Sunday, August 12, 2012

"Praise In the Park"

It's wonderful to see that so many members and friends of the local churches chose the beautiful Cypress Park to gather and spend the evening together last Wednesday evening. 

An inspirational evening in Cypress Park.

"Praise In the Park"

"Praise In the Park" message was deliverd by Jamar Jackson from Mt. Zion UM Church

Sarah Butler from Bethany Church sang "God Bless America"

Rev. Jonathan Whitney
Mt. Zion UM Church Choir

Gwendolyn from St. John's  UM Church

St. Johns UM Church

St. Johns UM Church

St James UM Church
Liturgical Dance

Brittany Lewis from Salem UM Methodist Church
Four-Given from Salem  UM Church
Salem UM Church Choir

Thanks Christy for sending the photos!

TIME MACHINE ... Delmarva A State?

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)


February, 1833

(THE MAIL- Hagers-Town, Md.) (Spelling of town is correct for this era)

From The Delaware Journal.


An OVERTURE, it has been seen, has been made by our legislature to the legislature of Maryland, for an union between this state and the eight counties of Maryland on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay- the united territory to be called the State of Delaware. We know not in what spirit this overture may be received by our sister state, but we understand, that the first suggestion of such an union came from leading citizens of that state, and we ourselves have heard one of her most distinguished citizens on the Eastern Shore, advocate it as a measure desirable in itself & which would be acceptable to the people of that district. If natural boundaries had been originally considered, the whole Peninsula, including the counties of Maryland and the two counties of Accomac and Northampton, which by some queer accident, belong to Virginia, would have been included in one government. Nature intended it so- but men's caprice has marred the design, and spoiled one of the prettiest states of which our union could have boasted, and even accepting the sovereign state of S. Carolina. Why Virginia should stretch her enormous legs across the wide expanse of the Chesapeake Bay, or Maryland wish to retain a territory disunited from her main body by nature's irrevocable fiat, supposing the wish to exist, are questions we desire those interested to consider. - The people of the Peninsula assimilate in character and habits, and would readily form one people, as nature intended their territory to constitute one state. In the event of such an arrangement, Easton would probably become the capital of the regenerated state- and its Capitol, adorned by the Lloyds, the Chambers, the Goldsboroughs, the Tilghmans, the Kerrs, and the Upshurs, of the Eastern Shore, with the Claytons and others , who little Delaware could throw into the scale, would present a galaxy of talent and character, which would give the Peninsular State a name that her sons would be proud of. We wish our Maryland friends to take this matter seriously into their consideration. 


January, 1870

(The New York Times)

The effort to consolidate Delaware, the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and Accomac County, in Virginia, into a new state, has been renewed with increased energy. A Baltimore paper insists, however, that if the new arrangement is to be carried into effect, Delaware must lose its identity, and the new State be called Chesapeake "as the people of Virginia and Maryland would object to being annexed to so small a state as Delaware." How the new state will be any larger under the name of Chesapeake than it would be under the name of Delaware it did not explain, and we appeal to it for further information before committing ourself to the project.


July, 1901

(The Daily News- Frederick, Md.)



Eastern Shore Suggested as a Part of "Delmarvia"

"Delmarvia" says the New York Times, "is the odd name that some persons bestow upon a hypothetical State of the American Union." A proposal to create such a state by the union of Delaware with the counties of the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Virginia has been often discussed, often with considerable interest and by the people of Delaware, occasionally with qualified approval by part of the people of Maryland most directly interested, never with interest or approval by the Eastern Shoremen of Virginia, and usually with unqualified disapproval by Virginia and Maryland.

"Rural Delaware and the Peninsula counties of Maryland and Virginia had a common English origin and a population almost exclusively native and of native ancestry. But Wilmington, which will soon include half of the population of Delaware, has a large foreign element. Eastern Shore traditions are also more distinctly southern and aristocratic than those of Delaware, and the strong Quaker element in Northern Delaware has no counterpart on the Eastern Shore."


