Friday, August 14, 2009

Abortion Mills Already Scamming Socialized Medicine

Here is a little foretaste of the massive fraud in store for us if Dems manage to ram ObamaCare through:

Planned Parenthood of the Inland Northwest required unnecessary office visits by its poorest patients, a practice that led to excessive payments from the taxpayer-financed Medicaid program, according to a recent audit.
The audit also uncovered troubling billing procedures and problems with unauthorized staff prescribing and dispensing birth control pills, said Doug Porter, Washington's Medicaid director. Medicaid covers the medical bills of poor people throughout Eastern Washington and North Idaho.
The issues amounted to excess Medicaid payments to the clinic totaling $629,143. Interest of 1 percent per month will begin accruing Aug. 20 if the clinic fails to repay the state.
Over the three years the audit covered, the clinic collected about $7.7 million from Medicaid.

The baby-killing industry is booming, thanks to your tax dollar. I'm sure the Planned Parenthood folks can't wait until ObamaCare turns a fire hose gushing public money in their direction.


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