Monday, February 2, 2015

A Night of Music With a lot Of Food and Wine

Are you planning any special events or promotions surrounding Valentine's Day?

Are you planning any special events or promotions surrounding Valentine's Day?

Any special deals you want people to know about?

Contact Debbie at the Chamber so the word can get out!

Call 410 957-1919 OR

Submit your information by COB each Thursday

Maryland Chamber of Commerce Legislative Report

The following information is provided by the
Maryland Chamber of Commerce Legislative Report
January 29, 2015
Hogan Budget Unveiled 

Governor Larry Hogan unveiled his budget proposal on Thursday, January 22. The simple white on black cover was as stark as the budget challenge within. For the current fiscal year ending on June 30, the state has a total shortfall of $423 million. The estimated budget gap for the following fiscal year is $802 million. Thus, according to Hogan's budget proposal, the cumulative FY 2015 and 2016 budget challenge is $1.25 billion.

By all accounts the Governor's FY 2016 budget is structurally balanced. Proponents praise the bold action necessary to get spending under control while others question whether the proposal is too aggressive given the timeline. The proposed budget does however, reflect promises made during the campaign; there are no new taxes or fees, no layoffs and no furloughs.

The largest single contributor to this fiscal year's shortfall is Medicaid. The Medicaid shortfall is largely attributed to higher than budgeted enrollment due to the Affordable Care Act, higher costs of new Hepatitis C drugs and a decline in the cigarette tax revenue. To help close the FY 2015 budget gap, Hogan proposes cutting in half an increase in the rates paid to Medicaid healthcare providers, using funds from another insurance program to fund Medicaid, as well as, a 2% agency reduction. FY 2016 solutions include reducing healthcare provider rates to the FY 2014 levels, employee compensation adjustments and aid to education. State spending on education would increase in FY 2016 but at a rate less than educators and county leaders would like.

Generally speaking economic development programs fared well. The Biotechnology, CyberSecurity, and Research and Development Tax Credits along with the Stem Cell Research Fund were all level funded or received very modest reductions sending a clear message that "Maryland is open for business". For more information on how the budget could impact Maryland's business climate contact Mat Palmer at

The  Chamber (Maryland) recognizes the Governor's budget proposal included some tough choices and the Chamber (Maryland) supports the Governor's efforts to align state spending with state revenues breaking the cycle of having to deal with midyear cuts and structural deficits. The House Appropriations Committee will act first on the Budget and has already begun to have briefings on the Hogan Administration's budget actions.
For more of the Maryland Chamber of Commerce Legislative Report, visit the For Immediate Release section on

Whoever said “beggars can’t be choosers” never met Somali Muslims

Whoever said “beggars can’t be choosers” never met Somali Muslims in Minnesota. These Muslim imports in Minneapolis are now demanding a tax-funded “halal” non-pork food shelf at a free food pantry for the poor. As if it’s not bad enough that nearly all the “American” Muslims who have joined ISIS have been Somalis from Minneapolis, their relatives here are demanding that Americans adhere to the same Sharia Laws the Islamic State fighters are trying to impose throughout the Middle East. A group of first-generation Somali Americans says they need help in developing a food shelf that specializes in healthy foods that do not contain pork or pork byproducts. “It’s about human rights also, basic human rights to get the proper food and also healthy food,” said Imam Hassan Mohamud.

“Human rights”? Seriously? Their arrogance and self-entitlement has to be unprecedented for a group on the public dole. Tens of thousands of Somalis settled in Minneapolis/St. Paul after Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and later Barack Obama imported them and funded massive “refugee” centers there. Welfare, schools, hospitals and social services have been crushed by the burden of immigrants who lack the most basic skills to live in a modern society.

This is hardly the first demands Somalis have made on the good people of Minneapolis. When the influx of Somali thugs naturally resulted is a massive increase in crime a decade ago, Somalis demanded a $48 million Sharia-compliant “youth center” to keep Somali gangs “out of trouble”.

We have read for several years now how Muslim cab drivers in Minneapolis and several airports have kicked out blind passengers with guide dogs (dogs are “unclean” in Islam), or customers transporting alcohol. They came here, taking advantage of American generosity, and returned it by enforcing their own brand of Sharia Law upon us.

Liberals in Minnesota have bent over backwards for them, setting up foot-washing basins in their airport and even at a university, in response to their demands.

But as with most appeasement, these refugees keep making more demands. Now it is for “halal” products (meat slaughtered with Islamic prayers and a ban on pork).

