Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Odor on Nictitate (chapter 3)

Odor on Nictitate
By Odor Eliminator

Chapter 3 – Someone’s got to take the heat, it might as well be the cops!

Bloggers sure have been busy this past week. It’s taking me longer and longer to keep up with all of the posts on the many blogs. Trying to sort through the relevance of all the mucky muck that is being slung out into cyberspace is becoming a who’s who story of its own. This book might well extend into the next millennium.

Before I go any further I need to say that there is a great divide that has been inserted into Christine’s case and it appears as if there are now sides as to who the good people are and who the bad people are. In relationship to the case, the only bad guys are whoever is involved in Christine’s disappearance.

Secondly, if you have ever been a victim of crime, you will understand the feelings of expecting law enforcement to move heaven and earth to put the perpetrator(s) behind bars. Add watching too many television programs such as CSI or Cold Case to the mix of emotions and the imagination runs wild.

So, where were we? Last week, we left off with the promise of looking into law enforcements role in this saga. This is going to take some time so for all of you avid readers out there – sit back and get comfy because I’m going to stop along the way for doses of rationality.

In telling this story, it needs to be perfectly understood that no member of law enforcement has contributed to this accounting. Likewise, OE would never expect LE to divulge any details concerning Christine’s case and would think much less of them if they did.

Along came a spider called Nictitate spinning a tale of corruption and conspiracy within law enforcement agencies involved in Christine’s case. Nictitates tale is spun from a long running conspiracy theory which has been brewing in the City of Pocomoke and fueled by opinions from a local blog. In the spirit of fairness, one has to reason that it’s much more interesting to tell conspiracy tales than to tell factual accountings of a story.

Just what does a real accounting of the events of police involvement tell? Supposedly, the police dropped the ball in the very beginning when Christine went missing and if you listen to the chatter, they haven’t done much good since then. This is where OE’s investigation has gone. Sources and eyewitness accounts are differing from the chatter.

Concerns over Christine missing began on the evening of November 13, 2007 and a call was made to the Pocomoke City Police Department by her family. The caller was told to contact the Delaware State Police.

At this point in time, there’s no reason to suspect that anything out of the ordinary had taken place only that someone had taken off. Christine had every right to disappear if she wanted to since she was an adult and couldn’t be considered an underage runaway.

In addition, the farm house where Christine was staying is not within the jurisdiction of the PCPD it’s in the jurisdiction of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Department and the Maryland State Police. Christine was from Delaware, was supposed to have returned to Delaware that evening, and the caller was from Delaware.

– Proper procedure?

By November 15th, the Worcester County Sheriff’s Department arrived at the farm on Byrd Road to take a statement from the last people to see Christine Sheddy. The occupants, Clarence aka Butch, aka Junior, aka JR, Jackson and Teresa Lynn, aka Tia Johnson, tell the story that they had left the farm on the afternoon of the 13th to pick their children up from school and when they returned they found that Christine was gone and had left her two young children behind.

It’s also known that at the time of Christine’s disappearance a cousin of Tia’s, Justin Hadel was living at the farm house and he was questioned as well. It is not known if Justin Hadel left the farm house with JR and Tia when they went to pick their children up from school. There is evidence that tells a different story than the one that JR, Tia, and Justin tell.

There are others who LE has identified that were on the premises during the day of November 13th when Christine was reported missing.

Time Out……… Dose of rationality………………..

Nictitates tale says that Christine was murdered on the night of November 12th. How this has been determined is anyone’s guess and it appears as if a supposition has been made. Nictitates groupies are hanging on the web of tales accepting it as the gospel truth. We know that Nictitates nest has hatched out some interesting babies who have become a team and they claim to have psychic powers.

Observers of the international seer society have mixed thoughts about their special abilities and say that it’s a show worth seeing. Over the past two years, the team of seers has placed Christine all over the countryside. Witnesses tell OE that some within LE were willing to be opened minded enough and to satisfy Christine’s family’s insistence of looking into information provided by the seers. But that is something that will be for a later chapter of the Odor on Nictitate tale.

We all can speculate as to what happened to Christine and come up with a determination however that doesn’t mean that it’s the truth. Only those who witnessed the happenings of what went on the evening of November 12th and the day of November 13th, know the real story.

Sources tell us that three days later a Worcester County Sheriff is seen going through the neighborhood surrounding the farm armed with pictures of a young man and woman practicing tongue exercises together. They are asking folks if they have seen the young woman because she is missing.

One eyewitness tells us that it was a Sunday afternoon when they were stopped while on Byrd Road and asked about the pictures. The Deputy who asked them was off duty and they joked and teased with him about his dedication to his job.

Within a couple of days following, Worcester County Sheriff’s arrive on the Byrd Road Farm to search for the missing woman. Several units are dispatched to aide in this effort. The occupants of the farm house are not at home.

Scuttle butt is that LE found the door to the farm house ajar and checked it out for a possible breaking and entering. Upon entering the house, pets within were found in physically bad shape and the proper authorities were called to remove them from their environment.

When LE left the premises, they stopped and showed the neighbors the pictures and asked about the missing woman. The neighbors tell OE that they did not recognize the woman in the picture but learned her name and that she had been reported missing. LE also asked and was given pictures from a security camera on their property.

Okay, Time Out….... Now I don’t know about the rest of you but…… from what I understand, in Maryland, people who want to file a missing persons report should contact the law agency within the county that they are living or where the missing person was living, not where they went missing from. The next step is to file a written report with that agency and provide LE with as many details about the missing person as they can. Remember that PCPD told the family to contact the Delaware State Police? The Delaware police then told the family that they needed to contact local authorities where the person went missing from. Since the family didn’t know where the farm was located, they contacted the Pocomoke Volunteer Fire Department and were given the correct address of the farm. Is it too far of a stretch of one’s imagination to think that the family was told by PCPD what the procedure is? Nothing more nothing less?

Rationality dose - In less than two days time the police take a statement concerning Christine missing. What can be clearly seen here is “special” treatment if you take into consideration all of the legal procedures for a person to be considered missing and for LE to step in.

We are now into over a week since Christine went missing. There is no indication of foul play behind her disappearance but LE is still looking for her. If everyone is to believe the early stories, Christine was portrayed as someone who had a habit of disappearing. It’s been said that she had been known to drop her two youngest children off with their father Levi Hall and then pull a vanishing act. At the time that Christine went to Pocomoke for an extended visit, Levi was leaving messages on My Space looking for her.

Police investigations deal in facts. There is a reason for that and it’s called the law. The law is there to protect people’s rights and LE can’t just go around accusing people of things without hard proof. A family’s say so is not hard proof of anything except their loyalty to a family member.

It’s reasonable to think that by the end of November 2007, LE had heard so many stories from many sources that they were going to have to start sifting through all of the statements and try to figure out if indeed there had been foul play surrounding Christine’s disappearance.

Sources tell OE that in early December, LE visited the Byrd Road property again at night time. JR and Tia had been evicted and Christine’s case had been turned over to the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation.

Eyewitnesses to this visit say that WCBI investigators notified them that they would be on the property and not to be alarmed if they observed lights coming from the now empty farm house. At this time, the neighbors were still using the services of a private security firm and LE didn’t want to cause any unnecessary concern over their presence.

During this same month, December 2007, LE along with Flatland Search and Rescue conducted a search of the entire Byrd Road Area.

What did WCBI find on their visit to the farm house in early December? If you listen to the ranting of the cop bashers - nothing.

Time Out…….here comes another dose of rationality………. It’s highly doubtful that LE would discuss anything about what they did or didn’t find at the farm during their visits. What we do know is that they continued to look for Christine.

What we are told is that at some point during this time frame Christine’s mother had a conversation with Mike McDermott, Mayor of Pocomoke City and a detective with WCBI. Evidently some heated words were exchanged and as the story goes Mr. McDermott made some type of disparaging comment about Christine being a sponge on society. That comment has recently been repeated by a local blog owner who has said that it’s true because Mr. McDermott made the same comment about Christine to them.

What’s obvious is that there is bad blood between the Mayor of Pocomoke City, Christine’s family, and the owners of the local blog. Anyone can see that as soon as you read the many episodes of negative comments on the blog concerning the Mayor of our fair city.

Somehow in all of the controversy over the Mayor, Christine’s family members and the blog owners joined forces for a common cause. Get the Mayor/Detective. This is where the lines get real fuzzy and it’s a take no prisoner war. It’s apparent to bloggers that you are either with them are you’re not. There is not any middle ground and you can’t be interested in helping to find Christine unless you are also interested in bashing Mr. McDermott.

What gets real confusing is how the battle with the Mayor equates to slip shod police work in looking for Christine. Yes, I know, I’m kind of jumping around here on subjects but honestly if you’ve been a witness to any of the shenanigans, this is how it goes. You can’t talk or think about one without the other. If Mayor McDermott made such a disparaging comment about Christine, then he needs to man up, own it, and correct the problem!

Unfortunately for all of the many fine men and woman of LE who have been in any way involved in Christine’s case are now the targets of the bad mouthing. Sources who have observed the work of LE tell OE that the police have made many efforts to find Christine. One source tells us that Christine’s family knows that LE is progressing in the case and at this time they are waiting on crucial evidence.

Many sources tell OE that they have witnessed LE efforts in finding Christine. One witness tells OE “I have seen many times where detectives involved in Christine’s case have been out searching on their day off”. So now you have it folks. Did LE drop the ball? OE says NO. For all of the thankless ingrates OE is stepping up in their place and says “thank you” to LE for all of your efforts in trying to find Christine!

OE thinks it would be an intelligent decision for the cop bashers to stop their shenanigans. To lay blame on LE is ridiculous and disrespectful of their efforts. Nictitates tale is just that, a tale filled with nonsense and maliciousness. The seer’s society needs to cut the crap. The word charlatan comes to mind.

Up next……… Odor on Nictitate, Chapter 4: The Search is on for Christine.

Note: For those of you who want to highjack writings from OE – DON’T. Any writings contributed by Odor Eliminator belong to The Pocomoke Public Eye exclusively and all rights are reserved. You may not copy and paste, dissect, snip, or use any of OE’s writings in any part or its entirety without prior written consent.


  1. Anonymous7:46:00 PM

    University of Texas has bones being tested for DNA. Also, a partial skull was found and being tested.

    Lynn is well aware of this. Blink is well of this.

    What could be more fun to these kind of nasty people? Destroying the lives of many as they wait for the results.

    This whole story is a "get even" scam by Lynn and Blink. The Burkes happily joined in their "fun."

    Shame on them all. May God forgive them.

  2. Anonymous7:52:00 PM

    Great information OE. I notice that Blink has really lost her readers, hence less money for the owners of Scared Monkeys.

    Hopefully they will be dropping her BLOG soon as she keeps turning up with egg on her face.

    I urge all readers here to file a complaint about her with them so we can be rid of her once and for all. She should not be able to spew her garbage any more with another blog promoting her.

  3. Anonymous8:14:00 PM

    7:46 Where were bones and partial skull found? Has there been any media coverage?

  4. Anonymous8:29:00 PM

    I know the partial skull was found off Assateque Island, not sure about the bones though. My memory is going!

  5. Well that story should be very clear to all doubters that no one was lagging on this case.

    And I can certainly understand the protocol that comes with a missing child vs. an adult.

    So where's the corruption? Looks like law enforcement did everything and more to help this mother.

  6. Anonymous9:35:00 PM

    There was no corruption. Just a bunch of angry people putting the blame on everyone else except themselves. And as for Shannon, we all know her type...just another biiter woman, looking for attention, couldn't be bothered with her own children, yet pretends to care about others. So transparent!

