Friday, December 30, 2011

Message From Virginia State Police For New Year's Eve Revelers

Don't drive drunk and have a designated driver.

Bob Grebe
The Virginia State Police have a message for New Year's Eve revelers, don't drink and drive.
December is being recognized as 3-D Prevention Month.  That's the prevention of drunk and drugged driving.

Virginia State Police are participating in Checkpoint Strikeforce, checking driver sobriety.  Troopers will conduct roving enforcement patrols on designated roadways as well as sobriety checkpoints statewide.

State police are just one of several state and local law enforcement agencies participating in the annual campaign to raise public awareness throughout the region about the deadly dangers of drunk driving.

"Not only do we hold sobriety check points, but we have roving DUI patrols as well.  So that allows a trooper to patrol an area, not stationary," said Sgt. Bob Carpentieri, Virginia State Police.  "He'll be in his vehicle driving and patrolling around looking for drunk drivers as well."

As of December 16, Virginia has experienced a slight increase in traffic fatalities.  Preliminary reports from State Police indicate 716 individuals have already been killed in crashes statewide compared to 705 at this same time in 2010.

Last year in Virginia, six traffic fatalities occurred statewide during the four-day statistical counting period for the 2010-2011 New Year's holiday weekend.

State Police want to remind everyone to drive distraction free and make safety a priority.  Take the time to buckle your seat belt and put down the cell phone.  Also, be alert on the roadway and drive defensively.  

If you plan to drink Saturday night have a designated driver.    

The hope is everyone can have a safe and happy new year.


Woman Facing Theft Charges In Worcester County Disappears

The Worcester County Sheriff's Office is currently trying to locate Carol Chandler, the missing Worcester County woman who left her home early one morning two days before Christmas.

According to Chief Deputy Dale Smack of the Worcester County Sheriff's Office Chandler and her husband had allegedly engaged in a heated argument and Mrs. Chandler left the home somewhere between 2 a.m. to 4 p.m.,  while her family slept.

Chief Deputy Dale Smack seems to think she may be hiding with a friend in Accomack County.

If you have any information please call the Worcester County Sheriff's Office - 410-632-1112.

The complete story as to why it is believed Carol Chandler left her home is in the Daily Times newspaper.  Go here:

Maryland State Says American Flag Violates Law

A Maryland community is up in arms after state highway workers removed an American flag honoring military personnel from a traffic circle and threw it into a dump truck.

“We want our flag back,” Rhonda Winkler told Fox News & Commentary. “We are patriots and we love America.”

Winkler and her family erected the flag in a traffic circle three years ago in the town of Woodbine. They posted the flag to honor their nephew, a soldier deployed to Afghanistan.
About a month ago a car crashed into the roundabout damaging a tree and destroying the original flag. So Winkler’s husband and an 88-year-old World War Two veteran replaced the flag. And that’s when the trouble started.

Winkler said she received a telephone call alerting her that state highway workers had taken down the flag and the flag pole, tossing both into the back of a dump truck.

“They told us it was against the law to erect a flag on the traffic circle,” Winkler said. “They told my husband that whoever put up the flag could be arrested for trespassing.”

State highway workers also told her that people had complained about Old Glory.
“We figured it’s the American flag and we live in the United States of America – how can anyone have a problem with it,” Winkler asked.

David Buck, a spokesman for the state high department, told the Baltimore Sun that there is also a safety issue.

“They don’t have traffic control out there, and they don’t have (road work) vests on,” he told the newspaper.

The flags removal sparked outrage across the community. Dozens of people turned out for a rally – many people waving flags. It was especially moving for local residents who have loved ones serving in the military.

“It brought tears to my eyes,” Daniela Schnetzler told the Baltimore Sun. Her son just returned from Iraq. “We need that support. Freedom isn’t free, I’ll tell you that.”

And Winkler said that’s why the flag has been flying all these years – to support not just her nephew but every member of the military.

