Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Craig Calls on O’Malley, Brown to Disclose Maryland Health Exchange Costs

Craig Calls on O’Malley, Brown to Disclose Maryland Health Exchange Costs
Harford County Executive and Maryland candidate for Governor David Craig called on the Administration to release the cost of Maryland’s health exchange as oversight hearings intended to uncover chronic problems are set to begin today in the General Assembly.  Noting the media has reported figures that vary wildly between $100 million to $200 million, Craig said providing basic cost information is an obvious and transparent step the O’Malley-Brown Administration must take to make the hearings useful.

“I am dumbfounded that legislators should even have to ask how much this thing costs,” said Craig. “This Administration prides itself on state-stat and modern government accountability programs, but when it comes to disclosing simple accounting information that might embarrass them, it takes an act of the state legislature to learn how much money is going down the drain.”

Craig said the hearing should not even start until the Administration provides the cost.

“It is ludicrous that legislators are going to sit around a table in Annapolis asking Administration officials to please tell taxpayers how much of their money is being wasted on Maryland Health Connection, when the amount should already have been made public,&rdq uo; he said.

In a misleading statement on the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange website,  the state organization that oversees Maryland Health Connection for consumers, the O’Malley-Brown Administration discloses that the federal government alone has provided $157 million in grants.    What is not mentioned is the cost of state funding going to the exchange including cost over-runs with contractors or recently-enacted legislation intended to address enrollment problems.

Lt. Governor and Administration health care point man Anthony Brown issued a press release after a bill signing ceremony implementing Maryland’s exchange stating that no state funds were needed to “create an exchange that fits the unique strengths and needs of our State.”

Maryland’s exchange is a national embarrassment.    Enrollment numbers are tracking well below other states implementing their own exchange.  Horror stories continue to mount of consumers seeking assistance being mistakenly directed to Washington State and Pennsylvania.  The General Assembly rushed through Administration-backed emergency legislation to shift consumers to another state-managed insurance program that is scheduled to be phased out without knowing the cost.  And most recently, leaders in the legislature waffled over whether to provide any dire ct oversight over the botched roll out of the exchange.  

Craig has previously called on O’Malley and Brown to stop wasting money and hindering access to health care and to promote direct enrollment options through insurance carriers and brokers.  The Administration then took a modest step in that direction by working with insurance industry leaders to develop a telephone help line.



Baltimore Sun: 2.03.14

Mr. Brown gets a reprieve [Editorial]

That may be true, but Maryland's $107 million exchange had one of the most troubled launches in the country.
Washington Post: 1.11.14
Maryland officials were warned for a year of problems with online health-insurance site

More than a year before Maryland launched its health insurance exchange, senior state officials failed to heed warnings that no one was ultimately accountable for the $170 million project and that the state lacked a plausible plan for how it would be ready by Oct. 1.

 Maryland Reporter: 8.11.13
Md. health insurance exchange to open this fall at cost of $200M

The $200 million will pay for the program to get underway, and the state is kicking in more than $20 million of that, despite early assurances that federal funds would pay for implementation of the program.
Maryland Health Benefit Exchange
How is t he Maryland Health Benefit Exchange being funded?

Maryland has received four federal grants to support the implementation of a state-based exchange through the ACA, totaling $157.5 million.

FCCLA Winter Blood Drive ~ Pocomoke High School

From:  Pocomoke High School Warriors  (Facebook)

 Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) are gearing up for their winter blood drive to be held in the auxiliary gym on Wednesday, February 12th.

Anyone who wants to donate can call the school before that date and/or come in the day of the drive.

It is during this time of year that donations seem to decrease and there is always a need for blood.

Time slots for appointments are available from 8:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.

Show someone you may never meet that you care and call 410-632-5180 to schedule an appointment.

Larry Hogan - Latest Press Coverage

Maryland Gazette: Hogan gets into gubernatorial race; Rutherford running with him

"Hogan, chairman of the nonprofit fiscal accountability group Change Maryland, and Rutherford, a former secretary of Maryland’s Department of General Services, filed Monday."