  7. Anonymous9:40:00 PM

    I have one question - why criticize the the blog strategy of 'chapters' of a story - when that's exactly what OE is doing on this blog? Just sayin'...

  8. Anonymous10:34:00 PM

    9:40 OE is mocking Shannon, Jeeze, get a sense of humor. Just sayin'...

  9. Anonymous10:37:00 PM

    9:40, OE's making fun of Blink's strategy because it's stupid. Just sayin'........

  10. Anonymous10:50:00 PM

    The tattler is dead! The CS room on Scared Monkeys has nobody there. Blink's blog just has her groupies posting.

    I think the message is becoming clear.

    (I still see Lynn poking around.... looking for anybody to fight with. She will be here sooner or later. That woman loves to argue over anything.)

  11. Anonymous10:58:00 PM

    Excellent ! I read this and it was well stated and presented without all the drama and theories that may or may not be true . It seems like the police did everything they should have , so why are they being maligned , they have a difficult job, all they do is respond to a call for help and then it becomes their fault, I do not know what happened here but your account seems more reasonable , for instance LE does not share all info they have with just anybody not even the family, there is protocol to which agency is involved I am not even sure they search for an adult that is missing right away ,I do not believe that the whole town ,LE and the VFD conspired not to find christine sheddy or had anything to do with her prior to her missing. I still would like to know why christine went to stay with these people for the second time I do not buy she did not know what they were like, and why did nobody go and pick up that poor girl when she said she wanted to leave , as in call the cops right then , why trust that levi to go and pick her up if you knew he was no good ,and who called him if christine did not have a phone do I have that part of the story right or have I mixed it up. I hope they find her it must be very hard on the family .I think it is crystal clear that some people have a political agenda against the mayor , I don't know him from a whole in the wall , but like you said if he said those things just apologize, then move on and stop mixing up all these issues under the banner of finding this young woman .

  12. Anonymous11:04:00 PM

    OE has it down to a tee. As a matter of fact LE conducted at leat 3 more organized searches, then gave Lynn permission to organize her own, which she had been insisting on. (watching CSI made her more adept at this kind of activity). During her search, she found nada and blamed LE for not being there. Sooo..after proving she couldn't do it better, even with the psychics...she had to blame someone because of course nothing is ever her fault.

  13. Anonymous11:12:00 PM

    11:04 You said it!!

    "Sooo..after proving she couldn't do it better, even with the psychics...she had to blame someone because of course nothing is ever her fault."

    I think she knew what Blink was capable of and that's exactly why she brought her in. Two peas in a rotten pod.

  14. Anonymous11:14:00 PM

    I think Blink just used again by one of her own kind. lol

  15. Anonymous11:50:00 PM

    What would be interesting in your investigations to who is posting from 'far and wide' - would be an investigation on the IP address to all of the posts that sound exactly the same over and over again by the commenter that hates Lynn. Now that would be interesting. . . Its like listening to a broken record.

  16. Anonymous2:08:00 AM

    11:50 Make no mistake about it, Shannon is just as disliked. Lynn has Shannon to thank for people turning on her. She has Shannon and herself and nobody else.

  17. Anonymous2:13:00 AM

    11:50 Yes, that would be interesting and maybe we could get Blink to cover the story. Of course, no one would understand it but it could be entertaining to see how the VFP are involved in all this too. hahaha

  18. Anonymous2:37:00 AM

    11:50 It is "to whom" not "to who" - by chance did you take the same grammar class as Shannon?

    What would be interesting if we really did have a head count of how many people are no longer supporting Lynn and Shannon.

    I still support finding Christine and bringing home to her children so don't go twisting my words. Christine deserved better then what her family has done to her memory. I have never seen people act this way. Shocking would be an understatement.

  19. Clara Mae6:27:00 AM

    11:50 PM -
    Now see, there ya go. Right away wanting to insert more divide in Christine's case. This is exactly why people are sick and tired of all the BS. You groupies have got to stop your shenanigans before people start thinking that you all are doing this for a reason - like maybe trying to mix things up so much that Christine is put in the background and never found? One has to wonder!

