Sunday, December 1, 2013

TIME MACHINE ... 1957, 1951, 1893, 1977, 1883


June, 1957
(The Deseret News And Telegram- Salt Lake City, Utah)

Voters Revolt, Wives Elected

EASTVILLE, VA. (UP)- A write-in revolt at the polls has bounced the top town officials of Eastville and elected their wives.

Only one was an exception. He lost out to his mother.

Election day, Wednesday, was just a quiet summer day for the citizens of this little town on Virginia's lower eastern shore. The shoo-in ticket of seven men on the ballot was unopposed.

About 110 citizens were eligible to vote, but only 24 did. Many were out of town watching the international naval review across Chesapeake Bay.

Then the vote was counted.

William R. Shannonhouse, candidate for mayor, lost to his wife Mary by a whisker. He got 11 votes. She got 12.

Each of five candidates for the town council lost to his wife by two votes. The sixth candidate lost to his mother by one.

The results were so sensational they broke up a bridge party. No one appeared happy.

The new mayor, Mrs. William R. Shannonhouse, put down her cards and called for an investigation.

"None of the women were trying to become candidates," she said indignantly. "We don't feel for a minute, we should fill our husbands' shoes."  

January, 1951
(Baltimore Afro-American)

School Holds Fete In Pocomoke City

POCOMOKE CITY, Md.- Stephen Long Junior High School had its field ball and soccer ball homecoming game against Worcester Junior High School of Snow Hill, Md. on Dec. 7.

The girls won the field ball game 4-0; and the boys lost the soccer game 0-2.

The homecoming queen was Miss Gloria Finney; and her attendants were Misses Louella Godwon, Beaulah Timmons, Betty Waters and Recilla Hughes.

The following evening, there was a Sadie Hawkins dance given by the physical education department.

The queen and her attendants were awarded prizes by their physical education instructor, Miss Georganna Showell, for their achievement in raising money in the contest.

The money was used to buy dance uniforms and a radio-phonograph. The five candidates raised $148.74.


January, 1893 (Time Machine archive)
(The Daily News- Frederick, Md.)

The condition of affairs in the lower peninsula, growing out of the protracted freeze, is growing worse. On Smith's Island the people are cutting down the few trees for fuel and killing the cattle for food. At Crisfield there is great destitution at the sailors' boarding-houses. Parties of men have ventured to walk across Tangier Sound to Smith's Island. Throughout the state yesterday morning was about the coldest of the winter. In Worcester County a temperature of 14 below zero is reported. Sinepuxent and Chincoteague Bays are frozen and communication with the island is cut off. Food and fuel there are scarce and the situation is becoming alarming.


March, 1977

Pocomoke City residents were remembering Benjamin Cohen who passed away at age 74. Mr. Cohen, an accountant and tax consultant in Pocomoke for 47 years, was a charter member and past president and secretary of the Pocomoke Kiwanis Club, member of the Worcester County Bingo Commission, and one of the founders and a past president of the Synagogue in Pocomoke City. For many years he also operated Modern Office Supply on Willow Street.


February, 1883
(The Denton Journal)

IRON FOR FRUIT TREES- Mr. Chas. W. Long, of Somerset County, Md., has tested the theory that iron driven into apple trees will promote fruit-bearing. He has a winter golden pippen which never held its fruit or bore heavily until some old horseshoes placed in the forks of the tree became imbedded in it. Now it bears abundantly, and the fruit is of the best quality.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1957.. Write-in revolt brings big surprises to Eastern Shore town's election; 1951.. News from Pocomoke's Stephen Long Junior High School; 1893.. Eastern Shore suffering affects of long freeze; 1977.. Remembering one of Pocomoke City's longtime citizens; 1883.. Iron for fruit trees. 

Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye! 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!


(PRINCESS ANNE, MD) – The Maryland State Police Homicide Unit continues to investigate the murder of a Somerset County man found dead in his home in Princess Anne.

The victim is identified as Adrian Lurele Marshall, 35, of the 11,000 block of Greenwood School Road in Princess Anne, Maryland. Emergency service personnel pronounced Marshall dead at the scene.
At approximately 1:00 a.m. this morning, a police received a 911 call reporting a possible shooting at Marshall’s residence in Princess Anne. Upon arrival, state troopers from the Princess Anne Barrack, found the victim lying in the kitchen area of his duplex style residence. Marshall appeared to have suffered at least one gunshot wound. 