“If it was something derogatory or inappropriate, that’s one thing,” resident Gene Mellin told the newspaper. “But to take the flag down, it’s not right. I know they have rules, but it’s just a flag. It’s the flag.”

Winkler said she hopes her three young children will learn a lesson from the incident.
“When you believe in something, you have to take a stand,” she said. “That doesn’t mean going out and rioting and sleeping on streets and not going to work. It means you work hard, you work for yourselves, and you work for your country so that we are a better people.”

As for now – there’s no indication if the state of Maryland will reverse their decision – or if the Winkler family will get back their flag.

She said state workers have refused to return the Stars and Stripes.
Winkler said she is typically not one to raise a big stink about stuff – but not this time.
“We as Americans have to take a stand,” she said. “No matter what, we support the flag.”
So why raise a big stink?

“Because it’s the American flag,” she said.


Source; Fox News

First Day Hikes ~ Shad Landing Nature Center

The State Park Service is offering First Day Hikes at 17 state parks on New Year's Day as a part of America's State Parks First Day Hikes. This nationwide initiative offers participants an opportunity to get outside, exercise, enjoy nature and welcome the new year with friends and family.

The Maryland Park Service will sponsor a free two-mile guided hike at Pocomoke River State Park on New Year's Day.

Hikers will meet at 10 a.m., rain or shine, at the Shad Landing Nature Center.
Participants are asked to wear clothes and sturdy hiking shoes appropriate for the weather, and bring water for drinking.

Call Pocomoke River State Park at 410-632-2566

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Missing Worcester County Woman

WMDT- Channel 47

WORCESTER CO., Md. - A Worcester County family is hoping for answers. 40-year-old Carol Ann Comegy Chandler has not been seen since two days before Christmas. Her husband said she left their home shortly after 2:30 AM and hasn't been back since. She was last wearing blue pajamas and a West Virginia Sweatshirt.

 Please contact the Worcester County Sheriffs Office at 410-632-1112 if you have any information.

TIME MACHINE Preview ... New Year's Past

Local New Year's eve entertainment activities welcome in 1967!

As January 1, 1901 marked the beginning of the 20th Century, views regarding the next 100 years were made.

It's this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

MD. Transportation Authority - New Toll Rates


New Base Toll Rates and Video Toll Rates* for vehicles with three or more axles at fixed-toll facilities (does not include the Intercounty Connector):

Adjust cash/base toll rates for vehicles with three and four axles and vehicles towing light trailers by reducing the multipliers used to set these rates. This results in no change to toll rates at some facilities and reduces current rates at others.

At the Bay Bridge, the following Cash/Base toll rates go into effect:
3-axle vehicle:  $8 (decrease from $9)
4-axle vehicle:  $12 (no change)
5-axle vehicle:  $24
6+-axle vehicle:  $30

The following Video Toll Rates also go into effect:
3-axle vehicle:  $12 (decrease from $13.50)
4-axle vehicle:  $18 (no change)
5-axle vehicle:  $36
6+-axle vehicle:  $45

*Video Toll Rates for vehicles without valid payment at a Maryland toll facility are 150% of the base toll rate with a minimum of $1/maximum of $15 above the base rate.

E-ZPass Maryland business account discounts (do not apply to ICC):
-  Restructure post-usage discounts, limiting discounts to vehicles with five or more axles.
-  Expand the supplemental rebate program to individual transponders making 60 or more trips per month and limit rebates to vehicles with five or more axles.

Specific toll rates and rebate amounts are on-line at 

On July 1, 2013, new toll rates for all vehicles will take effect.

The Christmas Window Painters

Have you been wondering who painted some of the business windows with the Christmas themes  in downtown Pocomoke?

The artwork they left behind added to the array of Christmas decorations giving downtown a true feeling that Christmas was not far behind.

These are the students from Pocomoke High School that donated their wonderful talents and time to bring Christmas color to downtown.

Window painters:
Paige Stanley,  Selena Jones, Noah King, Tommy Darcy, Mikala Colbert, Ashley Webb, Susan Simpson

Wonderful job!!