The Imam leading this protest actually claimed that there were beans with pork in it and this was a “literacy” issue that required more government funding and special halal-compliant beans. But one commenter on the article from Minneapolis wrote:

As someone who made use of the foodshelf recently, I can tell you that most of the food doesn’t contain pork. I hear what they are saying about a literacy issue, but can’t the food shelf people just point out the cans of pork and beans? Besides, the food shelf is based on donations!

This is not about Muslims “making do” or getting help on what to eat. The Koran demands that Muslim make any country they live in adapt to them and Sharia Law. The last thing they plan to do is assimilate.

One blogger added:
How long until they demand separate entrances to the food pantry for men and women and separate entrances for Muslims who don’t want to see any Christmas or holiday food or decorations?
The state of Maine has also been crushed by Somalis that Obama has forced upon them. The Governor of Maine, Paul LePage has valiantly been trying to cut off cash aid to Somalis – nearly all of whom are on welfare – since Obama has purposely dumped thousands of them in Lewiston and Portland.
America got Black Hawk Down and 18 dead Americans. Somalis got 90,000+ “asylum” slots in America, free housing, Sharia-compliant facilities, and a lifetime of welfare. How do you say “chumps” in Somali?

Sunday, February 1, 2015

TIME MACHINE ... 1967, 1899, 2004, 1966-67, 1989

(Reader-friendly viewing of news archive/historical archive material)

July, 1967
The  Daily Times (Salisbury)


Kindergarten Plan Ok'd For Worcester in '67-68

SNOW HILL -  A full program of free kindergarten classes will be provided in all Worcester County schools in 1967-68 accodomg to Robert W. Gaddis, superintendent of education.

Over 500 children are expected to attend.

Mr. Gaddis said that the board of education decided to give full support to the new kinddergarten program which is partially financed by state funds. The state will pay 37 1/2 percent of the cost, with the remainder financed by county and federal money.

Worcester County has had a kindergarten program in four county schools previously, but it has been under a tuition system, where the parent paid $20 per month for each child. This teaching for pre-schoolers was started at a PTA project in 1958.

March, 1899
The Gaffney Ledger (Gaffney, S.C.)


Entire Town of Salisbury, Md., Was Threatened With Destruction

SALISBURY  MD.,  March 14.-  At 4 o'clock this morning fire broke out at Jackson's mill, located at the lower end of Main St., and spread rapidly.  A high wind scattered the sparks in every direction and increased the violence of the flames.

The fire department worked heroically, but the flames got beyond their control and help was asked from Wilmington, Crisfield, and Pocomoke City.

The mill and the big lumber yard, containing millions of feet of lumber, were soon reduced to ashes. The flames spread to adjoining property and there was great apprehension that the entire lower part of the town would go.

The fire was got under control about noon, with assistance of fire engines from Wilmington, Del., and Pocomoke City, Md. No estimate of the damage can yet be made. 

October, 2004
The Somerset Herald (Princess Anne)


Courthouse marks 100th year

PRINCESS ANNE-  A building that has long been at both the literal and figurative center of town -the Somerset County Courthouse- will mark its 100th birthday Friday with a rededication ceremony and an open house.

The event will be an opportunity for the public to see the inside of a building they might never have a reason to visit.

"The courtroom's the best part of it," said attorney Jack Willing, Jr., one of the organizers. "There's a lot of heritage there that people can see."

While the present building is marking its 100th anniversary, the court system in Somerset County dates back 338 years, according to attorney Tony Bruce, who conducted research for the rededication.

The sign reads as follows:





July, 1966
Hazelton Standard-Speaker (Hazelton, Pa.)


KANSAS CITY (AP) -  The AFL-NFL championship football game probably will be played on a neutral site, with the Rose Bowl probably having the best chance, Lamar Hunt said Sunday.

Hunt, owner of the Kansas City Chiefs of the American Football League, was quoted by the Kansas City Star as saying the special three-man committee from the AFL and the National Football League will meet soon to work out a number of the details.

"I think one of the first things we'll consider is the site of the Super Bowl - that's my term for the championship game between the two leagues." 

October, 1966
The Troy Record (Troy, N.Y.)


PASADENA, Calif. (AP) -  Pasadena in effect shut the door of its famed Rose Bowl yesterday for the proposed superbowl championship game Jan 8. between the National and American Football Leagues.

