Sunday, August 30, 2009

Banned by ABC and NBC

You won't see this ad on ABC and NBC. They refused to run it, because it does not advance Obamunism:


  1. Are ABC & NBC privately run corporations?

  2. I don't know what kind of trap you just set but yes, they are.

    But that does not excuse their bias or backing of the radical POTUS.

    Are they behind his every move? or Are they afraid of him?

    They sure gave him A LOT of money.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I was just going to say since they are private they can show or not show any ad they choose. Maybe they don't find it very factual or they don't support the idea. Their choice of course. At least you aren't suggesting they are trying to ban free speech like some other blogs are.

    "Are they behind his every move? or Are they afraid of him?"

    I seriously doubt it.

    "They sure gave him A LOT of money."

    This is politics we are talking about after all isn't it?

  5. I agree, they can do what they want.

    That's really the point, and that's also why they need to leave radio alone, they too should be allowed to do what they want, within the laws that are in place of course.

    The "bias" is evident or should be to anyone that can think for themselves,


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