Saturday, March 27, 2010

Napolitano: Supreme Court to Strike Down Obamacare

President Barack Obama is one of the worst presidents ever in terms of respecting constitutional limitations on government, and the states suing the federal government over healthcare reform "have a pretty strong case" and are likely to prevail, according to author and judicial analyst Andrew P. Napolitano.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV's Ashley Martella, Napolitano says the president's healthcare reforms amount to "commandeering" the state legislatures for federal purposes, which the Supreme Court has forbidden as unconstitutional.

"The Constitution does not authorize the Congress to regulate the state governments," Napolitano says. "Nevertheless, in this piece of legislation, the Congress has told the state governments that they must modify their regulation of certain areas of healthcare, they must surrender their regulation of other areas of healthcare, and they must spend state taxpayer-generated dollars in a way that the Congress wants it done.

Special: Do You Back Obama's Healthcare Plan? Vote Here Now!

"That's called commandeering the legislature," he says. "That's the Congress taking away the discretion of the legislature with respect to regulation, and spending taxpayer dollars. That's prohibited in a couple of Supreme Court cases. So on that argument, the attorneys general have a pretty strong case and I think they will prevail.”

Napolitano, author of his just-released “Lies the Government Told You: Myth, Power, and Deception in American History” and a Fox News senior judicial analyst, is the youngest Superior Court judge ever to attain lifetime tenure in the state of New Jersey. He served on the bench from 1987 to 1995.

Napolitano tells Newsmax that the longstanding precedent of state regulation of the healthcare industry makes the new federal regulations that much more problematic.

"The Supreme Court has ruled that in areas of human behavior that are not delegated to the Congress in the Constitution, and that have been traditionally regulated by the states, the Congress can't simply move in there," Napolitano says. "And the states for 230 years have had near exclusive regulation over the delivery of healthcare. The states license hospitals. The states license medications. The states license healthcare providers whether they're doctors, nurses, or pharmacists. The feds have had nothing to do with it.

"The Congress can't simply wake up one day and decide that it wants to regulate this. I predict that the Supreme Court will invalidate major portions of what the president just signed into law…"

The judge also says he would rate President Obama as one of the worst presidents in terms of obedience to constitutional limitations.

"I believe we have a one party system in this country, called the big-government party," Napolitano says. "There is a Republican branch that likes war and deficits and assaulting civil liberties. There is a Democratic branch that likes welfare and taxes and assaulting commercial liberties.

"President Obama obviously is squarely within the Democratic branch. The president who had the least fidelity to the Constitution was Abraham Lincoln, who waged war on half the country, even though there's obviously no authority for that, a war that killed nearly 700,000 people. President Obama is close to that end of lacking fidelity to the Constitution. He wants to outdo his hero FDR."

For those who oppose healthcare, the Fox legal expert says, the bad news is that many of the legal challenges to healthcare reform will have to wait until 2014, when the changes become fully operational.

Until then, there would be no legal case that individuals had been actually harmed by the law. Moreover, Napolitano says it takes an average of four years for a case to work its way through the various federal courts the final hearing that's expected to come before the Supreme Court.

"You're talking about 2018, which is eight years from now, before it is likely the Supreme Court will hear this," he says.

Other issues that Napolitano addressed during the wide-ranging interview:
  • He believes American is in danger of becoming "a fascist country," which he defines as "private ownership, but government control." He adds, "The government doesn't have the money to own anything. But it has the force and the threat of violence to control just about anything it wants. That will rapidly expand under President Obama, unless and until the midterm elections give us a midterm correction – which everyone seems to think, and I'm in that group, is about to come our way.

  • Napolitano believes the federal government lacks the legal authority to order citizens to purchase healthcare insurance. The Congress [is] ordering human beings to purchase something that they might not want, might not need, might not be able to afford, and might not want -- that's never happened in our history before," Napolitano says. "My gut tells me that too is unconstitutional, because the Congress doesn't have that kind of power under the Constitution."

  • The sweetheart deals in the healthcare reform bill used that persuaded Democrats to vote for it – the Louisiana Purchase, Cornhusker Kickback, Gatorade Exception and others – create "a very unique and tricky constitutional problem" for Democrats, because they treat citizens differently based on which state they live in, running afoul of the Constitution's equal protection clause according to Napolitano. "So these bennies or bribes, whatever you want, or horse trading as it used to be called, clearly violate equal protection by forcing people in the other states to pay the bills of the states that don't have to pay what the rest of us do," Napolitano says.

  • Exempting union members from the so-called "Cadillac tax" on expensive health insurance policies, while imposing that tax on other citizens, is outright discrimination according to Napolitano. "The government cannot draw a bright line, with fidelity to the Constitution and the law, on the one side of which everybody pays, and the other side of which some people pay. It can't say, 'Here's a tax, but we're only going to apply it to nonunion people. Here's a tax, and we're only going to apply it to graduates of Ivy League institutions.' The Constitution does not permit that type of discrimination."

  • Politicians from both parties routinely disregard the Constitutional limits imposed on them by the nation's founding document, Napolitano says. "The problem with the Constitution is not any structural problem," says Napolitano. "The problem with the constitution is that those who take an oath to uphold it don't take their oath seriously. For example, just a month ago in interviewing Congressman Jim Clyburn, who's the No. 3 ranking Democrat in the House, I said to him, Congressman Clyburn, can you tell me where in the Constitution the Congress is authorized to regulate healthcare? He said, 'Judge, most of what we do down here,' referring to Washington, 'is not authorized by the Constitution. Can you tell me where in the Constitution we're prohibited from regulating healthcare.' Napolitano says that reflects a misunderstanding of what the Constitution actually is. "He's turning the Constitution on its head, because Congress is not a general legislature," he says. "It was not created in order to right every wrong. It exists only to legislate in the 17 specific, discrete, unique areas where the Constitution has given it power. All other areas of human area are reserved for the states."