Read More

Baltimore Sun:
 Hogan to seek public financing in GOP primary for governor

"Republican gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan said Monday that he will accept public financing in the GOP primary, becoming the second person seeking the office this year to participate in a system that had been dormant for almost two decades...

Maryland's public financing system, which applies only to the campaigns for governor, is not funded by taxes. The money comes from voluntary checkoffs on Maryland tax forms,"

Read More

Capital Gazette: Larry Hogan files for GOP primary for governor

"Republican Larry Hogan made his campaign for the GOP primary in the governor's race in Maryland official on Monday, announcing he will use public financing after filing his candidacy at the state election's board."

Read More

Washington Post: GOP gubernatorial hopeful Hogan says he'll participate in Md. public financing system"Hogan said that the 'matching funds level the playing field for grassroots campaigns like ours and enable us to compete with the out-of-touch monopoly in Annapolis.'"

Read More

Jewish Times: Hogan Announces Candidacy in Annapolis

 Emphasizing his background in business rather than politics, Hogan said he has spent the past three years traveling the state and speaking with residents. The common theme he ran into again and again, he said, is frustration with the current government.

"'We're hostile to the job creators,' he said at a Baltimore Jewish Council meeting the following day, pointing to the so-called 'millionaire’s tax' and 'rain tax.'

If he is elected, Hogan said he would require independent audits of every state agency in an effort to cut back on government spending."

Read More

 Hagerstown Herald-Mail: Hogan files for governor's race, will use public financing "Hogan officially kicked off his campaign last week and announced his running mate at the same event."

Read More

Washington Post: Ehrlich to appear at event for Maryland GOP gubernatorial hopeful Larry Hogan

"Larry Hogan, Maryland’s newest Republican gubernatorial hopeful, is expected to get a boost later this month from the state's only GOP governor of the past generation.

Former governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) is scheduled to appear at a “headquarters grand opening party” with Hogan, who served as appointments secretary for Ehrlich."

Read More

Monday, February 10, 2014

Delmarva Discovery Center ~ REPTILE FESTIVAL 2014

Free with paid admission and as always, FREE TO MEMBERS!

Felon Sentenced to Six Years for Possession of a Handgun

The Office of the State’s Attorney for Worcester County

SNOW HILL –   On February 5, 2014, Eddie Alexis Collick, a felon living in the Snow Hill area, was sentenced to 12 years in the Department of Corrections with six years of active incarceration. The first five years are a mandatory/minimum with limited opportunities of parole for possession of a .32 caliber revolver.  He also received one year of incarceration for attempting to elude capture by the police.

On May 26, 2013 Pfc. Shay Waters and Christopher Boyce of the Snow Hill Police Department observed Collick operating a motor vehicle while his license was suspended. They initiated a traffic stop on his vehicle, at which time Collick immediately exited his vehicle and began to run through the streets of Snow Hill. He was eventually apprehended approximately one block from where he initially exited his vehicle. Officers retraced his flight path and located a .32 caliber revolver with four live rounds and one spent shell in the cylinder. In addition, Mr. Collick had $370 and two pocket knives on his person.

 Mr. Collick admitted the weapon belonged to him and ran because he knew they would eventually find it.

 Sitting in the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Judge Thomas C. Groton, III acknowledged that Mr. Collick had a “terrible” record.

For nearly two decades Mr. Collick has been committing crimes in Worcester County. He has three convictions for possession of marijuana, three convictions for possession of crack cocaine, one conviction for distribution of crack cocaine, one conviction for assault in the second degree, a violation of probation, multiple traffic infractions and has failed to pay child support for at least six years that he was obligated to do so. In 2007, Collick was also convicted for the exact same offense he was found guilty of today, being a felon in possession of a regulated firearm in 2007.

