Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Flags Half Staff

Taking a look around our small town today I noticed several municipal flags that are flying FULL staff. Several local business also.
Our local Police station was flying full staff and that was to me the most disturbing. Especially with the police occupying the old Amery building.

So on a day as historic as this day why not take all of 5 minuets to follow the flag protocol in remembrance of our fallen hero's? And more so this goes to our civil servants.

I was more saddened than disgusted I think.

If you cannot fly your flag half staff, protocol calls for a black ribbon atop the flag. This is real simple folks, it is, in my opinion very disrespectful to the families of those they lost protecting our freedom to not take 5 minuets to at least show respect in honor of those millions that met the ultimate sacrifice.

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