  • Napolitano says that members of Congress infringe on Constitutional rights because they fail to recognize its basis. "They reject Jefferson's argument, in the Declaration of Independence, that our rights come from our Creator, therefore they're natural rights, therefore they can't be legislated away," Napolitano says. "They think they can legislate on any activity, regulate any behavior, tax any person or thing, as long as the politics will let them survive. They're wrong, and with this healthcare legislation, they may be proven wrong, in a very direct and in-your-face way."


Feds Seek Tanning Bed Restrictions

Seriously! When are we going to wake-up and vote the 'Nanny' Government out of our lives?

Oh we WILL see much, much more of this from the 'Nanny' Government in the near future. With the passage of 'FORCED' NoBamacare anything that the Government deems "un-healthy" will be banned from our lives.

Enjoy a shake and fries before they are banned by our 'Nanny' Government.

Federal health experts say more restrictions are needed to protect users from the cancer risks of tanning beds, including a potential ban for people under 18.

A panel of advisers to the Food and Drug Administration recommended Thursday that the agency put tighter controls on artificial tanning, ranging from requiring parental consent forms in people under the age of 18 to banning the practice in younger teens.

More than 30 states already have tanning salon regulations in place — including a handful that require parental consent for young users — but new FDA requirements would apply nationally.

The panel also recommended the FDA add bolder warning labels to tanning beds and change how they are regulated.

The FDA has regulated sunlamps for more than 20 years, but a recent report by the World Health Organization tied the devices to skin cancer, prompting a call for tougher rules.

The WHO analysis showed that the deadliest form of skin cancer increases 75 percent in people who use tanning beds in their teens and 20s.

The panel also recommended the FDA add bolder warning labels to tanning beds and change how they are regulated.

Currently the machines are classified as low-risk devices, in the same group as bandages and tongue depressors. By increasing their classification to Class II, the FDA could limit the levels of radiation the devices emit and make other changes to their design.

The FDA is not required to follow the advice of its expert panels, though it often does.

Over the course of five hours, dozens of physicians and skin cancer survivors urged the FDA to ban indoor tanning for cosmetic uses, citing the dangers to younger Americans.

Dr. William James, president of the American Academy of Dermatology Association, said his group has seen a startling increase in skin cancer among women in their teens and 20s.

"What was formerly considered a disease of older men is ballooning in young women, the very target audience and number one customer of the tanning industry," James said.

The Indoor Tanning Association says the evidence linking suntan lamps to cancer is drawn from decades-old studies that were merely lumped together and reanalyzed by the WHO.

"FDA has known about the risks of 'ultraviolet' exposure for years, and has discussed the literature in multiple forums," said Dan Humiston, the group's president. "The literature hasn't changed."

Humiston's group represents about 18,000 tanning operations along with manufacturers, including Indianapolis-based ETS Tan and Heartland Tanning Supply of Lee's Summit, Mo.

The tanning industry has long argued that sunlamps can be an important source of Vitamin D, which is needed for healthy blood and strong bones.

But both FDA scientists and other speakers dismissed that argument, pointing out that similar benefits can be had from dietary supplements.[PPE:The government wants us to take a pill]

Earlier this year the Federal Trade Commission charged the Indoor Tanning Association with making false claims about the health benefits of their products. The group has entered a settlement agreement with the government and pulled the ads in question.

The indoor tanning industry is approximately a $5 billion sector that is already being squeezed by a 10 percent tax on tanning included in the health overhaul plan that became law earlier this week.

Nearly 69,000 U.S. cases of melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer, were diagnosed last year. Also linked to ultraviolet exposure are basal and squamous cell cancer carcinomas, which affect more than 1 million Americans a year. They're usually easily removed but the American Cancer Society counts 2,000 annual deaths.

Fair-skinned people who don't tan easily are at highest risk for skin cancer. Melanoma is particularly linked to sunburns at a young age, though it is usually diagnosed in the 40s and 50s.

(DOCTOROFMINDMD) 'Doctor of Mind' Under Scrutiny by Health Officials

Being a hit on YouTube sometimes comes with a price.

The Nevada Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services has begun an inquiry into the conduct of Dr. Mark Viner, a board-certified psychiatrist who films himself posing as his satirical alter ego, "Doctor of Mind." The investigation was prompted by complaints from a Nevada resident who viewed Viner's videos.

According to KTNV News, the Division of Mental Health plans to meet with the Nevada attorney general's office this week to "determine the proper course of action." In addition to working in private practice, Viner works for the state-run Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services, specializing in suicide prevention.

Reno Assemblywoman Sheila Leslie told the Las Vegas Sun she found the videos "extremely unprofessional and disappointing."

In his roughly 600 videos, which have been viewed at YouTube more than a million times, Doctor of Mind appears disheveled, his brown hair purposefully tousled. Sometimes Viner wears pajamas for his webcam broadcasts. On other occasions he is dressed in an open robe and his underwear.

Speaking in an affected monotone that many viewers may associate with mentally disturbed psychiatric patients rather than the doctors who treat them, Viner covers a range of topics in his videos. His character complains about everyday annoyances such as electronic billing, bureaucratic forms that Viner has to fill out in order to prescribe medicine and the post-earthquake situation in Haiti.

But the majority of Viner's vignettes deal with how to treat mental illness -- albeit in a rather unconventional way.

"I try to present this difficult material in an easier, creative way to understand using acting, comedy, tragedy, skits, with good intentions," Viner said in a video describing his project.

