Friday, May 29, 2009

Where Do I Apply?

These people are in line at a soup kitchen...

First Lady Michelle Obama showed up Thursday as a "surprise volunteer" at Miriam's Kitchen, a soup kitchen for homeless poor people in DC. She brought with her some food donated by White House staff. The first lady served up mushroom risotto and broccoli to a long line of homeless men and women during part of her lunch hour, and in these photos poses for a picture for one homeless diner -- understandably excited to be in the First Lady's presence.

Let's ask two simple questions about this news photo:

1) If this unidentified meal recipient is too poor to buy his own food, how does he afford a cell phone (it's a Blackberry) ?

2) And if he is homeless, where do they send the cell phone bills?

...We are all being played as idiots as usual... WHY DOESN'T OUR MEDIA ASK THESE QUESTIONS?

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