Thursday, August 9, 2012

National Night Out In Pocomoke City 2012

Pocomoke City's NATIONAL NIGHT OUT  2012
Hosted by the Pocomoke City Police Department

The kids loved this!  But then kids have the energy.  The older I become the more amazed I am with the things children can and will do.  Note:  to enter this house of a thousand bounces you have to crawl through a small door, or so it seemed.  Once inside you just bounce up and down, fall down, get up,  fall down again and continue that same routine for what seemed to me forever.  The amazing part, to me,  is when you have completed all the bouncing you crawl out the small door, get to your feet and continue onto something else.  Amazing!

Pocomoke City Manager Russ Blake and wife Lynn with Councilwoman Tracey Cottman
Officer Perkins with one of the city crew workers, I believe.

Mike Dean with Lt. Green and some other Pocomoke City Police Officers
Mayor Bruce Morrison with Councilwoman Diane Downing and Councilwoman Tracey Cottman
In this photo:  Rhonda Sewell, wife of Pocomoke City Police Chief, Councilwoman Downing, Mayor Morrison, Laura Morrison and Councilwoman Cottman.

Pictured with PCPD Chief Kelvin Sewell
What an honor it was to have Sen. Jim Mathias (left to right), MD State Police Commander of the Berlin Barracks- Lt. Earl Starner and Worcester County State's Attorney Beau Oglesby  attending the National Night Out in Pocomoke.

Also attending: Investigator for the Wor. Co. State's Attorney  Office- Rick Taylor and Special Investigator fof the Wor. Co. State's Attorney Office. 

Officer Perkins with Mike Dean
PFC 1st Class Ralph Corbin with Lt. Earl Starner and Tfc. Orndorff
from the MD. State Police Barracks in Berlin.  He is also a K-9 Handler.

These 3 were having a great time but didn't stick around longe enough to give me their names.

National Night Out events have proven to be effective all across America. 

Each National Night Out is an inexpensive and enjoyable  evening to promote neighborhood spirit and  police/community partnerships.  The outcome is to create a safer and more productive neighborhood, not just in one community but all across the nation.

Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin Sewell has certainly kept his word when he wrote in   his Mission Statement "to provide the highest quality of police service" and to "develop a partnership with the community". What he has done in just a few short months with his department and for the great town of Pocomoke City is outstanding.

Be sure to thank them.

Mar-Va Theater ~ ONE NIGHT ONLY

Advanced  Musical Level of the Mar-Va  Theater Academy
Presents its final performance

Friday  August 10, 2012
7:00 PM
Adults:  $5.00 / Children  $3.00

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Delmarva A State?

A number of times in past history the idea surfaced that our Eastern Shore counties and Delaware should join to become a new state. We've come across some of these mentions.. from 1833, 1870, 1901, and 1933.

Read more about it this Sunday on the Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

~Save The Date ~Third Friday ART STROLL

Many of the hosts on the Third Friday Art Stroll will be serving complimentary refreshments.  There will be face painting for the little ones.

The Pocomoke City Chamber of Commerce will  be hosting two artists and holding an OPEN HOUSE  with complimentary refreshments.

Sounds like another fun evening in downtown Pocomoke!

Group Seeks To Ease Transition of Former Inmates

Connie Morrison
Every year, inmates are released in from prison, and have to assimilate back into their local communities. How do inmates go about re-building lives after they are released? One way is to tap into the services of the many government agencies or non-profit organizations on the Eastern Shore.

One recent Tuesday morning, the conference room at the Accomack County Social Services building was packed with individuals representing those groups. From Social Services, to Veterans Affairs, to church and homeless groups, each was there because he or she has a role to play in helping former inmates re-enter the community in a way that is supportive and constructive. The group is called the Eastern Shore Re-Entry Council.

The Council needs volunteers for mentoring and other forms of assistance to this population so that they do not end up back in prison. Training is provided.

Why should you care? Over 37,000 people are incarcerated in Virginia Department of Corrections prisons and in local jails. Every year, about one-third of those complete their sentences and are released back into their home communities. Virginia's Eastern Shore expects more than 50 such former inmates over the next year. The consequences to a community are many if these individuals re-offend, including: new crime victims, higher cost to tax payers, loss of productivity, and unsupported families and children.