Fear of losing its long association with college football people, notably the Athletic Association of Western Universities and the Big Ten and their annual New Year's Day Classic, was a prime reason for backing off from the professional people.

The Pasadena Chamber originally contacted the two leagues about the possibility of staging the so-called super bowl here. The city controls the big bowl 11 months of the year while the Tournament Of Roses has the stadium in December and through the New Year's Day game.

November, 1966
The San Bernardino County Sun (San Bernardino, Calif.)


WASHINGTON (AP) -  President Johnson signed into law yesterday a bill giving the merger of the American and National Football Leagues limited immunity from anti-trust laws.

Under the merger plans, the leagues will play a Super Bowl game in January pitting the AFL champions against the NFL winners, will hold a common draft, and will plan a schedule for inter-league pre-season games next summer.

Two new cities will join the combined league to eventually be formed by 28 teams.

On Nov. 1 the NFL made New Orleans the 16th franchise, to begin operations in 1967. The new club will participate in the January draft. The AFL's 10th club is expected to begin operation in 1968. Two more teams are expected to be added after that.

January, 1967
The Bonham Daily Favorite (Bonham, Texas)


LOS ANGELES (UPI) -  The war of words between the American and National Football leagues is on the verge of being settled Sunday when the Kansas City Chiefs meet the Green Bay Packers in the Super Bowl for the world championship of pro-football.

"It's been a war of words for seven years and now we'll settle it on the grass," Coach Hank Stram of the AFL champion Chief's said in his final press conference.

Coach Vince Lombardi said there wasn't a chance in the world that his NFL champion Packers would fail to take the challenge of the Chief's seriously when they meet Sunday in the Memorial Coliseum before a crowd of around 70,000 fans. An estimated 60 million persons also will be watching the game on two television networks (CBS and NBC.)

"It's the first time its been played, so I don't know," Lombardi commented on his personal reaction. "It seems like a game should have some tradition before you can tell what it means."

The Super Bowl match-ups and winners, 1967-2014:

It's" Bud Bowl I" from 1989!

See this and other vintage Anheuser Busch commercials.

(Courtesy of Duke University Libraries Digital Collections)

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish.  Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

PPE remembers JMMB

Saturday, January 31, 2015

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview.

1967- Tuition-free kindergarten coming to Worcester County schools; 1899.. Pocomoke firemen help battle fire that threatened entire town of Salisbury; 2004.. Somerset County Courthouse marks 100th year.

ACROSS THE USA1966-67.. articles reflect issues leading up to the first Super Bowl; and take a look at 1989's "Bud Bowl I" commercial.

It's this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!  

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish.   Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Would you consider helping The Pocomoke Public Eye as one of our contributors of current local items of interest?  Please contact

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Worcester student's racist post sparks outcry

Photo stirs negative reaction among current and former students.


A racist-fueled Instagram photo circulated through the timelines of many students and athletes late Thursday evening, causing quite a stir among readers.

The photo — which The Daily Times will not post due to its nature — involved two swastikas and two skulls paired with the phrase "DAY OF THE ROPE," "HANG 'EM HIGH & HANG 'EM SLOW," rotating in a circle around a noose in the center. The emblem was based on a black background, and was likely an image taken from the Internet.

Additionally, the post said the location of the user was in "Auschwitz."

At about 11 p.m. Thursday night, the post was approximately a day old.

It garnered more than 80 likes and 37 responses on the Instagram page before being taken down before midnight Thursday.

On a Twitter account under the same username, "#RaceWarWeek" had been posted at about 2:30 p.m. Thursday, but was deleted sometime Friday morning.

Other photos on the now deleted Instagram page showed pictures of a teenage male in a football uniform that Stephen Decatur high school players wear.

Most local Twitter users were appalled as the post spread.

"My timeline consist of: teamgetaplate, racism, more teamgetaplate, more racism, a little more racism and a tiny bit more of teamgetaplate," Stephen Decatur junior guard Dayona Godwin tweeted, referring to the newly dubbed Washington High School fan section and the Instagram post.

"It's 20 freakin 15, why do people have to be so racist and disrespectful?" tweeted Kevon Turnamian, who is a well-known Bleacher Creature, referring to the fan section of James M. Bennett.

"There's another race war at Decatur?! Just grow up," former Decatur student David Bernal-Clark tweeted, which he followed with, "Racism is ignorant. Everyone is equal. Everyone just needs to get over themselves."
Friday morning, Barbara Witherow, coordinator of public relations and special programs for Worcester County Schools, was not aware of the incident.

