Sunday, May 6, 2012

TIME MACHINE ... "An Eastern Shore Miser.- No more curious or interesting character perhaps ever lived on the Eastern Shore..."

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)


November, 1884

(The Denton Journal)


An Eastern Shore Miser.- No more curious or interesting character perhaps ever lived on the Eastern Shore than William J. Handy, of Somerset County, who died last week at the age of 85.

The Handy family is a prominent one in Somerset and Worcester counties, and several of its members have risen to distinction. William J. Handy was born before the 19th century began, on a farm on Jones Creek near Princess Anne, and lived there until he was taken away by an order of the court a year or so ago. He was thoroughly educated and remarkably intelligent. He studied law, but never practiced. He never married. He was of miserly habits, and in slave times, it is said denied his Negroes food enough to keep them from being hungry;- the weekly allowance being a peck of corn and two pounds of bacon. So (they) had an evil reputation throughout the countryside for stealing. He had a hundred slaves and a large-landed estate.

Handy accumulated a large amount of money which he kept hid about his premises, being afraid to trust a bank with it. In 1851 he was robbed of $3,200 which was never recovered.

When he lost his slaves through emancipation, Handy became embittered and enraged. It made him almost helpless, and his lands were never thoroughly cultivated afterwards. And the revenue raised by hiring out slaves was gone, so that he became more miserly than ever, and it is said that his sister who kept house for him, with thousands of dollars around her, did not have enough to eat.

In 1863 a second attempt was made to rob him. The house was entered, but Mr. Handy opened upon the intruders with a double barreled shotgun, and drove them off.

After this affair Mr. Handy kept strict watch and ward over his money. Even in the hottest weather the windows and doors were kept fastened down, and Mr. Handy and his sister led miserable lives. During the night while one slept the other would watch with a double-barreled gun and pistol heavily loaded at hand. Even during the day Mr. Handy kept his gun in his hand and seemed to be constantly afraid somebody would rob him. The farm became a wilderness, and the house almost inaccessible from the bushes and thorns that grew around it.

(In a third robbery attempt he told would-be robbers to go ahead and kill him but his sister persuaded him to relinquish $3,000 in gold. He hired detectives to track down the robbers but when they were located he refused to identify them.)

A short time after this (the robbery) his sister died and he was left alone, and he would have died several years ago from hunger and cold had it not been for the kindness of his neighbors. He would furnish neither food nor raiment for himself, yet he persisted in the house in which he had eked out such a miserable existence, though kind friends offered to care for him at a reasonable figure. But he rejected every generous offer, and would have remained under the old roof until his death had not the house been reduced to ashes. He was then forced to take up quarters elsewhere.

Two years ago he was judged a lunatic and Col. Levin L. Waters was appointed by the court trustee to sell the property and take care of the proceeds.


October, 1893

(The News- Frederick, Md)

The Eastern Branch of the Maryland Agricultural College, near Princess Anne, Somerset County, is rapidly growing to be a flourishing institution.  


June, 1959

Mayor Fred W. Parsons announced that construction was to begin on a new boat dock near Pocomoke's Winter Quarters Golf Course. The 28x90 foot dock would cost $1,000 and was expected to last "up to 20 years." Dredging work for the dock would be done by the Norfolk construction company that was currently involved with the building of the new bridge that would be part of the Pocomoke By-pass. The Mayor and City Council felt the new dock would bring an increase in trade in conjunction with a proposed Chincoteague Bay-Pocomoke River Canal. 


September, 1983

(Daily News-Record- Harrisonburg, Va.)



WALLOPS ISLAND, Va. (AP)- The United States Navy, which closed its Chincoteague Air Station in 1959, has returned here to break ground for a new $6.8 million combat system center.

The new computer-age facility, a two-story steel frame structure, is to house the Navy's Aegis Combat System Center and is set to be completed in June, 1986, Naval officials said at a ground-breaking ceremony Monday.

The new facility is expected to bring some 120 new civilian and military personnel to the area and officials say they anticipate annual employment increases. The Wallops Island flight facility employs 400 people.

Pocomoke City Mayor Dawson Clarke said he and his town council had visited Washington to lobby for the new center.


Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

TIME MACHINE Preview ... " An Eastern Shore Miser.- No more curious or interesting character perhaps ever lived on the Eastern Shore..."

A reminder that on this Sunday's Pocomoke Public Eye...

An 1884 news article tells about a local resident from a prominent family in Somerset and Worcester Counties who was highly educated and acquired wealth, but as years passed he chose to eke out a miserable existance.

