Thursday, October 15, 2009

Any Cat Folks Around??

Our family kitty is about 8 years old, here lately he has been acting a little strange like begging for people food and getting into things that he has never attempted to do since he was trained as a kitten.

Although he was acting a little different we didn't notice any other changes in him until last Saturday morning he was acting lazy and then got sick. He then all of a sudden just stopped moving, in such a way that the wife though he was dead, he wasn't but it was obvious that something was really wrong.

The wife and son packed him up and carried him to the Vet, they did blood-work and examined him. The Vet said that he thought his liver was failing and it was nothing he could do but he would know for sure when the test came back. He gave him a shot of fluids so he wouldn't dehydrate, and sent him home.

That same night the cat started to perk-up somewhat and by the next morning he was fine; just like nothing was ever wrong with him.

The blood-work results came back the middle of the week and the Vet said he had good news, there was nothing wrong with the cats liver but he had a low count of white blood cells and to come pick-up a prescription.

The Vet then explained that he could not explain why the cat was so sick and then perked-up as if nothing was ever wrong.

Then as of yesterday he has been fine, but sometime during the night the cat is right back to where he was (sick) and it looks like he's not going to make it. He wont move, eat, and cannot stand. I have had several animals in my life but I have never seen one get so sick then bounce back like this one did just to repeat it over again.

The wife has held him all day with him wrapped in a blanket and I heard her crying once and I went to see why and the cat was dead. But... low and behold he started breathing again in about two minuets but he's on his way out it looks like at any time.

The Vet wants him to see what may have caused these strange events for future reference because even the Vet says this is a very, very odd occurrence, but the wife and kids say no.

Anyone ever had an animal that had taken deathly ill then recovered over night only to repeat a week later after being completely normal and dropped like you snapped your fingers?


  1. poor feller died about 9:00pm

  2. Anonymous10:03:00 PM

    im really sorry thats rough. Leukemia?

  3. no they tested him for feline Leukemia and that was negative.

    We have had two that had feline Leukemia and that came on fairly gradual, both of those started dragging their hind legs

  4. Anonymous10:30:00 PM

    My husband brought home a kitten shortly after we married. An orange tabby. I called him mister. The leukemia took him at 2 years but quick like yours. Really sorry.

  5. Anonymous1:48:00 PM

    I'm sorry to read about your kitty cat.



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