Sunday, January 21, 2024

Time Machine: 100 years ago this week in Pocomoke's newspaper; 1991, 1897, 1934, 1892, 1980.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marion Station had a prominent resident in 1924? And telephones? Who knew?

On a serious note, Marion Station had dial telephones (623 exchange) at least a year before Pocomoke City had dial service (957 exchange) It was sometime in the very early 60s but the exact date escapes me.



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Salisbury Daily Times


Baltimore American


Lewiston Daily (Lewiston, Maine)


Morning Herald (Baltimore)


Salisbury Daily Times 

Saturday, January 20, 2024

When Pocomoke Was Young- A continuing weekly feature.


(Chapter flow:)




















Note:  In duplicating this material for publishing on The Pocomoke Public Eye we have made minor adjustments to correct some of the spelling, punctuation, etc. We believe the errors were not in Rev. Murray's original writing but occurred in the process of formatting the material to a digital format for viewing online.

1868, Edward H. Clarke commenced the mercantile 
business, in New Town. Since then he has been engaged 
nearly all the time in the sale of goods alone and with 
his father. 

As Mr. Clarke is quite a prominent man in business 
circles, he is entitled to a place in this history. He was 
born in 1845, and is the only surviving son of W. J. S. 
Clarke. He was appointed a midshipman at the naval 
academy in 1861. After remaining nearly two years and 
spending one summer at sea, he resigned, as we learned, 
much to the regret of the officers of the naval academy. 
Returning home he at once entered the service of his 
father as clerk, being there well drilled, and remaining in 
that capacity until 1868, when he married an amiable and 
accomplished young lady, the only daughter of William 
M. Coster, Esq., one of the most respected and wealthy 
gentlemen in Somerset county. He is a very, popular 
man, and in point of business sagacity he is said to be 
equal to any of his name. 

In 1866, Levin Atkinson commenced the sale of 
groceries in connection with the sale of leather, and con- 
tinued the same for ten years, or until he died, which 
event took place in 1877. 

Mr. Atkinson was quite a prominent man in the com- 
munity ; was retired in disposition, obliging, and a warm 
friend. He was a member of the Methodist Protestant 
Church, in New Town, for many years, and filled promi- 
nent positions as a layman in that church. From the 
commencement of his connection with the church to his 
death, he always kept an open house for the preachers of 
that denomination, and there was nothing too good to pro- 
vide and no labor too great to perform for those whom 
he and his devoted wife loved to entertain. 

In 1880, Henry Dryden and his son Clarence engaged 
in the sale of groceries, confectionery, etc., in connection 
with the sale of tin ware, Mr. H. Dryden having been 
engaged in selling tin ware previously. This firm continues 
and will no doubt be successful. 

In 1878, James H. Vincent commenced merchandising in 
Pocomoke City, and is growing in trade and popularity. 
We have several other stores in Pocomoke City, which 
may be called green grocery and provision stores, kept 
respectively by: A. H. Benson, Roland E. Bevans and 
John W. Selverthorn, John T. M. Sturgis and Thomas 
Melvin and J. A. D. Robinson. 

These are all reliable houses, where the substantials of 
life may be purchased. 

In presenting to the reader this concise history of the 
mercantile business of New Town, now Pocomoke City, I 
have aimed at facts, at giving a fair showing, and not 
throwing more gloss upon the men and trade than they 
really merited. I shall now close this part of my history 
by saying : we have, in Pocomoke City, some thirty 
business houses of all grades, selling goods, doing an 
annual business, aggregating over two hundred thousand 


Manufacture, in the early history of New town, was, as 
a matter of course, in its infancy. The first, probably, 
should be mentioned is the manufacture of clothing for 
the families. These goods consisted of woolen, cotton 
and linen. The wool was taken from the sheep's back 
and washed, then picked, carded, spun and woven into 
fustian, that is to say, the warp was of cotton, the filling in 
was of wool. Linsey-woolsey was also made for the 
mothers and daughters. 

This word linsey-woolsey comes up in memory as some- 
thing long since past away. 

I used to hear, when I was a little boy, these words 

"Linsey-woolsey petticoats,
Silk and cotton gown, 
Shoes and stockings in your hands, 
And feet upon the ground." 

The cotton was, as a general thing, cultivated at home, 
that is to say every family had their cotton-patch if they 
had ground sufficient for that purpose, and when ripe was 
harvested, the seed picked, then carded, spun and woven. 
These were for underwear for both sexes, for sheets, and 
the beautiful white counterpanes that used to be made. 

