Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pony Penning contd.

We seem to have gotten to the carnival groungs at "happy hour" for the ponies. Instead of the usual "show" the ponies put on with the frolicking and snorting they seemed to be more interested in eating. The chatter from the crowd and finger pointing didn't seem to amuse them.

Lots of hearts will be broken this week because someone couldn't take a pony home with them. But along with that sadness will be many happy tales to tell and I am sure everyone will take home a "special" pony in their heart.

And at the end of the day when the carnivals' Tilt-a-Whirl stops tilting and whirling and the Ferris Wheel stops going round and around, when all the screams of enjoyment have ceased, and the smell of cooking food has faded into the night the descendants of Misty will settle down. It's been a long day for them.

Sometimes it's even difficult to get a pony to smile

~~ This is dedicated to my daughter who is currently busy touring the United States.
I know she will see this. I miss her.~~


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