Monday, September 21, 2009

Odor on Nictitate (Chapter 2)

Odor on Nictitate

By Odor Eliminator

Chapter 2

Who’s Who in the Nictitate Tale

Rich man, poor man, baker man, thief ……….. keeps running through my head as I write. Most of us probably remember it as a rhyme chanted while jumping rope as a child. I was thinking about all of the “characters” in Nictitates tale, trying to figure out where they belong in my story, and the ditty popped into my head. The ditty is a relentless nag!

It’s been almost two years since Christine Sheddy went missing from the farm house on Byrd Road in Pocomoke, Maryland. Strong belief is that Christine was murdered and since the very beginning, thoughts about who is responsible for her disappearance have not changed.

Several searches of the farm and surrounding area have been conducted by Law Enforcement Agencies, VFD’s, Search and Rescue Teams, and community volunteers. Criticism has been bandied about over the thoroughness of these efforts and of late, accusations have spun out of control. When I started to write this tale, I said that I would search for the truth. This endeavor has proven to be a mind blowing saga that leaves my head spinning and it’s hard to tell where truth leaves off and conspiracy theories take over.

If you’ve read the tale that is being spun by Nictitate there are many characters in the plot. I’m not going to go over the usual list of characters, if you’ve made it this far in the saga, you know who they are or at the very least can find the list on other blogs.

Along came a spider named Nictitate claiming to have “eyewitness” accounts of all of the happenings on the Byrd Road farm. Where she came from is anyone’s guess but we definitely know that she’s not from around these parts.

Cyber detectives and bloggers have been busy this past week tracking down Nictitates nest. It’s lined with AKA’s such as Nidlund, Walker, Moser, Stoy, and a probable AKA of Castellano. In thinking about all of these AKA’s, I dreamed up a new pest control commercial where the spider changes appearances to avoid the bug spray but in the end the spray can says pssst, gotcha!

Lying in wait for their prey, spiders are crafty by nature and Nictitate is no different. Spinning a web from crude fiber she allows her groupies to precariously hang on in case something larger comes along as she knows they will attack. Every once in a while Nictitate throws a left over morsel to the groupies to keep their appetites in check.

Posing as a free lance journalist, investigative journalist, crime writer, editor in chief, an investigator, public relations, communications specialist, and lead analyst/investigator 3View Search Services she lies in wait. Now that’s what I call a really big spider!

In an exclusive interview with neighbors, OE now has some answers to your burning questions. What was Nictitate supposed to be when her associate Man With A Stick approached them about contributing to her tale? “The new detective investigating Christine’s case,” said the neighbors. “She’s from Philadelphia and she has lots of contacts in high places”.

As a matter of fact, when the neighbors didn’t speak with Nictitate at that time as they were going out of town, she called and left a telephone message the following day requesting for them to return her call and also sent an email posing as the lead analyst/investigator 3View Search Services. Now how do you suppose she got their telephone number and email address?

Having seen and spoken to Man With A Stick on some of the searches for Christine, the neighbors trusted him and had originally agreed that they would speak with Nictitate. They now say that “fate stepped in that day” because the timing of the request didn’t fit with their schedule.

After finding out that Nictitate wasn’t such a big spider after all, the neighbors have not spoken to her, will not speak to her, have not or will not give her anything that belongs to them for her book that she is writing. They say that they don’t like “duplicity” and believe that anyone who has to be misleading about what kind of spider they really are needs to get a psssst from the bug spray can.

Rich man, poor man, baker man, thief…….. I now know why the ditty has been a relentless nag. It’s because of all of the poses of Nictitate. Saying that “Nictitate has taken things that belong to them to use as her own and has invaded their privacy by writing inaccurate and twisted tales about the eyewitness accounts of happenings on Byrd Road” the neighbors shake their heads in disgust.

Nictitates tale has gotten way out of control. And yes, downright lies are being told. The character of the people has been carelessly thrown on the ground and stomped on. Furthering the downward spiral is puffed up self important people using Christine’s case to further their private agenda’s. It’s a sad day when in the same breath, a cry for bringing in the FBI to help is finished with a tirade about the corrupt town of Pocomoke. Conspiracy indeed!

The last characters in the who’s who of the Nictitate tale that I’m going to talk about are Law Enforcement. You know, the “real legal people” investigating Christine’s case? But that will have to wait for another day. Too much information at one time about this saga will make your head spin.

Coming soon….. Odor on Nictitate, Chapter 3 – Someone’s got to take the heat, it might as well be the cops!

