Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Christine Sheddy Case: Murder in Maryland Chapter I

To Love a Malignant Narcissist

In 2002 Christine secretly began dating Levi. At the time, Christine was dealing with the demands of being a single Mother to her two year old daughter Haylie, and living under the same roof as her Mom, after she had become a mom. Tough Stuff. Christines romantic relationship ended with Haylies dad Jim a few months earlier but they remained close friends.
When Christine became pregnant with the couples first son her family was floored. They had been told by Christine she and Levi were just friends; not the benefit kind. Isaac Hall was born May 1, 2003.

Levi, Isaac and Christine moved into Levis’ Mother, Joyce Halls’ home in Delaware. At the time, Haylies father was now battling cancer which did not have a good prognosis. The decision was made for Haylie to remain with the Dodenhoffs, Christine’s parents, to both stay close to her ailing Dad, and to keep her continuity.

Life at Hall House for the new family was anything but bliss. Joyce, or Mother Hall as Christine never called her, was a bit of a miser. She charged them most of what Levi made at his minimum wage job for rent and when that did not quite put her in the black, she took side jobs like charging Levi $10 a trip to take her to Walmart, which was one mile from her home. Lynn and Steve Dodenhoff opened their home to Christine, their new grandson, and Levi.

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