Police have confirmed that Marshall’s girlfriend was at the home at the time of the incident. Police believe the shooting was an isolated incident. 

Detectives from the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit responded to the scene and initiated an investigation with continuing assistance from state police investigators from the Criminal Enforcement Division from Berlin and Princess Anne Barracks. The Somerset County State’s Attorney was notified and responded to the scene.

Maryland State Police investigators and crime scene technicians from the Maryland State Police Forensic Sciences Division remain on the scene, gathering and processing evidence. The victim’s body will be transported to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore for an autopsy. 

A reward of up to $2,000 is being offered to anyone with information relevant to this crime. Calls are being taken by Crime Solvers of the Lower Eastern Shore at 410-548-1776. All callers will remain anonymous. 

Investigators are continuing to interview witnesses. No one else was injured in the apparent shooting. The investigation continues..

Accomack County Sheriff's Toy Drive Underway

Sheriff Todd E. Godwin has announced the Annual Toy Drive of the Accomack County Sheriffs Office

Godwin stated that the annual drive is underway and we need your help to put a smile on the faces of some less fortunate youngsters in Accomack County. The struggling economy is making it difficult for families to purchase toys for their children and this is where you can make a huge difference.

New, unwrapped toys will be accepted at the Accomack County Sheriffs Office in Accomac through December 17. 

Additionally, feel free to contact the Sheriffs office at 787-1131 if you know of a family in need of assistance.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1957.. Write-in revolt brings big surprises to Eastern Shore town's election; 1951.. News from Pocomoke's Stephen Long Junior High School; 1893.. Eastern Shore suffering affects of long freeze; 1977.. Remembering one of Pocomoke City's longtime citizens; 1883.. Iron for fruit trees. 

Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye! 

Have an enjoyable Thanksgiving!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Worcester County Sheriff's Office ~ Community Watch

Worcester County Sheriff's Office
The Community Watch groups of Bishopville and Germantown

The Community Watch groups of Bishopville and Germantown announce the meeting dates as follows:

12/04/2013 at the Germantown Heritage Community Center and School located on Trappe Rd at 6 p.m.

12/13/2013 at the Bishopville Fire Department located in Bishopville at 6 p.m. 

*Refreshments will be served at both events and we hope to see you at the meeting. 

As a added bonus, Ms Janet Tull of the Worcester County Health Department will be available to discuss and answer questions regarding Rabies and how it effects our community.

Anyone, desiring to bring a dessert to share, please do so. Thank You and I am excited about our upcoming meeting and Holiday Season! 

Please contact me with any questions you may have. 

Report all suspicious activity and show you care by watching out for your neighbor.

Citizens and Government Working Together

R Dale Trotter, CPL
Community Policing Division
Worcester County Sheriff's Office

 (W) 410-632-1112

Heart N Home Gift Shop ~ Holiday Shopping Season

1514 Market Street
Pocomoke City, Maryland 


Pocomoke Christmas Parade ~ Monday night ~ December 2nd

Monday night, December 2, 2013
Photo BW

Celebration of the 41st year of the 
Pocomoke Christmas Parade. 

 Pocomoke City will be transformed into a “Winter Wonderland” as Pocomoke City plays host to one of Delmarva’s largest nighttime Christmas parades. 

Photo BW

Each year the parade features marching bands representing high and middle schools from seven counties in three states. Also featured will be beautifully decorated and lighted floats entered by schools, civic organizations, churches, and commercial enterprises.

Photo BW

In the event of inclement weather, the parade will be postponed until Tuesday, December 3rd at 7:00 p.m.

Thanksgiving Holiday Travel

Virginia State Police

As you travel through Virginia this Thanksgiving Holiday, Virginia State Police reminds you of the "Move Over" law

There will be an increase in troopers on the road, so stay safe and keep those who have to work the road safe too.

Christmas Celebrations At Furnace Town

The Holiday Season will be ushered in at Furnace Town Living Heritage Museum on Saturday, December 7th and Sunday, December 8th, 2013. Between Noon and 5:00 p.m. 

