Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pocomoke VFD under Fire AGAIN!!

Let me just say this post IS NOT about the missing Christine Sheddy or her family. It is however about those that align themselves with this completely ridiculous rhetoric that I have been made aware of by concerned citizens.

It seems we have a reporter/blogger constantly, for reasons unknown, bashing and trashing our VFD. It is a damn shame that even some of our locals and a local blogger have felt the need to put themselves under the wing of this vial, out-of-town reporter/blogger that is supposed to be looking into the Sheddy case.

I refuse to honor either site with my presence even to read their garbage of constant belittlement of our local heroes. They should be ashamed of themselves.

I cannot, however, ignore the pleas for help from the locals that call on me as their outlet for help.

In reference to the post that I have received (I wont post it, it's that bad) this viral blogger/reporter is cautioning our citizens not to take their children to the PVFD ladies auxiliary event or and fire prevention, or Christmas event in fear for the children. This is another slap in the face of our wonderful VFD and a question of their judgment as to who can be a VFM.

I WILL say this again, anyone in Pocomoke that aligns themselves with that nasty blogger/reporter SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES!! including any local blogs/bloggers.

This is not about bringing Christine home, they have another agenda that will rear it's ugly head in time. Those of you sitting back wringing your hands that this blogger will expose the corruption in Pocomoke will end up with egg on your face and may not be able to show your face in public in the future. I hope you do not have a fire and the truck just happens to break-down, that would be awful.

There is a lot wrong here in Pocomoke, as with any other City in this great country. But we have more good than bad. I'm sorry I will NOT sit idly by and whatch these bloggers drag our good people of the VFD through the mud. I have a lot more on my mind to say, but it wouldn't be so nice. I'll get the chance to say it to their FACE in time.

And to the VFD, Thank you for your service. I hope you find the resource to sue for liable. The "B" picked the wrong town this time.


  1. Anonymous7:44:00 PM

    They all have become a laughing stock haven't they? All the chatter about how Blink was going to help them and how the national media was on it's way.
    Come on folks, we're waiting. What a bunch of fools.

  2. Anonymous7:51:00 PM

    Blink just likes to cause trouble because she is one lonely, bitter, psycho. PERIOD!

    Ya got to know, she is sitting back enjoying all this. I think getting Blink involved was just one way of Lynn getting even with Pocomoke.

    Shameful, nasty, evil people!

  3. Anonymous7:53:00 PM

    I'd say the winner out of all this is Mike McDermott. The Burke's and the family have all proven themselves to be dishonest and vindictive.

  4. Anonymous7:54:00 PM

    7:44 Shannon will always be a laughing stock. She has proved over and over she is just a nasty witch.

  5. Anonymous7:59:00 PM

    Looks like Billy and Stephanie need to just stay home. Could they be that nervy to come? Probably!

    I see Stephanie is trying to back track now. I am not letting her or Blilly off the hook and I hope no else does eithr.

  6. Anonymous8:06:00 PM

    So who thinks Billy Goat is gonna run for Mayor? Then he can get rid of Boss Hogg and his 30 years of oppresssing the Burkes and whatnot.

  7. Anonymous8:10:00 PM

    Stephanie's full of crap. She not fooling anyone by her statements. If she were so concerned about it she would remove it all from her site.

  8. 8:04
    if you don't think our VFD has been slammed go look for yourself...
    I refuse to post such total BS here to give it another place to be viewed.

    If you cannot see that well, I guess your blind to possessing context.

  9. Anonymous8:18:00 PM

    7:53 I agree. Mike sure is winning!

  10. Anonymous8:22:00 PM

    I knew Blink and Lynn are bitter and vindictive....sure is nice to see Stephanie exposed as part of that group too. I never did like her.

  11. Anonymous8:27:00 PM

    i see shannon says she knows everything about keven and that he is a repeat offender. wonder who gave her that info? her crystal ball?

    i pray for all that blink has hurt. those who have supported her even in silence, i hope karma kicks your a$$.

  12. Anonymous8:51:00 PM

    I don't think Stephanie quite knows what Shannon and Lynn are capable of. I am certain she will eventually find out. She needs to get her apology posts together now, so she is ready for it. I can guarantee it will happen.

  13. 8:35
    I see it was not hard for you to find the context of that...

    why don't you tell us why the "B" even needs to look at a VFD? Huh?

    If..IF there is a policy breaker in the PVFD it' has nothing to do with a missing person. It's up to the VFD to deal with it the way they see fit and by protocol.