More than 2,100 people have subscribed to Doctor of Mind's YouTube Channel and have left more than 1,000 comments.

"Doc, you are the best. It is a very sensitive subject and you do a marvelous job bringing it to light," a YouTube viewer who goes by the name TheRNpsych wrote in response to one of Viner's videos.

A fan who goes by the screen name ojdidit34 chimed in, "Never change the way you deliver your message, because right now it carries truth and purpose."

Viner sells T-shirts featuring a likeness of his off-kilter character, as well as copies of the journal articles he has published over the years.

In an interview with The Las Vegas Sun, Viner said he has never been contacted by anyone in the state government about his videos, but admits that there "are probably a few questionable ones."

At present, the state of Nevada pays Viner an annual salary of $176,902, the Sun reported. It remains unclear what action, if any, the Division of Mental Health plans to take.


Pocomoke City man sentenced in PNC bank robbery

A Pocomoke City man convicted in the robbery of a PNC bank was sentenced to serve 10 years in prison by a Circuit Court judge on Thursday.

Tommy Allen Grady, 31, is the second man convicted in the September armed bank robbery.

Matthew Devin Nielson, a 27-year-old Princess Anne resident, robbed the bank with a BB gun and left with $3,750 in cash on Sept. 8, according to the state's attorneys office. Grady drove the getaway car.

The two men robbed the bank to support their heroin drug addiction, according to the prosecutor.

Grady pleaded guilty to armed robbery in February.

Nielson pleaded guilty to armed robbery on March 12 and was sentenced to 10 years in prison.



An Eastern Shore auto shop owner and his "right-hand man" were arrested this week on federal charges of leading a large-scale cocaine and marijuana distribution ring, the DEA said.

Harry Byrd West, also known as "Kojak," and an associate, Terrance Durell Price, were responsible for distributing multiple pounds of cocaine, crack and marijuana throughout the Eastern Shore, according to the DEA. The investigation began when an informant told authorities that West was traveling to Florida, North Carolina and Delaware to obtain drugs, according to a court affidavit filed by DEA special agent Jack Faddis Jr. The investigation has been going on for about a year. The informant told agents that Price and West cooked cocaine into crack from West's auto shop, AA Auto, in Cheriton, the affidavit says. The informant began making DEA-controlled drug purchases from the pair, and the transactions were captured on video and audio tape.

The DEA arranged multiple drug purchases from Price and West using different informants. The DEA said it also learned West was dealing drugs from a trailer in Capeville and a house in Machipongo. Another informant told agents West has been dealing for at least 10 years, the DEA said.

West made an initial appearance in U.S. District Court on Thursday and will return Monday for a bond hearing. Price is expected to be brought to court next week.

Gotta Love a Good Lawyer

A Mafia Godfather finds out that his bookkeeper, Guido, has cheated him out of $10,000.000. His bookkeeper is deaf. That was the reason he got the job in the first place It was assumed that Guido would hear nothing so he would not have to testify in court.

When the Godfather goes to confront Guido about his missing $10 million, he takes along his lawyer who knows sign language. The Godfather tells the lawyer, "Ask him where's the money? The lawyer, using sign language, asks Guido where's the money?

Guido signs back, "I don't know what you are talking about." The lawyer tells the Godfather, "He says he doesn't know what you are talking about"

The Godfather pulls out a pistol, puts it to Guido's temple and says, "Ask him again!"The lawyer signs to Guido, "He'll kill you if you don't tell him.."

Guido signs back, "OK.!!!! You win! The money is in a brown briefcase, buried behind the shed at my cousin Bruno's house in Brooklyn.

The Godfather asks the lawyer, "What did he say?" The lawyer replies, " He says you don't have the balls to pull the trigger."

Don't you just LOVE lawyers?!

What You'll See In The Future

According to Seder, the enhanced vision system is comprised of a variety of forward-looking sensors -- infrared sensors, cameras, radar, and night vision equipment. That equipment records what's in front of the vehicle and relays that information to laser-generating equipment inside the vehicle. The unit analyzes the data and projects highlight lines that better define or identify those objects deemed worthy of extra driver attention. It can better define lane lines, identify obstacles in the road, point out animals at the roadside, or even highlight a destination building based on GPS route information. There are also cameras inside the vehicle to monitor the driver's position, helping to align the highlights over the corresponding objects in the real world.

It may sound like science fiction, but GM is already showing a working prototype and says production should begin in just a few short years. Combined with other technologies, like intelligent lighting, side- and rear-view cameras, adaptive cruise control, lane departure warnings, collision avoidance braking systems and the like, the car of the not-too-distant future may be able to virtually drive itself.

The car of the future could conceivably rely on cameras and external sensors to provide all of the outward views for a driver, eliminating the need for glass windows and windshields. Display screens could take their place, providing a variety of real-world and computer-generated information for the driver and passengers. Vehicle design could change dramatically, with no concern for A-pillar widths or rear-view mirrors. Although that may be several decades away, the current innovations in enhanced vision are helping to make it easier than ever for drivers to see better, in any direction and in any conditions.


Mexican Words of the Day

*1. *Cheese**
The teacher told Pepito to use the word cheese in a sentence.
Pepito replies: *Maria likes me, but cheese ugly.*

* 2. *Mushroom**
When all my family get in the car There's not mushroom.

*3. *Shoulder**
My fren wants 2 become a citizen, But che didn't know how to read, So I, shoulder.

*4. * Texas **
When I'm not home, My fren always Texas me, Che wonders where I am!

*5. *Herpes**
Me and my fren ordered pizza.
I got mine piece Then che got herpes.

*6. *July**
Ju told me ju were going to tha store But ju went to see sum guy, July to me! Julyer!