Furnace Town artisans will welcome you to their workplace as they weave, spin, make broom products, and pound iron at the forge.

Don’t miss a walk along The Paul Leifer Nature Trail over the Nassawango Cypress Swamp for views of cedar, cypress, and pine above – and sweet gum balls, partridge berry, and wintergreen at your feet. 

Warm up in the Gathering Room with mulled cider and cookies, and browse the Museum Store’s broad selection of created treasures made by Furnace Town’s own weaver, blacksmith, broom-maker, printer, woodworker, and gardener. 

The Museum also features books on local topics, toys of yesteryear, and many other local items.

 There will be crafts for kids, homemade breads and cookies, jewelry, wooden crafts and more available for purchase. Stroll the grounds to visit many local artisans with their unique crafts on hand.

Join us on Saturday at 7:00 pm for the 19th Century Christmas Service by the Snow Hill Ministerial Association & Rev. Andrew Frick in the historic Old Nazareth Church. The evening church service is free to all!

Also, on Sunday at 2:00pm there will be a hymn sing with Charlie Paperella & guests. Please come out and join us in sharing the holiday spirit!

Furnace Town’s daily admission will be applied both days. $6.00 adults / $5.00 over 60 & AAA / $3.00 children ages 2-18 and children under 2 are Free. 

The Evening Church Service is Free! 

Contact Furnace Town at 410-632-2032 for more information.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Santa Train To Run Saturday, December 7, 2013

Santa Claus is coming to town by train on Saturday December 7, 2013.

 Santa will be visiting towns up and down the railroad track starting at 
9:00 a.m. at Cape Charles
Cheriton at 9:50 a.m.
Eastville at 10:30 a.m.
Nassawadox at 11:25 a.m.  
Exmore at 12:05 p.m.
Painter at 1:20 p.m. 
Melfa at 2:25 p.m.
Onley at 3:20 p.m.
 Parksley at 4:30 p.m. 

Santa, Mrs. Claus and the Elves will visit the children. Children of all ages are encouraged to come and greet them.

Log on to and click on community announcements to see the schedule for the Santa Train on December 7.



Richmond, Va. – As families across the nation prepare to travel this Thanksgiving Holiday, a powerful storm is also making its way across the country. The storm is predicted to arrive here in Virginia late Tuesday into Wednesday as families will be departing to visit friends and family. 

Combined with the increase in motorists on Virginia’s roadways along with the decrease in favorable travel conditions due to weather, the Virginia State Police want to remind motorists to make safe driving a top priority so you arrive to your destination alive. 

“Ten lives have already been lost due to weather related incidents across the nation and more lives could be lost if motorists do not slow down and drive cautiously,” says Colonel W. Steven Flaherty, Virginia State Police Superintendent. “We know traveling during the holidays is stressful enough but when inclement weather is added into the mix it does not make it any easier. We urge motorists to plan ahead, slow down and if possible delay your travel plans.” 

Virginia State Police Troopers will be working throughout this storm and through the holiday weekend with increased patrols and traffic enforcement efforts in order to prevent traffic deaths and injuries as part of the state police’s participation in Operation C.A.R.E (Combined Accident Reduction Effort. This national program is designed to reduce crashes, fatalities and injuries caused by speeding, impaired driving and failure to use occupant restraints. 

With the increase of emergency personnel and the likelihood of an increase in weather related motor vehicle crashes, motorists are also reminded of Virginia’s “Move Over” law. The law is intended to protect first responders as they help protect you year-round. The law also protects maintenance vehicles and tow trucks equipped with flashing amber lights. 

Driving Tips in Inclement Weather 
• State law requires headlights to be on when windshield wipers are in active use
• Completely clear all windows and head/taillights of snow/ice before traveling
• Add extra time to reach travel destination
• Slow your speed for road conditions
• Increase driving distances between vehicles for increased stopping distance
• Buckle up and don’t drive distracted 
• If your vehicle begins to hydroplane steer your vehicle in the direction you want your vehicle to go
• Brake and accelerate lightly 
• Call 511 for road conditions or click on – not 911 or #77, as these are for emergency calls only

Monday, November 25, 2013

Hogan to Launch Governor's Bid in January

November 22, 2013
Steve Crim

ANNAPOLIS – Larry Hogan, founder and Chairman of Change Maryland, said he would launch a campaign for governor in January 2014 during the citizen organization​‘s Fall Harvest Party at the DoubleTree Hotel in Annapolis on Friday evening.  Hogan, a successful businessman and lifelong citizen activist, spoke to a sold-out crowd of over 1,000 people at the event.  The party was the largest political event of the year.
 My friends here tonight, and a countless number of our 65,000 folks from every single county all across the state have encouraged me to consider running for Governor of Maryland next year, 
  Hogan said.   
 Many people seem to think that it may be the only way we will have a chance to bring real reform and meaningful change to Maryland. 