December, 1933

(The Daily News- Frederick, Md.) 


Invasion of Gov. Ritchies Militia and Criticism from Baltimoreans Heightens Agitation that Nine Counties Secede from Maryland and Join Delaware.

By NEA Service


Baltimore, Md. Dec.26.- Delmarva- newest commonwealth in the American family of states!

Back of the proposal for establishment of the new state, to be made up of Delaware and eleven counties of the other two states, lies a story of virtual civil war in Maryland. It is the immanent secession of the nine Maryland counties and their union with Delaware which would make the new state possible, and the backers of the plan-they number thousands in eastern Maryland- are hopeful that the two lower Peninsula counties of Virginia will join their lot with the Maryland counties.

Such a secession of the Maryland counties from the rest of the state, which lies on the other side of the Chesapeake, would be revolutionary in recent American political history.

But to the citizens of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, secession is not unthinkable. For it was only recently soldies invaded the lower shore. They seized citizens of two counties and held them prisoner in an armory. The outraged inhabitants attacked the armory, and virtually drove them out- drove them back ignonimously to Baltimore, and with them drove the Attorney General of Maryland and the Commander of the Maryland National Guard.

From that incident particularly, and from a series of other previous incidents, has arisen the desire of the citizens of the Maryland's Eastern Shore to break away from the rest of the state.

For the Eastern Shoremen are mad- mad clean through. Their resentment is particularly directed towards Maryland's Governor Ritchie, and also towards Baltimore newspapers which have been exceedingly open in their criticism of the 'Shore and its demonstrations of mob violence which culminated recently in the open street fight at Salisbury between irate citizens and the militiamen dispatched by Governor Ritchie to seize suspected lynchers.

That "Battle of Salisbury" was to the citizens of the Eastern Shore what the Battle of Lexington was to the American colonists in 1776.


August, 1956.

A welcoming road sign bearing the insignia of 11 Pocomoke City civic and service organizations was erected along Route 13 about a half-mile south of town. Sponsors were: The Pocomoke City Chamber Of Commerce... Pocomoke Woman's Club...Soroptimist International...Junior Woman's Club Of Pocomoke City...Junior Chamber Of Commerce...American Legion Post 93...Lions International...Rotary International...Kiwanis International...B.P.O. Elks Lodge 94...Veterans Of Foreign Wars Post 8622.

A second sign was to be placed on the northern approach to town. Snow Hill had already placed welcoming signs to their town and Berlin was planning to do the same. 



Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Concerns and Comments

Comments on a post made last Sunday concerning the membership drive for the Save The Youth has gotten many comments....some negative...some positive. I'm sorry to say that as of almost one week later there have been no comments left by anyone identifying themselves as a part of Save The Youth. There are no names of board member nor staff.

A request for more information on the organization was left and there was no response. I personally emailed the person who's name was on the request that the info be posted to see how the membership drive was going and if I should post it again. No response. I am not going to deny the fact that Save The Youth at one time, many years ago, was a very good thing. Recently, however, if you were to check back on the Pocomoke City Council minutes you will find that Bishop Jenkins with the Rev. James Jones have been to the council meetings numerous times but the minutes will show they have failed to produce what the council has requested.  Readers of the PPE have requested info and there is no response with any information.

You can not expect the citizens of Pocomoke to just accept this group without the knowledge of who they are. I have personally searched many times for information on this group to see how it is progressing and who some of the leaders may be but have reached nothing but dead ends.

Here is one comments:
Please answer the above questions and more!
What does "Save the Youth" do for the youth? How many are saved? What are they saved from?
How are the parents involved? Where is your roster?
What age youth do you serve?
How are they supervised?
What do the youth do for the community? Do the youth simply take from the community or do they contribute to the community?
Are they taught entitlement or self-reliance, ethics and moral behavior?