After The Daily Times shared a screenshot of the Instagram post and the tweet, Witherow wrote in an email: "Social media activity by students is difficult to govern because it almost always occurs outside of the school day and off of school property. Almost all policies and procedures associated with student codes of conduct address infractions or suspected infractions that occur on school property, school buses, or at a school sponsored event.

"Social media activity that is disruptive to the school environment — no matter where it originates — is a matter of great concern and requires action."

Witherow continued: "Although I cannot speak directly about a specific case, I can assure you that cases brought to our attention are addressed in the manner explained. It is absolutely essential that our schools have environments where all students feel safe and respected."

At about 4 p.m. Friday, the Instagram account was deleted, but Twitter spoke the verdict.
"They made me delete my Instagram :-/," the user tweeted. On Twitter/Instagram: @DTimes_Marshall

When a school is made aware of social media activity that is disruptive to the school environment, the following actions are taken:

The student is immediately interviewed to investigate the activity.

Parents are contacted and informed of the activity.

Every effort is made to have inappropriate postings deleted.

Consequences are determined based on a student's previous violations, the severity of the activity and the specifics gleaned from the investigation.

If criminal activity is suspected, law enforcement is contacted.

A student may be referred to school counseling or services available in the community, depending on the outcome of the investigation.


5 Things You Need To Know About MD's Looming Debt & Pension Crisis

5 Things You Need To Know About Governor Hogan's FY 2016 Budget Solutions

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Delmarva Power Pocomoke City Reliability Improvement Project

In 2015, Delmarva Power will invest $1 million to improve electric service for customers in Pocomoke City.

Between March & August 2015, Delmarva Power will upgrade and modernize its electric distribution system along the following streets:
  • Market Street (between 10th Street & Pocomoke Beltway/Old Virginia Road)
  • Payne Avenue (between Market Street & Route 13)
  • Pocomoke Beltway (between Cedar Street & Route 13)
  • Walnut Street (between 2nd & 10th Streets)
  • 10th Street (between Market & Walnut Streets)
The Pocomoke City electric reliability improvement project will include the replacement of about 70 electric distribution poles and the installation of new wire, crossarms, switching equipment and other assorted upgrades.
Once the pole replacement and line construction are complete, crews will convert customers to the new power lines.  These conversions will necessitate planned outages of several hours. Prior to the conversion, crews will notify customers who will be affected by an outage.  Any outages for businesses will be coordinated to take place during non-business hours.

Over the last five years, Delmarva Power has invested approximately $1 billion to strengthen its transmission and distribution systems to improve reliability.  This project is one of numerous infrastructure improvements planned throughout their service territory over the next several years designed to improve service to their customers.

Questions about the project can be referred to Delmarva Power Senior Public Affairs Manager Jim Smith at or at (410) 860-6366.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Injured Bald Eagle Causes Stir On Route 50

Injured Bald Eagle Causes Stir On Route 50
Unusual sight this afternoon when an injured bald eagle caused traffic to come to a crawl on Route 50. Some Good Samaritans stood guard over the bald eagle, which was bleeding, until DNR and volunteers arrived. Photos by Heather Vest and Harry Reinhart

UPDATE: Injured Bald Eagle Reportedly Recovers On Its Own After Being Transferred To Nearby Woods
Charlene Sharpe, Staff Writer
WEST OCEAN CITY – “There is something truly majestic when you get to see a bald eagle.”
That’s what area resident Kristi Clarke was thinking when she turned around to get a better look at the eagle she saw standing in the median of Route 50 in West Ocean City. That’s when she saw it fly into an oncoming vehicle.
“It actually hit the side of the car,” she said, “knocking itself to the ground.”
Although it landed in the left lane of eastbound Route 50, vigilant motorists were quick to stop and block the bird that lay prone on the asphalt. Clarke, who called 911 as soon as she saw what happened, says she watched as the bird tightened its wings, trying to lift its body off the ground. With the help of an onlooker, the eagle was eventually able to stand.
“Although blood ran down its body from what was its right eye, he stood with such strength and fortitude,” Clarke said.
An officer from Maryland’s Department of Natural Resources reached the scene — near the intersection of Route 50 and Jerry Mack Road — shortly after and moved the eagle from the roadway.
“It was stunned and appeared to have a leg injury,” said Candy Thomson, public information officer for Maryland Natural Resources Police. “But the officer said the bird was active and mobile.”
The officer consulted with one of the wildlife rehabilitators Natural Resources Police typically works with and was instructed to take the eagle into the woods nearby and to watch it to see if it recovered on its own. Thomson said it did and was left to return to its natural environment. She said incidents like Sunday’s were not unusual.
“It happens often enough that NRP has a list of wildlife rehabilitators across the state with whom we work to ensure that injured wildlife receives appropriate attention,” she said.
Thomson said if needed those rehabilitators would take over the care and treatment of the injured animal.
Motorist Heather Vest was among the crowd of onlookers who watched as the NRP officer covered the bird in a towel and carried it off in a large plastic tub. She said there was an animal carcass in the median that the animal may have been scavenging before the incident.
“It appeared unconscious when we first arrived. My husband approached with a couple other drivers. At that point, the eagle regained consciousness and raised its head. Neither driver knew who may have hit it,” Vest said in an email to The Dispatch.
Clarke said seeing the eagle up close and watching it recover from what appeared to be a near-death experience was incredible.
“What a true life synonym of America,” she said.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