*7. *Rectum**
I had 2 cars But my wife rectum!

*8. *Chicken**
I was going to go to the store with my wife But che said chicken go herself.

*9. *Wheelchair**
We only have one enchilada left But don't worry wheelchair

*10. *Chicken* *wing**
My wife plays the lottery so chicken wing.

*11. *Harassment**
My wife caught me in bed with another women.
I told her, "Honey, harassment nothen to me.

*12. * Bishop **
My wife fell down the stair So I had to pick the bishop.

*13. *Body wash**
I want to go to the club But no body wash my kids.

*14. *Budweiser**
That women has a nice body, Budweiser face so ugly?

Things That Make Me Smile (and it doesn't take much)

This weekends weather won't be anything like we were blessed with last Saturday and Sunday. Days like that are fine with me all of the time and fortunately for all of you I don't control the would never see snow again!!

Anyway, on the way home I happened to find these two happy "creatures" just south of T's Corner.

Meet Zak the Pirate.............he was trying to lure customers to the seafood stand just off the highway.........and doing a good job!

And this is ...........a hotdog, I guess. He was hanging out at Sonic waving to everyone passing by. What big hearts and a great sense of humor these two must have.

Enjoy your weekend. Monday will be here before you know it.....

Man Charged in Slaying of 7-Year-Old Florida Girl

A 24-year-old unemployed restaurant worker was charged Friday with murder in the slaying of a 7-year-old Florida girl whose body was found in a Georgia landfill after she disappeared walking home from school, authorities said.

Jarred Mitchell Harrell was charged in the death of Somer Thompson, who went missing Oct. 19. Her lifeless legs were discovered two days later in a landfill about 50 miles from Orange Park.

During a press conference at the same church where Somer's memorial service was held in October, Clay County Sheriff Rick Beseler said detectives used DNA evidence, witnesses and statements from Harrell himself to solve the case.


"Our collective resolve to bring Somer's killer to justice is the only light in the darkness caused by this tragedy," Beseler said as about 50 members of "Team Somer" - the sheriff's office investigators and staff who worked the case - stood by.

Harrell, who is being held at the Clay County Jail, has been in custody since Feb. 11, when authorities arrested him in Mississippi on child pornography charges in Florida.

He was then extradited to Florida. His relatives have said they don't believe he is capable of violence.

Clay County detectives said at the time of Somer's disappearance, Harrell was living at his parents' suburban Jacksonville home, near her elementary school and house.

After Somer vanished, investigators on a hunch tailed nine garbage trucks from her neighborhood to the landfill, then picked through the trash as each rig spilled its load. They sorted through more than 225 tons of garbage before the gruesome find.

The discovery of Somer's body touched off an outpouring of support in northeast Florida and southern Georgia for the Thompson family; days of vigils and fundraisers were held so Somer's mom, Diena Thompson, could financially afford to stay home with her other children. A mountain of stuffed animals, balloons and notes to the family sprung up near a tree across from the little girl's home.

As officials searched for Somer, cable TV news outlets carried Diena Thompson's tear-filled statements and the candlelight vigils, where hundreds sang "You are My Sunshine" - Somer's favorite song.

With each day that passed and no suspect was arrested, residents were on edge.

Harrell had originally come to the attention of law enforcement in August, two months before Somer disappeared. His roommates said they kicked him out for stealing and he left behind his computer. They told police they looked at it and found child pornography. It was soon turned over to investigators.

The parents of one the roommates drove by the home of Harrell's parents a few days after Somer disappeared and noticed how close they lived to the girl's house. When they saw Harrell's car in his parents' driveway, they told detectives.

He was arrested Feb. 11 on child pornography charges at an aunt's home in Meridian, Miss., where he had moved a few weeks earlier. Clay County Sheriff Rick Beseler called him a person of interest in Somer's slaying at the time.

He has said Harrell wasn't arrested earlier because detectives had to prove Harrell downloaded the child porn.

Harrell was charged with 29 counts of possessing child pornography in Florida, then charged with a dozen additional counts of child porn and child molestation.

At the time of his February arrest, Harrell's aunt said she didn't think her nephew was capable of violence.

"They tried to make it sound like he's some monster, but he's not," said Kriss Mizelle, who let Harrell stay with her in Meridian. "I could say all these good things about him, but nobody wants to hear that. They think you're delusional and don't know about his secret life, but he's a good kid."

Harrell was originally from Lucedale, Miss., and was home-schooled before moving to Florida. He worked various jobs, from cooking to retail, Mizelle said. Friends described him as a "computer wiz."


Friday, March 26, 2010

DIY Garage: Auto Lighting Basics

Need a bulb replaced?
Swing by Still Joe's Auto/Truck Repair and Custom Exhaust and they might just replace that bulb free of charge. It's a customer courtesy that I have come to learn that Still Joe's is more than willing to do.

Check-out the video and article below on how to replace a bulb, yes it's easy on most vehicles but most people do not have the tools if the vehicle has anti-theft torx, twisted phillips, etc.

DIY Garage: Auto Lighting Basics

Now that Americans are keeping their cars longer than ever, more of us are going to have to deal with burnt out headlights, tail lamps, and turn signals. Find out how to keep your lights and indicators working properly, and how to replace them when necessary.

AOL Autos has teamed up with AutoZone to bring you a series of DIY car maintenance tips and tricks, straight from our garage to yours.

The DIY Garage video series covers common questions like how to change your own oil, or what the source of that pesky puddle on your garage floor might be. Host and AOL Autos Editor-at-Large Rex Roy will explain everything in plain English and is sure to have some fun along the way.

Still Joe's Auto/Truck Repair and Custom Exhaust Salisbury Md.

