Thursday, September 10, 2009

A comment worthy of a post.

From an anonymous poster;

I think it is about time that the citizens of Pocomoke and surrounding area take a stand to protect your wonderful fire fighters and law enforcement! I have never heard any complaints in my life about either unless it happened in their personal lives and that is seldom, very seldom, to none!

And while you are at it, take another look at Pocomoke itself. Don't you think it's about time you took a stand for the Mayor? That may be hard to understand but he is under attack in this situation too. The agenda that started out to find thugs that possibly murdered a girl has turned into a witch hunt for everyone in Pocomoke.

The mother of the missing girl and Billy Burke have not gotten the answers they want when they want them, it seems. In order to prove some point this so called investigator has been called in to investigate. She and her goons are not investigators!!!

My thoughts? I think law enforcement has finished their investigation and under the circumstances are not talking. Can't say I blame them.

Wake up Pocomoke. Do something. Don't let this smear the town. Don't let the rest of America think that your town is being driven by hoodlums in a fire department, cops that rule where ever they please and a city hall that spirts venom to its citizens.

If so much is wrong it would have been repaired long ago
not just because one person said so.

Let your fire dept. know, let city hall know, and let law enforcement know that you stand behind them and refuse to believe what blink says. The names of people you all know and love are posted on their website. Go there and read it for yourself.


  1. Anonymous6:07:00 PM

    Great post!

  2. Anonymous6:10:00 PM

    read this, you are surrounded by crooks, crooked mayor, crooked judges, names like mcdermott, todd, martin, brittingham, and the list goes on. makes me think you are a crook too.

  3. Anonymous6:24:00 PM

    Who wrote it Billy Burke?

  4. Homegrown6:33:00 PM

    That link is from 1998. Fairly Irrelevant I would think.

  5. Anonymous6:38:00 PM

    Now Joel Todd and Chuck Martin are corrupt. Those men have accomplished more in their lives than all you put together, Stinko and followers.

  6. Anonymous6:48:00 PM

    read the link, irs and fbi investigation. I guess the fbi does'nt investigate either.


  7. Anonymous6:51:00 PM

    Just went and checked out the Maryland Corruption site. Sure looks credible. Resembles the Pocomoke Tattler and Blink on Crime. Timothy McVeigh would have loved it though.

  8. Anonymous10:52:00 AM

    And now today the name of Miss Fire Prevention appears on blinks link with possible relatives! I can't believe her tactics. I also can't believe that she can't be stopped!

  9. homegrown11:04:00 AM

    I'm finding that blink doesn't like her "imagination" to be questioned and doesn't like to post comments that do so.

  10. homegrown11:41:00 AM

    Seriously, Blink is not interested in the good of our community. She "is" interested in solving the Christine Sheddy case, and getting credit for the accolades that accompany it, no matter what innocence falls in her path.
    Her site is a billboard for her wild ideas and she does not welcome competition.

  11. Anonymous11:59:00 AM

    or welcome when her lies are exposed.

  12. Those that obtain her services and open their private lives to someone such as blink and allow blink to trample upon the very people that aided the family are just as vile.

    I say again this is a horrible thing to do to the people that gave their time because they saw the need to help and give all they could......

    And now, those same people try to speak out only to be told they must be withholding information.

    Homegrown, I give you and Mike so much creditror going up against her.

  13. homegrown12:17:00 PM

    jmmb said: "Homegrown, I give you and Mike so much creditror going up against her."

    Not anymore. It seems she refuses to post my comments. That should tell you something.

  14. Homegrown
    It tells me everything. Life, most times does run full circle.
    Don't give up.

  15. Anonymous12:56:00 PM

    Homegrown, she's refusing to post your comments?
    You must have been asking some questions she didn't want to answer? Like maybe the name the detective she stated she has given information?

  16. homegrown1:13:00 PM

    Well my comments aren't showing up.

    I had also asked that someone from LE post on there that they were actually communicating with them. That comment I think got posted, but haven't seen a response.

    As we speak they are posting damaging innuendos that have nothing to do with Christine Sheddy.

  17. Anonymous1:30:00 PM

    I have read their mindless attempts to make those that disagree feel guilty. I say again this is not a legal investigation this is a "witch hunt" and we all know why. They just don't get it yet.

    Unforntunately I will not conform to their way of thinking.

  18. Anonymous5:08:00 PM

    1:30, yes we do all know why. It's not that they don't get it yet, it's because they think we all don't know the truth behind what's up with the real investigation.
    Everyone knows what the hold up is and everyone has known for some time. Still people took time off from work and other activities and gathered to help a family in need last March. No one questioned why. They just did it because that's what nice people do.

  19. Anonymous6:35:00 PM

    Now i4ni is attacking the posters of Pocomoke. What the heck is going on? Why can't they see what Blink is doing? She is exploiting Chritine for own personal gain. She has tried to do this so many times with other case.

    She always ends up with egg on her face but this time it is will be hearts and souls of many, especially Christine's family. Very sad.

    Her is an example of her righteous "work."

  20. Anonymous6:38:00 PM

    Blink is know for copying other people's info and using it as her own. This would be funny if a greiving family didn't have all their hopes pinned on her.

  21. Anonymous7:32:00 PM

    Blink has alot of nerve questioning anyone's ethics.

  22. Anonymous8:35:00 PM

    Blink is a fraud that is why she questions everyone elses "agenda."

    Blink is going to fall big time on this one. It is going to be a shame to see everyone get hurt.

  23. I don't question her imagination as much as I question her ability to do decent detective work. Not answering a question or understanding a complete thought from anyone other than her own team tells me she does not know very much about what she is investigating. This is what happens when you don't know the area you are investigating and you do it from a computer.

    Could it be that the obstacles they keep running into aren't obstacles at all? The reason for that would be there was nothing there to look for to begin with.

    And you certainly can't give information if you don't have information to give either. Armchair detectives........

  24. Anonymous11:21:00 PM

    BLink's resume is not very impressive and we all know it has been well padded.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    The following is a brief and personal account from Blink34 as to why she got involved with crime investigation in the first place. All passions have a beginning.

    My participation in research and investigation in MP cases began in Feb 2008, when the son of a long-time business associate and family friend went missing. The horror this family endured, the frantic activity engaged by all to find him, the agony of not knowing where one’s loved one is, haunts me to this day, and molded a new path for me. I learned first hand the blinding cruelty of knowing someone you love is “out there”; the shock and grief when they are finally found if one is fortunate enough, and the knowledge that there is nothing worse than the “not knowing”. I have yet to hear someone that has gone through this nightmare, dubbed “The Lonely Wall” by Mike’s Mom, that regardless of the outcome, would not agree that finding the missing is the best chance of surviving the experience at all.

    The way someone you love leaves you, matters. A person’s legacy, no matter how young or old, when their life is taken from them, deserves to be restored.

    Blink has a track record of investigating and analyzing crime. Many stories that you may have read about, Blink just might have been somewhere in the back ground providing data and analysis to law enforcement or working with search teams. Some of Blink’s accomplishments, both solo and combined with Investigative research team are as follows:

    Contributing Research Analyst/ Investigator:
    Nationwide Investigations: Kevin Gannon and Anthony Duarte, Missing Mens Cases
    OCSO, FBI, TES: Caylee Anthony Case
    States Attorney’s Office 9th Circuit, AG Law of Florida: Trust Fund and Charitable Donations misuse and fraud investigation, multiple entities and subjects.
    Aerial Image Corporation: President, Sean Henady
    Lubbock Texas Police Dept- Investigative Unit: Ken Wilcox case
    Medico lethal Death Scene Investigator
    Minnesota ME Office Gary Peterson:
    Corrie Anderson case
    Gina Lin Anderson case
    Confidential casework and ongoing projects

  25. Anonymous11:23:00 PM

    2008? You have got to be joking. I agree, she embellishes just a little, lol.

  26. Anonymous11:37:00 PM

    The only "track record" shannon has is the many times she has been married and divorced.

  27. Colleges? Degrees? Could have been a file clerk or phone receptionist.

  28. Anonymous11:43:00 PM

    jmmb,she has no college degree. That's part of her problem. She's jealous.

  29. Didn't think so. I questioned that days ago and no resonable response. No crash courses in common sense and resoning either.

  30. 12:25
    That's very interesting. If you have anything that you would like to share please email publiceye at this website. He will be more that glad to discuss it with you.

    Hey, unless you'd care to tell us all what you know.

  31. homegrown6:42:00 AM

    The following was posted on blinks site, but I doubt it will appear there.
    I’m sorry about whatever happened to Christine. You have had and still do have the “entire” community behind you on wanting to help you determine her fate. Blink is not doing her or you justice. They have rendered themselves ineffective in this case by alienating this community. There is no evidence that they are being any help to LE as they claim. When asked to show evidence for the outlandish statements they make they make excuses or doubletalk around it. I know you would do anything to find your loved one, but beware of a let down from blink on this one.

  32. Very well said. I haven't seen the post on her site yet.

  33. Anonymous9:02:00 AM

    11:21, This is Blinks imagination again. She was obsessed with this kind of stuff way before 2008. What's is "Mike"'s last name blink?

  34. Anonymous11:18:00 AM

    October 31, 2008


    Blink Development Group LLC, the PR firm representing the research Group, White Sheep for U, an investigative team comprised of multi disciplined professionals whose recent work included a 90 page report on the Anthony Trust Account and related Charities, presents for Immediate release, the accompanying editorial on the Identity of Todd Black"

    White Sheep for U
    3View Search Services

    All figments of blinks imagination.

  35. Anonymous4:48:00 PM

    I want to know, Did Blink do her own phone pings on the Anthony case or did she use some one else's hard work? Her phone pings look just like some one elses.

  36. Anonymous4:49:00 PM

    Great post Homegrown. My feelings are exactly the same.

  37. Anonymous5:21:00 PM

    Her obsession with the Caylee Anthony case is unhealthy and borders on an unnatural obsession. She really does need to get a life.

  38. Anonymous8:23:00 PM

    Blink's allegations about the Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, were all unfounded by the FLorida Bar.

    Blink's allegation about the Anthony's Trust Fund were all unfounded.

    She is one hell of an investigator. lol She needs to get a life.

  39. Anonymous8:29:00 PM

    There's not one good thing about her on the whole internet, in either her personal life or with respect to her "investigations". Except on her own website.

  40. This is the whole problem. With her madness she is trying to blaze her way through Pocomoke.

  41. Anonymous12:11:00 AM

    Be careful in your dealings with Blink. I have yet to see her complete an "investigation" (said with sarcasm), that has helped in any criminal case or missing person case. When I first visited her site and saw her resume, I laughed. I personally know many on her list as references, and they too laughed. I have seen her modus operandi in other forums, and it is not pleasant and innocent people can tend to get hurt by getting pulled into her web. I hope this case is being investigated by other, true professionals.

  42. Anonymous9:15:00 AM

    12:11 yes the case is being investigated. We are not so stupid as to believe "nothing has been done." In small towns like Pocomoke the walls do have eyes and ears and we hear things all the time, but know when and when not to broadcast what we hear.

  43. Anonymous10:02:00 AM

    All this "nothing has been done", and "case collecting dust" is nothing more than attention seekers trying to match wits with the true detectives who are and have been dedicated to solving it.

  44. Anonymous10:09:00 AM

    Maybe "Blink Developement Group", described by Blink herself as a public relations firm should hold a press conference outside of the court house this week. She could demand to know why this case is sitting on a shelf collecting dust instead of hiding at home in New Jersey behind a computer.

  45. Anonymous12:47:00 PM

    Just one thing to think about. Shannon Stoy (aka Blink) and Sean Henady (3VSS) are both trying to start businesses.
    A reasonable person ccan see that they are trying to use this case to draw attention to themselves. It is unfortunate that the family and the good City of Pocomoke are being exploited for this reason.

  46. Anonymous1:04:00 PM

    Stoy's been trying to "start a business" for years. So far she's been in public relations, communications, lead analyst, investigator, free lance journalist and now investigative journalist. As someone commented previously jackass of all trades master of none.

  47. Anonymous2:01:00 PM

    I am left to ask, what is Billy Burkes real agenda?

  48. Anonymous2:20:00 PM

    I think I can go out on a limb and answer this question IMHO.

    2:01 said:
    "I am left to ask, what is Billy Burkes real agenda?"

    To see Russell Blake, the mayor and if necessary,the entire city council arrested and hauled away in handcuffs.

    Not sure his intentions are all bad, but he's just a bit to anxious and like blink, doesn't care who or what goes down with them.

  49. Anonymous3:47:00 PM

    10:09, A Blinkster press conference is a great idea and if I were the family I would be demanding that it be done. No time like this week-whatya say Blinkster. Even your team of multi disciplined pro bono members could participate.
    Oh Blinkster---------your lies are so funny!!!!!!

  50. Anonymous4:26:00 PM

    HA HA HA HA!!!!! Don't you know anything 10:09!!!! Keep up will you!!!!!! Shithouse is not operating as a PR specialist or as a communitcation specialist nor in her official capacities with 3 View nor as an investigator. SHITHOUSE IS NOW..... YOU ALL READY..... AN INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST. What's wrong with you all and what are you hiding???????

    You all better stop it before the White Sheep and Scared Monkeys, who are working pro bono come looking for you.

  51. Anonymous8:17:00 PM

    Now Injustice (aka Blink) is claiming she gets her "shoes dirty and searches for the truth." What a load of crap.

    This part kills me...

    "Blink and her crew get out and search for missing people. They do not just sit on a blog and post crap night and day. When Blink is out searching, someone else approves the post to her sight to help keep it a place where justice can be obtained."

    I have not seen Blink or her "team" around, has anyone else? I wonder when she has time to threaten people, write about Caylee Anthony, falsely accuse lawyers, trust funds, and make her comments, etc. She must be one busy lady. lol

  52. Anonymous8:50:00 PM

    "Blink and her crew get out and search".

    By her "crew" do you mean the nut with the stick? Who didn't find anything and blamed it on some other psychic who is a fake and giving him false information?

  53. Anonymous9:02:00 PM

    soooo.... the fake physic's powers were stronger than the stick/crystal balls physics powers?

    just trying to keep all this straight so I'm on the right page LOL


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