Sunday, November 15, 2020

Time Machine: 1988, 1923, 1883, 2007, 1972, 1982.

May, 1988

The Star Democrat (Easton)

October, 1923

The Evening Journal (Wilmington)

Excerpt - Pocomoke's Old Winter Quarter

General Ebenezer Hearn was born in Sussex
County, Delaware, March the 7th, 1792. Mr. Hearn
served an apprenticeship in Delaware. After he was of
age, he went to Modest Town, Accomac County, Va., and 
worked journey work for Mr. Lippincott of that place. He 
did not however, continue long in Modest Town before 
he came to New Town and engaged, as above stated, in 
the business with Rev. James Tilghman. Some years 
after this he married the oldest daughter of Dr. Steven- 
son. He soon began to be prosperous in his business- 
In the course of time he purchased a tract of land called 
Cowley, but more familiarly known as Old Winter Quar- 
ter. This tract of land he purchased of Mr. John Stevens, 
a regular descendant of Col. William Stevens, of colonial 
As Old Winter Quarter has been a place of
renown, the reader may be anxious to know something 
more about it. It adjoins Pocomoke City; in fact, the 
dwelling and principal part of the farm is within the 
corporation of the town. When General Hearn pur- 
chased it, it was a perfect wilderness; was interspersed 
with branches, sand hills, mud and swamp, where the 
yew pawns and prickly pears grew, and where it is 
said, bears were numerous, and old Blue Beard lived. 
These were terrible scarecrows to the boys when they 
would go into Winter Quarter yew pawning. Many a farce 
has been played upon strangers in getting them to dig in
the sand hills of Winter Quarter for Blue Beard's money* 
which, it has been said, that he was buried there. 

Here Mr. Hearn built his house, which yet remains a
fine one. Probably, about this time, he was chosen
captain of militia. He now was called Captain Hearn;
subsequently he was placed upon the Governor's Staff, as
one of his aids, with the title of Colonel, he now was
called by that title, and later again he received the title of
General, since which time, he was called General Hearn to 
the day of his death. 

General Hearn was a man of pleasure, he was fond of
fox hunting and a game of chess; he also became a great
politician, of the Whig party, and has been elected to
the legislature of Maryland oftener, probably, than any
other man in Worcester County, in his day. He was kind
and genial, calm and even in his disposition, and never in
a hurry, and was very popular. He was independent in
his circumstances, and when he died he left a handsome
estate to his children. He died January 13th, 1854, in 
the 62nd year of his age, honored and respected by all 
who knew him, and was buried in the family burying 
ground, in Winter Quarter.

(Reader comment)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

General Hearn's house is still standing near the intersection of Winter Quarters Drive and US 13. At one time it was the residence of the Rip Kurka family. I have no idea who lives there now but it was reputed to be impossible to heat because there was little to no insulation in the walls.

October, 2007

Daily Times (Salisbury)
(Pictured from left- James McGinley, 11, Kristian Trader, 12, Cora Parks, 12, Brittany Tedder, 12. All from Pocomoke City.)

1972  ..  It's from Atari and called PONG. Amazing!

1982  ..  A new cable channel is making its debut-

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Friday, November 13, 2020

Winter weather prediction for Delmarva


Predictions presented by WMDT meteorologists:

Time Machine Preview

This Sunday here at The Pocomoke Public Eye: 

1988  ..  Hattie Clarke and the Marva Theater-

1923  ..  

1883  ..  A history of Pocomoke City published in 1883 tells of "Old Winter Quarter" of an even earlier time.

2007  ..  Enjoying the Pocomoke Block Party-

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Time Machine: 2002, 1971, 1901, 1918, 1978.


March, 2002

(From left, Pocomoke soccer coach Alan Byrd, field hockey coach Susan Pusey and basketball coach David Byrd show off their teams' state championship trophies. The siblings guided the Warrior teams to success this school year in a community that carries on a true student athlete tradition.) 

Daily Times (Salisbury)

August, 1971

The Evening Sun (Baltimore)

June, 1901

Peninsula Enterprise

Footnote:  Sykes Island was the former name for Saxis Island.  In earlier times Saxis was also spelled Saxes.

February, 1918

Democratic Messenger

1978  ..  At the movies-

???? ..  When did the Fox Theater in Pocomoke City close- mid/late 1950's?

The Time Machine is a weekly feature I've enjoyed researching and compiling on The Pocomoke Public Eye since 2011.  I have fond memories of growing up in Pocomoke City and welcome reader contributions we can share about things you've read, remember, or were told relating to our Pocomoke/Eastern shore area...a sentence, a paragraph, or more all fine. Just email it.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Movies are on the way back to the Marva!


We are so happy to welcome you safely back to the historic Mar-Va Theater Performing Arts Center! 

To ensure a safe environment for our staff and guests, masks must be worn upon entering

or moving throughout the building.  Once seated, your mask may be removed to enjoy the show and your delicious concession purchases. Staff members will be wearing masks while serving and assisting customers.

 The aisle seat of every other row in the theatre will be marked with yellow tape to signal that the row is to remain closed.  You may not sit in any seats of these marked rows.  They must be left empty to comply with the 6' social distancing requirements. When choosing your seats, please leave a

three (3) seat distance between your family and the next to help us comply with the 6' social distancing requirement. 

​Hand sanitizer will be available in the

main lobby.

 In addition to our

normal cleaning practices, all seats, armrests

and touchpoints throughout the theatre will now be cleaned and sanitized between shows.

See info on upcoming movies: