Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Adult chat line accidentally printed on school shirts

A "typographical error" resulted in the recall of student T-shirts at Linda Vista Elementary School's recent jog-a-thon, after a parent called the phone number printed on the back of the shirts and was connected to an adult chat line.

T-shirts were handed out to all students participating in the Oct. 16 jog-a-thon during recess and recalled before students left at the end of the day, Principal Jackie Howland said. The school believes that all of the T-shirts were retrieved, but parents were called just in case, Howland said.

The T-shirts featured the school mascot – a lion – running with a 1-800 number featuring words instead of numbers.

The number was written as a cute slogan for the jog-a-thon, but turned out to be an actual number, said Rosemary Gladden, public information officer for Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District.

Linda Vista PTA is not the first group to make a mistake with that exact spoof number. The two word 800 number shows up online as part of a popular running slogan sold on T-shirts and merchandise.

But a Google search for the 1-800 number on its own returns news articles and blogs about schools in Ohio and Iowa that made the same mistake.

The 1-800 number goes to an adult chat phone line.


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