Don't forget to look for the 'City of Pocomoke' on facebook and hit the like button.

WESR To Hold Radiothon For Cara

The local SPCA needs your help. 
Cara needs your help.

Cara, a 4 month old Labrador-German Shepard mix was hit by a car and taken to the SPCA.  on Wednesday.  Cara was operated on and sadly  had a leg amputated.

At this time Cara is recovering but the Murphy Fund which is used for medical expenses is running low and needs your help.

WESR will conduct a mini radiothon for Cara Friday morning starting at 8:35.

All the money raised will go to pay the medical bills for Cara and the other pets in need at the SPCA.

You can call and pledge to donate to the Murphy fund. Tune in Friday morning starting at 8:35 and help WESR  help Cara.

If you won't be near a radio you can still give Cara a fighting chance at a new life and a forever home.

Call - the SPCA and donate for her surgery at 757-787-7385

Mail funds to:
SPCA Eastern Shore, 26528 Lankford Hwy.
PO Box 164 Onley, VA 23418

Or  go to SPCA donate "For Cara" at:

Fresh Pride Closes Onley Store

What a surprise!!  Hope employees got some type of notice.

Fresh Pride has closed its supermarket at Four Corner Plaza.

Customers arriving to shop on Monday found the doors locked and notes thanking customers for their business over the years and inviting them to shop at Fresh Pride in Exmore and Parksley.

 It isnt known if any of the employees at Onley were transferred and how many jobs were lost. The Eastern Shore Fresh Pride chain started over 40 years ago as Meatland Supermarkets and at one time had stores as far North as Harrington Deleware and Cambridge Maryland.

The chain was sold several years ago to Camellia Stores in Norfolk which also operates Be Lo stores in the Tidewater area. The Onley store faced strong competition from Food Lion and then Wal Mart.

The stores in Exmore, Parksley and Chincoteague remain open for business.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Asthma and Indoor Air Pollution

Asthma sufferers may want to steer clear of perfume, incense, and fireplace smoke as these things — and many more — can trigger an asthma attack. 

For many people, a trip to the mall is fun — but for someone with asthma, meandering past bath products and perfume displays can be like playing Russian roulette with their symptoms. All of those fragrances (otherwise known as air pollution), from the cinnamon-pear-scented body spray to the latest celebrity scent, may cause asthma symptoms to kick in.

“If I go into one of the stores at the mall … I can’t be in there long because it just kills me,” says Houston resident and asthmatic Melissa McDonald. “Perfumes really bother [me]. I never made that connection when I was younger — now I do try to stay away from them.” In fact, cats were Melissa’s primary trigger when she was a child, but over the years, she says, common indoor encounters such as breathing in perfume in an elevator or walking past a scented emporium in the mall have begun revving up her asthma.
What Is Indoor Air Pollution?

While most people know about problems caused by outdoor air pollution, many are not aware that indoor air pollution also can be a serious concern for people with asthma. The elements that can pollute indoor air include:
  • Mold, mildew, and dust mites
  • Pet dander
  • Pest droppings
  • Nitrogen dioxide from natural gas heaters, stoves, and the like
  • Perfumes, hair spray, scented candles, spray air fresheners, plug-in air fresheners, and potpourris
  • Spray cleaners and disinfectants
  • Incense smoke
  • Smoke from fireplaces, wood stoves, or kerosene heaters.
“Fireplace smoke, scented candles … all of those are triggers, are not causing asthma per se,” explains Kenneth Rosenman, MD, chief of the division of occupational and environmental medicine at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Mich. “If you already have asthma, however, these [indoor air pollutants] could cause an asthma attack or reduce your lung function.”
Why Does Indoor Pollution Aggravate Asthma?

People with asthma often react to particulates in the air that irritate the airways of the lung. Particulates are tiny solid or liquid particles that are easily breathed into the lung. Smoke from a fireplace or vapors from burning incense are good examples of things that produce the kind of small particulates that can annoy lung tissue. It is also possible for people with allergic asthma to develop an allergic reaction to some components of indoor air pollution.

