Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Sharks are Circling

Dear Readers,

Late last year Tom invited me to be a contributor to his newly created blog...but I have not made any contributions as I am very busy and currently write for two blogs of my own.

I was very flattered that he thought enough of me to ask me to contribute and have often felt bad that I haven't been able to do so.

Over the past week many disturbing developments have transpired regarding the Christine Sheddy case and I cannot even begin to explain how or why they are happening, but I know this...there are people out there who are posing as multiple persons and are arguing with themselves online as a different identity to stir the waters and confuse the issue.

I have committed myself to finding Christine, and I will not let the vieled threats that I have seen posted by anonomous commentors on this site aimed at my husband stop me.

The fact of the matter is Billy has been very very busy and I have been the one who has been doing the writing. So if you want to threaten someone, then you should threaten me.

This case is not about Billy's issues with the city, this is about a mother who was possibly murdered on a farm on the outskirts of our town and to insinuate anything else is petty beyond words, and then to top it off one of your commentors had the nerve to say that McDermott probably didn't say what he said to Lynn! Are Effing kidding me? He said it to me as well. He and I spoke for nearly an hour about this on two occasions, and he spoke horribly of this family. So go ahead and believe your lying Mayor now to, and get him in the State House, maybe that will heal this 'sick little town' as your Mayor calls it.

I have laid down the law on my site about posting under more than one alias, because the ability has been abused, and I will no longer allow it.

This being said, I will also encourage Tom to no longer accept anonymous comments on his site, because threats should not be taken lightly, nor be allowed to be posted by someone who doesn't have the guts to put thier name to what they have to say.

Each and everyone of you that have read the Tattler know this...Billy and I stand beside every single thing that we say, and we don't hide behind multiple screen names. Everyone who has read the Tattler knows that Boss Hogg is Billy, and I am Wymzie, as both of our profiles lead to pictures of us both and our real names if their is a question.
My posistion on finding Christine has never changed, I have committed to the family the use of the Tattler in any way that I can to help get the word out about her murder.
At this point in time Blink is helping them, and I am linking to her site.
Over the last couple of days the I have felt for the very first time fear for my well being and I do not like it nor appreciate it.
Therefore, from this point forward, I will no longer be associated with this website and will remove my name from it.
Additionally, I respectfully ask that Tom remove the link that he has on this site to the Tattler.

The Sharks are circling in the water folks, and the worst of them are the ones who say such vile things that wont even say who they are.
Each and every one of you who have paid the least little bit of attention know who I am, and what I stand for, and Billy and I have put our money and lives where our mouth is.

I don't appreciate the petty implications that some of you have made, aa I have done nothing but try and bring truth and justice to our town.

I mean please what is the payoff here? We aren't getting paid for it, as a matter of fact we pay a lot of money each year to keep this thing going.

I don't want any sympathy as one of your anonymous posters stated that they used to feel for us. I want you to understand that you are being lied to yet one more time.

You get more upset about a person who has a public record being outed than you care about a young womans who very life was stolen in our backyard.

God Help All of Us,
Stephanie Burke


  1. Anonymous3:52:00 AM

    This not about someone being outed, as you state. This is suppose to be about bringing Chistine home to her family and children.

    Per Blinks site, we "hillbillies inbreeds" will demand the truth. All Blinks lies are causing these conflicts.

    Her evil ways, lies and misrepresentations have gone too far. Do you really believe this is helping the Sheddy's family find their beloved daughter?

    I am saddened that you have more faith in Blink than you do your own community.

    She uses your site to stir up trouble and yet you fail to see that. That in itself is a big disappointment.

  2. Anonymous7:37:00 AM

    Oh, cry me a river why don't you.

    To you and Billy and the family this is nothing more than getting back at Mike McDermott.
    Everyone knows what the hold up is concerning Christine case, including yourself.

  3. homegrown8:41:00 AM

    Well said anon 3:52,
    I have to agee. Blink has been the pervador of negativity and conflict in this whole issue.

  4. Anonymous10:10:00 AM

    The sharks are circling? What????

    Me thinks that this opinion piece is the Tattlers way of finding a "graceful" (I use the term lightly) way out of people deciding to not post on there anymore. All of a sudden you are taking the moral high ground? Ha Ha. Have you forgotten the Jerry Springer comment about Christine's case?