Read more tomorrow..right here!
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

The New Pocomoke City Restaurant

Pocomoke City, Maryland
Sunday   April 29, 2012

Due to a few other obligations for the past few days I haven't been able to get to Pocomoke for any amount of time.  I dropped by late Sunday afternoon and before I crossed the bridge I noticed the lighting that had been mounted.... and they look wonderful!

The brickwork has been extended to the back of the restaurant.  I can only imagine what a tedious job that was.  But the work is beautiful and complements the entire restaurant and setting so well.

Work is still being done inside the restaurant and from what I understand great  things are being done in the kitchen....that's a good thing because I think we are all just about ready to have a meal there!

With every week that passes opening day is that much closer and it's  closer now than it  was  in December. 

Once open,  the restaurant will feature indoor dining with windows to view the river or dining on the deck.  Either way you'll have quite a view of the river and its surroundings.

And remember:  NO FEE for docking your boat.  And NO FEE for the beauty that surrounds you.

 A big thankyou to my wonderful husband for making sure I complete my mission.
(Someone else who is "just as neat as papertowels".)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Saturday, May 5th - Donation Day at the Delmarva Discovery Center

Come explore the Delmarva Discovery Center on Donation Day and choose your own admission price!

Always wondered what’s inside of the Delmarva Discovery Center?

Love the museum and want to give a special donation?

On Saturday May 5th visitors will be given an envelope to return at the end of your tour with your chosen donation enclosed.

Donations will be anonymous unless you wish otherwise.

This is your chance to visit the Delmarva Discovery Center, a 16,000 square foot living museum of the cultural and natural history of the Eastern Shore. See our 6,000 gallon aquarium, learn about Native American history, try your hand tonging for oysters or climb aboard our replica Steamboat.

This is your museum! Come see what it’s all about!

All children must be accompanied by an adult.

For more information contact the Delmarva Discovery Center at 410.957.9933

Ava's Law Passes

OCEAN CITY: Ava's Law passes General Assembly
Written by
Scott Muska
Staff Writer
OCEAN CITY — State legislators have passed Ava’s Law, a bill that will enact harsher penalties for people who are driving under the influence of drugs and cause a life-threatening crash, making them parallel with driving under the influence of alcohol punishments.

For either offense, the maximum penalty is three years imprisonment, a $5,000 fine or both.

The sponsors called it Ava's Law, for Ava DelRicco, a one-year-old girl who was critically injured along with her in a Dec. 16 Coastal Highway car crash when Andre James Kaczynski of Ocean Pines caused the wreck while high on PCP. The incident was the catalyst for Worcester County State's Attorney, Beau Oglesby, to contact McDermott and Sen. Jim Mathias, D-38-Worcester about what an effort for a law change would entail.


This Saturday ~ Delmarva Discovery Center


Thursday, May 3, 2012


I'm in the process of moving and took my dog out to the new place on Somerset Road yesterday afternoon.  She managed to get over a 6 foot fence and ran off while I was in town getting more of the moving stuff finished and by the time I got out there and found her gone it was dark.  
She's a dark brindle, almost black, with an old faded blue collar and answers to Taje
 Good with people, doesn't cope with other female dogs very well.
If you hear anything or if you know anyone who lives out in that area please ask them if they've seen her. 
 I already contacted both the Worcester and Somerset county animal control departments and the Pocomoke PD.  I'm about to call the State Patrol and the Sheriff's Department but thought I'd ask you for help too.  
My nephew and I are really worried about her since she was out in the storm.  Call 443-422-1317or call 443-365-6400.

Thank you for your time.

TIME MACHINE Preview ... " An Eastern Shore Miser.- No more curious or interesting character perhaps ever lived on the Eastern Shore..."

He was from a prominent family in Somerset and Worcester Counties, highly educated, acquired wealth, yet in later years eked out a miserable existance.
An 1884 news item tells more about him.. this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Gumboro/Crisfield Mudbog Events Begin This Saturday

Welcome to the 2012
  Gumboro/Crisfield mudbogging
"The Grey Ghost"
Drivers  Lori Ann Sturgis
Lee Sturgis
"All Night Soldier"
Driver  Patrick Long

The 2012 mudbogging season for Gumboro/Crisfield begins this Saturday, May 5th in Gumboro, Delaware.