The ingredients in scented candles and spray air fresheners are particularly likely to lead to asthma by way of increasing a person’s allergies, says Dr. Rosenman. “Depending what’s in a scented candle — you could certainly become allergic to it," he says. "The same thing could be true of potpourri and plug-in air fresheners.”

Rosenman is particularly concerned about the increased use of spray air fresheners and cleaners with disinfectant. A recent study shows that using spray cleaners more than once a week increases the risk of asthma. Rosenman attributes much of this increase to added disinfectant in air fresheners and cleaners. Disinfectant is a strong allergen for many people.

How to Prevent Indoor Air Pollution
In your own home, you can control what is in the air by:


Heh, Heh, Heh

The Pope and Obama are on the same stage in Yankee Stadium in front of a huge crowd.

The Pope leans towards Mr. Obama and said, "Do you know that with one little wave of my hand I can make every person in this crowd go wild with joy? This joy will not be a momentary display, but will go deep into their hearts and they'll forever speak of this day and rejoice!"

Obama replied, "I seriously doubt that! With one little wave of your hand....Show me!"

So the Pope backhanded him and knocked him off the stage!

AND THE CROWD ROARED & CHEERED WILDLY and there was happiness throughout the land!

Kind of brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it?

Delmarva Education Foundation- Scholarship Fair

Delmarva Education Foundation’s
First Annual Scholarship Fair
January 14, 2012

The DEF helps students  connect with the available aid needed to continue their education. 

Registration deadline is January 6, 2012

For more information or to register contact DEF at
410-219-3336 or email

"Home For The Holidays" - PART 2- PART 3-10 Most Wanted Suspects In Worcester County

Emily Rampa from Channel 47 News  and Worcester County State's Attorney Beau Oglesby have done a wonderful job by bringing to the publics attention the faces and names of wanted offenders.

WMDT-Channel 47 NEWS
PART 2 "Home For The Holidays"
WORCESTER CO., Md. - Crime never takes a holiday.  But the Worcester County State's Attorney's Office believes now is the perfect time to bring criminals to justice.  In a special 5 part series, WMDT is working with the State's Attorney to catch their 10 most wanted suspects.

In part 2 of this exclusive report Beau Oglesby, Worcester County's State's Attorney, says their "Home For The Holidays" campaign worked in the past, and it will work again.  "It is a prime opportunity to find individuals," explains Oglesby, "and place them under arrest if they have outstanding warrants."

In 2006, Oglesby says Wicomico County conducted a similar operation, staking out areas where criminals might be over the holidays visiting family or friends.  Although Worcester County may not have the funding for a full scale operation like that, they're hoping vigilant citizens can help spot suspects, leading to arrests. 

"We have a lot of warrants," stresses Oglesby, "thousands of warrants that are outstanding for individuals who live outside the jurisdiction and by that I mean out of state. It's not reasonable for us to expect to go out and lay our hands on a lot of people who live out of state at this point - but we can certainly make an effort to find people who live in Worcester County or around Worcester County."

Mark Matthewson
47-year-old Mark Matthewson
Last Seen in Frankford, Delaware
White, Male
DOB: March 12, 1964
Height: 6'3" Weight: 200
Offense Date: 10/20/2006
Convicted of:
¨ Theft Greater Than $500
Wanted for:
¨ Violation of Probation
¨ Failure to Appear

Clayton Moore
29-year-old Clayton Moore
Last Seen in Pocomoke, Maryland
Black, Male
DOB: September 28, 1982
Height: 5'6" Weight: 120
Offense Date: 3/21/2009
Convicted of:
¨ 2nd Degree Child Abuse
Wanted for:
¨ Violation of Probation
¨ Failure to Appear

If you happen to spot either of these two suspects call the Worcester County Sheriff's Office at 410-632-1112

WMDT- Channel 47
 Emily Rampa, Reporter and Worcester County State's Attorney Beau Oglesby

PART 3 "Home For The Holidays"
WORCESTER CO., Md. - What better gift to give your family, friends and neighbors than the gift of safety and peace of mind this holiday season.  In a special 5 part series, the Worcester County State's Attorney's Office is working with WMDT to help bring 10 of their most wanted suspects to justice.

