Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Louise Smith, Salisbury City Council suppresses citizens freedom of speach

I don't post much about Salisbury, they have well enough blogs and sources but I feel as this needs as much attention as it can get.

It looks as though Pocomoke is not alone in it's mishandling of city politics and stifling citizens when they want to speak-out.

Here recently we see
Frank White using the Princess Anne credit card like it's raining Franklins, while he eats continually at Outback steak house and parties in OC then buys a WII fit to erm? work it off?

Watch the short clip on the Video below of Mondays Salisbury City council meeting, the lady that is about to speak is Ann Von Forthuber, about 1 year ago she was awoken in her home by an intruder holding a sharp object to her throat. As to date no one has been apprehended for the B&E and assault of Ann Von Forthuber and she has been relentless in trying to bring justice to her case.

I have been watching the Salisbury city council meetings on pac 14 for quite some time now and I have seen many, many people that did not give their physical address as you will learn by watching the video what transpired from there.

If you notice even the gentleman that spoke previously too Ann speaking didn't give his physical address, he simply said "Salisbury" and Ms Smith let the commentary continue.

Now I don't live in Salisbury so I don't "have a dog in this fight" either way, but what Ms Smith did was wrong, and what I believe may be illegal, on top of that it looks as though Ms Smith resigned herself from her chair as she just walked out of the meeting without do cause or a motion to adjourn with second and third motions.

Ms Smith should resign at this point as she is clearly a liability to the city. Our right to free speech is nothing to 'walk away' from as Ms Smith did at the Salisbury council meeting Monday.

It's obvious that Ms Smith has resentment against Ann Von Forthuber for whatever reason(s).. maybe because Von Forthuber is making noise about her case involving the B&E, regardless, Ms Smith's personal issues have no place at the City's table.

I do not know the reputation of any of these people and I do not have an agenda, but what I do see here is an abuse of political power that needs to be addressed.

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