Saturday, May 17, 2014

Delmarva Discovery Center ~ SUMMER CAMPS

Tonya S. Bundick Arraigned On 62 Counts of Arson

In Accomack Circuit Court Friday morning, Tonya S. Bundick was arraigned on 62 counts of arson from her grand jury indictment on December 2, 2013. 

Arraignment for count 52 was read separately and formally because it will be the subject of the first of 62 separate trials scheduled to start on July 14. The property in this case is owned by Mr. Richard Hall and located near Keller on Pungoteague road.

Bundick, who is still being held in the Eastern shore regional jail, was offered the choice of a trial by jury or by the judge. She chose the jury trial pleading not guilty to not only count 52 but all 61 other counts. 

Judge Tyler explained his position on venue change to Virginia Beach stating that so many people in Accomack County were affected by these fires that he felt it would be difficult to seat jurors who had not been affected.

 Both the Commonwealth attorney Gary Agar and defense attorney Allen Zaleski agreed that there would be a separate hearing on June 10, 2014 to hear any and all pretrial motions. This hearing will be in Accomack County Circuit Court.


21st Annual "Drums On the Pocomoke" ~ Saturday and Sunday


Friday, May 16, 2014

Delegate Mike McDermott Private Pension Editorial

“Do as I say, not as I do”
-The O’Malley-Brown message to Private Pension Retirees
by Delegate Mike McDermott

I’m sure that I am not the only one who finds irony in the O’Malley-Brown administration heralding a new “Task Force” to help protect private sector retirement money.  This should send chills down the spine of the private sector. It reminds of when President Ronald Reagan said, "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

Perhaps the first “Task Force” we should have is one that would study how the State of Maryland plans to repay the $1.3 billion dollars that they are taking from the teacher’s pensions over the next five years. It would also be nice for this group to study how Maryland plans to cover a $37.5 billion dollar unfunded pension/benefit liability in the years to come.

Quite frankly, it’s terrifying to think that Lt. Governor Brown is involved in this at any level following his dismal management of Maryland’s version of Obamacare. One might expect that the prudent choice would be someone from the private sector to head up this brain trust, but that’s just not the way things shake out in Annapolis. So they dust the cobwebs off former Lt. Governor Kathleen Kennedy-Townsend and trot her out for a spin. These decisions do not engender “optimism”.

Well, here are some simple things this administration, and those that follow, can do to “help” the private sector when it comes to them saving for retirement:
·     ⇨    Reduce the tax burden on our corporations and businesses. Good things happen when companies retain greater earnings: they expand; and they invest in their people. A prosperous, growing company can be an employee’s best answer to a secure retirement.
·    ⇨     Let Marylanders keep more of their own money. Cut income taxes across the board by 10% and allow them to invest in their own futures. Families with increased discretionary income can better prepare for the future needs of their children as well as their latter years.
·   ⇨       Provide direct incentives to companies who create matching fund retirement accounts of up to a 5% match of the employee’s contribution.
·   ⇨      Exempt all contributions to an individual’s retirement account from ever being subject to Maryland taxes, including the capital gains associated with the investment account.
·   ⇨      Eliminate all inheritance taxes and estate taxes.  

All in all, we just need Maryland to become a more business friendly state. A robust economy is an elixir for many ills and future retirement needs. We would also do ourselves a favor by exempting retirement income from the State income tax. This would allow our seniors to age in place and would make Maryland a friendlier climate for many retirees looking for a favorable place to park their money.

All of these things have been recommended by the Republican’s in the General Assembly. Many bills have been introduced that would accomplish much of what I have proposed, yet little meaningful action is taken by the Democratic leadership to address these challenges.

If we are going to do something to help private sector retirees we must lead by example; and the model we are displaying is a choice between piracy and passing the buck. Beware private pensioners!…I see the dome of the capitol on the horizon and she has hoisted the Jolly Roger!!!

ECI Inmates Train Future Service Dogs For Wounded Vets

Photo WMDT
WESTOVER, Md. - Speak, leash, push, rest and under -- not the typical commands to teach your dog.
But puppies at Eastern Correctional Institute in Westover, Md. have a higher calling. Taking the meaning of man's best friend to a whole new level, they're training to be future service dogs for disabled veterans, at the hands of prisoners.