"Short and Sassy"
Driver  Barry Wise

Gates Open ~  10:00 AM
Racing Begins ~ 1:00 AM

Adults & Children 10 and up  $7.00
Children under 10  FREE (ALL children must be accompanied by an adult)

Pit Admission ~ $5.00 per person
All Drivers & 1 crew person FREE in pits

"In The Mix"
Driver  Johnny Edwards


10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Cost per class

$35.00 Classes
Street class
Prostock Class
Small Tire Super Stock
Big Tire Super Stock

$55.00 Classes
Modified Class
Mini-open Class
Unlimited Class
X- Class
Unlimited X-Class

"Sod Buster"
Driver  Barry Long
 Don't forget the Kid's Power Wheels Racing Event

This event is held at every race.  ALL power wheel racers MUST  be equipped with manufacturer's battery. 

Showing At the Mar-Va Theater This Weekend

Friday, May 4th at 7PM
Saturday, May 5th at 7PM
Tickets   $5.00

You Can Help These Homeless Animals In So Many Ways.....

The SPCA Eastern Shore is  still accepting monetary donations for roof repairs  so the animals that live there  and those that work there can stay dry.  This is quite an expense so they have asked the public to be kind enough to donate. 

The SPCA Eastern Shore located in  Onley, Virginia is a no-kill facility.  They provide food, shelter,  and medical care to the animals as they wait for adoption into a   forever home.  All this is very costly and the SPCA Eastern Shore runs its facility with donations from people like me and you and by sponsoring fund raisers.

If you would like to send a donation of any amount go to this website for the necessary information or find them on facebook. 

The SPCA Eastern Shore is always in need of items to maintain happy and sanitary living quarters for the animals that live there. 

If you can donate any of these items, please bring them to the SPCA facility in Onley, VA or if you are in Northamption County, bring them to these locations.

Cat Litter
Cat Toys
Purina Cat Chow (Indoor Complete)
Meow Mix
Can Cat Food
Cat Treats
Purina Dog Food
Pedigree Dog Food
Rawhide Chew's
Soft Dog Treats
Dish Liquid
High Efficiency Laundry Detergent
Paper Towels
Dog BiscuitsCan Dog Food
Dog Toys
Moist Dog Food

One more important thing!  If you shop Food Lion and carry a Food Lion customer card did you know that everytime you shop there a portion of your grocery total  gets donated to the SPCA Eastern Shore?   And it's so easy to sign up for.

Read the simple instructions and do it today!



26528 Lankford Hwy.
PO Box 164
Onley, VA 23418

P.S.  Belly rubs for the lonely animals are always welcomed.  Check their  website for hours.

Maryland State Police Reminder:


 (PIKESVILLE, MD) – In an effort to drive home the message of year round safety of Maryland’s emergency responders, the Maryland State Police remind motorists that May is Move Over Month.

As part of the effort to boost awareness of the ‘move over’ law, a decal, provided by the Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund (MAIF) was unveiled at a press conference earlier this year. The decal reads, “If I’m on the Shoulder, Slow Down and Move Over” and serves as a reminder for drivers approaching from the rear of an emergency vehicle using visual signals while stopped on a highway to, if possible, make a lane change into an available lane not immediately adjacent to the emergency vehicle or slow down to a reasonable prudent speed. Although state troopers will display the decal on their patrol cars for the month of May, the intended message will ultimately last a lifetime.
The intent of Maryland’s ‘move over’ law is to provide an extra barrier of safety for police officers, firefighters, and emergency rescue personnel working along Maryland roads. “Roadside safety is a serious concern for all emergency responders,” said State Police Superintendent Marcus L. Brown, “Ideally, our motoring public will make it a habit to slow down and/or move over when they see those flashing red or blue emergency lights ahead, then the near misses and brushes with death could be avoided.”

Although the ‘move over’ law was passed in October 2010, the need to promote awareness of the law is still evident. In January of 2012, two separate incidents sent police officers to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center with injuries.

On the morning of January 15, Trooper First Class Jason James, assigned to the Golden Ring Barrack, was transported to Shock Trauma after being struck by a passing motorist while working a traffic stop. On the morning of January 22, a Howard County Police officer, a person he had in custody and the driver who hit them suffered injuries, after the motorist failed to slow down and move over. All three individuals were transported to the Shock Trauma Center for treatment.

Violation of the ‘move over’ law is a primary offense with a fine of $110 and one point. If the violation contributes to a traffic crash, the fine is $150 and three points. If the violation contributes to a traffic crash resulting in death or serious injury, the fine escalates to $750 and three points.

Statistics indicate more than 150 U.S. law enforcement officers have been killed since 1999 after being struck by vehicles along America's highways. To date, forty-three Maryland State Troopers have been killed in the line of duty and three of them have been killed by motor vehicle crashes.

Shore Beef & BBQ Specials


With Ron's NEW  honey mustard bbq sauce!