    If people don't like Lynn or Blink, for that matter, it's their prerogative.

    It almost looks like "some people" are mad about the chapter's of Odor on Nictitate and don't like the truth being told or are afraid that something might come out that they don't want coming out.

    The behavior by the entire bunch is raisng serious doubts and more questions as to "why" they behave ths way. It makes absolutly no sense.

    "Just sayin" appears to have missed the entire point. The word sarcasm comes to mind.

  20. Anonymous7:44:00 AM

    Wow. Quite frankly if you're going to 'school' me on grammar - YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE YOUR HANDS FULL - if that's your role on this blog. Have you read any of the other comments? That is too funny.

    The word hypocrite - read it. All of you

  21. Anonymous8:20:00 AM

    7:44, Why don't you stick to commenting about the subject of the post instead of trying to change the subject?

  22. Anonymous8:25:00 AM

    Why did Lynn (and Stephanie) feel the need to pull everyone together and plan her own search in March if she knew all this? Was it for attention or maybe hoping it would give Stephanie bonus points for her city council run?

  23. Clara Mae10:01:00 AM

    Lynn and Stephanie had the "need" to have another search because the conspiracy theories were at work. It was believed that the police were not doing their job because McDermott told them not to. Ewe-weee-ahh!

    One has to consider the sources of the beliefs. And of course there is that little item of Stephanie was running for City Coucil at that time. They even had the press there so Lynn and Stephanie could get their faces on the camara.

    Looks like Wal-mart got duped! Sure is a sad thing to use Christine missing to further private agenda's.

    Ask Stepahnie about the threatening posts to the Tattler from someone claiming to be JR that she held back until after the search. LE knows about that too!

  24. Anonymous11:06:00 AM

    I kind of thought that the family was exaggerating the nothing's being done stories.
    It got to the point where the sister not only got to be unbelievable, but also annoying. I couldn't read neither her nor Native's posts any longer.

  25. Anonymous11:46:00 AM

    11:06 I agree. What I can't figure out is...what is the game?

    Is this just about getting rid of McDermott? I'm sure Stephanie stirred that pot to Lynn. Not that the pot needed much stirring.

    If Lynn and her family presented herself to Mike and LE the way she has to many (including many of her posts) then I hardly blame him for saying "these were people that I wouldn’t even associate with."

    Of course, Stephanie had to include that part. The irony is that people are starting to agree with that statement. It's a shame but sadly it's true.

    I am left to conclude that maybe Mike is just not that bad afterall and I have the Burkes to thank for that. Mike does too.

  26. Anonymous12:48:00 PM

    Hey, Shannon why don't you try involving the Elk's club in on your "conspriracy"?
    If I remember correctly, there was some fiasco involved with the parking of cars for the March search.
    Maybe they didn't want the searchers parking cars on their lot, because they were hiding something?
    You talk a big game, but have no rational back up to your points so this should be right up your alley.

  27. Anonymous1:04:00 PM

    11:46, I don't know what the game is but I do find it distressing that Stephanie and Lynn had to organized a search after knowing what had been going on with the investigation. It was deceptive on their part.
    I myself had heard rumors that investigators had been seen on the property a number of times. Stephanie had to have heard the rumors, because it was her friend who was telling them.

  28. Anonymous1:11:00 PM

    Interesting! Boss Hogg is finding a need to justify his position on PCVFD on B's site. I wonder why since he owns his own server.

    He claims to have limited his comments on Why? Why would he feel a need to do that? We all know Billy Goat to speak his mind freely.

    As for Stephanie cries to "not shoot the messanger." Steph- you are not just the messanger, you and Lynn joined forces for your own selving agendas. Let's get Mike Mcdermott! It had nothing to do with finding Christine. I wouldn't be shocked at all if the DNA test results on the skull came back already.

  29. Anonymous1:50:00 PM

    12:48 lol - I hope there is not a Hall, Jackson or Johnson that works there or is a member there cuz ya just know they did this on purpose to cover for their relative. They tried to prevent the search. Ah ha, another big conspiracy in the works.