"We're able to train dogs for our needy veterans in much quicker time than if they were raised outside a correctional facility. Why? Because we're structured, disciplined," ECI Warden Kathleen Green said.
Through America's VetDogs program, inmates train the dogs to turn off light switches, open and close doors, and move around wheelchairs and crutches. The dogs come to prison as puppies. They're taught tricks that are specially designed to help wounded warriors in everyday life.
Eastern Correctional Institute Inmate Shane Pardoe has been training Argus, a black Labrador, for the past 10 months.
"You feel productive in an environment where that's hard to achieve. I think the experience we all have is that we're capable of a lot more, and we're capable of doing good even under the worst circumstances. It just means the world to be able to give back in some kind of way. Especially since we all owe a debt to society for our crimes and the victims involved," he said.
Gary Miller is a Vietnam war veteran. His pup, Galaxie has given him the opportunity to serve his country once again.
"When I came into the program, I was still resentful of a lot of things. I've been in prison a long time. He's changed me – made me more mellow, more easy to get along with, easier to talk to people too because I talk to him all the time. He's even got me to a point where I want to get back in shape so I can raise more like him," he said.
Giving inmates a sense of purpose and wounded veterans a renewed sense of independence.
But the only way for these dogs to graduate from prison to the home of a deserving veteran, they need your help. The program is looking for volunteers to take the puppies home on weekends, exposing them to the outside world.
For more information on being a weekend puppy raiser, call 410-845-4091. To learn more about the America's VetDogs program, visit

Tonya Bundick To Be Arraigned On Arson Charges Friday

Tonya Bundick will be back in court Friday morning. There is an arraignment hearing on 62 charges of arson stemming from last years arson spree. 

Bundick will go to court in Virginia Beach on July 14 to face the first of those 62 charges. Whether or not the number of actual trials goes to 62 remains to be seen. The only witness that implicates Bundick in the other arson cases is Charles R. Smith III who confessed to these offenses in 2013. 

Meanwhile Bundick still has to face sentencing on one charge of arson and one of aiding an arson case. She copped an Alford Plea at an earlier trial in Virginia Beach on these charges. 


Delmarva Discovery Center This Weekend

  Sunday - 5/18 - International Museum Day - FREE admission to the museum 1 pm - 4 pm

Sale Of Knives and Laser Pointers To Be Banned In Ocean City

OCEAN CITY – The Mayor and City Council voted to ban the sale of “assisted opening knives” and laser pointers in Ocean City with both most likely being passed by an emergency ordinance next Monday to become effective immediately.

On Tuesday afternoon, Ocean City Police Department Chief Ross Buzzuro and Lt. Mark Pacini requested the Mayor and City Council move an amendment to Chapter 58, Sections 121 and 123, of the town code to add the definition and prohibition of “assisted opening knife.”

This change would go along with Maryland State Law that states a person may not sell, barter, display, or offer to sell or barter a switchblade or shooting knife. Ocean City plans to take it one step further by banning “assisted opening knives.”

State law defines a switchblade or shooting knife as “a knife or a penknife having a blade that opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in the handle of the knife, commonly called a switchblade knife or a switchblade penknife, or a device that is designed to propel a knife from a metal sheath by means of a high-compression ejector spring, commonly called a shooting knife.”

A person who violates this state law is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 12 months or a fine of not less than $50 and not exceeding $500 or both.

Continue Reading

Farmer's & Flea Market - OPEN Friday and Saturday

Farmer's & Flea Market
Downtown Pocomoke City

Fridays and Saturdays
7:00 am both days

Free to vendors!

For more info call - 410-957-1333

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Weather Alert!




Pocomoke City Police Dept. BI-WEEKLY COM STAT MEETING

April 29, 2014 to May 12, 2014

Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin Sewell, Lt. Lynell Green and Lt. Brian Craven held their bi-weekly Com Stat meeting to discuss the Officers performance and City wide crimes. 

During the past two weeks the Pocomoke City Police Officers issued 109 citations, 55 warnings, completed 30 Arrest and answered 230 calls for service.

Pocomoke City Police Department

Tractor-trailer Goes Off Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel

A tractor-trailer hit a light pole and went over the side of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel into the water this morning. 

The truck went over the side at mile marker 15, said Virginia Beach Fire Department Battalion Chief Amy Valdez.

Navy divers had located one person in the water who was unresponsive, but no other details were available about that person, according to the Coast Guard.

The Navy had a helicopter at the scene, along with the divers, according to the Coast Guard. A Coast Guard helicopter also was on scene along with the cutter Beluga and some small boats from Little Creek. 

Only one person was believed to have been inside the truck.

A tow line had been attached to the cab and container to keep control of it while rescuers were working around it, Valdez said. The rig had been drifting in the water.

All northbound lanes are closed.