Hogan founded Change Maryland in 2011 because he ​"​believed that we needed an independent, bi-partisan voice that would advocate for sound, fiscally responsible, common sense government."​  Since its inception, the group has received much attention; it made national news in 2012 after the release of its Tax Migration Study, which showed 31,000 taxpayers leaving the state after the O​'​Malley-Brown Administration​'​s historic tax increases.
 We cannot just sit back and allow an arrogant and out-of-touch monopoly to run this great state into the ground without putting up a fight, 
  Hogan said.   
  believe that a majority of Marylanders, regardless of party, are finally ready to say enough is enough!   And that the time has come for all of us, to stand up together, and fight back for a change! 
Larry Hogan has been a business owner for over 25 years and has attracted hundreds of new businesses and created thousands of new jobs in Maryland.  He has spent a lifetime working to make Maryland a better place from leading citizen referendums to reforming government and limiting taxes.


2nd Annual Worcester County Humane Society Fundraiser

Worcester County Subject Arrested On Multiple Warrants

Worcester County Sheriff's Office Press Release

On 11/22/2013 at approximately 0803 hours a Deputy of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office responded to 9942 Elm Street, West Ocean City, Maryland , in an attempt to locate a wanted subject. The Deputy made contact with Hakeem Salim Mcbride from Pocomoke City, Maryland 21851. 

A wanted check was run on Mr. Mcbride, and it revealed Mr. Mcbride was wanted by the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office on multiple charges. 

Mr. Mcbride was wanted on three separate warrants. One Circuit Court warrant for Non Support-Minor Child. One Circuit Court warrant for CDS possession with intent to distribute marijuana, CDS possession of marijuana 10 grams or more and CDS possession of paraphernalia. One District Court warrant for second degree assault, resisting arrest, reckless endangerment and failure to obey a lawful order.

 Mr. Mcbride was subsequently arrested and taken to the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office where he was processed. Mr. Mcbride was then taken to the District Court Commissioners Office and seen by the District Court Commissioner in reference to his District Court Warrant. 

Mr. Mcbride was committed pending hearing and held at the Worcester County Jail on all the warrants.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Worcester County Sheriff's Office / Fire Weather Watch

Fire Weather Watch



TIME MACHINE: 1833..1901..1933..1946..1893..1892


In the news recently.. talk once again about the idea of Delaware and the Eastern Shore counties of Maryland and Virginia becoming a new state. It's come up numerous times in our history. Here are mentions of the subject in 1833, 1901, and 1933. (Time Machine archives)

February, 1833
(THE MAIL- Hagers-Town, Md.) (Spelling of town is correct for this era)


From The Delaware Journal.

An OVERTURE, it has been seen, has been made by our legislature to the legislature of Maryland, for an union between this state and the eight counties of Maryland on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay- the united territory to be called the State of Delaware. We know not in what spirit this overture may be received by our sister state, but we understand, that the first suggestion of such an union came from leading citizens of that state, and we ourselves have heard one of her most distinguished citizens on the Eastern Shore, advocate it as a measure desirable in itself & which would be acceptable to the people of that district. If natural boundaries had been originally considered, the whole Peninsula, including the counties of Maryland and the two counties of Accomac and Northampton, which by some queer accident, belong to Virginia, would have been included in one government. Nature intended it so- but men's caprice has marred the design, and spoiled one of the prettiest states of which our union could have boasted, and even accepting the sovereign state of S. Carolina. Why Virginia should stretch her enormous legs across the wide expanse of the Chesapeake Bay, or Maryland wish to retain a territory disunited from her main body by nature's irrevocable fiat, supposing the wish to exist, are questions we desire those interested to consider. - The people of the Peninsula assimilate in character and habits, and would readily form one people, as nature intended their territory to constitute one state. In the event of such an arrangement, Easton would probably become the capital of the regenerated state- and its Capitol, adorned by the Lloyds, the Chambers, the Goldsboroughs, the Tilghmans, the Kerrs, and the Upshurs, of the Eastern Shore, with the Claytons and others , who little Delaware could throw into the scale, would present a galaxy of talent and character, which would give the Peninsular State a name that her sons would be proud of. We wish our Maryland friends to take this matter seriously into their consideration.

