Friday, August 21, 2009

La Raza Activists Provoke & Attack Rep. Gene Green Town Hall Attendees--- Bring In Mariachi Band & Mexican Flags (Video)

America; Look and listen, Is this the America YOU want?

La Raza members provoked and attacked town hall attendees at Rep. Gene Green's town hall meeting on Tuesday in Houston.

It probably didn't help their cause that the pro-Obamacare La Raza activists brought in their own Mariachi Band to the meeting.
Not a good move:

Via Freedom's Lighthouse

From the video:
A member of the group La Raza argues with and attacks one of the attendees of Gene Green's Townhall meeting on Tuesday, August 18. He became violent and Houston Police took him to jail. The LaRaza members continued to confront us over the course of the night... we remained calm and stayed away but they kept it up! The night ended with a Mariachi band... we couldn't believe it!! This is what's going on in Texas, folks... and it could happen to America!! They admit they're "taking over America" and that they want to "kick us out".... Is this really what you want?????
Honestly, is it really a smart move for the La Raza folks to celebrate Obamacare with Mariachi Bands and Mexican flags?

UPDATE: The Lone Star Times has a very different take on the evening.

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