 State’s Attorney for Worcester County, Beau Oglesby thanked the Snow Hill Police Department for their extraordinary efforts in capturing Mr. Collick and said, “ Chief of Police Kirk Daugherty deserves credit for leading such a strong department of exceptional law enforcement officers.  Mr. Collick was a gun carrying, convicted violent drug dealer who will now be off the streets of Snow Hill because of their efforts and the prosecutors who worked on the case”.

William H. McDermott
Executive Assistant State's Attorney
State's Attorney's Office
Worcester County, Maryland

Hi Tied Gala / Pocomoke Boat Docking Challenge

The Hi Tied Gala is less than one week away!
Saturday, February 15, 2014.
6:00pm until 1:00am.
- Menu:
 Prime rib, chicken, red skinned potatoes, green beans, salad and rolls. Appetizers and homemade desserts will also be provided.
 - Entertainment:
VA Beach's #1 Dance Band, HOTCAKES, will play a mixture of oldies, beach, dance and today's hit music. HOTCAKES has performed in the past locally at The Upper Deck and Club Car Café.

 - Auction:
Live and silent auctions will occur. Just to name a few items...an original Crockett painting, a Turner sculpture, an island trip to the Bahamas, numerous decoys, hotel stays in OC and Chincoteague, round of golf, fishing trips, jewelry, front row Orioles tickets, many gift certificates to local restaurants and businesses, and numerous gift baskets.
 - Gala is formal/semi-formal so you choose what's the better pick for you!
Single tickets $50, table $450 (seats 10).
 GET YOUR TICKETS so you don't miss out on this event!!


The decision has been made that there WILL be a banquet for the 2013 Gumboro-Crisfield mudbogging season.
 Saturday, February 22, 2014 at the Crisfield Elks Lodge. Dinner will be at 6:00 PM.
 If you have not reserved your tickets please call Charlie Price ASAP! All money needs to be paid/mailed as soon as possible.
 Conatact Charlie - 410-330-6571 

 Charlie Price
 1205 Stone Boundary Rd
 Cambridge, MD 21613
 ~Make checks payable to: Eastern Shore Mud Racing Association ~
**A final total of tickets is needed by Wednesday February 12, 2014 at 12:00 noon.**
 If possible you may leave your ticket money with Wright at KRW Auto & Golf Cart Sales on Route 13 in Pocomoke.
See you there!!

A Few Words From Pocomoke City Mayor Bruce Morrison

I would like to thank the citizens of Pocomoke City for allowing me to serve a second term as Mayor.

I have thoroughly enjoyed being Mayor of this great city and look forward to leading us in the next three years continuing to move Pocomoke in a forward direction.

  Thank you again for your confidence in me.

Mayor Bruce Morrison

Field Notes By Delegate Michael A. McDermott

Field Notes
Observations and Reflections on Legislative Activities
By Delegate Michael A. McDermott

Week 5 February 3-7, 2014
Monday Evening Session:
Of the Senate bills that crossed over, two stood out:
SB-6 would require certain certifications for mechanics performing preventative maintenance on automobiles.
SB-77 would increase the exemptions for certain farm vehicles as it relates to vehicle inspections.
Tuesday Morning Session:
Senate Bills on First Reader (two bills sent to House Rules which generally correct clerical errors in previous legislation.)

Tuesday Afternoon Judiciary Hearings:
HB-81 would restrict anyone from bringing a “telecommunications device” into a place of confinement and would expand the definition of a contraband device to include chargers, SIM cards, etc. The first offense would be a misdemeanor and a second or subsequent would be a felony.

HB-84 like some of the other bills heard today, this one would ban cell phones being introduced into a correctional facility, but it also goes further and identifies any contraband under the same restrictions and prohibitions.

HB-159 would also restrict telecommunications devices as several other bills heard today. Based upon testimony and questions, HB-81 seems to address more of the specific issues and concerns that folks had about the cell phones in our prisons.

HB-173 would permit the Department of Corrections to polygraph employees as a condition of employment. Surprisingly, the state is prohibited from utilizing this as a tool to insure that employees are not engaging in any inappropriate manner. There were many questions on this proposed change. The correctional officers union does not support the expansion  of the use of polygraphs.