    Please, please tell me why it's ok for the "B" to tell people to stay away from a ladies aux. fund raiser?

    Tell me why it's ok to tell people to keep their children away from fire prevention and Christmas events held by our VFD?

    And while you're at it, tell us why it's ok for 'some' locals to appease such statements?

    This is sickening!! notice not one... NOT ONE local agrees with this... just a couple deranged 'comeheres'

  14. Anonymous9:25:00 PM

    PE, what they aren't acknowledging is the whole group of them are "comehere's". They are blaming the locals who are innocent of any wrongdoing!

  15. Anonymous9:34:00 PM

    As a mom of 4 - I cannot imagine not knowing that there is a violent registered sex offender as part of my local volunteer fire company. I would be so angry to find out my innocent kids had been exposed without my knowledge to danger during our spaghetti fundraisers or pancake breakfasts. I would be furious to find out the the bylaws had been broken that protect us all.

  16. Making innuendos about removing pics is ridiculous. It's called updating a site.

    I know of no volunteer group that would put themselves in the position of being sued because one of the volunteers did something to a child during a volunteer event. What is the B's purpose with this type of post?

    I like to hear some facts. What did she do to Tim Miller? What did she do to Tony Padilla? What did she do to Leonard Padilla? Or any of the other people she says are her colleagues. Has anyone contacted them?

  17. 9:34

    I don't think anyone disagrees with what you just stated.
    Anyone with children normally take the time to look at these things, after all it is open record for the public to view if they choose.

    What we have here is a bashing and a boycott request call for all VFD events.

    It is the VFD's responsibility to handle this, Not some blogger from New Jersey that has no idea where this VFM's duties lie.

    With that; the bottom line IS' what does this have to do with a missing person?

  18. Anonymous9:51:00 PM

    It seems to me that when blink wss researching the angle of all the fires at the Byrd Rd Farm she came across the PUBLIC INFORMATION that one of the volunteers WAS INDEED A REGISTERED VIOLENT SEX OFFENDER OF A MINOR thus resulting in the backlash seen. It's not rocket science that it is in clear violation of the department's own bylaws !! What part of SEX OFFENDER of a minor do you people not understand? I for one would not allow my children around that man....I have my shield up ready for the berating to begin.

  19. it's not going to be a beating, everyone is entitled their opinion.

    Your point is what we have been trying to explain... no one is, or has been pro SO, It's the implication of a conspiracy and/or cover-up buy the WHOLE VFD that they keep repeating...

    It's not hard to see, I posted it in another post and the context is clear for anyone with 1/2 a brain cell.. (no fingers pointed)

    I ask again... what does this have to do with a missing person?

    Does exposing a SO in the VFD help in any way find this missing person?

    Does accusing a whole VFD of a cover-up help find a missing person?

    Help me out with this, if you can, then maybe we all will understand, funny that all but a handful in this town see it the way I do.

  20. Clara Mae10:20:00 PM

    WTH - How did bashing the local fire dept. turn into a pity party for christinesmom on the other blog? Sniff Sniff!

    Do these people really not get it?

    This whole mess started when Lynn brought in her high powered investigator (lol) Blink who whirlwinded her agenda and mean spiritedness through Pocomoke and Worcester County.

    I'll spell it out - Lynns oaky on Blinks behavior has highly insulted the very many people who have for almost 2 years lent a warm and helping hand to Christines family.

    Frankly, people are tired of the insults that are so casualy slung by Christines family. Add the Burkes to the mix and their never ending campaign to slam anything that doesn't move their way in Pocomoke and a whole lotta hate spews forth.

    Lynn knows that she has constantly bad mouthed every single LE or public servent that has had any connection with Christine's case. They are all a bunch of dumb asses aren't they. She has treated them like dirt beneath her feet. I've seen and heard it.

    Don't hate the very people who have helped you. You know who the people are that are responsible for Christines disappearence but for some reason your hatered for them has turned into some kind of evil vengence toward everyone.

    Don't expect a pity party from anyone around Pocomoke because there is no pity left. You yourself Lynn, along with the Burkes, and Blink have turned public opinion upon yourselves.

    If you think that insulting and trashing people is going to somehow push people to magically find Christine you are wrong. All you are going to find is people who are sick and tired of the behavior and they will close their door in your face.

  21. Monita- you can take your opinions and stick them where the sun doesn't shine, my dear.

    Let me tell you something and the rest of the people that do not know.
    Pocomoke is a small town according to some. And as far as I know everyone is quirw happy with the fire department and most of us if not ALL DO NOT look at Keven as anything else as a firefighter.

    There is no reason to have blink see corruption in the fire department or anywhere else in town. Blinks case was supposed to be about finding Christine. No one knows anything about Christine you see, because most of us do not engage ouselves with low life such as the ones in question. We just don't.

    For the love of God, Blink has been snooping around for over 4 weeks and hasn't tied in a single clue, had to read it on this blog that Jr. had been arrested and has YET to tie anything together!

    She knows that if she brings the fire dept. into the issue she can stir up the town. Well, that's good. Then maybe when we get stirred enough those that once prided themselves of being glad the fire department was their neighbor will get our point.

  22. Clara Mae10:26:00 PM

    Monita says that Christine Sheddy was slammed in our town?

    Whoever you are Monita you obviously have not been around to participate in the many times that our community has extended open arms to her family and lent a helping hand with whatever we could do.

    No one cared about who Christine was keeping company with. All they cared about was the fact that a young woman was missing and presumed murdered and we pitched in.

    This kind of remark is the very kind of behavior that is making people angry.

  23. Clara Mae, you are so right. The people of Pocomoke don't know anything about those people that Christine was with. Pocomoke people saw and need and they helped a mother and her family many times with no questions asked except if there was more they could do.

    I would like to hear the other side of the story. I, myself, would like to hear exactly why law enforcement was so slow and why Lynn was not satisfied. I don't think law enforcement was too slow. I think law enforcement was taking their time, being thorough. Some crimes are not easily solved and if alot of others were introduced into the mix by Lynn then it might take a little longer. There wansn't anything wrong with law enforcement except the lack of patience and not on detective side.

    Again, we don't have the story from both sides.

  24. Clara Mae12:52:00 AM

    I think we are going to hear something about the other side in the next chapter of Odor on Nictitate.

    As far as Blink investigating the fires on Byrd Road goes, she wasn't there and doesn't know anything about what went on. She's repeating hearsay from stories that she has been fed.

    The fires on Byrd Road had the potential to consume many buildings besides the old chicken house. If it weren't for the quick response of VFD's it would have been worse than it was. Thank the Lord for them Blink and her groupies no nothing about it yet they want to twist and turn everything until they come up with some story.

    There were psychopaths living in the farm house on Byrd Road who had no remorse for their actions. Just look at what the neighbors had to do - hire private security so they could sleep at night.

    I wonder if it ever crossed Blink and Lynn's mind that they might be stirring up bad memories for other people who had to put up with the psychopaths. Bet not!

  25. Anonymous2:09:00 AM

    lmao, now Blink is giving out misinformation on A grain of Salt's family? They will all be fighting before long. I see an
    i4ni is already happy to get in his "fighting" fix and Blink is just happy to stir up more trouple. So basically nothing has changed over at the old Goats site.

    That site is nothing but ignorant people fighting all the time. I guess we all know who the hostile ones are. tsk, tsk

  26. I can't imagine what it would have been like if the neighbors had small children when all of this was occuring.

    And I certainly hope I never have a situation in my life that I have to go to the expense of hiring security to keep my family safe day and night.

    So, I guess the neighbors were kind enough to hand over those photos that blink put in one of her chapters. Hope they kept copies.

  27. Anonymous7:41:00 AM

    2:09, Neither Amazon nor Barnes and Noble are claiming this book is a true story. The publisher and the author choose, most likely for legal reasons, to not name names or places.
    The Tattler and their posters have opened the door for a lawsuit against not only themselves, but the publisher and the author of the book.

  28. Anonymous9:51:00 AM

    Amazon and Barnes & Noble list the book as NON-FICTION.

  29. Anonymous10:04:00 AM

    At the bottom of your blog you state that "the opinions on this blog in no way reflect those of the owner,..." etc and the owner is not responsible for the comments of others on the blog. There is a federal law in place that protects the owners of blogs with regard to the opinion of those that comment on the blog. So the owners of the Tattler are also so protected.

    Where is the Blogger TOS? If you are going to reference it perhaps you should link to it.

  30. Clara Mae10:36:00 AM

    JMMB - I've asked the neighbors about the photos and they say that they never gave anything to Blink and they never even spoke with her.

    They are trying to figure out how Blink got the photo's. They are not very happy about the entire situation and don't understand the need to open up the nightmares from that time.

    They have no small children but say that they had to stop allowing their grandchildren and family from visiting them becuase they never knew what might happen with the psychopaths.

