Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Apple Discount Drugs

I had to take my son to the orthopedic Dr. today for a sprained ankle that just wouldn't heal.
The Dr. did all the things Dr.'s do and gave him a prescription for a ankle brace/support and told us to go to Apple Discount Drugs to purchase it.

We went to the store and to the pharmacy counter and gave the young lady behind the counter the prescription. She knew immediately what it was, and where it was, and walked us right to it.

She then explained that the braces come in several sizes and that my sons ankle would need to be measured and that she was not sure that the insurance would cover the cost of the brace. No big deal it was only 39 bucks and what do you do? He needed the brace.

She then walked us over to another counter for assistance with the insurance and the size of the brace. The young lady at that counter was extremely nice also but she didn't think the insurance would cover the cost of the brace but before just saying that we had to pay for the brace like many places, she promptly asked an associate if they were aware if our insurance would cover the cost. These people at Apple Discount Drugs went out of their way to make sure we received what we needed and if, or if not our insurance would cover the cost of the prescribed brace.

After a few minuets of very pleasant service the young lady advised us that the insurance would cover the cost. They promptly took care of the paperwork and then measured my sons ankle to determine the size brace he needed grabbed a brace off the shelf and actually put the brace on his ankle and explained how to adjust it and so on.

While we were in the store being serviced I had several pleasant conversations with the stores associates, I asked them a few questions that I had while there and again they were just simply amazingly polite and professional.

Also while waiting I had a gentleman come up to me and say hello and shook my hand and said "I thought I recognized you" he was a gentleman that his son goes to school with my son and they are good friends, me not being good with faces and feeling embarrassed he refreshed my memory and we talked for a moment and he went about his business.

Now, it's really a shame to be shocked at this kind of treatment in a retail store because I remember when this treatment was normal at nearly any retail establishment. We have become so desensitized to good treatment and the norm being; "if it's not here we don't have it", or "NO! your insurance will not cover this" without them taking the time to research or even checking at all that I was shocked and actually I had forgotten what real, good service is.

My hat's off to Apple Discount Drugs you are truly a great place to do business with and have exceptional, professional, courteous employees.
Really all I can say about the service I received today is WOW!

Thank You Apple Discount Drugs employees, keep up the good--- no great work.

I wish we had an Apple Discount Drugs here in Pocomoke.

Hey Apple!! We have several very nice empty commercial buildings for sale or rent here.

1 comment:

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