TIME MACHINE ... 1883, 1918, 1943, 1959, 1995, 1963, 1878.

"Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore."  Our tradition runs deep.  Excerpt from a letter to the editor from a visitor to Newtown, (former name of Pocomoke City) published in the Baltimore Sun, April 28,1847.

This place (Newtown) is a pretty snug little village, containing about 500 clever and hospitable inhabitants; it has good wide streets, quite clear of that "eye sore," known mostly over the Peninsula by the name of "deep sand"; the houses, though built of frame, are generally built substantially and with some discretion and taste; there are two neat, new, and quite handsome frame churches in it; as for the merchants of the place, suffice it to state that they are very clever and hospitable.  F. Mezick, Esq., the landlord with whom I stopped, and his very obliging and jolly assistant, are richly deserving of a passing notice, for the good treatment and the extension of the many civilities to "the stranger."

October, 1883
The Baltimore Sun 

Pocomoke, Md., Oct 5, 1883: The Pocomoke Times gives some details of the cyclone which passed over Worcester County, Md., on Tuesday, October 2. The storm was in fact a furious hurricane, during which the rain fell in torrents. For miles fence rails lay in and along the road and large pine trees of the toughest were twisted and broken as if they had been straw. William Trader, returning to Pocomoke from Snow Hill, was blown with his horse and carriage over a fence into an adjoining field, destroying his carriage. James T. Hancock, who had just recently built a new house, had it blown off its foundation, carried thirty feet and dashed to the ground a total wreck. Corn stacks, stables, carriage houses and out houses of all kinds were completely wrecked. Thomas Dickerson, near Girdletree, had a part of his house blown away and his wife injured. A number of Worcester residents suffered from the storm to a greater or less extent. The storm, coming from the west, began about 3 o'clock in the afternoon and lasted nearly an hour.


Only 6 more days before Prohibition

(Maryland Historical Society photograph.)

"Prohibition [Jefferson Liquor Company storefront with customers], [1918]. [Probably] 15 North Liberty Street, Baltimore, Maryland."

April, 1943
The Salisbury Times 

Old Dominion Club now Coast Guard Hospital

Accomac, Virginia, April 10, 1943-  The Old Dominion Club, one of the most beautiful properties in Chincoteague, located in a little grove on the east side of the island, with deep water all around, is to become the Coast Guard Hospital, it was announced last night by Lt. Charles Mister, in command of the coast Guard at Chincoteague. Lt. mister said the property will be taken over April 15th and $42,000 in new equipment will be brought to the island and installed at once. The Old Dominion Club was taken over to meet the requirements of the Coast Guard and other service men until a permanent hospital can be erected. The Old Dominion Club was built by New York sportsmen and has fourteen rooms.

November, 1959
The Cumberland News (Cumberland, Md.)

Veteran Worcester Sheriff Dies At 71

ASSATEAGUE BEACH, Md. (AP)-  Edwin D. (Ned) Lynch, veteran Worcester County sheriff, died Sunday of a heart attack while rounding up stray cattle he owned.

The 71-year-old law officer had been sheriff in Worcester County for seventeen years, having been elected last fall to a fifth four-year term. Prior to that he served eight years as deputy sheriff and constable.

He lived at the county jail in Snow Hill.

Lynch was also a farmer and cattleman. He had been flown to Assateague Island from the mainland and was with a son, Wilson, when he suffered the attack.

