Sunday, February 26, 2023

Time Machine: 100 years ago this week in Pocomoke's newspaper, 1882, 1973, 1956, 2000.


(Residents or visitors to Pocomoke in the mid-1900's will remember this building as home to the Coffman Fisher department store.)

December, 1882

Democratic Messenger

December, 1973

Worcester County Messenger

(Pocomoke Public Eye reader comment)
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sandra Marshall., Miss Pocomoke in the photo, is the younger sister of a previous Miss Pocomoke, Susan Marshall, who is now Susan Marshall Harrison and the current mayor of Pocomoke City.

You Go, Girl!
From one of your classmates of 1969.

November, 1956

Baltimore Evening Sun

*March, 2000   
                        (Letter to the editor)
Salisbury Daily Times

The City of Crisfield Facebook page has some old movie film taken in the Crisfield area in 1957.  If you'd like to view it click on this link-  10) Crisfield, Maryland | Crisfield MD | Facebook and scroll down to their January 27 posting.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Time Machine Preview

This Sunday here at The Pocomoke Public Eye:


1882  ..      

1973  ..            What's this Pocomoke City event?

1956  ..   

2000  ..                    

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Seeking speakers


Pocomoke High School is seeking volunteers to speak on behalf of Holocaust survivors. Contact Scott Schaire (NASA, Wallops) at 757-709-3186.