When you're out spending quality time with your family and friends this Christmas...keep an eye out.  Your vigilance could help catch a criminal.

Beau Oglesby, Worcester County's State's Attorney, says even criminals return home for the holidays.  "We want the community to be aware that there are certain individuals that have outstanding warrants," said Oglesby. "They have crimes that they need to answer for and we would like their cooperation and assistance in finding these people."

Brenden Leigh  Sandifer
31-year-old Brenden Leigh Sandifer
Last Seen in Berlin, Maryland
White, Female
DOB: March 26, 1980
Height: 5'06" Weight: 125
Offense Date: 11/10/2010
Convicted of:
¨ 3 Counts CDS Dist of Narcotic - Oxycodone & Cocaine
Wanted for:
¨ Failure to Appear

Brian West
31-year-old Brian West
Last Seen in Ocean City, Maryland
White, Male
DOB: May 27, 1980
Height: 6'3" Weight: 170
Offense Date: 4/1-4/23 2008
Convicted of:
¨ CDS Poss. w/Intent to Distribute
Wanted for:
¨ Violation of Probation
¨ Failure to Appear

If you happen to spot either of these two suspects, do not hesitate.  Call the Worcester County Sheriff's Office immediately at 410-632-1112.

Source and video:

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Deleting the Past- Only Memories Remain....

Saturday, December 24, 2011
Christmas Eve
Pocomoke Truck Stop

Traveling up Route 13 on Saturday I found progress had been made on removing the old Pocomoke truck stop. 

A comment on an earlier post stated that this was once known as C & D Truck Stop and owned by  Duke Conway and Al Duncan.

The original burned (probably) around 1960 and was replaced and was the most  modern truck stop on the East Coast.

"It featured showers and bunks for truck drivers and a small store selling maps, truck geegaws and anything else the modern driver required. During potato season it was a very busy place with hundreds of trucks pulling in and out daily....."  Since potato season is in the spring that left the rest of the year, when regardless of the farming season, truckers flocked there.

Monday, December 26, 2011

From the Office of the State's Attorney for Worcester County and WMDT-TV News Station

Worcester County's 10 Most Wanted Suspects

WORCESTER COUNTY, Md. - Even criminals head home for the holidays. Which is what Worcester County law enforcement is counting on.

In an exclusive 5 part series, the Worcester County State's Attorney's Office shares important information on suspects at large, in hopes that you can help bring them to justice. Beau Oglesby, Worcester County's State's Attorney, reached out to WMDT to help them with their latest campaign called "Home For The Holidays".

They gave us a list of 10 of their Most Wanted Suspects, and where they might be at this time of year.

"Some of them are misdemeanor offenses, some are violations of probation, some are simply failure to appear for court or charges were still outstanding," explains Oglesby. "What we did when compiling this list is we look for people who we thought were still in the area or would have reason to be in the area during the holidays."

Here are the details on the first 2 suspects on that list.

Cintelle Charles Schoolfield
Wanted Suspect #1:

Cintelle Charles Schoolfield - 32-years-old
Last Seen in Pocomoke City, Maryland
Black, Male
DOB: July 21, 1979
Height: 6'6" Weight: 270
Offense Date: 1/21/2011
Wanted For:
¨ 1st Degree Assault
¨ 2nd Degree Assault¨
Reckless Endangerment

Keith Allen Marousek
Wanted Suspect #2:

Keith Allen Marousek - 37-years-old
May be seen in Girdletree and Pocomoke, Maryland
White, Male
DOB: August 2, 1974
Height: 5'11" Weight: 155
Offense Date: 12/17/2005
Convicted of:
¨ 2 Counts of 2nd Degree Assault

Wanted for:
¨ Violation of Probation
¨ Failure to Appear on 10/02/2009

If you spot either of these two men, call the Worcester County Sheriff's Office is 410-632-1112.