How are the youth involved in fund raising?
Do you have an official non-profit tax status with paperwork up to date?

And here is one reply:
Never read such degrading and negative remarks. STY for years held basketball tournaments outdoors for youth, sponsored motivational speaker events, and workshops targeting the youth.

No other organization has thus far come close.
Instead of spreading fear, hatred and negativity... GET INVOLVED!

Kudos to Bishop Jenkins and staff.
Now, how is anyone supposed to get involved if there is no phone #, no email, NO NAMES ! How can people get involved if they have no information??Not one soul seems to have gone to bat for the Save The Youth - which is now - Save The Youth Crime Prevention. Seems to me that if this organization is SO very crucial to the youths of the city someone would be answering some questions....and the citizens would know who you are.
And while we are on the subject of youths ...

This was emailed to me earlier this week and I find that it is an ideal time to post it.

Wise Words from a Judge in New Zealand - for Young People and Adults
"Northland College (NZ) principal John Tapene has offered the following words from a judge who regularly deals with youth.

"Always we hear the cry from teenagers 'What can we do, where can we go?'
... My answer is, "Go home, mow the lawn, wash the windows, learn to cook, build a raft, get a job, visit the sick, study your lessons, and after you've finished, read a book."

"Your town does not owe you recreational facilities and your parents do not owe you fun. The world does not owe you a living, you owe the world something. You owe it your time, energy and talent so that no one will be at war, in poverty or sick and lonely again."

"In other words, grow up, stop being a cry baby, get out of your dream world and develop a backbone, not a wishbone.

Start behaving like a responsible person. You are important and you are needed. It's too late to sit around and wait for somebody to do something someday. Someday is now and that somebody is you..."

Minutes From Pocomoke City Mayor and Council Meeting ~ 7/2/12

July 2, 2012

The regular meeting of the Pocomoke Mayor and Council was held in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Monday July 2, 2012. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.

Present: Mayor Bruce Morrison
Council Members: Tracey Cottman,
Rob Clarke, Diane Downing,
Donald L. Malloy, George Tasker
City Attorney William Hudson
City Manager Russell W. Blake
City Clerk Carol L. Justice

Review Minutes:
In a motion (Malloy, Clarke passed), to approve the minutes of June 18, 2012.

Review Bills:
In a motion (Downing, Clarke passed), the bills presented to be paid. (Copy of bill list attached to original minutes).

Chief Kelvin Sewell to introduce new Police Officer, Anthony Foy:
Chief Sewell introduced Anthony Foy as a new certified officer. Mr. Foy has been a dispatcher for two and half years and became a certified police officer two years ago. Mr. Foy lives in Fruitland Maryland.
Mayor Morrison welcomed Mr. Foy to the City of Pocomoke.

Chief Kelvin Sewell to discuss recent grand opening of new police station building and National Night Out event (August 7):
Chief Sewell thanked the Mayor and Council for the new police building. He stated that staff morale is up and crime rate are down.
Chief Sewell stated that the National Night Out will be August 7 this year and the State funding for this event has been cut. He would like to request $1,500 to fund this project. He stated that it is a well-attended event.
Mayor Morrison stated that it is a wonderful program.
In a motion (Malloy, Downing passed) to sponsor the National Night Out with a donation of $1,500.

Authorize Mayor to sign renewal agreement for monitoring and laboratory services for Water and Wastewater Treatment with Maryland Environmental Service (MES):
City Manager Blake stated the MES has been a back-up service that advises and counsels the Superintendent with monitoring and laboratory services at the Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant. He stated that the contract was up for renewal at a cost of $21,905.
Councilman Clarke asked if there were any alternatives.
City Manager Blake stated yes, but they would be very costly.
In a motion (Tasker, Cottman passed) to authorize the Mayor to sign the renewal agreement with MES in the amount of $21, 905.