January, 1995
The Somerset Herald (Princess Anne)

Professional wrestling coming to Pr. Anne

Mt. Vernon VFC sponsors fundraiser

The Mt. Vernon Volunteer Fire Company along with ACW Wrestling will bring an afternoon of professional wrestling to Princess Anne in March.

The volunteer firefighters recently signed a contract with American Commonwealth Wrestling promoter Ed Zohn to bring professional wrestling to the Tawes Gym at UMES. Included on the Saturday, March 18 card will be Cactus Jack, Shane Douglas, 2 Cold Scorpio, Ron Simmons plus women wrestlers Angel and Peaches.

Tickets for the 1 p.m. event will be $10 for general admission, $15 for ringside seats. Ticket sales and advertisements in a souvenir booklet will benefit the Mt. Vernon VFC.  More details will be released as the event date nears.

January, 1963 (Time Machine archive)
(The Salisbury Times)

POCOMOKE CITY - New officers of the city volunteer fire department were elected recently.  They are: Joe Byrd, president; Joe Mariner, vice-president; James Fykes, secretary; Raymond Dryden, treasurer; Fred U. Henderson, chief; Raymond C. Dryden, assistant chief; George Young, chief engineer; Clayton Lambertson, trustee.

On the ambulance committee are: Lee Ray Thompson, president; R.I. Givens, secretary and treasurer; Herbert Somers, Pete Dulick, and Dwight Campbell, trustees.


December, 1878 (Time Machine archive)
The New York Times

Every man for himself is emphatically the modern sentiment, and there are some signs of completing this declaration of independence  by adding the clause "Every woman for herself, also."



What is more clear than the fact that now no family is left to itself and to its own traditions and habits, but that the most out-of-the-way homes, whether in the backwoods or on the distant coast, are within reach of the world's vast and intense life, and no strangers to its hopes and fears, its learning and its folly, its triumphs and its disasters.

Not only every family that takes a newspaper, but every person who hears the village gossip, knows what is going on all over the globe, and every man who has to buy or sell anything, has cause to revise his estimates from day to day; and very often men lose their appetite for their breakfast by news from the great market of America or Europe that prices have changed sadly to their hurt.  A considerable proportion of pain goes with the news of the day, and a large portion of unwholesomeness, for disasters and scandals are dwelt upon with more minuteness than successes and satisfactions, and no great bargains or great weddings are reported half as fully as great frauds and great divorce and scandals.

It is not remarkable that the rich and conspicuous should strive to outshine each other in dress and living, but the remarkable thing is that in our modern life there are now no radical distinctions of class or fortune in costume or habits, and that all persons, and especially all women, follow the same fashions as far as they can, and catch the course of the same social ambition.  So far as street dress is concerned, the wives, and especially the daughters, of the poorer classes, make, relatively, far more display than their richer neighbors, and to a certain extent, the exactions of modern society are in the inverse proportion of means and abilities, since they who have least fortune and talent are subject to the same high pressure from the reigning mode, and women who are not usually trained to earn their own living are beset by the same ruling passion for dress and ornament.

The palace of merchants and bankers, and the cottages of farmers and mechanics among us have a similar story to tell. Indeed it may be set down as part of the universal strain on modern living, that its exactions are out of proportion to its means, and the exaction presses upon every family, while the means at hand vary from wealth, or what is called competency, down to limitation and want.

Surely our modern living is under great strain, and many lives break down beneath the pressure.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

PPE remembers JMMB.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Muslim Immigrants Smash & Urinate on Virgin Mary Statue in Italy

A man was kneeling in prayer before the statue of the revered Madonna, with the photograph of a loved one in hand, in the small chapel of St. Barnabas in Perugia (Italy), when he was attacked by five “immigrants.”
The first thing they did was rip the photo from his hands.
Next they unleashed their hatred against the image of the Virgin Mary. They broke the statue to pieces and then urinated on it.
Don Scarda, pastor of St. Barnabas, said the event was led by five “foreigners.” By the time police arrived at the chapel, the unidentified attackers had already fled.
The incident has caused a stir among locals. Some have lambasted Pope Francis who is accused of appeasing immigrants—mostly Muslims—to wild extremes. Earlier he had said that “Migrants, through their own humanity, cultural values, expand the sense of human brotherhood.”
Although the Diocese condemned the act of sacrilege against the Madonna statue, it also followed the Pope’s lead by absolving Islam of any responsibility for what happened.

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview.