If you are interested in providing mentoring or other volunteer services for ex-offenders, and strengthening your community in doing so, please call Ann Wessells at the Accomack County Probation and Parole office at 787-5890.


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Pocomoke City "National Night Out" 2012

Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin Sewell and the Pocomoke City Police Department did an excellant job  in hosting the National Night Out in Pocomoke last night.  I'm sure lots of the planning was left up to Angel and some others and they did a marvelous job!  A big thank you to all of you from me.  Great job!!

Pocomoke City certainly has had lots of great things happening in the past few months.  Most of  accomplishments  had been on the drawing board for quite awhile.  New restaurants, ribbon cutting ceremonies, a block party, a new station for the Pocomoke City Police Department, a new Pocomoke City Police Chief....the list goes on.  However, as excited as we all are when these things come around there is always a part in some (including myself)  that think of those that have passed this lifetime and wish so much they were here to enjoy what would have made them so proud also. 

 Councilman Honis Cane, Mayor Curt Lippoldt and Councilman Bob Hawkins....  They would be excited.  Most of all they would be proud.

The late Councilman Bob Hawkins in a photograph with Retired Pocomoke City Police Chief J.D. Ervin.

Mayor Bruce Morrison with Pocomoke City Chief Kelvin Sewell
Thanks for everything Mr. Mayor and Chief!
Laura and Mayor Morrison
Chief Sewell and Laura.  By the way, that's my husband in the background.  Bless his heart.  I drug him right from work to Cypress Park.  I appreciate the fact that he understands how important it is for me to be in Pocomoke and how much I love these people.....(they let me take their pictures)  Besides, my husband keeps upgrading my cameras so it's partly "his fault".

The first person to greet me at the park yesterday evening was someone I have known forever and had not seen for many years.  That's Oscar Townsend on the left with Councilman Don Malloy, Chief Sewell, and Councilman Rob Clarke.
Most of us were thinking hot dogs for dinner but hamburgers and french fries were served.  These guys did some fast grilling and lots of it.  Thanks to all of you.  It was great!

OC 104 kept the music going....and going....

 Pocomoke Karate showed all of us what they could do.  The young people are amazing!  The discipline they have is just amazing...even for the tiny ones.

Not a very nice photo of the small dog.  He was standing in line and seemed to actually have a smile on his tiny face. 

I believe this is Pocomoke City Police Lt. Green speaking with a couple of gentlemen who stopped by for National Night Out.

There's more............

2 New Stop Signs Added in Pocomoke

Those who frequently drive down Cedar Street are probably aware of the newest edition to the streets.  A few weeks ago the City added a new 4 Way Stop Sign at 10th Street and Cedar Street.  Now, they have some new stop signs at the intersections of 11th Street and Cedar Street as well as 14th Street and Cedar Street.  So Be Careful and pay attention as you are driving down Cedar Street, because you will notice more signs like this one:
 And this one:
And if you don't notice them....It could cause some serious issues.  Stay Safe!

Riverside Grill ~ Wednesday Specials



Cheeseburger Soup with half turkey sand. or side salad 5.99

Pesto Pasta Salad with grilled chicken 8.99

Cold Plate: Chicken, Tuna, and Potato Salads 6.99

Buffalo Shrimp with Fries 8.99

Tropical Salad with chilled shimp and honey mustard dressing 8.99

Happy Hour 4-7 Pm!

Pocomoke City National Night Out

What a beautiful night in Cypress Park  and what an enjoyable time!

I couldn't help but remember the two words that Mayor Morrison spoke about in a speech of his not very long ago.  Two key words.  Pride and proud.  This was my first experience with the National Night Out event and I can't imagine being in another town other than Pocomoke.

Mr. Mayor, I am Pocomoke PROUD!  I always have been.  But now, more than ever.  Pocomoke's the greatest and if any of you do not agree you just aren't trying hard enough! 

This was my first experience with the National Night Out function and I can't imagine being in another town other than Pocomoke.
 I don't think I have ever seen so many people milling around in the same world as I have tonight.  Everyone, young, old, black, white, rich or poor all seemed to be on the same page.