BTW: Still Joe's is running a Dual Exhaust special starting at $275.00 for cat back duals. Give them a call for ALL your vehicle needs @ (410) 677-1022








28th Amendment to the United States Constitution:

This will take less than thirty seconds to read.  It makes sense.  If you agree, please pass it on.

An idea whose time has come.  

For too long we have been too complacent about the workings of Congress.  Many citizens had no idea that members of Congress could retire with the same pay after only one term, that they didn't pay into Social Security, that they specifically exempted themselves from many of the laws they have passed (such as being exempt from any fear of prosecution for sexual harassment) while ordinary citizens must live under those laws.  

The latest is to exempt themselves from the Healthcare Reform that is being all of its forms.  Somehow, that doesn't seem logical.  We do not have an elite that is above the law.  I truly don't care if they are Democrat, Republican, Independent or whatever.  The self-serving must stop.  This is a good way to do that.  It is an idea whose time has come.

Have each person contact a minimum of Twenty people on their Address list, in turn ask each of those to do likewise.
In three days, most people in The  United States of America  will have the message.  This is one proposal that really should be passed around.

Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution:"Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the   United States  ".

Rainy Day Friday

Good grief! Another rainy day. Instead of "rainy days and Mondays always get me down" it's now on Fridays too. Oh, heck, with me it's any dark, wet day.

Seems like whoever is in charge of the weather these days keeps forgetting to flip the "SUN" switch to the ON position.

May I make a suggestion though?? Feed the sun. That's right! Just feed the sun so that maybe it will shine again.

We've all seen these commercials.......................

Works on TV! Is it possible that the sun just needs more nourishment?!

I think I'll try one of those biscuits........just might give me a "sunny attitude" about the day. If not, I'll be under my rock!

Delmarva Discovery Center

Launch a lifetime   of learning &   discovery

Buy a ticket for a chance to win one week at

Space Flight Adventure Camp

and a lifetime membership to

the Delmarva Discovery Center

A value of over $3,000!

Space Flight Adventure Camp, presented by the Virginia Space Flight Academy, offers week-long residential summer camps for students. In 2010 seven residential camps will be held June through August for ages 11 to 15. For more information please go to

Tickets are 1 for $10 or 3 for $20.

Free family admission pass to the DDC

received with a raffle purchase.

Drawing will be held on Friday, June 4, 2010

Drawing must meet minimum tickets sold of 500

and maximum sold of 1,000

Tickets can be purchased through

the Delmarva Discovery Center

2 Market Street, Pocomoke City, MD


~ ~~~This sounds like a wonderful opportunity for a preteen interested in space. PLUS when you buy a raffle ticket you get lifetime membership to the discovery center. I'd say that's a pretty good deal.~~~~

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Judge Calls Dr. Phil 'A Terrible, Terrible Man'

LOS ANGELES (March 24) -- A shoplifting case that began with a televised confession on the "Dr. Phil" show led a San Diego judge Monday to condemn TV personality Phil McGraw as "a terrible, terrible man" and "a charlatan."

District Court Judge Irma Gonzalez unloaded on Dr. Phil as she sentenced a couple to prison for running a $100,000 shoplifting ring in which they used their three young children as decoys, and sold the stolen merchandise through Web sites. The couple discussed their exploits on a "Dr. Phil" episode, "Shoplifting Confessions," in November 2008. Five months later, their home was raided by federal officials, who found more than 500 boxes of toys and other items.

Gonzalez sentenced Matthew Eaton, 34, to 27 months in prison, a year more than prosecutors had sought, and his wife, Laura Eaton, 27, to one year and a day.

The Eatons went on the TV show to get help ending their compulsion to shoplift, but show officials pressed them to exaggerate their exploits, their lawyer told the court, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune. The couple brought along a home video of one of their trips, using the children to distract store clerks, and seemed more interested in bragging than in getting help giving up their livelihood, according to earlier reports.

The Eatons continued to shoplift after the show aired, the judge noted. She described Matthew Eaton as "despicable" for his role running the racket, but she reserved her harshest word for McGraw.

"What a charlatan this man is," the judge was quoted as saying during the sentencing. "What a terrible, terrible man."

A spokeswoman for McGraw declined comment.


Bin Laden Warns US Not to Execute Terrorists

Osama bin Laden leveled a new threat against the U.S. in an audio recording released today, saying al-Qaida will kill American captives if the U.S. executes Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed or other terror suspects in its custody.

Bin Laden named Mohammed specifically in the 74-second recording aired on Al-Jazeera television.

"The White House announced they intend to sentence them to death," he said on the recording. "When the U.S. takes that decision, it means they will take a decision that any hostage who falls in our hands will be sentenced to death."

The U.S. is weighing whether to try Mohammed and four alleged accomplices in a military tribunal or a civilian court, sparking debate and varying degrees of support regarding the location of a potential civilian trial. A decision is expected soon. Mohammed is charged with murder and war crimes and is being held at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

It remains unclear whether there are any U.S. captives in al-Qaida custody. In December, the Haqqani group of the Pakistan-based Taliban faction released a video of a U.S. soldier they captured in Afghanistan in June.

Bin Laden also said U.S. President Barack Obama, like his predecessor George W. Bush, was being "unjust" to al-Qaida prisoners and condemned him for escalating the war in Afghanistan.

"The leaders in the White House have been practicing oppression on us and they still do," he said. "They think the U.S. behind the oceans is in safety from the anger of the oppressed. Until the strong reaction in your homeland on the 11th of September. Happy is the one who has been forewarned. The treatment should be equal."

The White House did not immediately comment on the audiotape.