1883.. Ferocious storm rakes Worcester County; 1918.. Counting the days until prohibition begins (photo); 1943.. A new life for Chincoteague's beautiful Old Dominion Club property; 1959.. Worcester County loses its veteran sheriff; 1995.. Pro wrestling coming to Princess Anne; 1963.. Pocomoke Fire Company elects officers.

And from ACROSS THE USA: (The good old days?) The year is 1878 and the New York Times writes about "THE STRAIN UPON MODERN LIVING" in an article concluding: "Surely our modern living is under great strain, and many lives break down beneath the pressure." 

Read more about these items this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Would you consider helping The Pocomoke Public Eye as one of our contributors of current local items of interest?  Please contact

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Reptile Festival


Chicken & Dumpling Dinner & Black History Program

Sturgis One Room School Museum
Annual Fundraiser
Chicken & Dumpling Dinner
& Black History Program
Saturday, February 7, 2015
6:00 PM
Come one, come all!  Please join us for another unforgettable evening of community fun, fellowship, live entertainment & inspiration!
Performance by Pocomoke High School Show Choir
Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Co. Community Center
1410 Market Street
Tickets Available Now - $20 each
Final Ticket Sales: January 30
Tickets can be purchased at the following locations:
City Hall (101 Clarke Ave) or Chamber of Commerce (6 Market St)
Questions:  Call Sturgis One Room School Museum @ 410 957-1875

General Membership Luncheon

General Membership Luncheon 
Hartley Hall Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
 1006 Market Street in Pocomoke City.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015 from 12:00 - 1:00 PM

There is no charge for this luncheon.  You are asked to bring paper goods, canned foods or any non perishable items for the Hartley Hall Senior Housing tenants. This is an independent living apartment complex located behind the Hartley Hall facility.


Ribbon Cutting

Business After Hours

H&R Block

New Location!

H&R Block has recently relocated to 130 Newtowne Blvd
Pocomoke City, MD

Please join us on Thursday
January 22 for a 

Ribbon Cutting

at 5:00 PM as we welcome them to their new location. 

Following the Ribbon Cutting, see their new facility, meet the staff and enjoy some refreshments!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

TIME MACHINE ... 1958, 1917, 1923, 1889, 1899, 1970's.

"Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore."  Our tradition runs deep.  Excerpt from a letter to the editor from a visitor to Newtown, (former name of Pocomoke City) published in the Baltimore Sun, April 28,1847.

This place (Newtown) is a pretty snug little village, containing about 500 clever and hospitable inhabitants; it has good wide streets, quite clear of that "eye sore," known mostly over the Peninsula by the name of "deep sand"; the houses, though built of frame, are generally built substantially and with some discretion and taste; there are two neat, new, and quite handsome frame churches in it; as for the merchants of the place, suffice it to state that they are very clever and hospitable.  F. Mezick, Esq., the landlord with whom I stopped, and his very obliging and jolly assistant, are richly deserving of a passing notice, for the good treatment and the extension of the many civilities to "the stranger."

(Reader-friendly viewing of news archives/historical archives material)

June, 1958
The Salisbury Times

Changes Made In Worcester School Faculties


John W.  Tatem Jr., has been appointed principal of the Pocomoke elementary school on Market St.  Mr. Tatem has taught a total of ten years and for the last four years has served as principal of the Buckingham elementary school. He holds a bachelor's degree from Lynchburg College and a master's degree from Columbia University.

Fredella Norfleet (was a new teacher named) to the Stephen Long school (Pocomoke). Mrs. Luella H. Tatem was transferred from Stephen Decatur to a new position at the Pocomoke High School, and Mrs. Ruby T. Wilson, who had taught for a part of last term, was named a teacher at Pocomoke elementary school. 

May, 1917 (Time Machine archive)

The Worcester County Medical Society, meeting in Pocomoke City, passed a resolution regarding county physicians who were called to serve on the war front. The resolution stated that if a Worcester County physician was called to the front to serve his country, another society member designated by him would take over his practice and give a third of the fees collected to the military physician's family. The physician's former practice would be restored to him upon his return. 

August, 1923
The Daily News (Frederick, Md.)

Salisbury Hotel Plans Approved

Architects plans for the Wicomico Hotel have been approved by the building committee and bids have been asked for on Salisbury's proposed $250,000 hostelry.

Salisbury's new Wicomico Hotel

(Picture courtesy of "Historic Salisbury Maryland"

March, 1889 (Time Machine archive)
The Herald And Torchlight (Hagerstown, Md.)