July, 1901
(The Daily News- Frederick, Md.)



Eastern Shore Suggested as a Part of "Delmarvia"

"Delmarvia" says the New York Times, "is the odd name that some persons bestow upon a hypothetical State of the American Union." A proposal to create such a state by the union of Delaware with the counties of the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Virginia has been often discussed, often with considerable interest and by the people of Delaware, occasionally with qualified approval by part of the people of Maryland most directly interested, never with interest or approval by the Eastern Shoremen of Virginia, and usually with unqualified disapproval by Virginia and Maryland.

"Rural Delaware and the Peninsula counties of Maryland and Virginia had a common English origin and a population almost exclusively native and of native ancestry. But Wilmington, which will soon include half of the population of Delaware, has a large foreign element. Eastern Shore traditions are also more distinctly southern and aristocratic than those of Delaware, and the strong Quaker element in Northern Delaware has no counterpart on the Eastern Shore."


December, 1933
(The Daily News- Frederick, Md.)


Invasion of Gov. Ritchie's Militia and Criticism from Baltimoreans Heightens Agitation that Nine Counties Secede from Maryland and Join Delaware.

By NEA Service


Baltimore, Md. Dec.26.- Delmarva- newest commonwealth in the American family of states!

Back of the proposal for establishment of the new state, to be made up of Delaware and eleven counties of the other two states, lies a story of virtual civil war in Maryland. It is the immanent secession of the nine Maryland counties and their union with Delaware which would make the new state possible, and the backers of the plan-they number thousands in eastern Maryland- are hopeful that the two lower Peninsula counties of Virginia will join their lot with the Maryland counties.

Such a secession of the Maryland counties from the rest of the state, which lies on the other side of the Chesapeake, would be revolutionary in recent American political history.

But to the citizens of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, secession is not unthinkable. For it was only recently soldiers invaded the lower shore. They seized citizens of two counties and held them prisoner in an armory. The outraged inhabitants attacked the armory, and virtually drove them out- drove them back ignominously to Baltimore, and with them drove the Attorney General of Maryland and the Commander of the Maryland National Guard.

From that incident particularly, and from a series of other previous incidents, has arisen the desire of the citizens of the Maryland's Eastern Shore to break away from the rest of the state.

For the Eastern Shoremen are mad- mad clean through. Their resentment is particularly directed towards Maryland's Governor Ritchie, and also towards Baltimore newspapers which have been exceedingly open in their criticism of the 'Shore and its demonstrations of mob violence which culminated recently in the open street fight at Salisbury between irate citizens and the militiamen dispatched by Governor Ritchie to seize suspected lynchers.

That "Battle of Salisbury" was to the citizens of the Eastern Shore what the Battle of Lexington was to the American colonists in 1776.

October, 1946
(The Beaver County Daily Times- Beaver, Pa.)

Maryland Islanders Finally Get Doctor

SMITH ISLAND, Md., Oct. 19. (AP) This isolated fishing community had its long-awaited new doctor today, and gratified residents returned to work after a holiday to welcome him.

When Dr. Merriett Goodrich Chambers, of Rye, N.Y., stepped off the mail boat, which is the island's only regular link with Maryland's eastern shore, the several hundred inhabitants were gathered in their Sunday best go greet him. Schools were closed.

There had been no physician on the island for five months. And residents dreaded the approach of rough winter weather in which they frequently are isolated for days at a time.

Dr. Chambers, 69, and his wife will live in a home provided and refurnished by the islanders. He said he applied for the $3,000 a year position after reading newspapers accounts of the islanders plight, adding that he regarded the job as a chance for partial retirement.