Note: For those of you who want to highjack writings from OE – DON’T. Any writings contributed by Odor Eliminator belong to The Pocomoke Public Eye exclusively and all rights are reserved. You may not copy and paste, dissect, snip, or use any of OE’s writings in any part or its entirety without prior written consent.

PPE NOTE: Newer post will appear below this one for awhile


  1. Anonymous2:56:00 PM

    Yep some spiders can be very dangerous.

    It is shocking to see that even with the alienation of the neighbor, Lynn still supports Blink. Lynn is not a stupid woman be any means, what in the world is Blink feeding her???

  2. Anonymous3:11:00 PM

    I am happy to see the "investigator" is being investigated.

  3. “fate stepped in that day”

    quoted from the article, and yes fate does have a way to slap the bad or deceitful and taking care of the good and honest.

    although it's hard to see sometimes at the moment, it's there, and it's there for a reason

  4. Anonymous4:03:00 PM

    Sounds to me like christine's family made a deal with devil on this one.

    But the more I read their nasty, and hostile comments, the more I understand how and why they would believe in Blink.

    Sorry, but this whole family is really starting to irritate me.

    R.I.P. Christine

  5. Anonymous4:28:00 PM

    There is no doubt that 99% of Blinks information has come from Lynn. Let's not forget that both she and Blink have a mutually benificial relationship and a common agenda. Lynn is by no means an innocent bystander who is being taken advantage of. She is an angry and hate filled person and has focused herself on the good people of Pocomoke and it's fire department and law enforcement.

  6. please lets leave Lynn and family out of the picture, my guess is that the family is in a emotional cyclone.

    we know who is what and in time they will find out.

    so I respectfully ask that unless we are absolutely positive of an accusation to be fact lets wait.

    Thank you

  7. Anonymous4:56:00 PM

    Who's who huh?
    Since you all seem to know about Shannon and caught on right quick, I'll give you the load down on 3 View.
    What the guy does is attaches a video camera to a remote controlled toy airplane, flys it around and takes videos. I am not kidding. Pretty darn state of the art and high tech wouldn't you all say?

  8. Emotional cyclone? I wonder why?

    And the rest of us are just as emotional with good reason....

    3 View: my son has some rockets left from his boyhood days. These rockets shoot into the air and take pictures. Really quite neat and they aren't exactly toys either! Is that the same thing? High tech toys?

  9. Anonymous6:07:00 PM

    3 View must be another "fly by night jerk" to associate with her.

  10. Anonymous6:14:00 PM

    If you go back and read the big announcement on 9/1/09 according to Blink and from Sean Henady speaking exclusively to blink on crime he says:
    "Our assistance has been requested blah blah blah.

    So who requested his assistance? Blink did. He's realizing Blink is a "fly by night jerk" and wants no part of her. Now Blink has to come up with an excuse, like LE needs to invite 3 View to cover her butt.

  11. Anonymous6:20:00 PM

    don't forget how blink throws in the Purdue UNIVERSITY Research Park to make it look important, when it's just Purdue Research Park.
    It's an office complex. some of the others businesses are law firms, cpa's , real estate companies financial advising to name just a few. Someone could rent an area an open a massage parlor if they wanted to.

  12. Anonymous6:27:00 PM

    Blink claims to be 3view's lead Analyst/Investigator. Nuff said lol.

  13. hang in there folks....

    you're on the right track.

    it's coming to a head but it just takes time.

  14. A nutcase investigator with a hateful heart and sour mind, a dude that flies remote control devices for the purpose of aerial searches, plus a man with a stick. Heck, that's a good crew.......

  15. Anonymous8:19:00 PM

    jmmb LOL

    Don't forget about her "team." I have never such stupidity in my life, especially that boob, I mean boo.

  16. Anonymous8:27:00 PM

    Speaking of her "team" and who's who, out next outing is none other than our own guy with the stick.

    Now on Blink's blog he's "Lucas Cain". To alot of others he's known as "Luke Phillips"

    Google search "Luke Phillips" and Caylee together and start reading.

    Then search "Anam Caillte" (whatever that means), click on the first entry and read pages 7-9.

    They next outing has a Canadian connection.

  17. Any info on what cases either of them have helped solve?

    References for 3 View? What cases has he worked on?

  18. Anonymous8:48:00 PM

    Here's the stories I'm getting, 8:41. 3View has worked on a few cases. In all the cases though, they were contacted by the family or friends of the missing person and not LE. LE basically tells them to go ahead because what they seach isn't a crime scene so anyone with owners permission can search.

  19. Anonymous8:55:00 PM

    8:27 OMG! What the heck is Blink doing?

