Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Howard Dean: Republicans Want to Kill the President

Talk about projection...
For years the Left fantasized about Bush's assassination. They even made a movie about it.

Today Radio Equalizer posted audio of Democratic leader Howard Dean suggesting that Republican Senators want to kill Barack Obama:

Here's the transcipt of Howard Dean on the Stephanie Miller Show today:

HOWARD DEAN: At the end of the day, I think we will. First of all, the president is a very smart guy and he knows very well this can’t work without a public option. Secondly, you know he’s run into a rough patch in the Senate, mostly because of Democrats, honestly.

The Republicans, they have no interest in this Bill. They’re using the 1994 playbook. Let’s kill the bill and kill the president...... or, kill the president’s term. Although there are sort of angry people out there I get very nervous about this stuff. I don’t like it at all... I’m an optimist. I think the president is gonna get a bill on his desk. I think it is going to have a public option in it. He’s going to sign it in December, his numbers are gonna turn around and we’re not going to lose a lot of seats. In fact I think we’ll pick up seats in the Senate and lose just a couple of seats in the House.


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