Discuss recommendation from Housing Coordinator Harvey Davis for repair or demolition of houses at 724 Sixth Street (James Finney, owner) and 415 Oxford Street (Mr. James H and Mary E. Wright, lifetime and others, owners):
Mayor Morrison read a memo from Housing Coordinator Harvey Davis stating that both properties show signs of progressive structural failure, neglect, and abandonment, and should be considered unsafe structures.
In a motion (Cottman, Downing passed) to accept Housing Coordinator Harvey Davis’ recommendation to send notification to owners to repair or demolish 724 Sixth Street and 415 Oxford Street.

Discuss proposal from building inspector Ron Hamblin for preliminary inspection services at Armory Building:
City Manager Blake stated that the City needed to have a preliminary inspection of the Armory building to find out the condition of the building and the possibilities for reuse of the building. He suggested Ron Hamblin for this job since Mr. Hamblin has done other inspections for the City. There would be two phases; Phase one would be to inspect the building and determine possible reuses and Phase two would be an environmental review inspection.
Councilwoman Cottman suggested to move forward with the preliminary inspection and not to make any decision regarding the building until the preliminary study was completed.
In a motion (Malloy, Cottman passed) to hire Ron Hamblin for preliminary inspection of the Armory building.
Councilman Clarke stated that Save the Youth would like to use the gym this summer.
In a motion (Clarke, Cottman passed) to allow “Save the Youth” to use the gym if they sign the proposed lease agreement, and abide by all conditions, for the summer using the back door. Also Save the Youth could continue to use the office downstairs until preliminary study is completed. Councilman Malloy was not in favor of this motion.

City Attorney to discuss proposed Ethics Ordinance as required by Maryland State Law:
City Attorney Hudson stated that the City has an Ethics Ordinance (Chapter 37) in the Code book but it has been thirty (30) years since it has been updated. The new state law is much more comprehensive. The City requested and was exempted from the lobbying requirements. Two model ordinances which we must choose trying to add into them can be cumbersome. He suggested going with the simplest model ordinance and he would have a draft Ordinance at the next meeting.
Mayor Morrison stated that he did speak with Scott Hancock at the MML Convention and stated his displeasure with how MML handled this situation.

City Attorney to discuss progress on right-of-way acquisition for Stormwater Drainage project near Butler’s Village:
City Attorney Hudson stated that since the last meeting he spoke with City Manager Blake and Attorney Paul Wilbur who has handled things like this before. Mr. Wilbur stated that Tucker Homes is in foreclosure and in 2010-2011 they filed bankruptcy. PNC Bank holds the lien and has initiated a foreclosure. Auctions take time because they have to be advertised for three weeks and several months after to complete the sale. He stated that he doesn’t believe that the City can negotiate and finalize an agreement with Tucker Homes at this time.
City Manager Blake stated that they need to look at the map again to see if there may be another way to proceed with the stormwater plan.
Mayor Morrison asked City Manager Blake to request an extension for the grant.

City Manager to discuss proposed cell phone policy:
City Manager Blake stated that Finance Director Monna VanEss has recommended a cell phone policy for privately owned cell phones used by employees for City business. Employees who are required to have a cell phone would be required to sign an agreement and be reimbursed $40.00 a month which would be taxable. The IRS is considering a cell phone policy and we would be required to keep more documents to determine what was used as business or personal. This proposal would make it easier for the City and could possibly save money.
Councilman Tasker asked what the percentage of the cell phone would be paid.
City Manager Blake stated maybe 50%.
It was suggested to reimburse employees $60 per month for cell phone use and the employee would be required to maintain the cell phone, chargers and headsets.
Councilwoman Cottman asked how many people have City cell phones.
City Manager Blake stated approximately 12.
In a motion (Malloy, Tasker passed) to adopt a cell phone policy with to reimburse employees $60.00/month to maintain a cell phone for both personal and City buisness.