December, 1893
(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac)

Many of the public school teachers of Accomac, in a spirit of reverence for the occasion and actuated by patriotic impulses, dismissed their schools on Thanksgiving day, after reading the proclamation of the President of the United States and Governor of Virginia, and a chapter in the Bible — the County School Board of Accomac to the contrary not withstanding.


November, 1892 (Time Machine archive)
(The Denton Journal)

ANOTHER THANKSGIVING! The youngsters have grown a little older and the boys of a larger growth and a former generation have a deeper snowdrift on their heads. A good many of us are getting ready to hang our harps on the willows and are watching the disk of the afternoon sun as he approaches the western horizon. There are plenty to take our place, however, and the world will jog along at the old gait whether we are here or there. To the optimist, and no one has a right to be anything else, this is a pleasant thought. A little more turkey and cranberry sauce, a few more jovial reunions of long-separated families and we shall dip our colors in the honor of the brave and athletic youth who will unstrap the burden from our shoulders and bend his own to receive it.


Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Somerset County Sheriff’s Office Arrest Report

Somerset County Sheriff’s Office Reports and Most Recent Arrests  11/18/13 to 11/20/13 

Robert Lee Daniels 3rd. of Crisfield, arrested 11-20-13 on two warrants regarding violation of probation. Daniels was held on a $300,000 bond. 

Willie Frederick Ames Sr. of Crisfield, arrested 11-19-13 on Circuit Court indictment for cds possession with the intent to distribute, manufacturing narcotics, cds possession not marijuana, and intent to distribute narcotics. Ames was held on a $500,000 bond. 

Eddie Stewart Neal of Crisfield, arrested 11-19-13 on a Circuit Court indictment for cds possession with the intent to distribute, and cds possession with the intent to distribute narcotics. Neal was held without bond. 

Amanda Lea Grover of Marion station, arrested 11-19-13 for driving on an suspended out of state driver’s license, displaying an expired registration, and driving an uninsured vehicle. Grover was released on signatures pending court actions. 

Carolyn Windsor of Marion, arrested 11-19-13 on warrants for 2nd degree child abuse, 2nd degree assault, reckless endangerment, and child neglect. Windsor was held on a $10,000 bond. The arrest was the result of an investigation by the Sheriff’s Office where Windsor allegedly caused injury to a two year old child while at her day care business in Marion. 

Ronnie Byrd Townsend of Crisfield, arrested 11-19-13 on a Circuit Court indictment for cds possession other than marijuana, possession of marijuana, possession with the intent to distribute cds, cds possession other than marijuana, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Townsend was held on a $100,000 bond. 

Scott Micheal Stier of Delmar, criminal summons served for theft less than $100.00. Stier was released on signature pending court actions. 

Randy Marson Marshall of Westover, arrested 11-18-13 on a warrant for theft less than $100.00, and telephone missuse. Marshall was released on personal recognizance. 

Tremaine Aron Thomas Townsend of Princess Anne, arrested 11-18-13 on a Circuit Court indictment for cds possession of marijuana, possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Townsend was held on a $10,000 bond. 

Kenneth Martin Stachowski of Princess Anne, arrested 11-18-13 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Stachowski was released on personal recognizance. 

Chauwan Antonio Matthews Jr. of Delmar, arrested 11-18-13 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Matthews was held on a $182.50 bond.

The 3rd Annual Mayor's Old-Fashioned Christmas Evening

The Delmarva Discovery Center Museum Store will be open from 5:30 to 7:30 during
 DEC 6, 2013! 

Stop in for Great Shopping and Big Sales! 

Coffee, Hot Chocolate and Cookies TOO!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1833, 1901, & 1933.. Talk of Eastern Shore counties and Delaware becoming a new state; 1946.. Smith Island gets a new doctor; 1892 & 1893.. Thanksgiving!

Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting! 

"Santa Paws" ~ SPCA Eastern Shore Virginia TODAY

SPCA Eastern Shore Virginia

Come ONE come All...

"Santa Paws" will be at the SPCA 
Saturday, November 23, 2013
 9 am-1 pm 

 Bring all of your fur babies for pictures! 
Treats for all your critters~

SPCA calendars, new designed t-shirts, hats, reusable bags & magnets will also be available and make great holiday gifts for you and your friends! 