Breitbart Challenges Congressional Black Caucus Members to Offer Proof of Alleged Tea Party Racism

Typical of the Demwit party, LIE' and scream racism.
WHY do we have a Black Caucus anyway? Can you imagine the outcome if we had a 'white' caucus?  The race card is played-out, it may as well be the instruction card in a deck of bicycle playing cards. Trash it!
I think that's the problem, we HAVE a 1/2 black POTUS and he's screwing-up big time. Of course those that have at least 1/2 a brain cell knew he was not ready for the job, the other FOOLS elected him behind their liberal guilt, and the rest elected him because of his skin color.... yet those that oppose him are accused of being the racist. 


As video after video suggests that Democratic attempts to troll for racism among tens of thousands of Tea Party protesters was a failure that resulted in formerly respected Congressmen lying to the media, Andrew Breitbart has issued them a challenge:
"It's time for the allegedly pristine character of Rep. John Lewis to put up or shut up. Therefore, I am offering $10,000 of my own money to provide hard evidence that the N- word was hurled at him not 15 times, as his colleague reported, but just once. Surely one of those two cameras wielded by members of his entourage will prove his point. And surely if those cameras did not capture such abhorrence, then someone from the mainstream media — those who printed and broadcast his assertions without any reasonable questioning or investigation — must themselves surely have it on camera. Of course we already know they don’t. If they did, you'd have seen it by now.
Rep. Lewis, if you can't do that, I'll give him a backup plan: a lie detector test. If you provide verifiable video evidence showing that a single racist epithet was hurled as you walked among the tea partiers, or you pass a simple lie detector test, I will provide a $10K check to the United Negro College Fund."
I suspect Lewis will not collect one thin dime from Breitbart, and it's a shame, really. If Lewis has no evidence, and won't take a polygraph, and won't apologize for fabricating these slurs, it strongly suggests that a man who spent the early part of his life combating racism has been corrupted in his later years into embracing it himself.


Maxine sums up the health care bill [again]

Let me get this straight.

We're going to be gifted with health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a congress that hasn't read it but exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a president who also hasn't read it and who smokes, withfunding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke.
 What the could possibly go wrong?

Robbery At Greenbush, Va. Store

According to Sheriff Larry Giddens, on Tuesday, March 23 at approximately 9:19 p.m., the Accomack County Sheriffs Office received a report of a robbery at the La Oaxaquena Mexican Store on Greenbush Road. Further investigation revealed that two black males and one black female entered the store and robbed the clerk at gunpoint. The spouse and three children of the store clerk were also victims of this crime. Taken from the store was an undetermined amount of money and the suspects fled the scene on foot prior to deputies arrival. No one was injured during this crime.

Suspect 1 is described as a black male, approximately 6'0 and slim build.

Suspect 2 is described as a black male, approximately 5'9 and slim build.

Suspect 3 is described as a black female, approximately 5'2 and slim build.

Anyone with information concerning this crime is asked to contact the Accomack County Sheriffs Office at 787-1131 or 824-5666.

Great Weekend At The Mar-Va Theater!!

Entertainment for the whole family!

The Smyrna Fire Company Band

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Time: 4:00 PM

Admission: $10.00

Just to mention a few of their performances, this award winning band has performed for 3 presidents, marched in major cities all of the U.S. and in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Dublin, Ireland.

This bands great perfomance will also include the Pocomoke High School Chorus and area fire company color guards.

Music will include patriotic music, show tunes, familiar marches, tributes to our servicemen, and veterens, plus SING-A-LONGS!!

This is going to be great! Don't miss it.

Friday Night At The Mar-Va Theater


A night of great music by Brooks Baylis Band and WBOC's own Charlie Paparella!
This event is a fundraiser for the Mar-Va Theater. Donations accepted at the door.
Friday, March 26, 2010
7 PM
Show your support for the Mar-Va Theater

Census Now Hiring

The U.S. Census Bureau is now hiring nationwide for the 2010 Census. These temporary, part-time jobs offer good ay, flexible evening and weekend hours up to 40 hours a week, and the chance to work near home. Workers are needed in almost every community. Call 1 (866) 861-2010 to learn more.

More Information Census Website

Signal Changes For New Chincoteague Bridge

Those of us traveling to Chincoteague, beginning today, will have new traffic lights to obey. Keep this in mind and please take your time. Stay alert.

On Thursday, March 25, the traffic signal will change to flashing yellow for Maddox Boulevard and red for Main Street. Motorists traveling on Maddox Boulevard are to yield and then proceed with caution, while traffic on Main Street will be required to stop and then proceed with caution.

On April 2, the traffic signal will be completely activated with green (go), yellow (caution), and red (stop) functionality for motorists traveling on both Maddox Boulevard and Main Street.

The signal has been installed as part of the Chincoteague Bridge Project. The new mainline Chincoteague Bridge is scheduled for completion by April 2. The Marsh Island connector bridge is scheduled for completion by September of 2010. The entire project, including demolition of the existing bridges, is scheduled for completion by December 2010. Currently, the project is within budget.


This is a flower from Thailand .
It is also a protected species and not allowed to be exported.

This will be the only way we will be able to view this flower.



A look at History

Over five thousand years ago, Moses said to the children of Israel, "pick up your shovel, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to the Promised Land".

Nearly 75 years ago, Roosevelt said, "Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, and light up a camel, this is the Promised Land".

Now Obama has stolen your shovel, taxed your asses, raised the price of camels, and mortgaged the promised land

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ebay Registration blocked Phishing Scam Email

If you receive an email from Ebay saying:

alert Registration blocked. Users whose registered status is blocked must resolve any outstanding complaints on file before proceeding.
Delete it, check your Ebay account for any messages and report the email to Ebay.

