Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Democrats Disenfranchising Soldiers... Again

One of the most unseemly displays of the 2000 election was the disgusting sight of Al Gore's lawyers high-fiving each other after disqualifying hundreds of military ballots on minor technicalities.

In 2004 and 2008, the Democrat governors of the states of Washington and Pennsylvania also did their best to make sure active duty soldiers did not receive absentee ballots in time to vote.

And, just this week, the state of Virginia --- whose governor also happens to be the chairman of the Democrat National Committee --- went to court to disenfranchise military voters in that state's upcoming elections.

The Virginia State Board of Elections argued in their most recent filing that they have no legal obligation to send out military absentee ballots in a timely manner. Restated, the State of Virginia has argued in a federal court filing that they can legally send out absentee ballots to active duty soldiers the day before an election. Restated again, the Democratic Chairwoman of the Virginia State Board of Election (appointed by the Democratic National Committee Chair Tim Kaine, in his capacity as Virginia Governor) Jean Cunningham just claimed a legal basis for massively raising the barrier to voting for soldiers at war.

Disgusting, but this is how Democrats operate. They oppose common sense ID requirements that would protect against vote fraud, while disenfranchising the votes of men and women serving in the military.


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