Thank you for supporting the cats & dogs at our no-kill shelter!

Physical Altercation Leads To Arrest/ Worcester County

Worcester County Sheriff's Office Press Release

On November 20, 2013, Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputies along with Maryland State Troopers and Berlin Police Officers, responded to 10439 Assateague Rd, Berlin, Worcester County, Maryland, for a physical domestic complaint.

Upon arrival Deputies spoke with the victim, suspect, and witnesses. During the investigation, it was found that an argument had escalated into a physical altercation between the female victim and male suspect. Further investigation revealed signs of physical injury to the victim’s chest and neck areas.

The suspect, David Lee Joyner, of Berlin, was then placed under arrest by Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputies for 2nd degree assault. 

Joyner was taken before the District Court Commissioner and held in the Worcester County Jail without bond.

Christmas Arts and Crafts Festival ~ TODAY !

Friday, November 22, 2013



(PIKESVILLE, MD) – As cold weather approaches, Maryland State Police are reminding drivers that an unoccupied vehicle with its engine running is an open invitation to car thieves who are prowling neighborhoods, convenience stores, and gas stations, looking for the easy steal. 

Troopers across Maryland will be working to educate drivers that leaving a vehicle running, or with the keys in it, are the quickest ways to have it stolen. Leaving a vehicle unoccupied with the engine running is also illegal. Violators fortunate enough to find their vehicle still there when they return could receive a citation that carries a fine of $70 and one point. Maryland motor vehicle law states that before a person driving a motor vehicle may leave it unattended, he or she must stop the engine, lock the ignition, remove the key, and set the parking brake. 

Although Maryland law enforcement and citizens working together have driven down vehicle thefts to record lows in recent years, there were still more than 14,000 vehicles stolen in Maryland last year. That means a motor vehicle is stolen every 36 minutes. More than 50 percent of the vehicles stolen were unlocked and more than 30 percent of the stolen vehicles had the keys inside them. Investigators estimate that as many as 4,000 of those vehicles stolen were actually running at the time they were stolen. 

Car thieves are like anyone else. They love to find ways to make their job easier. State and local police know that as the weather turns colder, they will take more reports of vehicles stolen while they sat running in front of a house, a convenience store, or a gas station. Owners always report they were just ‘warming up’ their car, or they were only inside the convenience store for a few seconds. 

Police have scores of cases involving car thieves cruising neighborhoods early in the morning just looking for the telltale plume of exhaust from an unoccupied vehicle. Other thieves loiter around gas station and convenience store parking lots watching for the driver who leaves his or her vehicle running just to keep it warm while they go inside. This especially concerns police when it involves parents who leave their children in cars with the engine running. Car thieves don’t always check to see who is in the back seat before stealing the vehicle. 

During the next several months, troopers will be especially alert for unoccupied vehicles with the engines running. State Police are reminding drivers that the most important steps to vehicle theft prevention are easy – lock your car and take the key. 

Additional layers of protection can be added, such as using a mechanical anti-theft device, etching the vehicle identification number onto various locations of the automobile, and investing in a vehicle tracking security system. 

For more information about vehicle theft, including helpful prevention tips, visit the Maryland Vehicle Theft Prevention Council at The Council is an agency of the Maryland Department of State Police. 


Donovan Smith
(November 21, 2013) – On November 20, 2013, at approximately 10:00 a.m., Ocean City police responded to the area of Baltimore Avenue and 1st Street for a report of a burglary. The victim reported that the suspect had entered his room, a nearby office space and another room of the hotel and had stolen numerous items.

During the investigation, Ocean City Communications broadcast a description of the suspect over police radio. Shortly after the broadcast, the suspect, who was later identified as Donovan Smith, 46, of Ocean City, was spotted in West Ocean City. Police responded to the area and arrested Smith without incident.

Ocean City police have charged Smith with multiple counts of breaking and entering and theft. Smith was seen by a Maryland District Court Commissioner and transferred to Worcester County Jail on $50,000 bond.

Ocean City Police Dept.

Holiday Info From the Worcester County Sheriff's Office

As the Holiday Season approaches, we would like to remind you that if you are leaving for the Holidays, you can contact the Sheriffs Office for a residential check of your home while you are gone. 