Cameras on Cedar Street near school zones:
Mayor Morrison said he would like to have a trial period using cameras on Cedar Street to slow traffic down in that area. He recommended a three month trial period.
Councilman Malloy stated that he liked Councilman Clarke’s idea a couple of months ago about adding stop signs.
Councilman Clarke stated he doesn’t like the cameras. It’s a scam for local government to raise taxes without taxes being raised.
Esther Troast, from the audience, stated that she would be happy with the cameras but something had to be done regarding the speeding on Cedar Street. She has almost been killed twice pulling out of her driveway; she said give her stop signs and she would be happy.
Councilman Malloy asked Councilman Clarke where he thought stop signs should be installed.
Councilman Clarke stated a 4-way at 10th and Cedar; 3-way at 11th and Cedar; and 3-way at 14th and Cedar.
In a motion (Malloy, Clarke passed) to install new stop signs at 10th and Cedar, 11th and Cedar and 14th and Cedar.
Ms. Troast thanked the Mayor and Council.

Comments from Audience:
Josh Nordstrom thanked the City for their help at the Cypress Festival. He stated that they had hired a new executive director who will be working on Saturdays.

Comments from Council:
Councilman Tasker stated that 802 Second Street is infested with bats. The man living there had to move and the neighbors are upset.
City Manager Blake stated that the Health Department has been called.
Councilman Tasker asked if a handicap sign be installed at Front Street near the church.
In a motion (Clarke, Cottman passed) to have a handicap sign installed on Front Street.

Following a motion by Councilman Malloy and seconded by Councilwoman Cottman, the Council voted to meet in a closed session at 8:18 P.M. in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Morrison, Councilman Clarke, Councilman Malloy, Councilwoman Cottman, Councilwoman Downing, Councilman Tasker, City Manager Blake, City Attorney Hudson, and City Clerk Carol Justice. Items discussed were real estate matters and personnel. The Executive Session was adjourned at 8:26P.M.


Carol L. Justice
City Clerk

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Delmarva A State?

A number of times in past history the idea surfaced that our Eastern Shore counties and Delaware should join to become a new state. We've come across some of these mentions.. from 1833, 1870, 1901, and 1933.

Read more about it this Sunday on the Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Romney To Announce Running Mate Saturday In Virginia

WASHINGTON (AP) - Mitt Romney's campaign says the presumed Republican presidential nominee will announce his running mate Saturday morning in Norfolk, Va.

The short list - if there is one - is believed to include Ohio Rep. Rob Portman, former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan.

In a statement issued Friday night, the Romney campaign said the running mate would be revealed at 9 a.m. EDT at the Nauticus Museum. Romney is kicking off a four-day bus tour through swing states.

Romney's choice comes as he tries to repair an image damaged by negative Democratic advertising and shift the trajectory of a campaign that's seen him lose ground to President Barack Obama.

The vice presidential selection will dominate headlines, and Romney's team has been relentlessly teasing the announcement for weeks.


Friday, August 10, 2012

Worcester County Sheriff's Office Receives Grant

Sheriff’s Office awarded grant for sex offender monitoring
The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office applied for and has received a grant award of $8,510 from the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention.

This grant will help fund the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office monitoring support compliance of local sex offenders who are required to register or re-register with the Maryland Sex Offender Registry. This program benefits Worcester County by ensuring sex offenders are in full compliance as required by Maryland law and providing reassurance to county residents.

Grant funds help support the two parttime detectives who work to keep track of multiple offenders in Worcester County, Sheriff Reggie T. Mason stated.

The Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services is required to reimburse law enforcement annually for processing registration statements, fingerprints, photographs, and for performing community notification requirements.

The Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository Maryland Sex Offender Registry Unit has determined the amount of reimbursement to the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office is $15,000 for 75 active registrations, according to Mason.

Charged With Prostitution and Indecent Exposure In Salisbury

2010 Photo
SALISBURY -- A 22-year-old Pocomoke City woman and a Salisbury man were charged with prostitution and indecent exposure after a Salisbury Police Officer allegedly saw them engaged in sexual activity in public.

