Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Obama Puts 31 Year-Old Kid Who’s Never Been Inside Auto Plant In Charge of Dismantling GM (UPDATE)

Obama Puts 31 Year-Old Kid Who’s Never Been Inside Auto Plant In Charge of Dismantling GM
We’re in the best of hands.
Barack Obama has a 31 year-old student dismantling General Motors and reshaping capitalism.Unreal.
The New York Times made this stunning admission today:

It is not every 31-year-old who, in a first government job, finds himself dismantling General Motors and rewriting the rules of American capitalism.
But that, in short, is the job description for Brian Deese, a not-quite graduate of Yale Law School who had never set foot in an automotive assembly plant until he took on his nearly unseen role in remaking the American automotive industry.
Nor, for that matter, had he given much thought to what ailed an industry that had been in decline ever since he was born. A bit laconic and looking every bit the just-out-of-graduate-school student adjusting to life in the West Wing — “he’s got this beard that appears and disappears,” says Steven Rattner, one of the leaders of President Obama’s automotive task force — Mr. Deese was thrown into the auto industry’s maelstrom as soon the election-night parties ended.


FOX News’ Glenn Beck slammed Barack Obama’s General Motors Auto Task Force kid wonder and former George Soros employee, Brian Deese.This was brutal. It was honest, but it was brutal:

The New York Times reported that the 31-year-old Deese in a first government job finds himself dismantling General Motors and rewriting the rules of American capitalism.The kid’s never worked for anyone except if you count George Soros.We’re truly in the best of hands.
Here’s the transcript.

I caught a bit of that and there were these workers saying, “How come these people get to lay us off. We never elected a car czar. Yet people out of nowhere that someone just appointed get to run our lives.”
That’s what kills me most about all this stuff. We are being run by people who nobody elected, nobody wanted, and nobody with any sense would choose. And they get to mess us up. All they want.


  1. Definately seems like they could have found someone more experienced. But then again, it probabaly shouldn't be someone in the auto industry since they are part of the problem.

  2. you might be right, only time will tell.
    IMHO the government is what is to blame for this, not the operators of GM.
    Government regulations and mandates for extreme emissions and unreal fuel mileage numbers have pushed the auto makers to their limit on top of that overwhelming union wages and benefits all supported and backed by the government.

    They should have let them fail and reorganize, let capitalism work. Obama said he did not want to oversee a auto maker, another non-truth by the "one"

  3. GM was the one asking for bailouts on more than one occasion and yes even with that they did fail. They should have entered bankruptcy long ago when they were still worth something, when the writing was on the wall. Instead they waited too long so they had to be told to get their sh*t together. Emissions had nothing to do with it either IMO. We are last place in the world in mileage standards. Even with Obamas new regs on that, we will still be behind China in 2016.

  4. Anonymous7:42:00 PM

    beck rocks!!!


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