National Police Week / Peace Officers Memorial Day

A Police Officer's Prayer

Lord, I ask for courage;
Courage to face and conquer my own fears...
Courage to take me where others will not go.
I ask for strength;
Strength of body to protect others...
Strength of spirit to lead others.
I ask dedication;
Dedication to my job to do it well...
Dedication to my community to keep it safe.
Give me, Lord, concern;
For all those who trust me...
And compassion for those who need me
And, please, Lord, through it all; be at my side.

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1977.. Strawberries bringing unbelievable high prices at Princess Anne auction block; 1964.. Pocomoke Jaycees are hosting state golf tournament; 1901.. Herring being caught by the thousands  in creek near Snow Hill;  1922.. Pocomoke City resident was prominent Civil War veteran; 1947..  Five more lower shore towns will go on Daylight Savings Time; 1894.. Latest footware fashion in Pocomoke City is at H.W. Callahan.

Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!   

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

SAVE THE DATE ~ Big Truck Day

Touch A Truck

Saturday, June 14, 2014

10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Ocean Pines Veterans Memorial Park
Cathell Road
Berlin,MD 21811

Fun for the kid and adults too!

Big Truck Day features fire trucks, dump trucks, tractors, tow trucks, tractor trailers & much more! 

 Kids will be able to interact with police officers, fire fighters and all sorts of big truck drivers.  

They will also be able to see, touch & sit in all of the trucks.

Concessions will be available for sale.

If you have a truck/mud truck you would like to enter contact:  
Ocean Pines Recreation & Parks Department 410-641-7052

SpaceX Dragon Spacecraft with NASA Cargo Set for Return to Earth

NASA Television will provide live coverage of the departure of the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft from the International Space Station beginning at 9 a.m. EDT on Sunday, May 18. After leaving the space station, the capsule will splashdown in the Pacific Ocean carrying more than 3,500 pounds of NASA science samples and cargo.
Dragon is set to be detached from the Earth-facing side of the station's Harmony module and unberthed through commands sent by robotic ground controllers at mission control in Houston operating the Canadarm 2 robotic arm. Dragon then will be maneuvered into place for its release scheduled for approximately 9:25 a.m.
Dragon will execute three thruster firings to move away from the station to a safe distance for its deorbit burn at 2:10 p.m. Dragon will splash down around 3:05 p.m. in the Pacific Ocean west of Baja California. Neither the deorbit burn nor the splashdown will be broadcast on NASA TV.
Dragon is the only space station resupply spacecraft designed to return to Earth intact. Among the 3,563 pounds of return cargo are science samples from human research, biology and biotechnology studies, physical science investigations and education activities. The spacecraft also will return crew supplies, vehicle hardware and spacewalk equipment.
Dragon was launched on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on April 18 on the company’s third contracted commercial resupply mission to the station. Dragon arrived to the space station on April 20 with approximately 5,000 pounds of supplies aboard.
For NASA TV schedule and video streaming information, visit:

If You Find a Fawn, Leave it Alone

BW Photo
It's that time of year again when white-tailed deer fawns are showing up in yards and hayfields and concerned citizens want to know how to help. In almost all cases, the best way to help is to simply give the fawn space and leave it alone.

Concerned people sometimes pick up animals that they think are orphaned. Most such "orphans" that good-intentioned citizens "rescue" every spring should have been left alone. Most wild animals will not abandon their young, but they do leave them alone for long periods of time while looking for food.

Fawns, born from April through July, are purposely left alone by their mothers. Female deer, called does, stay away from the fawns to avoid leading predators such as dogs or coyotes to their location. The white-spotted coat camouflages a fawn as it lies motionless in vegetation.

If a wild animal has been injured or truly orphaned, do not take matters into your own hands. You may locate a licensed wildlife rehabilitator by calling the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF) toll-free wildlife conflict helpline at 1-855-571-9003, 8:00AM-4:30PM, Monday through Friday or visit the 
 VDGIF website.  

Read the full release on the 

VDGIF website...

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Chris Hudson Photography Classes

Texas Hold'em Poker This Saturday

SCAVENGER HUNT THIS WEEKEND - Get Your Teams Together!!!

MarVa Theater This Weekend


Friday, May 16th 
Saturday, May 17th 

7:00 PM

Tickets: $5

Two Charged With 1st Degree, 3rd Degree, and 4th Degree burglary

On May 12th 2014 at 1348 hours a Worcester County Sheriff's Office Deputy was dispatched to Riggin Ridge Road, West Ocean City, Worcester County, Maryland.  

     An anonymous caller reported two suspicious people, a white male and a white female that were walking around the Riggin Ridge Road looking in the windows and acting suspicious.  