Pulled BBQ Chicken  BLT w/ lettuce, tomato, apple wood bacon
Side and Drink ~ $7.95
OR util sold out !

1/2 BBQ Chicken & 1/2 Rack of Ribs
w/ 2 Sides  ~  $17.95
Enough For TWO!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Ocean City Police Department
On Tuesday, May 1, 2012, at approximately 6:20 p.m., Ocean City Police responded to the area of 32nd Street for a report of a possible deceased body in the bay.  The body, which was recovered by the United States Coast Guard, was confirmed to be that of missing 22-year-old Lance Corey Gaines.
Gaines, who was visiting Ocean City with his family from upstate New York, was last seen on April 21, 2012 at approximately 1 a.m. at The Sandbar on 33rd Street and Coastal Highway.  His body has been sent to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of Maryland for autopsy.
The cause and manner of death are currently under investigation by the Ocean City Police Department.

Ocean City, Maryland

A New Mini-Park and "Community Giving Garden" ~ At the Hands Of Volunteers

Downtown Pocomoke City, Maryland

The gazebo that mysteriously appeared one fine day on the corner of Second and Market Streets is part of a new mini-park.

When completed the small park will include seating, a bike rack, trees, flowers, various other plants  and an information station.

In an effort to get the youth involved in their downtown, high school students will be doing the gardening.  In fact, they were supposed to begin tomorrow but I just received word that some of those students have already been to the corner lot TODAY and have planted shrubs and grasses in the area.

Who wants to garden???

Two charitable and creative Pocomoke residents are starting a "Community Giving Garden" downtown. Location of this garden will be on city owned property at  the corner of Willow and Clarke Avenues.

Groundbreaking will be within the next two weeks.

 The food harvested from the garden will be donated to the Samaritan Shelter and needy Pocomoke families.

If you are interested in volunteering your time - or if you are a business and would like to donate lumber or other gardening needs - please contact:


Worcester County Sheriff’s Office
Press Release
On 04/27/2012 at approximately 2041 hours, A Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy performed a traffic stop on a vehicle on Worcester Highway in the area of Newark Road for a equipment violation.  A search of the vehicle later led to the arrest of a passenger, Jason Walter Beacham, 33 years of age for Possession-Marijuana and Possession-Drug Paraphernalia. Beacham was later released pending trial.

Shore Beef & BBQ Special For the Day

The skies are clearing.....get out for lunch!

Beef Brisket Sandwich/ w Side
Drink ~  $7.95


Supersized Full Moon Saturday Night

Skywatchers take note: The biggest full moon of the year is due to arrive this weekend.

The moon will officially become full Saturday (May 5) at 11:35 p.m. EDT. And because this month's full moon coincides with the moon's perigee — its closest approach to Earth — it will also be the year's biggest.

The moon will swing in 221,802 miles (356,955 kilometers) from our planet, offering skywatchers a spectacular view of an extra-big, extra-bright moon, nicknamed a supermoon.

And not only does the moon's perigee coincide with full moon this month, but this perigee will be the nearest to Earth of any this year, as the distance of the moon's close approach varies by about 3 percent, according to meteorologist Joe Rao,'s skywatching columnist. This happens because the moon's orbit is not perfectly circular.

This month's full moon is due to be about 16 percent brighter than average. In contrast, later this year on Nov. 28, the full moon will coincide with apogee, the moon's farthest approach, offering a particularly small and dim full moon.

Though the unusual appearance of this month's full moon may be surprising to some, there's no reason for alarm, scientists warn. The slight distance difference isn't enough to cause any earthquakes or extreme tidal effects, experts say.

However, the normal tides around the world will be particularly high and low. At perigee, the moon will exert about 42 percent more tidal force than it will during its next apogee two weeks later, Rao said.

The last supermoon occurred in March 2011.

To view this weekend's supermoon to best effect, look for it just after it rises or before it sets, when it is close to the horizon. There, you can catch a view of the moon behind buildings or trees, an effect which produces an optical illusion, making the moon seem even larger than it really is.


The Olive Lippoldt Tidal Wetland Garden

The Olive Lippoldt  Tidal Wetland Garden
 Cypress Park
Pocomoke City, Maryland

Very shortly after my first visit to the Olive Lippoldt Memorial Tidal Garden.

A group of sailors from  the Wallops Island Station were the first to volunteer to assist in the completion of the  foot bridge over the tidal garden.  Last fall they were on hand to volunteer their services for work needed for the extension of the Nature Trail located in the back of  Cypress Park.