HB-174 would change the name of the Internal Investigative Unit and would define who the unit reports to within the agency.

HB-175 would make it a misdemeanor for a person to “deliver” a telecommunication device to an inmate if signs are posted stating that such action is prohibited. This bill is one of several being offered in response to the Baltimore City Jail fiasco. This particular bill would only make the crime a misdemeanor.

HB-289 would severely restrict the use of automatic license plate readers by law enforcement and would also restrict law enforcement dissemination of the information captured.

HB-294 is referred to as “Christopher’s Law” and it seeks to mandate certain law enforcement training specifically dealing with the recertification on CPR techniques. It would also mandate regular use of force and sensitivity training for law enforcement.

HB-364 would allow the office of the State Prosecutor to provide qualified immunity to a witness in order to compel testimony. This is a tool that the State’s Attorneys have as well as the Attorney General’s office but the State Prosecutor is not included on the list of those who can grant immunity for testimony.
My Bill Hearings Tuesday Afternoon:

HB-75 was heard in the Ways and Means Committee. My bill would exempt the first  I $50,000 of any Marylanders retirement income from  State Income Tax. I shared with the committee members of the significant migration of our people and their money which is proving devastating to our economy. Maryland has lost close to 70,000 folks in the past ten years along with their $5.5 billion in earnings. Many states have moved to retain their seniors and attract others in their later years by cutting or eliminating income taxes, and eliminating other inheritance related taxes (like death and estate). Maryland is currently classified as the “worst state in which to die” if you want to pass on anything to your children. I explained that this is just one part in a plan to move Maryland toward greater prosperity.

HB-218 as amended, this bill would allow any state worker (who have all been forced to join the union) to opt out of paying the union their service fee and, instead, pay the equivalent amount to any registered non-profit organization of their choosing. Current law allows for a “religious exemption” in order to do the same thing. The process of receiving this type of exemption  is convoluted and this bill would simply recognize that anyone, for any reason, can  have their money go toward a non-profit as opposed to going to the union (that uses the money to support the democrat machine politics that is Annapolis).  Getting the democrats to vote against their own custom made slush fund is beyond wishful thinking, but shameful things like this need to be exposed and I hope the folks are paying attention. This bill was heard in Appropriations, so let’s see if Chairman Conway puts it up for a vote and then we can see where delegates stand on the issue.

HB-234 was heard in Judiciary. It would allow a person who makes a bomb threat to be charged in the jurisdiction where the alleged bomb or destructive device was rumored or said to be placed. With cellular communications and computers, it can be difficult to know exactly where a bad guy was located when he made such a threat. Current law requires a person to be charged in the jurisdiction where they conveyed the threat. I was able to get this bill out of the House last year, but it failed to move in the Senate.
Wednesday Morning Session
Senate and House Bills on First Reader
There were several bills from the House Economic Matters Committee which were on 2nd Reader. There was no debate on any of these bills as most were simple administrative changes to the law.

Wednesday Afternoon Judiciary Hearings:
HB-108 would create many new and increased fees applied to cases filed in the Court of Appeals Court of Special Appeals, and the various Circuit Courts. The money collected will be utilized to bring the courts into the digital age. There will be a significant increase in public accessibility of records and electronic filing of documents and requests will become common place. Case files will also be available online for viewing. The printing costs are simply going to be handed down to the local level where they will have to be absorbed by the Sheriffs and their respective counties.

HB-345 would alter the statute pertaining to Certificates of Merit involving court action/claims that are filed against licensed design professionals when a negligent act is alleged. It would require someone who wants to file a claim to have the work reviewed by a “qualified expert” licensed in Maryland who agrees with the complaint filed before the matter could go forward. It was brought up that it may be difficult to find an expert in Maryland who would be willing to testify against another fellow design professional (engineer, etc.).