Kristen Ann Shockley and Andrez Pascual-Pascual, unknown age and address, were charged on Wednesday after an officer patrolling near Route 13 and Baltimore Avenue allegedly saw them engaging in a sex act, according to police documents.

Both were released to central booking.


Mar-Va Theater ~ Saturday Night~


*Make it Ladies Night Out*

Riverside Grill will offer wine and Cosmos specials
beginning at 5 PM

Saturday   August 11, 2012

7:30 PM
Tickets  $5.00
Rated R

Thursday, August 9, 2012

National Night Out In Pocomoke City 2012

Pocomoke City's NATIONAL NIGHT OUT  2012
Hosted by the Pocomoke City Police Department

The kids loved this!  But then kids have the energy.  The older I become the more amazed I am with the things children can and will do.  Note:  to enter this house of a thousand bounces you have to crawl through a small door, or so it seemed.  Once inside you just bounce up and down, fall down, get up,  fall down again and continue that same routine for what seemed to me forever.  The amazing part, to me,  is when you have completed all the bouncing you crawl out the small door, get to your feet and continue onto something else.  Amazing!

Pocomoke City Manager Russ Blake and wife Lynn with Councilwoman Tracey Cottman
Officer Perkins with one of the city crew workers, I believe.

Mike Dean with Lt. Green and some other Pocomoke City Police Officers
Mayor Bruce Morrison with Councilwoman Diane Downing and Councilwoman Tracey Cottman
In this photo:  Rhonda Sewell, wife of Pocomoke City Police Chief, Councilwoman Downing, Mayor Morrison, Laura Morrison and Councilwoman Cottman.

Pictured with PCPD Chief Kelvin Sewell
What an honor it was to have Sen. Jim Mathias (left to right), MD State Police Commander of the Berlin Barracks- Lt. Earl Starner and Worcester County State's Attorney Beau Oglesby  attending the National Night Out in Pocomoke.

Also attending: Investigator for the Wor. Co. State's Attorney  Office- Rick Taylor and Special Investigator fof the Wor. Co. State's Attorney Office. 

Officer Perkins with Mike Dean
PFC 1st Class Ralph Corbin with Lt. Earl Starner and Tfc. Orndorff
from the MD. State Police Barracks in Berlin.  He is also a K-9 Handler.

These 3 were having a great time but didn't stick around longe enough to give me their names.

National Night Out events have proven to be effective all across America. 

Each National Night Out is an inexpensive and enjoyable  evening to promote neighborhood spirit and  police/community partnerships.  The outcome is to create a safer and more productive neighborhood, not just in one community but all across the nation.

Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin Sewell has certainly kept his word when he wrote in   his Mission Statement "to provide the highest quality of police service" and to "develop a partnership with the community". What he has done in just a few short months with his department and for the great town of Pocomoke City is outstanding.

Be sure to thank them.

Mar-Va Theater ~ ONE NIGHT ONLY

Advanced  Musical Level of the Mar-Va  Theater Academy
Presents its final performance

Friday  August 10, 2012
7:00 PM
Adults:  $5.00 / Children  $3.00

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Delmarva A State?

A number of times in past history the idea surfaced that our Eastern Shore counties and Delaware should join to become a new state. We've come across some of these mentions.. from 1833, 1870, 1901, and 1933.

Read more about it this Sunday on the Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

~Save The Date ~Third Friday ART STROLL

Many of the hosts on the Third Friday Art Stroll will be serving complimentary refreshments.  There will be face painting for the little ones.

The Pocomoke City Chamber of Commerce will  be hosting two artists and holding an OPEN HOUSE  with complimentary refreshments.

Sounds like another fun evening in downtown Pocomoke!

Group Seeks To Ease Transition of Former Inmates

Connie Morrison
Every year, inmates are released in from prison, and have to assimilate back into their local communities. How do inmates go about re-building lives after they are released? One way is to tap into the services of the many government agencies or non-profit organizations on the Eastern Shore.