    Shannon is such a fool.

  30. Anonymous2:08:00 PM

    Next thing you know Billy going to whine in court that he can't get a fair trial in Worcester County.
    Don't even bother with that tactic, Billy. You created your own problems, no one else. You can't have it both ways and then try crying foul in court.

  31. to the folks asking about us using chapters...

    Well... quite simply it's hard to counter a "chapter" without using "chapters" dont cha think? I mean unlike some we cannot see into the future to know whats on the table for the next conglomeration of embellishments

  32. Anonymous3:01:00 PM

    2:08 You got that right! Billy and Stephanie wanted to bring Blink in for their own selfish reasons. I am not discounting their feelings about finding Christine. But their motive for supporting Blink has sure done them in. Can't say I feel sorry for them either.

  33. So far, after three chapters, it is still quite apparent to me that law enforcement has not "dropped the ball", nor has this case been sitting on a shelf collecting dust!

    If there are no clues to a case then there are NO clues! What else can law enforcement do? And how many times do you look in one place for clues and evidence?

  34. Anonymous1:50:00 PM

    What ever happened to 3 view search company coming? I remember the "big announcement." Talk about tacky.

  35. Odor Eliminator10:21:00 AM

    The chapters are for the purpose of letting people "decide for their self" what the real story is. It's only fair that both sides of the story be told. Unfortunately, this is a really sad story because it all comes down to the bottom line. Something happened to Christine. For those of us who really care about finding out what happened to Christine there needs to be a balance in all of the drama.

    If the chapters are offensive to those who have tried to "embelish" the story - too bad! You all know who you are and know what you have been doing. It has to stop so that all can get back to the business of finding Christine.

    There has been a great disservice done to the many, many people who have tried to help Christine's family find closure. It is shameful! Some people's lives have been turned upside down and the family has gone along with a person that they brought in whose only game plan is to create a stage for their self and it has nothing to do with finding Christine.

    If the family likes all of the drama and fighting - fine. Just go somewhere else and do it, like your own back yard. To those family members who have done absolutely nothing, not even bothering to come and help search, rather just sitting on your computers and criticizing everyone and everything that has been done to help find your loved one - find another place to do it or better still - get up of your a$$ and help. Stop using people to do the things that you should have done right from the very begining.

    Maybe, your new family spokesperson should find another place to stir up BS. You all will find nothing but shame in what has been happening and then blame your new person for all of it to justify your behavior. Typical of not owning your actions.

    BTW - where's Lukester been hiding? Looks like he's quietly disengaged from the drama. Tell him to hang on he's going to be the star in the next chapter.

  36. Anonymous1:44:00 PM

    yawn zzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzz

  37. What I would like to know is if there have been other searches for Christine's body other than the farm? With so much traffic coming and going on that one particular night isn't there the possibility she could have been moved or never buried there in the first place?

  38. Anonymous4:45:00 PM

    Great Post OE! You expressed it far better than many of us could. I am glad you are setting the record straight. Keep up the good work!

  39. Looks like B has gone back to Caylee, where she feels loved (cough). It's sad that she drops those that do not meet her needs.

  40. One can only wish blink was gone for good. I'm sure blink is lurking around somewhere waiting for OE to roar again.

    Or maybe she's somewhere looking over her notes trying to make her side of her story work in the case of Christine.

    She's still in the shadows...........

  41. Anonymous9:26:00 PM

    Blink is gone for good. She's made an ass out of herself more or less what more can she add to the mystery.

  42. Anonymous12:08:00 AM

    umm her website is busier than ever? what planet are you "people" on?

  43. Anonymous6:41:00 PM

    What Clara Mae said! I second her comment. Hating and placing blame doesn't change the fact that Christine is gone. She was snatched from her children. That should be the only focus of this horrible story. I would not want to be in Lynn's shoes ever. God forbid.

    Stop the hating and let Christine rest, at least for the sake of her children.


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