HB-376 would make it illegal to sell any vehicle that it is illegal to operate in Baltimore City. It was said that they have a big problem with people operating “dirt bikes” within the city limits. I raised the issue of 4-wheelers while Delegate Kelly asked about folks who have a bike they want to ride out in the county. This type of transportation is said to be a big problem in the city, but this seems to be a very restrictive approach to address the problem. This is another bill that will take away liberty from Marylanders.

HB-385 would expand the coverage under law for many folks who would be considered “bloggers” as to their ability to protect information or sources. In essence, it would provide certain protections that traditional media currently utilize. There was an interesting discussion on the issue with some of the media representatives on the panel and it highlighted the different direction being taken by traditional media outlets.

HB-386 would assess points on a Maryland Driver’s License for anyone caught and convicted of littering in Baltimore City.

HB-395 would redefine some of the definitions concerning certain providers of medical care.

Thursday Morning Session:
Senate and House Bills on First Reader

Thursday Afternoon Judiciary Committee Hearings:
HB-120 is an administration bill which would create additional judgeships in the state. None of those positions is on the Eastern Shore (although a position was added last year). It was stated that this would cut back on the number of hours that retired judges are utilized in these jurisdictions.

HB-315 would grant juvenile status to illegal aliens to the age of 21 for those who claim abused, neglected, or abandoned status in this country. Currently, those here illegally who are under 18 years of age can apply for permanent residency if they show that they suffer, or would suffer from abuse or neglect if they were sent back to their country of origin or that they have been abandoned in this country by a parent or guardian. There were many questions about this system as it seems ripe for abuse by those seeking residency in the United States.

Currently, New York is the only state to have extended juvenile status to those that fall into this category. The committee did not seem convinced that this was a good idea.

HB-383 would change the required age for babysitters. Currently, one must be at least 13 years of age to watch other children. This bill would require one to be at least 15 in order to babysit a child under the age of 3. I think the bill is well intended, but I saw reluctance to change the law by other committee members. There are often tragic events that produce bills such as this one, but most of the time such events are the exception to the rule.

HB-407 would limit the ability of the state to detain any juvenile under the age of 12 for a crime unless the charge was: 1st Deg. Murder/Attempted Murder, 1st Deg. Rape, or 1st Deg. Sex Offense. There were many questions about the logic of releasing an 11 year old who has committed an Armed Robbery (or other violent crime) back into the community under certain circumstances. Our urban areas of the state are dealing with younger violent offenders and many on the committee do not want the ability of the courts to confine someone who represents a violent threat simply because the law would demand their release. An 11-year old who sticks a gun in a clerks face and takes the cash receipts is no longer a “child” and they did not arrive their overnight. I felt this was not simply a bad bill but a dangerous one as well.
Friday Morning Eastern Shore Delegation Meeting:
We met with Secretary of Agriculture Buddy Hance and heard a brief presentation. He indicated that a thorough economic impact study was under way on the PMT regulations and should be accomplished by summer. Frankly, this seems to be a moot point. Although there has been a lot of bloviating on this issue, the administration has made it clear they are moving forward with these regulations before the end of 2014. I heard nothing from Secretary Hance that alleviated those concerns. The secretary really did not have that much to say. He referenced some other programs and talked about the success of our cover crops; and he responded to several questions regarding the PMT and the governor’s comments the previous evening at an agriculture dinner which disparaged DPI Executive Director Bill Satterfield. The delegation demanded an apology from the governor for those comments.

The Delmarva Poultry Industry (DPI) was also on hand and made a presentation. They expressed their concerns over the proposed “Chicken Tax” and said they were pleased to hear the governor say he would veto such a bill if it passed. The regulatory environment of Maryland was mentioned regarding the growth of the industry on the shore. The growth of the industry in Delaware and Virginia continues while Maryland declines. We discussed the effect that even proposed regulations have on an industry when an uncertain future is on the horizon.

We also had a brief presentation from LEAD Maryland Foundation by Dale Brown and Wendell Meekins. This is a leadership training institute that many in the agriculture industry have attended and there were many members present in the audience from the foundation.