    Christine's case and the "outing" of a person's public record are 2 separate issues and if you had one ounce of morality you would own it.

    What you people did to Mr. Hall was WRONG. Who in their right mind would want to be associated with a Blink invetigation where it doesn't matter what is done to anyone as long as Blink gets her story.

    We might all be hillbillie inbreeds but we do know the difference between right and wrong. What does that make the people who have contributed to Blinks "story"?

  5. Anonymous12:36:00 PM

    Snip from Stephanie's Goodbye Post (LOL)

    "I don't appreciate the petty implications that some of you have made, aa I have done nothing but try and bring truth and justice to our town."

    Yes, we can all see that. I guess that is why Blink is now controlling your site.....cuz you want the truth...yeah right!!

  6. Anonymous12:43:00 PM

    "I have felt fear for my well being"
    Give us a break, why don't you.

    The only thing you should be feeling is embarrassed, ashamed and humiliated for aligning yourself with Blink. I know I would be. Her site is the blog version of the Jerry Springer show.

  7. Anonymous12:56:00 PM

    OMG, you and Billy are such hypocrits. There are many of us that refuse to post on your site because of your unethical ways. One of my 'friends' even got a nasty, cuss filled email from your so called righteous husband. Personally, I thought it sounded like the ramblings of someone who had few too many, if you know what I mean.

  8. !st and foremost

    Steph; I have not personally witnessed any threats toward you or Billy...
    I'm still me and you know I will not tolerate such, please point them out to me and if I see a post as a "threat" I will promptly remove it.

    2nd Billy accused me of something I never did, and looks like you agree.

    When you first emailed me and asked about a specific user I did extensive research and gave you that persons location, sur name, and email addy.

    I had no idea that you thought that.. that person was one of my (up to 8 now) personality's

    You said
    "I don't appreciate the petty implications that some of you have made"

    How do you think I feel Steph, I have been beside you and Billy for the long haul and you, right out of the blue turned on me... why?

    Billy said I was "up boss-hoggs ass"
    what is wrong with y'all?

    You both have told me things in confidence and you knew you trust that bond.

    Do y'all want to "get" Blake so bad that you will crap on your friends to do so? It sure looks that way to me.

    as for as not allowing anonymous comments... that will never happen, you know how blogger works and it's ridiculous to even suggest that.

    your info has been removed per your request.


  9. Anonymous1:57:00 PM

    Sure would like to hear more about this email, 12:56.

  10. Anonymous2:57:00 PM

    Stephanie, did you forget how it feels to make public something irrelevant to a situation? You were none too happy when Cain spouted off public infomation about you at the council meeting. That all can be found on the maryland court case seach too, so it's public.

  11. Anonymous4:41:00 PM

    I thought Stephanie and Billy were about the truth? being fair and just? Obviously, I was very wrong!

  12. Anonymous10:05:00 PM

    The Burke’s are borderline racist, conspiracy theory extremists. They have historically blamed others for their lack of success. They apparently expected Mayor McDermott to solve all of their problems, and when that did not happen, they turned on him, an event which culminated in Billy committing a criminal act.

    I seriously question their reasons for inserting themselves in the Christine Sheddy Investigation. It is apparent that they will use any means to discredit Mayor McDermott, even at the expense of the good citizens of Pocomoke City. Their association with Blink only confirms my suspicion that they are bitter and seek only to cast their woes upon others.

  13. Stephanie,
    I have read your blog for a long time. I respect you and Billy very much and I know that if you both find a cause you will defend it with your lives. Sometimes we have disagreed and alot of times we have all agreed on the same thing. It makes it nice when all things are in unison.

    Since all of this has happened I still respect you both and admire that you still stick to your program through all of this adversity. I realize that there are so many things wrong in Pocomoke.