Make sure to check back in the coming days for Part 2 through 5 of this special report, where we'll have the details in the rest of the Top 10 Most Wanted Suspects in Worcester County.

To watch video:


Sunday, December 25, 2011

TIME MACHINE ... Childhood's Christmas Memories

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)




December 25, 1924

(The Lubbock Morning Avalanche- Lubbock, Texas)


Childhood's Christmas Memories

"Backward, turn backward, Oh Time in your flight, Make me a child again just for tonight."

How many of us tonight are wishing that old poem might come true just once more in our lives? Of all the days in our childhood, none stand out so vividly in our memory as those mysterious Christmas times. There is something about our Christmas memories that reach the heart of every one of us who were so fortunate as to grow up in a happy home. We did not say a big, luxuriant home, but a HAPPY HOME. A home where sympathy and LOVE, and a family understanding of one another's hearts fills the atmosphere of the whole home. A home where each member of the family believes in and rejoices with every other member of the family in their ambitions and their hopes and their accomplishments. That's the kind of home we mean when we say a happy home. It may be a humble little cottage or it may be a mansion. It is the spirit in the house and not the shell in which we live that makes happy homes. And it so happens that most of our happy homes are humble homes because we have so many more humble homes in America than any other kind.

What are your first memories of Christmas? Can you bring them back through the long years and tell them over again to the children? There is nothing children love to hear so well as Christmas stories of their own fathers and mothers. "What did Santa Claus bring you were a little boy Daddy?" "And what did he bring to mother?" "Did he travel then just as he does NOW? And what kind of toys did little girls and little boys send for in those days?"

It is the unusual, the impossible, and the mysterious belief that it will happen that puts the thrill of expectancy into the heart of the little child at Christmas time. It is their faith in the spirit of Santa Claus that is so beautiful.

But if the memories of Christmas time in the old home far away are among our most treasured memories of childhood, what is our greatest privilege at Christmas time now? Is it not storing up other Christmas memories in the lives of our children to be recalled a generation from now when we are no more and other little ones yet unborn are begging for Christmas stories of long ago? This is one of our greatest opportunities and privileges for Christmas, 1924. Creating Christmas stories and Christmas memories to be retold by the generations of fathers and mothers in 1950, 1975, and even up to 2000 after the first Christmas story was ever produced.

...fill the childish hearts and childish minds around you with those Christmas memories you would be proud and happy to have them carry through their lives and and tell over and over at the Christmas tides of the future to the little heads nestled near their hearts.



Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Childhood's Christmas Memories

If you have the chance on Christmas Day check The Pocomoke Public Eye for a 1924 newspaper article on Christmas memories and relating them to future generations.

Merry Christmas to all!

Ever Wonder What a Dohickie Was?

Well here ya go.

This  incredible machine was built as a  collaborative  effort between the Robert M. Trammell Music Conservatory and the Sharon  Wick School of Engineering at  the  University of Iowa . Amazingly, 97% of the machine's components came from  John Deere Industries and Irrigation  Equipment  of Bancroft , Iowa . Yes, farm equipment!

It took the team a  combined 13,029 hours (6.26 years) of
  set-up,  alignment, calibration,
and tuning before filming this video but as  you can see, it was WELL worth the effort.

It is now on display in  the Matthew Gerhard Alumni Hall at
  the  University,
and is already slated to be donated to the  Smithsonian

Merry Christmas


"Give us what we demand or we will shoot your loved ones"

Why isn’t this person with the sign
“we will shoot more police" not being arrested?

Take a good look at the sign he is holding! Ok, all you pushing for illegal immigrants' rights.... Here is one of the Reasons we have a problem with it.
We are the ones that will have to pay for the welfare of these immigrants,
depriving all of our natural citizens!!
"Give us what we demand or we will shoot your loved ones" .
This is only one of the several reasons the U.S.A. Is falling apart.

Enough said!

