Monday, June 1, 2009

Cracking Down On Drug Dealing, Will Pocomoke Follow Suit?

As this is a Worcester County "crack-down" will Pocomoke be included? if there's anything we need it's the strong enforcement of open-air drug sales here in Pocomoke. The dealers here are so in your face and uncaring of prosecution and have been for years. I hope Todd makes Pocomoke the next target of this program and somehow forces our officers to actually arrest the dealers or bring in the deputies. Then if we can just figure out how to stop a pocomoke City council member from bailing them out.

One community in Worcester County has been facing a growing drug trade problem and the community is fed up. Now numerous law enforcement agencies are joining efforts to fight back against drug dealing. The Worcester County State's Attorney's Office is spearheading an initiative - along with five police agencies - to crackdown on dealings.The initiative focuses on Bay and Flower Streets in Berlin. Mayor Gee Williams says brazen, open air drug trade has been a persistent problem in this neighborhood for many years, especially because of its close proximity to a Route 113."The folks that live there have had it," said Berlin Mayor Gee Williams.Area resident William Nick said, "I can see deals going down, as they say. People waiting for cars. They leave for thirty seconds and come back . I see them doing transactions."Under the initiative, first-time offenders would be able to skip jail time if they attend a public hearing with the community to explain their actions. But if that person commits the same crime again, they'll face double the charges. One resident says the program and greater police presence is working."There's been quite a bit of drug busts around 113 and the around the area. Police are going a good job," said Nick."We don't just look the other way after the operation is over. We continue to pay attention to that community. We get rid of the open air drug market and the we keep other drug dealers from coming back in their place," said Worcester County State's Attorney Joel Todd.Nearly a dozen people have been arrested since the program launched this winter. It's modeled after a similar program in North Carolina, but this is the first of its kind on the Eastern Shore. The Worcester County State's Attorney also says he plans to start a crime watch program for the town.


  1. Anonymous10:33:00 AM

    You should know that this will NEVER take wings and fly in Pocomoke!

    And the ONE thing that really gets to me is the fact on Fourth St. in Pocomoke there is an almost brand new Samaritan Shelter. It is a beautiful place and has been done with alot of donated time.

    WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD CITY HALL CONTINUE TO ALLOW drug traffic to congregate on that street? And it seems like Honis Cane would clean up that dump he runs on that street.

    Best city in the USA nomination?

  2. Anonymous1:35:00 PM

    the best part about that area is that at any given time you can ride through there and see a Pocomoke police patrol car sitting in the big parking lot across from the store while drug deals are happening everywhere in sight.

    What are these cops thinking? Their presents makes no difference to the Pocomoke street pharmacist. It's more than disgusting and I don't know if the police officers know it or not, but it makes them look like fools.

    The Tattler has an article about the Wor. Co, deputies arresting a juvy that ran carrying a hand gun and drugs yet our police just ride by and wave?

    I personally have been told a number of times that they (the Police) cannot just walk up to someone on the street for loitering in Pocomoke because of the ACLU and the rights of those people. I call bull$hit on that on and especially now that the fine deputies have proved it.

    get to work Pocomoke Police, the 'Public Eye" is watching.


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