  20. Anonymous9:02:00 PM

    Could it be possible that Henedy has figured out what a kook Blink is and has told her to go do you know what in her hat?

    And now she using the invite excuse as to why 3View's not coming?


  21. Anonymous9:03:00 PM

    He's part of her multi-disciplined team, 8:55.

  22. Anonymous9:05:00 PM

    All these Blinksters are nothing but crime groupies looking to make a name for themselves.

  23. Anonymous9:06:00 PM

    That's doing this pro bono, 9:03!

  24. Anonymous9:48:00 PM

    I have yet to hear of search and rescue team charging for thier services. She must think we are all stupid.

  25. Well, I have another question. Do these people hold down jobs? They have to have some type of occupation to pay taxes, mortgage, rent, car payments, etc.....they can't just live on air.

    What's the trick to it?

  26. Anonymous1:38:00 AM

    Blink is a self proclaimed little ole housewife from NJ donning a sheep custome.

  27. Anonymous3:35:00 AM

    Apparently Blink is trying to save up so she can buy her own RC plane and outfit it with a camera so she can participate with the 3VSS search. She can add "Pilot" to her resume. So if you hear a strange buzzing noise around your house, just look up and SMILE. Hopefully she is not recording audio....Right BILLY!

  28. Anonymous4:54:00 AM

    Billy and Stephanie think they are helping Blink. Little do they realize, Blink thrives on turning on people. Good Luck Billy and Stephanie. It is only a matter of time before she targets you.

  29. Luke (Lucas Cain) Phillips5:44:00 PM

    Cool - I'm outed! Okay - so good work by whomever, but since you had some help from inside sources I would have expected a little more. So you know my name, my phone number, my address - here's something else for you to check - I post on WebSleuths as Dearmont - so take a look if you're interested. I can't wait to see what you all dig up on me - have at it. You should at least notice that I don't use the cover of anonimity here.

  30. Anonymous6:51:00 PM

    Listen fellow Pocomoke residents, we are being had by a bunch of scam artists. Look at this website:
    These are "psychic profilers" who were called in by Lynn. They also "worked" on the Caylee Anthony case and are associated with this "Lucas Cain"/Luke Phillips nut with the magic stick. Now, he also is a buddy of Blinks. Hmmm..... I think this is just a ploy to get a laugh at our expense and see how riled up we will get.

  31. Luke (Lucas Cain) Phillips8:26:00 PM

    Yeah - ain't gonna happen. At least spell the name right - Felicia.

  32. Luke (Lucas Cain) Phillips8:38:00 PM

    Worried about what? My commitment is to Lynn and until Christine is found, that won't change.

  33. Anonymous8:52:00 PM

    What happened to some of the posts?

  34. Anonymous8:53:00 PM

    "You should at least notice that I don't use the cover of anonimity here."

    Umm, I think you did Lucas, Luke, guy with a stick.....whatever!

  35. Anonymous8:58:00 PM

    Hey, this can't be right. Blink said she does NOT work with psychics and we all know Blink is so honest. lol

  36. Anonymous9:00:00 PM

    Luke, what is your commitment to Blink?

  37. Luke (Lucas Cain) Phillips9:11:00 PM

    I thought that I had made that point on another thread - Lynn asked me to provide details about the previous searches on the farm that I participated in and to show Blink the layout of the farm. As far as I'm concerned, that's the extent of my association. I made the commitment to Lynn that I would do whatever I could to help her find her daughter.

  38. Anonymous9:24:00 PM

    The latest question is... why is Blinkster writing letters on behalf of attorneys?

  39. Anonymous9:26:00 PM

    Luke, Shut Up and Quit while you are ahead!

  40. Anonymous9:27:00 PM

    Blinkster needs to quit while she is ahead. Now she's pretending she has a lawyer involved.

  41. Anonymous10:00:00 PM

    9:24 Details please. Where is she posting?

    9:27 A lawyer can only be of assistance if falsehoods are being spread. Don't think that is the case.

  42. Anonymous10:24:00 PM

    I wonder how Seashed (mr. military mind) feels about psychics being called in by Lynn and Blink?

  43. Anonymous11:13:00 PM

    Thank you 10:00. Is there any way to get in contact with you?

  44. Anonymous2:04:00 AM

    Looks like Blinkster has been making her email rounds with all her insane threats. We could pool them all together and see how crazy she is. lol

  45. Anonymous3:22:00 PM

    Luke's commitment to Lynn goes alot deeper than just helping her find her daughter. He also has been willing to try and make the cops look bad. Know what I mean Lukester-the farm has eyes.