Please take the time to get out and visit Cypress Park.  This is your park and the extrance fee costs nothing.  Cypress Parks provides a place for chidren to run, an  area for a picnic and plenty of shade or sunshine and fresh air.   Don't forget to take a walk across the footbridge to see what living creatures my be there.  The plaques around the garden will provide you will all the infomation you need.  See what you can discover.  Take a photo of what you find, send it to me and I will post it for everyone to see.  And even if you find nothing send me a photo of  your  family member on the bridge and I will post that also.

The wonderful group of Sailors that have given their free time to volunteer in a town far from their own hometown will never be forgotten.  The gracious woman, Olive Lippoldt, that the tidal park was named in honor of will never be forgotten.  So Pocomoke it's time  for you  to sign up and be part of the plan. 

Let's continue  with the plans made to make the  Olive Lippoldt Tidal Wetland Garden and  Nature Trail even better than it is.

Volunteer your time.
Here's the link to previous photos of the garden.


Worcester County Animal Control Annnouncements

Worcester County Animal Control 
 Spay and Neuter Clinic

Two days each month, the Worcester County Animal Control hosts a spay/neuter clinic for cats and dogs. The cost is only $100.00 for dogs and $50.00 for cats.

Rabies vaccination service will be provided for a $10.00 fee.

Appointments are required.

Call Worcester County Animal Control at 410-632-1340 to make an appointment.

Worcester County Animal Control
Health Department
Rabies Clinic

The Worcester County Health Department and Animal Control have TWO remaining rabies vaccination clinics for this spring.The clinics are scheduled 5:30-7 p.m.:

Wednesday, May 9: Bishopville Fire Hall,
10709 Bishopville Rd., Bishopville

Thursday, May 10: Worcester County Animal Control
The county continues to offer low-cost pet rabies clinics to assist citizens with keeping their pets’ protected against the ongoing problem of rabies locally. The county had four laboratory confirmed cases of rabies, each in raccoons, in February.

The cost for a rabies vaccination is $5 per pet for Worcester County residents and $10 per pet for non-Worcester County residents.

Proof of residency is required. Vaccinations are available for dogs, cats and ferrets. Below are additional requirements for the clinics:
If this is not the pet’s first rabies vaccination, written proof of the previous shot in the form of a rabies certificate must be provided in order to receive a three-year booster shot. Otherwise, a one-year shot will be given.

To receive a vaccination, dogs must be on a leash under the control of an adult, and cats and ferrets must be in a carrier or box with air holes.

Keeping pets’ required rabies vaccinations current is the best way to prevent the spread of rabies from the wild animal population to the domestic animal population.

For more information on the clinics or to report animal bites or possible rabies exposures to pets from wild animals contact the Worcester County Health Department at 410-352-3234 or 410-641-9559. If an incident occurs after normal business hours, contact your local law enforcement or the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office.

Museum Program & Luncheon

Tickets are on sale for the Purnell Museum's special program Maids & Mistresses at the Nassawango Country Club on May 19th.

Live models will help us explore the realities of Victorian women's lives by taking a close look at the styles they wore.

An elegant lunch is included in the ticket price of $25. Call the museum for more details: 410-632-0515.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Body Found In Ocean City Is Lance Gaines

Lance Corey Gaines
OCEAN CITY, Md. - A body has been found in Ocean City - and police have confirmed it to be missing 22-year-old Lance Gaines.

The New York father was last seen at 1:00 AM on April 21st at the Sandbar on 33rd street. He and his family were vacationing in Ocean City.

Police pulled his body from the bay near 32nd Street earlier this evening. The body was sent to the medical examiner's office for an autopsy - the cause of death is still under investigation.


From the Office of Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin D. Sewell

April 1 – April 30, 2012

4-1-2012         Pocomoke City Police were conducting routine traffic control in the Pocomoke area when the Officer received an alert on the vehicle with his registered license plate reader. A traffic stop was initiated to confirm the information received on the LPR. The driver Keyana Kellam, age 24 of Princess Anne, MD was issued a traffic citation for failure to provide insurance information on the vehicle and failure to provide current registration card. Kellam received citations for the violations and was released upon her signature pending trial.

4-3-2012         Pocomoke City Police conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for an equipment violation. Once the Officer ran all of the information it was discovered the driver did possess a Suspended License. Sheron Purnell, age 40 of Berlin, MD was issued a traffic citation for Driving on a Suspended License. She was released upon her signature pending trial.