The linen was made out of flax. Every farmer had his 
flax patch. The flax when ripe was pulled up by the 
roots by hand, then placed in a creek, pond or water- 
hole if their was any convenient, if not, it was spread out 
on the ground to mildew, when sufficiently cured it was 
then housed. In the wintertime the flax break was heard 
singing its day-long song, as the busy laborer would be 
plying the instrument. 

In this instrument the woody portion of the flax was 
separated from the fibrous. Thus the flax was prepared 
for the hackle, then after that it was spun and woven into 
what we used to call country made linen, and then made 
into underwear for both sexes, for toweling, table cloths, 
sheets, etc. Now the modus-operandi in clothing. The 
carding and spinning would be carried on day and night 
by the mothers and daughters. At night the father and 
brothers would unite around a roasting fire with a plenty 
of pine knots to make a light, and would engage in pick- 
ing the wool or cotton. During these seasons of night 
work they would roast sweet potatoes and have a pitcher 
of cider to cheer the tedious hours of labor. 

When the wool, cotton or flax was thus prepared for 
the loom, they would commence weaving. 

When I was a little boy I used to hear the loom going 
all day long. It did not make as sweet music as the piano, 
but went click, clack, click, clack, from morning until 

ECI officer charged


An Eastern Correctional Institution officer is being charged in federal court with allegedly destroying a video recording that showed another correctional officer assaulting an inmate.

(View news story:)

Md. correctional officer charged with destroying recording of inmate assault - Maryland Daily Record (

Thursday, January 18, 2024

This weekend's NFL schedule



Divisional round: Jan. 20 and 21


(7) Green Bay Packers at (1) San Francisco 49ers
Saturday, 8:15 p.m. ET on FOX

(4) Tampa Bay Buccaneers at (3) Detroit Lions
Sunday, 3 p.m. ET on NBC


(4) Houston Texans at (1) Baltimore Ravens
Saturday, 4:30 p.m. ET on ESPN/ABC/ESPN+

(3) Kansas City Chiefs at (2) Buffalo Bills
Sunday, 6:30 p.m. ET on CBS

Law enforcement responds to Thursday night disturbance at Snow Hill High School



SNOW HILL, Md. – The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office is actively investigating a brawl that took place Thursday night following a basketball game at Snow Hill High School.

(View news story:)

BREAKING: Police investigating brawl at Snow Hill High School basketball game - 47abc (

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Crisfield High School student arrested for threat of mass violence


The Somerset County Sheriff’s Office requested that the Department of Juvenile Justice hold the suspect, however, that request was denied. The suspect was subsequently released back into the custody of a parent.

(View news story:)

Crisfield High School student arrested for threat of mass violence - 47abc (

THANK YOU K-9 Simon!


The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office is proud to announce the well-deserved retirement of K-9 Simon. Today, the Worcester County Commissioners presented K-9 Simon with a commendation, recognizing him for his 9 years of dedicated service. 

 K-9 Simon came to the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office in 2014. K-9 Simon was assigned to Lieutenant Larmore, and the two quickly became inseparable partners. During their service, K-9 Simon and Lieutenant Larmore were responsible for the detection and apprehension of many dangerous criminals. K-9 Simon and Lieutenant Larmore assisted allied agencies in the Tri-County area, always representing the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office with the highest level of professionalism. During the 2019 H2Oi event, they assisted in the restoration of order to the Town of Ocean City, and Worcester County, while ensuring the safety of fellow officers and offenders. Collectively throughout their career, they helped ensure the safety and security of the citizens of Worcester County and all persons they contacted. K-9 Simon was more than a dog, a partner, and Deputy; he was an ambassador for service above self and the safety of everyone.

Grandpa would never believe this.. A turn to the right for the Baltimore Sun.


(Associated Press)

(View news article:)

Baltimore Sun sold to local buyer who has made his politics clear | AP News

(View commentary on the old and new owners:)

Changes coming to Worcester County Fair with Rec & Parks participation.


(Maryland Coast Dispatch)

Worcester County Fair Changes Announced; New Date, Location For 2024 Event

(View news article:)

01/16/2024 | Worcester County Fair Changes Announced; New Date, Location For 2024 Event | News Ocean City MD (

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

SCAM: "Panic Buttons"


 A local resident just advised us of a SCAM call that they received. The automated call said local police and fire departments are offering panic buttons to be installed in your home. The automated call said the installation is free and to hold on the line to talk to an operator so you can give them your name and address to set up an appointment.  This information is FALSE!  Local law enforcement and fire departments are NOT giving out panic buttons for your home.

     Be careful with unsolicited calls. Scammers often use urgency to pressure victims. Don’t answer calls from unknown or suspicious numbers. If the call is important, they will leave a voicemail. If you do answer the phone and something does not see right, hang up immediately. Don’t engage in conversations with suspicious callers.

     For more information on Phone Scams, click here: