Monday, September 14, 2009

Grant to Pocomoke for two new police cruisers

Good news, looks like we will be getting a couple new patrol cars coming to the PCPD. I have been wondering lately when they would replace the couple old jalopies we have cruising around.
Now if we can just keep them in town, please!

U.S. Senators Barbara A. Mikulski and Benjamin L. Cardin (both D-Md.) announced today the City of Pocomoke has been awarded a $33,750 USDA Rural Development grant to purchase two additional police cruisers for the town. They will replace vehicles that are almost a decade old.

“As the pressures on our state and local law enforcement agencies increase, we must do what we can to give our first responders the resources they need to do their job safer and smarter,” Mikulski said. “I am proud that this money will be used to keep the streets of Pocomoke safe, and I will continue to fight in the U.S. Senate for grants like these that support our communities.”

“First responders are on the front lines every day, keeping our families and our neighborhoods safe from harm. I thank these brave men and women for their continuing service and sense of duty to our community,” Cardin said. “I am proud to support the Pocomoke City police through federal grants like this that will enable them to purchase the equipment and resources that are needed.”

Rural Development was created to help improve the economy and quality of life in rural America. Financial programs support essential public facilities and services such as water and sewer systems, housing, health clinics, emergency service facilities and electric and telephone service. The program also promotes economic development by supporting loans to businesses through banks and community-managed lending pools.



  1. Anonymous4:46:00 PM

    Thank you to Senator's Mikulski and Cardin. And a special thank you to the Pocomoke City Mayor and Council for getting the ball rolling.

  2. that's not much money for two cars, especially police cars.

    Anyone know what kind of cars they will be?

    Is this just to 'help' us purchase the two cruisers or total price?


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