4-4-2012        Pocomoke City Police responded to a Shoplifting complaint at Wal-Mart Supercenter in Pocomoke City. Upon arrival Police discovered the suspect had concealed several items in her purse without paying for the merchandise and attempted to pass all points of sale. Arrested was a juvenile, age 15 of Pocomoke City. Pocomoke Police contacted the Department of Juvenile Services and she was released to a parent/guardian.

4-5-2012       Pocomoke City Police conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for an equipment violation. Police ran the information on the driver which resulted in a Suspended License. Patrick Richards age 23, of Pocomoke City was issued a State Citation for Driving on a Suspended License. Richards was released pending trial.

4-6-2012       Pocomoke City Police were conducting routine traffic control in the Pocomoke area when the Officer received an alert on a vehicle with the registered license plate reader. A traffic stop was initiated to confirm the information received on the LPR. The driver Deandra Bivens, age 28 of Pocomoke City was issued a traffic citation for failure to provide insurance information on the vehicle and failure to provide current registration card. Bivens received citations for the violations and was released upon her signature pending trial.

4-6-2012       Pocomoke City Police were conducting routine traffic control in the Pocomoke area when the Officer received an alert on a vehicle with his registered license plate reader. A traffic stop was initiated to confirm the information received on the LPR. The driver Katie Herbst, age 24 of Pocomoke City, MD was issued a traffic citation for failure to provide insurance information on the vehicle and failure to provide current registration card. Herbst received citations for the violations and was released upon her signature pending trial.

4-8-2012       Pocomoke City Police were conducting routine traffic when they discovered a vehicle driven by a possible Wanted person. Upon contact with the driver it was confirmed to be the Wanted Person. Arrested was Martel Blake age 19, of Pocomoke City. Blake was arrested and transported to the MSP Barrack.

4-9-2012       Pocomoke City Police received information on a Wanted subject. Pocomoke City Police located the suspect. Arrested was Travis Bailey, age 22 of Princess Anne MD for Violation of a Protection Order.

4-11-2012       Pocomoke City Police responded to a Trespassing complaint at the Pocomoke City Wal-Mart. Upon arrival Police learned the suspect had been ordered by the District Court Judge not to return to Wal-Mart property due to being found guilty of a previous Theft. Arrested was Vicki Jo Agnew Outten age 47 of Princess Anne MD was arrested for Trespassing.

4-12-2012       Pocomoke City Police were conducting a routine Foot Patrol in the area of Bank Street Pocomoke City. Once Officers conducted a foot patrol of the Church Street area Officers immediately detected a strong odor of marijuana illuminating from the area. Police approached a subject and immediately smelled an odor of marijuana and inquired of his personal information at which point the suspect fled on foot which led to a foot pursuit by the Police. Once apprehended the subject was placed under arrest. Arrested was Kentrell Savage age 22 of Pocomoke, MD. Savage was charged with CDS Possession of Marijuana and Resist/Interfere with Arrest.

4-12-2012       Pocomoke City Police were conducting an investigation when an individual approached them and started causing a disturbance. The suspect started to yell profanities and ignored the Officers request to step away from the scene. Arrested was Jeffrey Wright age 27, of Pocomoke MD. Wright was charged with Failure to obey a Lawful Order and Resist/Interfere with an Arrest.

4-12-2012       Pocomoke City Police were conducting special patrol of the Pocomoke area when Officers noticed an individual walking down the street acting suspicious. The Pocomoke Police stopped to conduct a field interview on the subject. Upon the subject giving Police permission to conduct a search the Pocomoke Police located Marijuana. Arrested was Robert Dolby Jr, age 22 of Pocomoke MD.

4-13-2012       Pocomoke City Police received a call for a Shoplifter that had just left the Dollar General store. Police were able to locate the suspect with the description given. Pocomoke Police approached the suspect and noticed a bulge in his pants. Police then conducted a search for Officer Safety and did locate the item that was reportedly stolen. Arrested was Maurice Bishop age 53, of Pocomoke MD.

4-13-2012       Pocomoke City Police were conducting routine traffic control in the Pocomoke area when they observed a vehicle being operated by a driver who they knew to possess a Suspended License. Upon confirming the information the Pocomoke City Police initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle. The driver Robert Branch age 29 of Pocomoke MD was issued a citation for Driving on a Suspended License and released upon his signature pending trial.

4-13-2012       Pocomoke City Police were conducting routine traffic detail when the Officer observed an individual drive through a red light. Police initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle. The driver of the vehicle possessed a Suspended License. The Driver Raul Vazquez age 32 of Kings Island Georgia was issued a citation and released pending trial.

