Thursday, August 20, 2009

Being Lonely Can Get You Arrested

Man arrested 146 times
since 1998

A social worker says Bennie Crabtree
is lonely

Published : Thursday, 20 Aug 2009, 8:24 AM EDT

CINCINNATI (AP) - Authorities said Bennie Crabtree is the most-arrested man in the county. Records show he has been arrested 146 times since 1998, when Hamilton County's record-keeping system was updated. Veteran police officers said he was arrested many more times in the decades before that.

Crabtree's record includes criminal trespassing, disorderly conduct and theft. Police say he steals food and intrudes in places such as the University of Cincinnati, hospitals and businesses. He's never done anything serious enough to be sent to prison.

Because of jail overcrowding, he's now often released hours after arrest.

Police say the 61-year-old man has lived mostly on the streets and has some mental problems.

A social worker says Crabtree is lonely.


Information from: The Cincinnati Enquirer,

I tend to agree with the local police department. Sounds like the social worker could use some counseling herself. Why hasn't anything been done to aid this man and others like him?

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