This is what the email will look like. Never click any links in emails that are Phishing.

alert Registration blocked. Users whose registered status is blocked must resolve any outstanding complaints on file before proceeding.

  • Click here to confirm your identity and reactivate your eBay account.

  • Learn more about account suspension.

    We'll cover your purchase price plus original shipping.  
    Copyright © 1995-2010 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the eBay User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

  • The TSB Toyota Didn't Want You To See

    Everyone and their mother's got video of dealer technicians applying the Toyota pedal recall fix (CNN's had it all week). We're not everyone. Instead, here's what dealer techs get: the Technical Service Bulletin Toyota doesn't want you to see.
    Below, we have the technical service bulletin (TSB) for the Toyota pedal recall as well as the technical instructions and work procedure below that. It's really nothing secret — it's just the "how to" for dealer techs to install a reinforcement bar behind 2.23 million Toyota accelerator pedals so beige-mobiles won't accelerate against driver intention into walls, cars, people and park benches anytime the weather conditions are right.

    You'd expect Toyota PR would be willing to toss documents like that our way, right? Well, they weren't. When we initially asked Toyota PR for these documents earlier this week they wouldn't send them to us. Then, when we explained we'd be able to find them on our own sooner rather than later (as NHTSA will provide them to other media later this morning), they still seemed unable to procure them for us. 

    Now we know the reason why. Toyota's trying to micro-manage every aspect of the media inquiries on this safety recall — including explaining to dealers they're not allowed to talk to media without input from Toyota corporate — or give us documents like these. From the TSB:

    "For News media inquiries only: Due to the nature of this Safety Campaign, it is imperative that all media contacts (local and national) receive a consistent message. In this regard, all media contacts must be directed to Brian Lyons (310) 468-2552, John Hanson (310) 468-4718, in Corporate Communications. (Please do not provide these numbers to customers or direct dealership associates to call)."
    So, remember Toyota techs, don't give out these numbers that any consumer will be able to find on NHTSA's home page later today to just anyone — just any media outlets from the local school paper all the way up to the New York Times, OK?

    click here to see all of the images in-line.


    Infantino recalls 1 million baby slings after three infants die

    On the heels of a warning by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission about the potentially lethal risks of using baby slings, Infantino is recalling more than 1 million Wendy Bellissimo and SlingRider models linked to the deaths of at least three babies.

    All three babies died last year, the CPSC said: a 7-week-old in Philadelphia; a 6-day-old in Salem, Ore.; and a 3-month-old in Cincinnati.

    The CPSC said 1 million are being recalled in the U.S. and about 15,000 in Canada. The slings have been deemed unsafe for any infant under four months old due to the risk of suffocation and should not be used. Infantino will replace them with another product.

    "The CPSC felt it was important two weeks ago to warn all parents about the danger with certain infant slings and show ways to use them safely," CPSC spokesman Scott Wolfson told WalletPop. "Today we have identified one sling in particular that poses a risk of suffocation to babies."

    Wolfson said this will lead the CPSC to establish safety standards for how baby slings should be made. There are currently no standards for slings agreed upon by manufacturers or approved by the government. Slings have been the subject of at least four recalls, including one that followed eight infants falling out. Lately, though, the focus has turned to the risk of suffocation, particularly with very young infants.

    The CPSC's warning on March 12 said the agency is aware of at least 14 deaths in slings over the past two decades -- all but two of which involved infants under 4 months old.

    Slings are routinely used in Asia and Africa and have become part of something of a movement for "babywearing" or the concept of bonding with infants by having them strapped on to a parent.

    The slings, made in China and Thailand, were sold from January 2003 through March 2010 nationwide and in Canada at Walmart, Burlington Coat Factory, Target, Babies "R" Us, BJ's and a variety of other stores for $25-$30. The Bellisimo model was only sold at Babies "R" Us stores.

    Infantino is offering a choice of the following alternative products to replace the slings: Wrap & Tie infant carrier, or a 2 in 1 Shopping Cart Cover, or a 3 in 1 Grow & Play Activity Gym. The company will toss in a rattle as well.

    Consumers can contact Infantino at (866) 860-1361 weekdays between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Eastern Time.


    Will I Live to see 80? ~~~~ something to think about

    I recently picked a new primary care doctor. After two visits and exhaustive Lab tests, he said I was doing 'fairly well' for my age. (I just turned 50.)

    A little concerned about that comment, I couldn't resist asking him, 'Do you think I'll live to be 80?' He asked, 'Do you smoke tobacco, or drink beer or wine?' 

    'Oh no,' I replied.. 'I'm not doing drugs, either!'
    Then he asked, 'Do you eat rib-eye steaks and barbecued ribs? 

    'I said, 'Not much... My former doctor said that all red meat is very unhealthy!' 

    'Do you spend a lot of time in the sun, like playing golf, sailing, hiking, or bicycling?'
    'No, I don't,' I said. 

    He asked, 'Do you gamble, drive fast cars, or have a lot of sex?' 

    'No,' I said. 

    He looked at me and said,... "Then, why do you even give a shit?"

    NASA-- Rocket Launch On Saturday

    NASA has scheduled a rocket launch on Saturday from the Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island that will benefit NASA as well as students from several different universities across the nation.

    The launch is scheduled between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM. Backup dates for the launch will be between March 28 and April 2.

    According to Rebecca Powell of NASA, if you are in the Wallops area Saturday morning, chances are you will be able to see the rocket launch.

    The flight's main goal is to test the Improved Malemute rocket motor. The Terrier-Improved Malemute suborbital sounding rocket will carry two cubesats developed by university students in Kentucky, Moorehead State, the Naval Academy and California, according to a Powell. The cubeseats will eject from the rocket about 72 seconds into the flight and as they fall, they will collect data for research by the students.