4-14-2012       Pocomoke City Police responded to a Domestic Assault call. Upon arrival police learned the victim had been assaulted by an estranged boyfriend who gained access into her apartment without permission. Arrested was John Thomas age 25, of Pocomoke MD. Thomas was held on $10,000 bond pending trial.

4-14-2012       Pocomoke City Police were conducting traffic enforcement in the Pocomoke area when they observed a vehicle run a stop sign. A traffic stop was initiated; upon contact with the driver the Officer learned the driver possessed a Suspended License. Arrested was Rodney Harmon age 49, of Waldorf MD. He was issued a citation and released pending trial.

4-15-2012       Pocomoke City Police responded to a complaint for removal of person. Upon arrival Police located an individual who was advised previously to leave the business. The subject was acting Disorderly and causing a Disturbance. Arrested was Marian Glaspey age 44 of Monroeville, NJ.

4-15-2012       Pocomoke City Police responded to an Assault complaint. Upon arrival a Juvenile had assaulted an adult over a dispute they were having. Arrested was a Juvenile age, 15 of Pocomoke MD. The Juvenile was referred to the Department of Juvenile Services.

4-18-2012       Pocomoke City Police were conducting traffic detail in the Pocomoke area when they observed a vehicle with a rear tag light out. Upon contact with the driver the Officer could detect a strong odor of alcohol and slurred speech. The Officer performed several field sobriety test, based on the results. Arrested was James Brady age 43 of Pocomoke MD. Brady was charged with Driving while under the influence of alcohol and driving while impaired by alcohol.

4-18-2012       Pocomoke City Police responded to a Trespassing complaint. Upon arrival Police located the suspect walking on property with posted No Trespassing signs. Arrested was James Allen age 46, of Pocomoke MD. Allen was issued a Criminal Citation and released.

4-23-2012       Pocomoke City Police responded to a Domestic Assault complaint. Upon arrival Police met with the victim who stated she was assaulted by her boyfriend before he left in her vehicle without her permission. Upon further investigation the Pocomoke City Police Officer obtained a Warrant on the suspect for Reckless Endangerment, 2nd degree Assault and Motor Vehicle Unlawful taking. Arrested was Eddie Neal age 30 of Pocomoke MD.

4-23-2012       Pocomoke City Police were conducting routine traffic detail when the Officers License Plate Reader recognized a vehicle traveling with a Suspended Insurance violation. Upon stopping the vehicle the Officer learned the driver had Suspended License. Arrested was Calvin Jones age, 36 of Pocomoke MD. Jones was charged with operating a vehicle with Suspended License.

4-24-2012       Pocomoke City Police responded to an Assault complaint. Upon arrival police located a victim on the sidewalk with injuries. The victim stated he had been stabbed with an unknown object. Upon further investigation Police located the suspect who assaulted the victim. Arrested was Willie Blackmon age 64, of Pocomoke MD. Blackmon was charged with Assault 1st degree, Assault 2nd degree. He was held on $10,000 bond pending trial.

4-24-2012       Pocomoke City Police responded to a Burglary complaint. Upon arrival Police learned that a business had closed for the evening; the owners were still inside the restaurant when they noticed someone walking in the storage area of the building. The victim stated no one should be in the restaurant as it was closed. The victim stated they looked in the back storage area and located someone hiding up on the ladder. The victim recognized the suspect to be a past employee. Upon further investigation Police were able to positively identify the suspect as being in the restaurant after it was locked and closed. Arrested was Michael Acevedo age 27, of Pocomoke MD. Acevedo was charged with Burglary 2nd degree, Burglary 4th degree and Trespassing. Acevedo was held on $50,000 bond pending trial.

4-25-2012       Pocomoke City Police responded to Wal-Mart for a Theft complaint. Upon arrival Police discovered the call was for Internal Theft of merchandise on several occasions totaling a loss of approximately $2,730. Arrested was Breon Lamar Ayres age 23, of Mappsville VA. Ayres was charged with Theft $1,000 to under $10,000 and Theft Scheme $1,000 to under $10,000.

4-24-2012       Pocomoke City Police served a Warrant on Derrick Hall age 22 of Pocomoke City for Assault 1st degree, Assault 2nd degree and Reckless Endangerment. He was taken before the Commissioner and released on $10,000 unsecure bond pending trial.

4-29-2012       Pocomoke City Police were conducting traffic detail in the Pocomoke area. Police observed a vehicle operating without any working tail lights on the driver’s side of the vehicle. Upon approaching the driver the Officer could smell a strong odor of alcohol. After failing several field sobriety test the driver was placed under arrest. Arrested was Thomas Wilson age 22, of Parksley VA. Wilson was charged with Driving under the influence of alcohol, driving under the influence per se and driving vehicle while impaired by alcohol.