Here are some photos from earlier this evening.  I will have lots more when the sun comes up....Right now, I need some sleep.

Thanks for a wonderful evening and for the invitation, Chief Sewell! 

Gotta love those Virginia boys!! 
Another Virginian that takes his loved one back to Pocomoke for National Night Out! 

Thank you OC104 for being in Pocomoke.  I'm not a hip-hop lover but what you did play was great. Still couldn't find a soul to dance with me!
Hamburgers sure didn't last long!  These guys worked hard and the hamburgers with french fries were great!

More to follow.........

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Due to an substantial increase in citizen complaints regarding the illegal use of laser pointers, the Ocean City Police Department is reminding citizens of the “Harassment by Laser Pointer” law.

The ordinance, which has been in effect since 2010, makes it unlawful for anyone to focus, or shine a laser pointer directly or indirectly on another person or animal in any manner.  It is also unlawful for any person to shine a laser pointer directly or indirectly on a balcony, porch, patio, deck or any other structure where a person or persons may gather or in any window or door, or any vehicle on land, air or water, which includes but is not limited to cars, bicycles, scooters, buses, trams, planes, helicopters, boats, jet skis, motorcycles, Segway’s or wheelchairs in any manner.

It is also illegal for minors (Age 17 and Under) to purchase or possess laser pointers within the corporate limits of Ocean City.

In addition, it is a crime for any person to shine a laser pointer on the beach, boardwalk, public streets or sidewalks or from private property onto the beach, boardwalk, public streets or sidewalks, or from public property onto private property or from private property onto another private property.


Also, it is unlawful to sell a laser pointer without having a sign conspicuously posted at the point of sale or exchange advising potential purchasers of the Ocean City laser pointer law.  It is unlawful to sell a laser pointer without providing the purchaser with written notice, in bold face type, a copy setting forth verbatim the laws set forth in the Ocean City Code.

The penalties for violations of this law make it a misdemeanor offense punishable by up to six months in jail and or a $1,000 fine.   The OCPD will be strictly enforcing this ordinance and is asking for the public’s cooperation and compliance.

As a reminder, laser pointers are not toys.  These devices should never be shined on or around people or animals.   The devices, if used improperly, pose risks to humans and animals and could cause eye damage.  Parents of children who have been given laser pointers are reminded that it is no longer legal for minor children to possess laser pointers and they should be restricted from their use.
The ordinance is posted on the Town of Ocean City web page:

Ocean City Police Dept. Press Release

Press Release-Del. McDermott has Top Rating with MD Businesses

Roll Call:
McDermott Scores 100% from MBRG
(Maryland Business for Responsive Government)

Delegate Michael McDermott (R-Dist. 38-B) was recently recognized as receiving a 100% rating from the MBRG. This marks the second consecutive year that Del. McDermott has received the highest rating as a legislator who is supporting business and a business friendly climate in Maryland.

To determine an accurate picture of the Maryland legislature's attitudes toward business, jobs, economic growth, and investment in the state, MBRG's 30-member State Advisory Council selects votes from the last regular and special General Assembly sessions that have practical or philosophical importance to the widest possible range of Maryland businesses, trade associations, and chambers of commerce. Before introducing or voting on legislation, the MBRG encourages legislators to consider the following questions:
1. Will the legislation increase or decrease the cost of doing business for companies in Maryland? If the answer is increase, will the added costs of the legislation and subsequent regulations exceed the added benefit to Maryland's residents?
2. Will the legislation and subsequent regulations be more or less stringent than, or contradictory to, federal law and regulations; or will it give Maryland a competitive advantage or disadvantage with other states?
3. Will the legislation encourage or discourage companies from adding new jobs or keeping current jobs in Maryland?
4. Will the legislation encourage or discourage individuals and businesses from investing and building?
5. Will the legislation promote or impede the competitive market by removing or imposing legal, economic and/or regulatory burdens, taxes, or costs?
6. Is there another way to solve the problem or address the issue without legislation; or is there existing legislation addressing the matter?
7. Will introducing the bill send a positive or negative message about Maryland's business climate?

