Monday, October 26, 2009

Arrested Blogger; Seized Computers Returned

A blogger was arrested earlier this year and their equipment was seized during a raid of the home, all equipment that could be connected to the internet was confiscated and after months just recently returned. Albeit a bit messy at least they have their stuff back.

Although every piece was adorned with highly adhesive evidence tape and marker the blogger was happy that the items even were returned in one piece.

This has been a very controversial situation from the day the troops stormed the bloggers home and snatched their belongings. Why so? Because the blogger posted 'public information' .... information that anyone can access VIA the internet or simply by their eyes while in public.

Is this the beginning of an attack on our freedom of speech? The blogger was made to remove the public information from their blog but the same information is throughout the internet for all that wishes to see.

Below is a snip and a couple of pictures.

It seems every time anyone in law enforcement did anything with it, they slapped on a new icky sticky strip and initialed it. With a dang Sharpie!

My laptop was not spared the wrath of the everlasting black marker either.

Read the rest of the story HERE

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:03:00 PM

    "Is this the beginning of an attack on our freedom of speech?"

    Well PE, it depends on intent.

    Was the public information posted for informational purposes and as a benefit to the readership or was the intent to harass and/or intimidate an individual? I haven't had a chance to read much other that the links you provided.

    Every state has laws regarding public information and when the information is used in ways other than it's intended purposes, such as harassment, it may become criminal.


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