4-29-2012       Pocomoke City Police responded to a call for an alcohol violation. Upon arrival Police learned an individual was attempting to purchase alcohol with a fake id. Police observed the ID to be fake and the person in possession of the ID was not the person listed on the MD ID. Arrested was Jose Nik age 23, of Temperenceville, VA. Nik was charged with possession of a fake ID and underage alcohol violations.

4-29-2012       Pocomoke City Police responded to a Disturbance complaint. Upon arrival Police located two individuals arguing in the roadway. After Police ordered the individuals to quiet down and go their separate ways, one of the suspects refused to cooperate with the Officers orders. Arrested was Loynial Sturgis Age 32 of Pocomoke MD. Sturgis was charged with Disorderly Conduct and Failure to Obey a Lawful Order.


In Case You Missed It: Change Maryland / Larry Hogan

"Doomsday Budget"
NBC-4 4.27.12

"Only in Maryland could a $700 million increase be considered 'doomsday.'" -Larry Hogan

Change Maryland Announces One-Year Anniversary 
citybizlist 4.27.12

"It has become the largest citizens' organization in the state with over 12,000 followers on Facebook."

The Budget Mess and Tax Hikes
Maryland Reporter 4.26.12

“They want the government to do what they’re doing at home,” and determine 'what are the priorities we have to fund' without new revenues, Hogan said. “Every single year they’ve increased spending by more than $1 billion.” 

"Doomsbay Budget," Special Session, Taxes and Spending
WBAL "Jimmy Mathis" 4.21.12

 "We started with just a few friends and have grown into an army of 12,000 people from every single county in Maryland." - Larry Hogan

"They weren't able to get this done when they have control over all three parts of Government." -Jimmy Mathis

 "I'm glad it blew up, we don't want these tax increases. They have a failed record of lost jobs, higher spending, record tax increases and broken promises.  -Larry Hogan

One-Party Rule, Special Interests
WCBM "Sean and Frank" 4.19.12

 "When you have a one party rule in a state like Maryland, like we've had for almost decades, it's no wonder the party can get away with just about anything." -Frank Luber

 "Our group Change Maryland, we founded it almost a year ago, we've been adding 1000 people a month to bring common sense and fiscal restraint to Annapolis." -Larry Hogan

 "We need a group to lobby for the rest of us." -Frank Luber

Why do Annapolis Leaders do these things? - because they can
Baltimore Sun Op Ed: 4.17.12

"Of course, reasonable people can disagree over the wisdom of the governor's unsuccessful wind energy proposal. But the timing of the rally struck me as especially curious. Why would state leaders elevate this boutique, quixotic proposal over more immediate priorities impacting the lives of Marylanders, like the state budget? Then it occurred to me: Because they can." - Larry Hogan,0,3065380.story

Change Maryland Grows to 10,000 in Under a Year
citybizlist 4.09.12

"There is an alternative to arrogant one-party monopoly rule.Small businesses, taxpayers and those looking for work unfortunately are not considered 'special interests,' and as a result are dismissed as collateral damage as Maryland marches on towards ever-increasing spending and taxes." - Larry Hogan


Outdoor Burning Ban For Worcester County Has Been Cancelled

Effective Immediately

The outdoor burning ban in effect for Worcester County since midApril has been cancelled due to sufficient rainfall last week.

Worcester County Fire Marshall Jeff McMahon says  that a continued dry weather pattern would force the return of the burning ban and cautions residents and visitors against burning since rainfall amounts vary in each area of the county. 

Furthermore, all who conduct outdoor burnings, regardless of the type, are reminded that the law requires any fire to be attended from start to extinguishment. Precautions for having the proper tools and safe water supply are also required.

For furtherinformation, contact Fire Marshal Jeff McMahon at 410-632-5666.

Accomack County Announces SPRING CLEANING

Spring Clean

Accomack Countys Spring Clean will be held on Saturday, May 5, 2012.

The Accomack County Board of Supervisors will waive landfill tipping fees for residential waste and recyclable materials brought in that day.

The tipping fee waiver does not apply to businesses or commercial for-hire waste haulers.

Landfills will be open Saturday, May 5, 2012, from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM.

Not Acceptable
Residential WastePaint
Yard WastePesticides
Construction/Demolition DebrisAsbestos
Tires (car small truck off the rim,Hazardous Material
Used motor oil
Scrap metal
Car batteries

For questions call the Accomack County Public Works office at (757) 787-1468 or (757) 824-0020