Here’s how the rest of the lower shore delegation rated with business in 2011 and 2012:
                    2011        2012
Sen. Richard Colburn-R        100%        100%
Sen. James Mathias-D         45%        63%
Del. Rudy Cane-D            10%        9%
Del. Norman Conway-D        20%        20%
Del. Adelaide Eckardt-R        100%        100%
Del. Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio-R    100%        93%
Del. Michael McDermott-R        100%        100%
Del. Charles Otto-R            100%        100%

Operation Whitetail "Freedom Ride" Rides To Raise Money For Wounded Vets

Operation Whitetail "Freedom Ride" traveled through the smaller towns of the Eastern Shore Saturday. Through the countryside of Preston, Federalsburg, Easton, all points inbetween and ending on Tilghman Island. Steets and roadways were lined with flags of all sizes and plenty of citizens were on hand to show their support for the wounded veterans and all military men and women that serve this great country. 

Thank you Greg and Shayne Meyer for all you have done and continue to do.

Photo/Susan Runnels

Ride benefits wounded vets
Dustin Holt

FEDERALSBURG -- Mid-Shore residents waved American flags and held signs of appreciation Saturday morning as more than 200 U.S. military veterans and supporters on motorcycles roared through the Caroline County countryside to raise money for charity.

Operation Whitetail, a non-profit for helping wounded military veterans, organized Freedom Ride, which took riders from Federalsburg, through Preston and Easton to St. Michaels and ended on Tilghman Island for lunch.

Showing their support for the Freedom Riders and all military-
Nick Robinson, Mary Harding, Jamie Shufelt, Bobbi Ane Bee,
Nancy Nagel, Hope Hall, Scott Runnels and Shane
Darling Meyer/Photo Susan Harding Runnels
Money raised during the ride gives wounded veterans a chance for a hunting weekend near Federalsburg. In its first year last year, the ride raised more than $7,000.

The National Guard and Maryland State Police escorted the riders on their trip.

Shayne Meyer, Operation Whitetail vice president, said she and her husband Greg began bringing wounded veterans to their farm near Federalsburg to thank military service members for all they do for the country.

Photo/ Patti Holland
"We bring them down from Walter Reed and they stay with us for four days to do some hunting around our farm and other farms around the area," she said. "A lot of the guys riding with us today are Vietnam veterans and they did not get the thank you they deserved 30 years ago. We wanted to make this a day of freedom and celebration. There is never a dry eye from Federalsburg to Tilghman Island.
Complete story...
Thanks so much, Susan !

Pocomoke ~ National Night Out 2012 Is Tonight !!

Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin Sewell 
 Invites the Pocomoke Citizens to attend

Cypress Park
Tuesday,  August 7, 2012
6:00 PM until 9:00 PM

Come out to join the Pocomoke City Police, businesses and citizens in a night of gathering and friendship.

Food and drink - while supply lasts.


Sponsors for the event are:
Masonic Lodge
Sharp Energy
Kiwanis Club
and more........

SEE YOU THERE..........

Change Maryland, O'Malley Square off about Data

O'Malley Administration officials attempted to dispute key findings on tax migration, job loss and businesses leaving or shutting down altogether.  According to the Internal Revenue Service, Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Census, Maryland lags the region in all three metrics. 

Below is Change Maryland's response to the Administration's letter in the Washington Times. 

O'Malley Cherry Picks Jobs Data 8.3.12

"Losing 6,500 businesses, 40,000 jobs and 31,000 taxpayers is not “making headway.”
- Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan

Maryland Making Jobs Headway 8.1.12

"Maryland’s job market is not the worst in the nation, as a recent article in The Washington Times claimed."
- O'Malley Administration economic development, labor secretaries

Banquet To Raise Money for Sharone White Bailey Scholarship Fund

The second annual Sharone White Bailey Scholarship banquet will be held this weekend at the Elks Lodge in Accomac.

 The banquet will raise money for a scholarship to be awarded to a needy student in memory of Sharone Bailey, who was murdered by a neighbor in 2010. Bailey was a community leader who served as a counselor and board member at Eastern Shore Rural Health among other community activities.

The banquet will begin with a social gathering at 5 PM with dinner at 6.

The cost is $35 per person.

 For tickets, contact Sheila Turner at 787-2267, Marcie White at 787-2107 or Betty Savage at 665-4010.