Friday, June 5, 2009

Bo Obama "Attacks" Microphone on Reporter's Camera

The First Dog is so darn cute, we can hardly stand it.

Proving that he's got a playful streak (he is, after all, a canine and still a puppy) Bo sniffed out the camera crew surrounding him on the White House lawn and decided that one particular microphone looked the tastiest.

As far as misbehaving goes, Bo's playfulness is mild and good-natured compared to some other presidential pets! (See below.)

Watch as he romps with the microphone and gives it a few good bites before it's rescued.

Want more Bo? Click here for more videos of the presidential pup with President Barack Obama and the First Lady Michelle Obama. Every time a presidential pet breaks protocol or gives in to their "bad" side, it's reported as international news. So far the Obamas' Portuguese Water Dog, has only been guilty of trying to chew on people's feet and chomping on a news camera microphone like it was a tasty treat. How have other presidential pets acted badly in the past?

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