About eight o'clock last Thursday evening the large steam and planing mill, situated in the center of Pocomoke City, and owned by Messrs. Young and Colbourn, caught fire and was burned to the ground.  The new fire engine and recently organized fire company did good service in saving the southwestern end of town, which certainly must have gone but for the assistance rendered by the engine.  The loss was about twenty thousand dollars, covered by insurance. 

March, 1899
The Peninsula Enterprise (Accomac Court House)

Mr. Frank W. Byrd had a narrow escape from serious injury, on his way over the Saxis Island road to Belinda a few days ago. The holes in the road are so deep much of the way that the axle of his carriage touched the ground and his horse was frightened by dragging through them and ran away with him. In many places the holes can not be shunned and the danger is so great, that it is worthy the attention of the Board of Supervisors, if they do not want a suit for damages against the county.


Fiat commercial from the 1970's.

It's the new Brava starting from about $5,900.

The Pocomoke Public Eye connects you to this and other vintage Fiat commercials. To view, click this link:

(Courtesy of Duke University Libraries Digital Collections)

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

PPE remembers JMMB.

Friday, January 16, 2015

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1958.. Personnel changes at Pocomoke schools; 1917.. Practices will be maintained for Worcester physicians called to war service; 1923.. Plans approved for Salisbury's proposed Wicomico Hotel; 1889.. Pocomoke City's new fire company and engine quell large in-town blaze; 1899.. Dangerous roads in Accomack County.

It's all a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

And this week from AcrossThe USA view a TV commercial for a 1970's Fiat. 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting! 

Would you consider helping The Pocomoke Public Eye as one of our contributors of current local items of interest?  Please contact

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Sturgis One Room School Museum Annual Fundraiser

Sturgis One Room School Museum
Annual Fundraiser
Chicken & Dumpling Dinner
& Black History Program
Saturday, February 7, 2015
6:00 PM
Come one, come all!  Please join us for another unforgettable evening of community fun, fellowship, live entertainment & inspiration!
Performance by Pocomoke High School Show Choir
Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Co. Community Center
1410 Market Street
Tickets Available Now - $20 each
Final Ticket Sales: January 30
Tickets can be purchased at the following locations:
City Hall (101 Clarke Ave) or Chamber of Commerce (6 Market St)
Questions:  Call Sturgis One Room School Museum @ 410 957-1875

Rescheduled General Membership Luncheon

Rescheduled  General Membership Luncheon to be held at Hartley Hall Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, 1006 Market Street in Pocomoke City.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015 from 12:00 - 1:00 PM

The menu for this event includes:  Fried Seafood Platter, Baked Chicken Breast, Tossed Salad, Baked Potato, Asparagus, Cornbread & Dessert.

There is no charge for this luncheon.  You are asked to bring paper goods, canned foods or any non perishable items for the Hartley Hall Senior Housing tenants. This is an independent living apartment complex located behind the Hartley Hall facility.
Spaces are limited!

Register online or email Deb at 
Registration Deadline is Monday, January 19, 2015.

Please confirm you can attend the luncheon on January 21 even if you already signed up for the December date.  Thanks!


Many thanks to the following 
new & renewing
PACC Members!

Annemessex Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Atlantis Homes
Branscome Eastern Shore
Great Pocomoke Fair
H & H Furniture
Holiday Inn Express
Hoober, Inc.
Mariner Oil Co./Taylor Oil & Propane
Maryland Coastal Bays Program
Poultry Supply, LLC
Shore Bank
Smart Graphic Designs/Frugals
TD Digital Printers, INC
Women Supporting Women

PETA Tries Fat-Shaming to Convince People to Go Vegan

Peta ad links obesity to animal fats

Peta, the animal rights campaigning charity, is launching a provocative new bus ad linking obesity to eating animal fats.


The ad will appear on the back of buses and creates an optical illusion, which shows an obese man seemingly making a single deck bus tilt due to his weight.

The copy asks, "Time to go vegan?" The charity says it is trying to make the point that meat, dairy products and eggs are prime culprits in Britain's obesity crisis and going vegan is the way to reduce weight.

The ad was made in-house with photography by Pal Hansen.
Yvonne Taylor, senior programmes manager, Peta UK, said: "People who insist on stuffing themselves with Sunday roasts, bacon, cheese and eggs are throwing their health under the bus.
"Going vegan is a delicious, easy way to help dump unwanted weight, save animals' lives and keep your body running at peak efficiency on high-octane veggie power."