Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Post have been moved to collaborate

There were some good comments that made me think about re-doing those post and the way they were written. You were right,

I'll fix all that and bring it back ... no comments were lost.


  1. Anonymous3:52:00 PM


    I am glad you reconsidered and removed those chapters.

  2. Anonymous4:25:00 PM

    Are they removed for good or just being refigured?

  3. 4:25

    If I can find a decent way to put them together I will... after looking at those today I said to myself I was doing what they do... I wont stoop to their level, I'll quit first.

    Hope y'all understand

  4. Anonymous7:00:00 PM

    That makes sense, PPE.

  5. Anonymous7:25:00 PM

    PE - You made a good decision.

  6. Anonymous8:55:00 PM

    LOL PE, it is on this side of the world.

  7. Anonymous12:23:00 PM

    Aahhh enjoy yourselves at the Tattler!

  8. Anonymous6:25:00 PM

    Oh, I hope they are having so much fun, 12:23. They all deserve each other.

  9. well no one picked up on it so I'll put it here.

    that # number that I posted and got called all kinds of names and bad guy mean worthless etc. etc is all over the internet. All you need to do is google Christine Sheddy (images) and the same number is on the missing Sheddy picture.

    it's been there since the beginning. Oh my!! I'm sooo awful for posting that number.


All comments are the sole responsibility of the poster