Deputies will conduct periodic checks of your residence while on patrol. This information is tracked in their car computers and may give you some peace of mind while your away.

 You can contact the Sheriff's Office at 410-632-1112 Monday-Friday 830-430pm and request a Residential Check. There is no cost at all and your information is not shared and is removed on your return date. 

Our Community Policing Officer, Cpl. Trotter will answer any of your questions should you have any.

Worcester County Sheriff's Office

SAVE THE DATE: The Costen House Museum

The Saxis Fire Company Turkey Shoot

They will only allow 12 gauge guns with a barrel limit of 30-inches. No extended choke tubes will be allowed. They will also have 410 shells for kids.

You will be shooting for turkeys, hams and 50/50 rounds. There will also be two special rounds for decoys made by local carvers.

The Saxis Island Museum will be open during the event so please stop by.

Thursday, November 21, 2013


(November 20, 2013) –With Thanksgiving right around the corner, people will soon flock to the roads to visit and celebrate with family and friends. The Ocean City Police Department reminds all travelers, whether they are heading across the country or just across town, to ensure a safe arrival and a happy holiday by buckling up for every trip, every time.

“The risk of being involved in a serious or deadly car crash increases when the number of cars on the road increases, and the long Thanksgiving weekend is one of the busiest travel times of the year,” said Chief Ross Buzzuro. “So we want to remind everyone that your seat belts can save your life – and those you are traveling with.”
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the risk of fatal injury to front seat passengers is reduced by 45 percent and the risk of moderate to serious injury is reduced by 50 percent with proper seat belt use.
During the 2011 Thanksgiving period, 249 passenger vehicle occupants were killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes nationwide. Fifty percent of those killed were not wearing seat belts.
In 2011, 52 percent of the 21,253 passenger vehicle occupants killed in motor vehicle crashes were NOT wearing seat belts at the time of the crash.
Chief Buzzuro continued, “We want to remind everyone who will be on the roads to please buckle up – Every Trip, Every Time – so you can give thanks this holiday season and enjoy the time with your loved ones.”
Ocean City Police Department


Timothy Lee Parks
OCPD Photo
(November 18, 2013) – On November 15, 2013 at approximately 10 a.m., Ocean City police conducted a traffic stop on Coastal Highway near 112th Street. The vehicle operator, later identified as Timothy Lee Parks, 23, of Berlin, MD, was found to be in possession of trace amounts of marijuana and approximately 50 hats, all of which still had price tags attached.
Further investigation by officers on the scene determined that Parks had stolen the hats from his place of employment over several months.
Parks was arrested and charged by Ocean City police with three counts of theft (less than $100), theft scheme ($1,000 – $10,000) and possession of marijuana (less than 10 grams). 

Parks was seen by a Maryland District Court Commissioner and released on his own recognizance.

Ocean City Police Dept.

One More Time: Arsonist Tanya Bundick Seeking Change Of Venue

When will this end for those of  us  residing in  Accomack County?  A Mother who left her children alone in the middle of the night to set fires, who risked the lives of SO many emergency personnel night after night, thinks she deserves special attention!  If she isn't satisfied  with Virginia Beach maybe the trial should be moved back to Accomack County so we all can attend!  

By Lauren Peirce and
Kody Leibowitz

ACCOMAC, Va. - The Accomack County woman accused of arson will soon be back in court, in an attempt to move the venue of her trial for the second time. WMDT learned Tonya Bundick will be back in court with her new lawyer on December 11th for a motions to change venues hearing. Her defense says they are looking at a number of locations outside of the Norfolk television market, including Emporia, Courtland and South Hill, due to the recently released video of Charles Smith speaking with police on the night of her arrest.

Bundick was supposed to be tried in Virginia Beach on November 6th, but that was delayed after her lawyers were granted removal from the case after a conflict of interest was learned with another client.

Her lawyer tells us they are looking to limit some of the evidence in the trial. At this time, Bundick faces one count of arson and one count of conspiracy. When asked if he expects other charges to be filed against his client, he said he does. The defense adds they are looking at scheduling the trial after January first, between January and February.


TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1833, 1901, & 1933.. Talk of Eastern Shore counties and Delaware becoming a new state; 1946.. Smith Island gets a new doctor; 1892 & 1893.. Thanksgiving!

Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!