Many Eastern Shore Mayors attended the meeting as a part of their winter conference. It was nice to see Pocomoke City Mayor Bruce Morrison, Berlin Mayor Gee Williams, and Crisfield Mayor P.J. Purnell. They were led by Delmar Mayor Carl Anderton who is also the President of the Maryland Municipal League. I asked the mayor’s their top budget priority and they all stated the restoration of Highway User Funds. Since the state stripped away 90% of that money, all of our local governments are suffering mightily from the loss. Delegate Conway took the opportunity to kid with me about voting for his budget if those funds were restored and I told him it all depended upon where he came up with the money. The proposed budget by the governor includes a $1.8 billion dollar increase in spending and I am quite certain I could never vote for that type of increase.

Friday Morning Session:
House and Senate Bills on First Reader
Here are the bills that passed on Third Reader.
Third Reading Passed (133-0)
Third Reading Passed (133-0)
Third Reading Passed (132-0)
Third Reading Passed (129-3)
Third Reading Passed (132-0)
Third Reading Passed (131-0)
Third Reading Passed (130-1)

Saturday Morning Meeting with Wicomico County Council and Executive:
We met again with Executive Pollitt and the County Council to hear an update on their budget and for them to share their concerns. The news was bleak for the most part. Wicomico County is simply not recovering from the recession at anywhere near the pace of other jurisdictions. This is clearly being driven by the jobs market, which has been very poor. Maryland policies are not helping the Eastern Shore, and specifically Wicomico County. As our hub of business and industry, we need Wicomico to prosper and that is simply not happening. There have been some efforts at the local level to address some tax issues and concerns, but they simply pale in comparison to enormous burden from the state that we must shoulder. This does not even take into account other crush factors like Obamacare that will impact all of us by the end of this year in a significant way; nor does it take into account the blow that the new Phosphorus regulations will have on our agricultural base. My Democratic colleagues from the Eastern Shore have gone along with the O’Malley administration on their spending and their jobs plan; and all of it has been a miserable failure with the shore suffering the most. We must change the way we think, and our current leadership is not getting the job done in Annapolis.

When you find yourself at a table celebrating jobs from one company that were announced 2-years ago that have yet to happen, it’s time to take a hard look in the mirror.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Riverside Grill Pocomoke ~ Valentine's Day Specials

Riverside Grill Pocomoke
 Valentine's Day Specials
(in addition to our regular specials & entrees)
 Drinks: -Chocolate Covered Cherry-tini $5
 -$5 off premium bottles of wine (w/ 2 meal purchase)

 -Cream of Crab
 -Shrimp & Corn Chowder
 -Oysters Chesapeake 10.99
 -Crab Balls 12 for 9.99
 (Each with a choice of 2 sides)
 -Fresh Salmon 12.99
 -6 oz. Filet Mignon 16.99
 -Surf N Turf- 6 oz. Filet & a Crab Cake 26.99
 Sides: Baked Potato, Pasta Salad, Cole Slaw,
 Green Beans, Fries, Garden or Caesar Salad
 -Assorted Smith Island Cakes
 -Assorted Cheesecakes
 -Midnight Mousse Cake
 -Homemade Bread Pudding
 -Brownie a la mode

Bloxom Wins Virginia GOP Primary

Robert Bloxom, Jr.
Eastern Shore Republican business owner Robert Bloxom Jr. won his party's nomination Saturday to vie for a vacant 100th District House of Delegates seat in a special election later this month.

Bloxom will face Democrat Willie Randall, a former Northampton County supervisor, Feb. 25 to fill the seat formerly held by Eastern Shore Democrat Lynwood Lewis, who was elected to the state Senate. The General Assembly adjourns March 8.

The 100th House District includes Accomack and Northampton counties and part of Norfolk.

Bloxom defeated Melody Scalley, also from the Eastern Shore, who ran for the seat in 2009. He is the owner of Shore Tire and Auto, Bloxom Auto Supply and Egret Point Seafood, according to campaign materials.

Bloxom's father represented the 100th District before Lewis.



Bloxom      493

Scalley     244

Bagwell      8