Another Shooting in Pocomoke

Date & Time: 12/22/2011 @ 4:00 P.M. Case #:11-0306

Location Occurred: Ninth Street, Pocomoke, Worcester County, Maryland

Crime or Violation: 1st Degree Attempted Murder, 2nd Degree Attempted Murder, 1st degree assault, 2nd degree assault.

Victim: (Juvenile)

Accused: Darius Tyrell Cotton B/M 18 years old, of 4th Street, Pocomoke, Worcester County, MD 21851


On Thursday, December 22, 2011 at approximately 4:00 P.M. a reported shooting had occurred at 700 block of 9th Street, Pocomoke, Maryland. The Pocomoke Police Department had arrived and secured the scene. A Juvenile victim had suffered a gunshot wound to the right leg. The juvenile was transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center for treatment. The Pocomoke Police Department had requested the assistance of the Worcester County Bureau of Investigations (W.C.B.I.) and the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office to assist with the additional support. Detectives from (W.C.B.I.) arrived on scene and began conducting interviews. A suspect was identified through numerous interviews. A photo line-up was used and a suspect was identified as Darius Tyrell Cotton, 18 years of age, of the 800 block of 4th street was identified as the shooter. An arrest warrant and a search and seizure warrant were obtained for him.

On Friday December 23, 2011 at approximately 3:00 P.M. the Pocomoke Police Department, along with the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office, Maryland State Police and the Worcester County Bureau of Investigations had conducted a search and seizure warrant at Darius Tyrell Cotton’s residence. He was placed under arrest and taken before a District Court Commissioner where he was held without bond.

The juvenile has since been released from the hospital.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Being Demolished Today

The next time you travel Route 13 heading towards the Maryland/Virginia line you will see a noticable change on  the north bound side.

Being demolished today is the old Route 13 Truck Stop.

Many of us remember when this was a fully operational business many years ago.  Some of the guys we went to school with found summer jobs there.

These photos are a bit fuzzy but you get the idea.    More photos later.

Christopher Baker, 4th Grade Boy, Stuffed Into Duffel Bag By School Employees

LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- A 9-year-old autistic boy who misbehaved at school was stuffed into a duffel bag and the drawstring pulled tight, according to his mother, who said she found him wiggling inside as a teacher's aide stood by.

The mother of fourth-grader Christopher Baker said her son called out to her when she walked up to him in the bag Dec. 14. The case has spurred an online petition calling for the firing of school employees responsible.

"He was treated like trash and thrown in the hallway," Chris' mother, Sandra Baker, said Thursday. She did not know how exactly how long he had been in the bag, but probably not more than 20 minutes.
Mercer County schools Interim Superintendent Dennis Davis said confidentiality laws forbid him from commenting.

"The employees of the Mercer County Public Schools are qualified professionals who treat students with respect and dignity while providing a safe and nurturing learning environment," Davis said in a statement.
State education officials said they were investigating.

Chris is a student at Mercer County Intermediate School in Harrodsburg in central Kentucky. The day had barely begun when his family was called to the school because Chris was acting up. He is enrolled in a program for students with special needs.

Walking toward his classroom, Baker's mother saw the gym bag. There was a small hole at the top, she said, and she heard a familiar voice.
"Momma, is that you?" Chris said, according to his mother.


Thursday, December 22, 2011

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Childhood's Christmas Memories

A 1924 newspaper article asks "What are your first memories of Christmas? Can you bring them back through the long years and tell them over again to the children?" And from that point in time it looks ahead to memories being retold to future generations "in 1950, 1975, and even up to 2000..."

It's this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Lights in Pittsville

If you haven't seen the Christmas Lights on the houses in Pittsville you really need to take a short trip over there.

Times are tight so they have a schedule this year thanks to Obama!

The lights are displayed Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights... And Santa is there for the little'uns too.

There is also a donation box at the entrance, please make a donation as when you see these lights and all the other decorations and even animated and moving things and figures you will know how much time and money goes into this setup. It really is unbelievable to see it has to be over a million lights just draped across the house.

