Time Machine Preview

 This Sunday here at The Pocomoke Public Eye:

1917  ..  Pocomoke City will be the entertainment capital of the Eastern Shore during the first week of July featuring free diving performances, concerts and motion pictures, plus carnival attractions and a free car giveaway during a six-day event. (article and ad) 

1984  ..  Who are these two Pocomoke High seniors sharing Old Home Prize essay honors?                      

1890  ..  The month is May and there's a lot to report about spring crops in Worcester, Somerset, and Wicomico counties.

1924  ..  An editorial in Pocomoke City's Worcester Democrat is appealing for public support for an effort to provide better high school buildings in the county.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021


Share the Road Safely During Community Bike Rides 

The Worcester County Bike and Pedestrian Coalition will hold the last of 3 community bike rides to celebrate National Bike Month in Pocomoke City on Saturday, May 22 beginning at 12 noon. The six mile loop will begin and end at Newtowne Park.  Experienced riders with helmets are invited to join the free event.  There will also be a ride in the park for younger children.  For more information or to register email: sholland@pocomokemd.com

With the return of warmer weather, beach visitors, and increased number of public 
events, more people will be walking and biking along trails and roadways.  The Coalition reminds drivers, bikers, and pedestrians to follow guidance from Maryland Department of Transportation to  BE STREETWISE every day.

Look for people walking and cycling, especially at intersections.  
Yield to bicyclists when turning. 
Allow 3 feet of room when passing bicyclists. It’s the law in Maryland!
Watch for approaching bikes before opening your car door. 
Maintain full attention when driving to avoid distracted driving. 

Ride with the traffic on the right side of the road.
Stop at all red lights and stop signs. 
Use hand signals when turning and audible alerts when passing. 
           Stay visible with reflectors and bright clothing. 

For more information about the Worcester County Bike and Pedestrian Coalition check out their Facebook page or contact: 
Patti  Stevens  - patti59.stevens@gmail.com

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

U.S. Space Force planning for Wallops launch in mid-June

        NASA/Wallops Flight Facility picture

A Northrop Grumman Minotaur 1 rocket for the United States Space Force (USSF) is being readied at Wallops. It will carry a national security payload for the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). The launch is scheduled for June 15th.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

SUNDAY UPDATE: A final try Sunday for launch from Wallops


                  NASA image


UPDATE (Saturday, May 15): NASA has scrubbed Saturday night’s rocket launch because of cloud cover in Bermuda. The agency said it will make one final launch attempt Sunday night, May 16. Saturday was the seventh delay of the rocket launch, with most of the delays related to unfavorable weather conditions.

Time Machine: 1938, 1979, 1908, 1938, 2006.


May, 1938

Worcester Democrat

March, 1979

Daily Times (Salisbury)

May, 1908
In Crisfield..
Crisfield Times

August, 1938
If you attended school in Pocomoke City in the 1940's or 1950's some of these names should bring back school days memories.

Worcester Democrat

(PPE reader comment)
AnonymousAnonymous said...

Let's see.....I had Sarah Dallas for first grade, Julia Robertson for second, Violet Chesser for fourth and Annie Ross for principal. Miss Ross, by the way, was a very strong Orioles fan.

tkforppe says: I had Sarah Dallas for first grade. There was a fire in that old school building that year (1948-1949) and we were off school for a while. Julia Robertson was my teacher in third grade although she apparently taught second grade during most of her career. Incidentally, my  second grade teacher was Miss Mary Moore at the start of the school year and she became Mrs. Klein Leister during that school year. 

April, 2006