  31. Anonymous10:47:00 AM

    Excerpt from Blogger TOS

    2. Proper Use. You agree that you are responsible for your own use of the Service, for any posts you make, and for any consequences thereof. You agree that you will use the Service in compliance with all applicable local, state, national, and international laws, rules and regulations, including any laws regarding the transmission of technical data exported from your country of residence and all United States export control laws.

    Seems to me your disclaimer does not agree with Blogger TOS may be in conflict with TOS you agreed to.

  32. Anonymous11:21:00 AM

    No doubt Lynn gave Blink the pictures. Lynn also gave Blink the names of people - these people were big supporters of Lynn at one time. I am sure Blink filled her head with crap though but still....no excuse!

  33. Anonymous11:36:00 AM

    Barnes and Noble refers to the book and a "gripping true story."

    Frankly, I seen as much nastiness and hateful comments on this blog, if not more so. Shame, too. It was becoming a good blog.

    Why be so defensive if what you think has been said is not true. And there's the rub, it was not said.

  34. Anonymous11:39:00 AM

    Now Blink is caught up in Joe Cline's book. Of course, she doesnt have a clue what she is talkng about.

    But the heck does this have to do with finding Christine?

    Lynn can't be this blind. They have some vile reason behind all this.

  35. Anonymous11:40:00 AM

    Do NOT trust Lynn. Lynn is no better than Shannon. Lynn is a nasty woman in my book.

  36. Anon 7:41
    Fiction or nonfiction. Doesn't matter. There were no names, no towns, etc. named in the book. The issue that is so unsettling is that a family with a name has been brought into all of this without any consideration.

    I probably would be more likely to believe entirely what was written in the book if it were based on a true story. In nonfiction, I guess, you can relate it to anyone or anywhere you want.

  37. Anonymous11:48:00 AM

    Federal law protects the provider of the blog not the user.

    If the blog provider comments on their own blog, they become a user. A blog owner who comments and contributes to or urges others toward defamation, publicaton of private facts (even if true) and invades an individuals right to privacy are not protected under any law.

  38. Anonymous12:06:00 PM

    11:36, stop posting half truths.
    Barnes and Noble refers to the book as "a story". A customer reviewing the book calls it "a gripping true story."

    When are these people going to stop lying?

  39. Anonymous12:53:00 PM

    it is obvious to anybody , that there is no news at all about christine sheddy , not a shred so not much going on with B's blog ,so throw some muck at the VFD , how does that help to find CS , again and again how is a whole town responsible for her disappearance . it is just a pattern you need to be aware of of , they want to hurt innocent people , these sort of antics will not help them find their daughter and will only turn people against them ,sometimes it takes a very long time to find people , like chandra levi ,sometimes you may never find them like Natalie Holloway ( I really hope and pray they still do )so what are you going to do move a long the road and destroy anybody you feel like and then say you have the right to because you are looking (investigating ) grieving for somebody , it will not help you find them , people do not owe you their lives over this , I hope they find christine sheddy very soon I just do not think this is the way to do it .

  40. Anonymous1:27:00 PM

    To "the neighbor", Hint Hint-Intrusion into Seclusion. You have a classic example.

  41. Anonymous2:05:00 PM

    Alright Anon 12:06, I stand corrected. The description says story. Not fictional story, just story. I hope you would agree that a story could be true. Yes, it was a comment that says a "gripping true story." Barnes and Noble and Amazon both list the book as non-fiction. Non-fiction means based on fact. I am not telling half truths any more than you.

    And the name given on the Tattler is a matter of public record.

    Follow your own advice, stop tellin half-truths, and open you mind.

  42. Where is the Blogger TOS? If you are going to reference it perhaps you should link to it.

    10:04 AM

    on the bottom of the page in the disclaimer that YOU read the 3 letters that you refer too "TOS" IS the clickable link..DUH!

    when YOU read the word "YOU" it means just what it says, "YOU" not me...

    Now, what does blogger TOS have to do with the PVFD?

  43. Anonymous2:32:00 PM

    PE, these TOS subjects are just distractions from the real issue at hand.

    Do you think The Burke's will show up with their kids? How welcome do ya think they will be?

    Is the VFD thinking about sueing? I would happy to donate to the cause.

  44. Anonymous2:33:00 PM

    2:05, You must not have paid attention in grade school and surely never attended a university.

    Now go and look up the definition of non fiction.

    A nonfiction presentation MAY BE accurate or NOT, that means it can give either a true or false account of the subject matter.

  45. Anonymous2:33:00 PM

    Thanks for the link for TOS.