Sorry about the picture quality I took these with my very old flip phone. 


That's my Girl right here

And Here...

And Here....

Crabs For Christmas!

A week before Christmas in 2010 I spent a few days in Baltimore City.  The morning of my departure was a bitter cold morning in the early hours with the complete trip to the city hampered by nothing else but the winter precipitation everyone loves (except for me) SNOW!!

We made it there and my husband made the return trip home - the same day- safely. 

I am not a 'city' person.  I am not a fast paced person - unless I want to be.  But I managed to endure four whole days in the University of Maryland Hospital with my daughter. (no need to worry- she's fine) 

While my daughter recuperated I spent my days snapping photos and chatting with those around me within the area of the hospital - which actually resembles a mall in the lobby.  Weather was the topic of choice the first day.  (my displeasure of it and the fear my daughter and I would not be back on the Eastern Shore for Christmas).  Most people in Baltimore like the snow.  My final decision for their true love for the white mess is because many have never traveled on the country roads during a slippery and snowy time.  After all, where I come from if you can't go you don't go. 

There are many wonderful people up there and I made friends with those I will never see again.  Aside from the ways  the many people in Baltimore think, and do things there are TWO things that we have in common.  ACCENT!  With  the first syllable from my mouth they knew I was from the 'shore' and I knew I was in Balitmore! 

Secondly, CRABS!  Can you imagine they believe the crabs in Baltimore are the best crabs?  Well, being the 'southern gal' that I am I didn't argue even though I do know better.

So to all those I met at the University of Maryland Hospital that helped me through those days last year and discussed the Eastern Shore with  me have a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR.  And to the gentleman that knows more about Ocean City than I do HAPPY HANUKKAH!

This video is for all of you...



A Fulfilling Way To Be A Secret Santa.........

Due to lack of donations and toys this holiday season the Pocomoke City Police Department did not host their annual Christmas party for the needy families in the area.

There is still a great need for your support!

Angel at the Pocomoke Police Dept. is  still accepting donations to be given to these less fortunate children.

Please give and while visiting the Pocomoke Police Dept. with your kind donation for this year make a pledge to donate in the next Christmas season.

Even the smallest donation will make some childs Christmas Day brighter!

  EDITOR: Alrighty Pocomoke lets get going! "Not enough toys"? This IS NOT the Pocomoke that I grew up in and know so well.... C'mon Pocomoke lets get those toys to the Police station and get this thing done, we don't have much time... to our readers, please send this to everyone local in your address book. The needed Pocomoke kids need our help. Lets go Pocomoke!... Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Accomack Sheriff Says Father Murdered Mother, Two Children, and Tenant of Home

According to Sheriff Todd Godwin, on Thursday, December 15 at approximately 5:10 p.m., the Accomack County Sheriff's Office received a report of a possible suicide at a residence on 6th Street in the Gargatha area of Accomack County. Upon the initial deputy's arrival, the bodies of five deceased individuals were discovered inside the residence. Accomack County Investigators spent hours processing the scene, collecting evidence and conducting interviews and a Medical Examiner's investigation has determined that all five individuals died as a result of gunshot wounds.

The five deceased persons have been identified as 20 yr old Zayday Reyes, 27 yr old Evelyn Colon-Matias, 10 yr old Jesus Angel Quintero-Colon, 9 yr old Ana Estefani Quintero-Colon and 37 yr old Esteban Quintero-Gonzales.

Based on evidence at the scene and interviews conducted, it appears at this time that Esteban Quintero-Gonzales forced his way into the residence on 6th Street and shot the other 4 victims and then himself. Esteban Quintero-Gonzales was the father of Jesus Angel Quintero-Colon and Ana Estefani Quintero-Colon and was involved in ongoing custody hearings with the children's mother, Evelyn Colon-Matias. Zayday Reyes was a tenant at the 6th Street location and had been allowing Evelyn and her two children to stay at the residence.

Assisting the Accomack County Sheriff's Office in this investigation was the Virginia State Police.

The investigation into this incident is continuing.