  46. Anonymous4:04:00 PM

    LOL LOL LOL Ha ha ha - That's called a fit of laughter. Lukester, the farm has eyes - is the best one yet. What say you Lukester?

    Ask i4ni what he thinks about the phschics.

    Oh and by the way Lukester - posting anonymously shows that a person doesn't need recognition unlike some. Why do you always think the reason for someone doing something has always got a motive or some deep dark secret behind it? Me thinks it's because you behave that way so in your mind everyone else must behave that way.

    Besides that, hitting the anonymous button is much easier than going through the trouble of signing in or creating an ID. Too many blogs to keep up with in this saga and pushing too many buttons takes too much time.

  47. Anonymous4:45:00 PM

    "Me thinks it's because you behave that way so in your mind everyone else must behave that way."

    Me thinks this statement speaks volumes about Blink too.

  48. Anonymous5:08:00 PM

    Blinkster and the peanut gallery are googling their heads off trying to find some dirt on Public Eye.

  49. 5:08

    If that's so, all they have to do is politely ask me.

    I have plenty of dirt on me that I'd be more than happy to share if they ask.

    The difference being, mine is topsoil, theirs is manure.

  50. Anonymous5:42:00 PM

    'me thinks' you have all lost your minds. nobody cares 'who' publiceye is - geesh just read this backwards BS. Teabagger and a Glenn Beck fan speak volumes. wheeeee what a ride this sorry place is!

  51. hey ... please do not accuse me of losing something I never had in the first place..

    and just think.. all this is free... you have to go to OC to get a spin like this and you have to pay for that ride.


  52. Anonymous6:02:00 PM

    You sure care, 5:42.

  53. Anonymous7:00:00 PM

    Lukester and a deep dark secret and previous searches of the farm he has participated in.
    What do you think, 4:04?

  54. Anonymous9:59:00 PM

    This just seems like fun and games to you all

  55. 9:59

    Not at all... but if we let it all get to us how can we think then?

  56. Anonymous11:11:00 PM

    Fun and games?? Is it ok to give out someone's personal info to a psycho so she can use their young child to try and bully and intimidate them? Lynn, I am pretty sure you know exactly what I am talking about. Care to read the emails from your new "hope?" Care to see her for who she really is? Or this just all about you and your family??

  57. Anonymous10:27:00 AM

    11:11, It is just about Lynn and her family and Billy and Stephanie from The Pocomoke Tatter trying to match wits with Mike McDermott and the rest of the WCBI investigators.
    Could we see the emails? Or maybe a few quotes?

  58. Anonymous12:08:00 PM

    10:27 In good time. It will all be exposed.

  59. Anonymous12:39:00 PM

    I also think the nut with the stick was involved in some plot down on the farm along with others to try and match wits with the investigators. I've just got that funny feeling, that's what happened. Maybe I should go buy a stick. LOL

  60. Anonymous1:07:00 PM

    12:08, what will be exposed, the emails? Or the indescretions of some?

  61. Anonymous2:01:00 PM

    1:07 Blink, is that you? I know you will be exposed for a FACT. Your emails are just for shits and giggles.

    Karma is coming your way. Count on it!

  62. Anonymous2:23:00 PM

    7:00 - I think you are right - No doubt in my mind about the deep dark secrets of the Lukester and a certain search partier! Lukester + Search Partier = deep dark secret.
    9:59 - If you want to see some fun and games go on a search with lukester and the search partier!

  63. Anonymous2:32:00 PM

    2:23, some of us did go searching with them in an unconventional way. The farm has eyes.

  64. "The farm has eyes."

    remember in one of my articles I wrote that every word counts?

    see what I mean? That's something to think about right there. Hmmmm?

  65. Anonymous3:24:00 PM

    Publice Eye, please explain.

  66. 3:24

    I have no explanation, I was just using that quote as an example that every word could mean something.

    Obviously in that posters mind they know or think something is a mist at the farm.

    "the farm has eyes" could mean a number of things, maybe they will fill us in.

  67. Anonymous12:51:00 PM

    The farm has eyes is all about the hocus pocus of the international seer society - which has been decribed as a nonprofit organization which I can't seem to find listed with the IRS and can't figure out how to get a tax deduction if I were to make a donation to the nonprofit organization. Anybody know how to go about doing this if one were so inclined to do so???? I just inherited a sizable fortune and want to write some of it off to donations. Hocus pocus seems like a worthy cause.

  68. Anonymous6:20:00 PM

    What's a "seer"?


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