     As the Deputy arrived on scene and walked towards the residence a white male came from behind the residence and the Deputy immediately detained him.  While speaking with the subject a white female exited the front door of the residence, ran down the front steps and attempted to run behind the residence, she was also detained. An entrance door to the residence had been forced open.  

     The two were identified as Joseph A Slabaugh, 35, of Brooklyn Maryland and Brandenburg Leigh Sandifer 33, also from Brooklyn Maryland.

    Both were charged with 1st Degree, 3rd Degree, and 4th Degree burglary.  Ms Sandifer was also charged with false statement to a law enforcement officer.  Both subjects were seen by the district court Commissioner and a $15,000.00 bond was placed on them.  They were held at the Worcester County Jail.

 Lt. Edward C. Schreier
Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

WEDNESDAY is Mommy and Me; Daddy Too!

WEDNESDAY is Mommy and Me; Daddy Too!

Delmarva Discovery Center

 10:30 am - 11:00 am

 Learn about beavers and the different tracks animals make!
 Come listen to a story about beavers, make a craft, and play a game too!

$5/adult and one child. $2/each additional child. 
Family memberships available too!

Worcester County Sheriff Mason Thanks the Community For Their Overwhelming Support In the Loss of K-9 Ike

SINCE 1742

Reggie T. Mason,

Dear Worcester County Community,

Friday we honored and celebrated the life of K-9 Deputy Sheriff Ike, Badge MSP K-9 #3050 who has entered K-9 Heaven.  Our hearts are broken and I ask you God to take good care of Ike and spread the word what a faithful and loyal protector he was to CPL Larmore, CPL Larmore’s family, the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office, all Law Enforcement, and to our Worcester County citizens.

Not every dog that enters K-9 Training makes the grade to become a K-9. It’s extremely difficult training, but Ike you made it.  Not everyone can be a K-9 Handler, it takes a special person that can care and love a K-9 (24) hours a day, (7) days a week, CPL Larmore was the right handler for IKE.

A K-9 and its handler bond together and become best friends.  CPL Larmore and Ike shared so much together their trust and love for each other.

CPL Larmore and Ike faced many assignments, some very dangerous, tracking suspects, entering a building never knowing what the outcome could be, drug searches, traffic stops and other rewarding assignments such as finding lost children or adults.

Ike you have answered your last call. Our K-9’s will continue to carry on their duties protecting us, however they will miss you Ike. 
      Ike never took a sick leave day.
Ike never received a pay check.
Ike never complained about the long hours he worked.
Ike never requested a day off.
Ike never asked for anything.
Ike loved his job doing what he was trained to do, protecting CPL Larmore.

Ike we could only provide you with food, and medical expenses, but Ike I want you to know how much we loved and cared about you, you were one of us, protector of the peace.

Ike, God is waiting for you; also a gentle giant Deputy First Class Brian Heller lost in the line of duty in (2000) will be there for you.  Ike your new assignment is taking care of Brian.

Chris, Emily and family, the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office shares your sorrow and we want to thank you for providing Ike with a loving home and most of all your love for him.

God bless Ike, the Larmores, the men and women of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office, our K-9’s, Law Enforcement.

I would like to especially thank the Worcester County Community for their overwhelming out pouring of support for our office and the men, women, and K-9s that dedicate their lives to serve to make our community a great place to live.

Ike (Semper Fi)


Reggie Mason
Worcester County Sheriff

Lt. Edward C. Schreier
Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Press Release: Delegate McDermott Addresses MDOT Spending on RT 113

Paving with Silver & Gold
Election year politics at its finest!
by Delegate Mike McDermott

(Berlin) Yesterday, the Department of Transportation will announce that they have found around $50 million with which they may continue to construct another section of RT 113 in Worcester County. Costs being what they are in Maryland, when all is said and done, we will see another 3 miles of paved highway. This is always a good thing when it comes to traffic safety for our residents and those who travel our roadways.
It might fascinate some to know that the cost of this project is actually about $60 million if you combine the previous $11 million distribution for property purchases and the actual design/construction phases of the road build, that comes out to $16 million per mile! How would you like to have that contract? Maybe there is a requirement to substitute silver and gold for the normal asphalt.
It is noteworthy that the Democratic administrations scan the political horizon before spending money on projects such as RT 113. This time is no different. In fact, they have headlined the “show” with a grand announcement today in Berlin, where two elected officials received top billing on their news release: Senator Jim Mathias and Delegate Norm Conway.
While Norm and Jim take a bow, let’s consider this “carrot on a string” approach to highway safety. Since this project began, if the state had paved merely 1 mile per year it would have been completed over 20-years ago. At the current rate (with all the optimism one can muster), this project could take another 15-20 years for completion.
If Highway User Revenues were distributed to actually build roads and bridges, we would be talking about the new project to 4-lane RT 90 into Ocean City, and the days of our family members traveling on a 2-lane version of RT 113 would be a distant memory. Sadly, that is not the case.
The lion’s share of our Highway User Revenues is going to fund Mass Transit Projects like the Red Line and the Purple Line in the metropolitan areas of our state. Even though only 6% of our population uses these systems, they receive over half of our transportation funding.
We have an abysmal rate of fare recovery in Baltimore City for the bus system/mass transit (we pay roughly 80%) and we paid out hundreds of millions for the ICC which is not receiving the traffic counts projected. The failure to require a revenue stream from the metro core to pay for mass transit projects is appalling. In fact, we are the only state in the Union that does not have such a mechanism.
So as we celebrate another 3 miles of paving on one of our highest traffic count roadways for commerce and tourism, let us not forget that these are mere scraps that fall to us from the king’s table every election year.