    The launch will be webcast live by NASA. The link to the webcast can be found below.

    More Information Webcast Link


    Robin & Tom
    MAY THERE BE MANY MORE...............

    Virginia Files Suit Against Health Care Giant Johnson & Johnson

    Virginia has filed court papers to join a federal lawsuit claiming that health care giant Johnson & Johnson paid tens of millions of dollars in kickbacks so nursing homes would put patients on its schizophrenia drug.

    The filing was confirmed through an online database maintained by the federal courts.

    Prosecutors claim the company paid kickbacks to nursing home prescription provider Omnicare Inc. so its pharmacists would recommended that patients with signs of Alzheimers be put on the schizophrenia drug Risperdal, which was later found to increase the risk of death in the elderly.

    Folks you just can't say it enough! If you have a loved one in any nursing home select a family member to be the spokesperson for the individual under their care. ASK, LOOK, and ASK again what type of medications are being given to your family member. Find out what that medication is for and then for goodness sake DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK and read about the medications. Until YOU take an interest and ASK questions this type of thing will continue.

    Daily Entrance Fee To Increase For Wildlife Refuge

    CHINCOTEAGUE --The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that the daily entrance fee to the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge will increase from $5 to $8. The price of the weekly, refuge annual, interagency annual and senior passes will not change. All passes are accepted at both ends of Assateague Island.

    According to Refuge Manager Lou Hinds, the refuge projected that the fee increases of 2008 would generate the additional revenues needed to help offset the costs of maintaining the beach parking lots and visitor safety services on Assateague Island as well as other visitor services projects.

    "Since the addition of the $5 daily pass, our proceeds have remained the same. The price is too low and we have to change it," Hinds said.

    Eighty percent of the fees collected come back to the refuge to fund visitor use and backlog maintenance projects. Hinds noted that this past year, the refuge used some recreation fee dollars for the historic Assateague Lighthouse Restoration Project. Work included restoring the gallery deck, repairing the roof and replacing the glass panels in the Lantern room. Additionally, fee revenues were used for the annual maintenance of roads, trails, beach parking lots, visitor safety services (lifeguards), fee collection and law enforcement support. This year, recreation fee dollars will be used for similar projects.

    As required in the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act of 2004, the refuge will accept public comments on the proposed fee increase until April 30. Comments may be made by e-mail to FW5RW_, or write to the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, P.O. Box 62, Chincoteague, Va., 23336.

    Saving Accomack County Money Is A "Good Thing"


    ONANCOCK -- For the first time on the Eastern Shore, citizens have the option of recycling unwanted mail right in the post office lobby. This convenience is due to the thought, time, and efforts of Onancock Postmaster April Hart and Sales Associate Cathy Dawson.

    Onancock will be saving the whole county money by keeping mail out of the landfill. For every ton of catalogs, ads, and unwanted mail and paper that gets recycled, citizens save $46. Paper and mail are heavy, and at the post office, it adds up quickly. Just ask Waste Watcher volunteer, Charlie O'Neill, who has been picking up and carting recyclable plastic and non-identifying mail to the convenience centers for the last month.

    Hart has long been concerned about the amount of paper that customers threw away rather than recycled. Waste Watchers of the Eastern Shore, a community group that promotes responsible disposal of waste, was worried too. Many people come to the post office, open their mail boxes and sort through it right there in the lobby. Catalogues, unwanted advertising and empty envelopes go straight into the waste basket and from there -- needlessly and expensively --to the landfill.

    Last month, Waste Watchers provided the post office with a recycling bin and a weekly pickup service to recycle rather than toss all that paper. Just as Onancock Post Office and Waste Watchers were ready to start the process, Hart learned that recycling of mail by citizens was not allowed because of the possibility of identity theft.

    However, USPS does have a recycling system in place called "Read, Respond, and Recycle Your Mail." This program puts locked recycling bins in post office lobbies so people can responsibly dispose of unwanted paper. It has a thin opening to discourage garbage or anything other than paper being added.

    After some investigation by both Waste Watchers and Hart, it was discovered that many post offices throughout Virginia enjoyed this service but as so often happens, there was not one on the Eastern Shore. That's when Hart went into action. Figuring there were districts that had more than they needed, she put word out that Onancock wanted just one if anyone had a spare. And after only four weeks, a bin showed up, and Onancock postal customers are happily recycling and saving themselves money.

    Jenny O'Neill, of Waste Watchers, said, "The actions of these two civil servants have made a positive difference. Without their focus and efforts, this wouldn't have happened. Next time you go to the Post Office, make sure you thank them." Onancock can now add another green feather to its cap.

    I'm going to be keeping an eye out for one of these at the two post offices I use in my area. This is a great start for Accomack County. If you asked me I'd tell you that Accomack County has been a little "slow" on getting with the recycle programs. Those metal cans and plastics (with the exception of plastic bottles) are still going to the landfill. Thankyou April Hart and Cathy Dawson!!

    Tuesday, March 23, 2010

    Well,.... I Would Hope So..............

    McDonnell Condemns Obama's Healthcare Plan

    Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell is calling the newly passed health care overhaul an "unprecedented expansion of federal power" that threatens to bleed states dry.

    McDonnell issued a more than 700-word statement Monday saying the bill that passed Sunday would cost Virginia an additional $1.1 billion by 2022, dramatically increase the federal deficit and jeopardize the coverage many already have.

    McDonnell says that while every American should have reasonably priced, quality health care, allowing the federal government to exercise control over one-sixth of the economy is "shocking to the American system of federalism."

    Earlier in the day, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli said he would challenge what he called an unconstitutional overreach of federal authority.