Friday, October 16, 2009

Odor Eliminator (Chapter 5)

Coming soon!!
Odor Eliminator has decided to do a chapter 5, no rebuttal this time just plain old facts of some of the interesting events that they have uncovered.

Their next chapter will include actual pictures, not some pictures of controlled burns from Showell. OE has advised me that they have obtained actual pictures of the fires on Byrd Rd.

Keep checking PPE for the next OE episode coming soon.


  1. Anonymous11:45:00 AM

    Thought this would be today :(

  2. Anonymous2:20:00 PM

    I guess I will stop checking for updates? No Chapter 6 I assume? Too bad

  3. chapter 6 is in the works, it's coming but it takes time with all the misinformation that is being put out.

    Now, it can't only be posted but has to be corrected from the other sites tripe (with proof)

    the folks (OE) that write those pieces spend a lot of time researching, verifying, questioning then double checking and they have a life, family, hobbies and a job.

    Be grateful they even do it out of the kindness of their heart for us to read.


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