One recent Tuesday morning, the conference room at the Accomack County Social Services building was packed with individuals representing those groups. From Social Services, to Veterans Affairs, to church and homeless groups, each was there because he or she has a role to play in helping former inmates re-enter the community in a way that is supportive and constructive. The group is called the Eastern Shore Re-Entry Council.

The Council needs volunteers for mentoring and other forms of assistance to this population so that they do not end up back in prison. Training is provided.

Why should you care? Over 37,000 people are incarcerated in Virginia Department of Corrections prisons and in local jails. Every year, about one-third of those complete their sentences and are released back into their home communities. Virginia's Eastern Shore expects more than 50 such former inmates over the next year. The consequences to a community are many if these individuals re-offend, including: new crime victims, higher cost to tax payers, loss of productivity, and unsupported families and children.

If you are interested in providing mentoring or other volunteer services for ex-offenders, and strengthening your community in doing so, please call Ann Wessells at the Accomack County Probation and Parole office at 787-5890.


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Pocomoke City "National Night Out" 2012

Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin Sewell and the Pocomoke City Police Department did an excellant job  in hosting the National Night Out in Pocomoke last night.  I'm sure lots of the planning was left up to Angel and some others and they did a marvelous job!  A big thank you to all of you from me.  Great job!!

Pocomoke City certainly has had lots of great things happening in the past few months.  Most of  accomplishments  had been on the drawing board for quite awhile.  New restaurants, ribbon cutting ceremonies, a block party, a new station for the Pocomoke City Police Department, a new Pocomoke City Police Chief....the list goes on.  However, as excited as we all are when these things come around there is always a part in some (including myself)  that think of those that have passed this lifetime and wish so much they were here to enjoy what would have made them so proud also. 

 Councilman Honis Cane, Mayor Curt Lippoldt and Councilman Bob Hawkins....  They would be excited.  Most of all they would be proud.

The late Councilman Bob Hawkins in a photograph with Retired Pocomoke City Police Chief J.D. Ervin.

Mayor Bruce Morrison with Pocomoke City Chief Kelvin Sewell
Thanks for everything Mr. Mayor and Chief!
Laura and Mayor Morrison
Chief Sewell and Laura.  By the way, that's my husband in the background.  Bless his heart.  I drug him right from work to Cypress Park.  I appreciate the fact that he understands how important it is for me to be in Pocomoke and how much I love these people.....(they let me take their pictures)  Besides, my husband keeps upgrading my cameras so it's partly "his fault".

The first person to greet me at the park yesterday evening was someone I have known forever and had not seen for many years.  That's Oscar Townsend on the left with Councilman Don Malloy, Chief Sewell, and Councilman Rob Clarke.
Most of us were thinking hot dogs for dinner but hamburgers and french fries were served.  These guys did some fast grilling and lots of it.  Thanks to all of you.  It was great!

OC 104 kept the music going....and going....

 Pocomoke Karate showed all of us what they could do.  The young people are amazing!  The discipline they have is just amazing...even for the tiny ones.

Not a very nice photo of the small dog.  He was standing in line and seemed to actually have a smile on his tiny face. 

I believe this is Pocomoke City Police Lt. Green speaking with a couple of gentlemen who stopped by for National Night Out.

There's more............

2 New Stop Signs Added in Pocomoke

Those who frequently drive down Cedar Street are probably aware of the newest edition to the streets.  A few weeks ago the City added a new 4 Way Stop Sign at 10th Street and Cedar Street.  Now, they have some new stop signs at the intersections of 11th Street and Cedar Street as well as 14th Street and Cedar Street.  So Be Careful and pay attention as you are driving down Cedar Street, because you will notice more signs like this one:
 And this one:
And if you don't notice them....It could cause some serious issues.  Stay Safe!