Wednesday, June 3, 2009

:Thumbsup: Judge Thomas

Maryland Students Unwittingly Befriend Justice

Two high school football players made a special new friend in a high place while traveling back to Maryland from a recruiting trip to the University of Nebraska, according to a report from
Seniors Terrence Stephens and Jason Ankrah were flying in coach class when they began chatting with the fellow traveler and Cornhuskers fan sitting next to them. They had no idea at the time that their companion was Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

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The star gridiron players from Quince Orchard High School in Gaithersburg, MD. didn't recognize the justice until the plane landed. They were so excited that they asked their principal to invite Thomas to be the graduation keynote speaker.
"I was amazed this guy knew so much about us as football players and as people," said Stephens. "That was shocking. I felt honored to be known by someone of his caliber. He was just a regular old guy, sitting in coach, which really shocked me."
Thomas said he was so impressed with the students that he made a rare exception and skipped a court session to speak at the high school and embraced Stephens and Ankrah as they came on-stage to receive their diplomas.
"These young men had no idea who I was as I formed my first impression. I was just another stranger to them. They were wonderful ambassadors for your school and for their fellow students," said Thomas at the Quince Orchard graduation ceremony.
For more on this story, check out


  1. Hmmm, some good news for a change. I like it.

  2. Anonymous7:39:00 PM

    I think it was a noble thing that Thomas did for sure. it's sad that college grads didn't know who he was though.
    But who know? I might not recognize him in person.


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