K-9 Ike Remembered In Memorial

K-9 Ike answered  his last call on Saturday, May 3, 2014  while on duty with his handler Cpl. Chris Larmore of the Worcester County Sheriff's Office.

Ike had been on duty for 3 years and was a valued member of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office.

He was loved and adored and will be missed by all officers of the law along with his handler and family.

Worcester County Sheriff's Office Photo
Worcester County Sheriff's Office Photo

Sheriff Mason and the Sheriff's Office  held a Memorial Service for K-9 IKE on May 9th, 2014 at the Pocomoke Fire Department Community Center located on Market Street. The ceremony was well attended by Law Enforcement Agencies across the region along with many community members.

Worcester County Sheriff's  Office Photo
Worcester County Sheriff's Office Photo
Donations may be made to the WCSO K9 Unit, Attention Heather Horner, 1 West Market Street Room 1001, Snow Hill MD 21863 OR Worcester County Animal Control at the same address. 

K9 Ike - LODD Memorial Service from Rob Korb on Vimeo.

RIP K-9 Ike.

2013 Preliminary Statistics for Law Enforcement Officers Killed in the Line of Duty

FBI Releases 2013 Preliminary Statistics for Law Enforcement Officers Killed in the Line of Duty 

May 12, 2014

Preliminary statistics released today by theFBI show that 27 law enforcement officers were feloniously killed in the line of duty in 2013, a decrease of more than 44 percent when compared to the 49 officers killed in 2012. By region, 15 officers died as a result of criminal acts that occurred in the South, six officers in the West, four officers in the Midwest, and two in the Northeast.

 By circumstance, seven officers were killed as a result of ambushes (four during unprovoked attacks and three due to entrapment/premeditated situations). Five officers died from injuries inflicted as a result of answering disturbance calls (three of which were domestic disturbances), and five officers were engaged in tactical situations. Three officers sustained fatal injuries while they were investigating suspicious persons or circumstances, three were conducting traffic pursuits or stops, and three officers were responding to robberies in progress or pursuing robbery suspects. One officer was killed as a result of an investigative activity.

Offenders used firearms in 26 of the 27 felonious deaths. These included 19 incidents with handguns, five incidents with rifles, and two incidents with shotguns. One victim officer was killed with a vehicle used as a weapon.

Nineteen of the slain officers were confirmed to be wearing body armor at the times of the incidents. Six of the officers fired their own weapons, and three officers attempted to fire their service weapons. Two victim officers had their weapons stolen; one officer was killed with his own weapon.

The 27 victim officers died from injuries sustained in 26 separate incidents. Twenty-five of those incidents have been cleared by arrest or exceptional means.

An additional 49 officers were accidentally killed in the line of duty in 2013. This total represents one officer more than the 48 officers who were accidentally killed in 2012. By region, 31 officers died due to accidents in the South, nine in the West, five in the Northeast, and four in the Midwest.

Twenty-three of the officers died as a result of automobile accidents, nine were struck by vehicles, and four officers were in motorcycle accidents. Four of the officers were killed due to falls, and two from accidental shootings, two from drowning, and two died as a result of a training exercise. One officer died due to electrocution and one from smoke inhalation, and one officer was killed in an aircraft accident.

Of the 23 officers who died due to automobile accidents, 14 officers were not wearing seatbelts; three of these officers were seated in parked vehicles at the times of the incidents. Eight of the victim officers were wearing seatbelts, and seatbelt use was not reported for one of the officers who was killed due to an automobile accident. That incident was still under investigation at the time of this release.

Armed Forces Appreciation Weekend This Weekend