    To answer you ?, TOS has as much to do with the PVFD as does the discussion of " A Grain of Salt" or wondering if some one will run for mayor or mention of Mike McDermott.

    With the discussion of liability on the Tattler or Blink, shouldn't you also be concerned about liability.

  46. Anonymous2:41:00 PM

    Not at all, 2:33. We never invaded the privacy of anyone, nor defamed, nor used the Sex Offenders Registry to harass anyone, which by the way is a criminal offense.

  47. Anonymous2:47:00 PM

    Blink needs to be afraid, very afraid of a lawsuit. A LLC does NOT protect her or her assets.

  48. Anonymous3:25:00 PM

    Ok. With all of this talk about a 'lawsuit' 'liable' 'slander' - who is going to do it?

  49. Anonymous3:27:00 PM

    I would think Shannon's covered under 3View's liability policy since she's their lead analyst, wouldn't you, 2:47?

  50. Anonymous6:11:00 PM

    3:27 Shannon does not for 3view. She did some grunt work for them, that is all. She thinks she is more important than she really is. I wouldn't be surprised if Sean dumps Shannon before long, if not already.

  51. Anonymous6:17:00 PM

    forgot the word "work" - even my fingers found it hard to type.

  52. Anonymous4:36:00 AM

    Anon 2:33

    I did look up definition of non-fiction and am glad that now you have too, and you have now noticed it said may or may not be true. I think you missed the may be true part before. Reading further, the definition of non-fiction also says the author believes it to be true. The public record of the trial certainly give credibility to the book.

    You are correct - I did not attend A university. I attended 2 and have a Bachelors and Masters to show for it. With Honors.

    To sue Blink, I believe you would have to do it in New Jersey.

    You guys are really working hard at showing some of the ugly side of Pocomoke.

  53. Anonymous10:40:00 PM

    2:33 you attended two universities have a bachelors and a masters degree with honors no less and you have to LOOK UP the definition of non-fiction, I noticed you never once mentioned anything about christine sheddy , and one more time slammed the whole town of pocomoke,it is ludicrous to blame a whole town or fire and police department , news flash the did not even know christine sheddy until they were called and notified of her disappearance, blame the people at the farm house that christine went to stay with voluntarily , not people who had nothing to do with any of this until they were dragged into it.Second news flash Blink and her followers have not helped at all and have closed off many avenues of help that were originally available to them, by now those dopes that were at the farm house know for sure she has nothing on them except speculation ,hearsay and innuendo , and if they have not talked in two years they know to keep quiet now.I sincerely hope they find christine sheddy the family needs peace and so does this town .

  54. Anonymous10:55:00 PM

    That is an excellent point. Blink has been drawing out revealing her investigative findings and alluding to certain details that she can not release. Well this has gone on to a point that any reasonable person now knows that they have uncovered nada. Blink has only helped her POI's gain confidence and made them less likely to speak with LE. She's bordering on obstructing the investigation along with whomever is providing her information that was not intended to be public information.

  55. The details that blink can not release are probably the stories that Lynn has told or maybe info the detectives trusted Lynn with. What other way would blink have to gain important information? You know the detectives aren't saying anything..........especially to a journalist. A bad on at that.

    I am sure that the "certain details" come nowhere near finding Christine. Just more trash to bash.

  56. Anonymous12:57:00 AM

    With all due respect,I think that employing a registered sex offender is WRONG!I understand how people close ranks and protect their hometown but what if it was YOUR kid that was molested?If it is true then why is he still allowed to a member?As a parent I do want these scumbags anywhere near my kid.I can understand being loyal to your own and all that but out yourself in the shoes of a sex abuse victim.I know most of you defending this guy are parents-how would you feel if your kid was molested and the guy that did it was allowed to serve in such a capacity where he has access to children.If my local FD employed a perv I would picket them and make calls around the globe if thats what it took to get the situation addressed.Why is nobody ticked off about this?

  57. Anonymous1:01:00 AM

    Oh and everyone already knew the family involved in "A grain of Salt" It IS a small town area after all.

  58. Anonymous7:25:00 AM

    1:01, sex offenders are working everywhere. I'm sure not one of you, check to see when going out to a restaurant if your server is an offender. If you all are so concerned you shouldn't let your kids go anywhere including the beach and amusement parks where child preditors are known to lurk.

    As far as A Grain of Salt goes, even the publisher and author had enough sense (or maybe it was legal advice?) to not name names. Should have been a clue to those who felt the need to splash a name on the internet.


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