
Division III Band
$75 & Trophy
Salisbury Middle School 

1st Place
Division II Band
$150  Trophy
 Snow Hill High School

2nd Place
Division II Band
$100 & Trophy
Crisfield High School 

1st Place
Division I Band
$150 & Trophy
 Mardela HIgh School

2nd Place
Division I Band
$100 & Trophy
 Cambridge HS
Grand Champion Band
$100 & Trophy
 Snow Hill High School

Monday, November 28, 2011

Pocomoke City Christmas Parade