    In the beginning of all of this I found things in the new "investigator" that I did not approve of. I spoke out. You and Billy have had a long time battle with city hall and that is not new news. Pocomoke is not the Pocomoke it was 25 years ago. It certainly isn't the same city that it was 50 years ago. The mall came to Salisbury. You elected your mayor and maybe he hasn't kept many promises but he doesn't run the city to suit you. And I certainly and not saying you weren't cheated.
    I understand you have a mother and family that has lost a child and they want answers. Stephanie, I can not believe in my heart and my mind that Mike McDermott and others did not work as diligently as they could. Perhaps the family got a little to restless and overwhelmed the officer with phone calls. can't get satisfaction by I realise that Chirstine's family wants her home. I have grown tired of "if you had a loved one..."Yes I would. But the one thing I am different with is that I can have graciousness and calm when it concerns my children. Blink has entered Pocomoke. I will not step back from my opinion that this is an attempt to "kill 2 birds with one stone". Your hatred for the mayor, Lynn's hatred for the Detective, both being the same.

    You and Billy have allowed this to happen and expect all of us to go along. I am not a hillbilly inbreed and the Pocomoke citizens being discussed are the people I love. It amazes me that you have allowed this in a city with people you so proudly say you love. It is your business, but I resent it.

    Christine's mom has been upset for a long time. But what makes her feel that Christine is so special that she has to rant and rave. People helped her. I did too. And i continue to pray for them. I pray for those children caught up in all this turmoil that they don't deserve.

    Lynn isn't the only mother to ever lose a child to a murder. But the coping part makes all the difference in the world. Lots of children have lost a parent or both. Death is death. And whether she wants to admit it or not Christine is with those children every hour of the day. I know how lonely those children are. I have a grown son that does not remember the sound of his dads voice, his scent, the touch of a kiss, the gruff voice in a scolding. He never knew what his fathers favorite food was. He was 14 months old when his father died. The only thing he has are a few photos. And his dad was a fireman....probably one of the proudest ever. His dad never lived long enough for him to understand the nature of the fire whistle.

    My belief is that Christine is home. Christine is everywhere anyone who loves her goes. If Christine's family would pause long enough to try to heal they might believe it. I hate to see a mother torn to bits and I can't quite understand why things have to be stirred like they have been.

    What did Scott Speicer's family do all those years while he was missing? And what about the POW's that have been missing for years. They have families....

    I'm not here to bash anyone. I'm just hear to say that God is the only one with the plan. If it were my daughter missing I would have held candlelight vigils, donated trees to plant in her memory. Anything to avoid this from looking horrible. And that's the way it looks to me. Do something in Christine's honor now so those children and all of you can find peace in your hearts. If you heal yourselves first the wait might not be so bad.
    Thank you for reading.

  14. Anonymous11:44:00 AM

    Guess what Anon 10:44, jmmb is entitled to have an opinion and let that opinion be known.
    Only those that dislike Blink should be reading over here anyway. Others should stay away as they might read things that will get their arguementative combative natures riled up. If the family chooses to read over here-then fine, but they need to remember it was them who brought Blink in and lets Blink continue to write all that outlandish junk on her blog, esp about the fire department. The firefighters would just walk over a dead body! Please!!

  15. I'm sorry that you did not leave your name. Who are you referring to when you write "if one of them read this"?

  16. Anonymous12:08:00 PM

    10:44 Is that you, boo? Please learn how to spell Delaware before you claim to know so much. You are clearly one ignorant human being.

    JMMB, I understood your post and agreed with almost all of it. I knew it was heartfelt but it would be completely taken out of context for the self serving Blinkies.

  17. Anonymous12:13:00 PM

    I'm still waiting to hear more about the cuss filled email Billy sent to someone.

  18. Anonymous3:14:00 PM

    12:13 are you doubting it?

  19. Anonymous3:34:00 PM

    3:14, no not doubting it at all. I've heard on more that one occasion that Billy flys off the handle. That too has been blamed on Billy having a few too many, if you know what I mean.

  20. 1:52

    with all do respect, everyone's opinion is valued here, and if just one, one poster would happen to put something up that would put a fire under the folks to get this thing moving or done would make it all worth it in the end.

    If you read and catch-up you will see that no one is saying they should stop looking or give-up..

    mind you now you'd need to read several blogs to put all this together.

    If I did not think all this garbage would have a happy ending I'd close this place today.. but I believe every word may help in the end.

    If it does not, I'll be the first to send apologies.


All comments are the sole responsibility of the poster