Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Shore Sloth’s

Is it me or does my native home of the eastern shore attract a certain people?

It seams as if many people here are taking advantage of the system, things like section 8 housing, food stamps, free medical, etc. yet some of these people are completely able to contribute to society.

Take for example a person that was just summoned to court for a PO that was granted by a judge. The PO was for “stalking” and the PO was ordered by the judge, how can a “stalker” receive welfare? Why are our tax dollars going in the gas tank of a “stalker” to assist his twisted illegal activities?

If a person is physically able to “stalk” another person why does the system grant them tax dollars only to be a burden on society and commit illegal activities? If we would happen to encounter this “stalker” and kick their ass your tax dollars will pay for their medical bills, feed them and pay their rent and utilities, does that make sense?

It simply seams to me that we here on the shore have an over abundances of government leaches that draw from the government teat and never add any value to our community.

If you fall in this description, GET A LIFE!! And a job.

Snip from SBYNews

While Jonathan Taylor was NOT supposed to be in Court today, he showed up in a wheel chair and required special attention when the Donna Ennis case was brought up. He was escorted into the court room in an extra wide, (seriously) wheel chair and the Judge said, why don't we try this case today, since both parties are here. Clearly the Judge could realize that Jonathan had been served a temporary Peace Order and considering today's hearing was supposed to only be about Donna, Jonathan proved to the Judge just by showing up for a hearing that he will follow her no matter what.

Clearly walking out of the court just fine!!

Pictures courtesy SBYNews


  1. I'd like to know why he felt the need to be there other than be nosy. His presence doesn't make much sense to me although he had every right to be there, I suppose.

  2. Anonymous11:05:00 PM

    Looks like the "Salisbury Blimp" has attracted the entire Dodenhoff family to his website, only they are now posting under "Anonymous". Funny how they bash PPE, and continue to preach "the kids" and "find Christine" angle. BUT they do not deny their inappropriate conduct, only continue it under an "alias". We know whats going on!

  3. Anonymous11:54:00 AM

    One of those nasty posts on Salisbury Blimp site about PE was written by none other than Blink. I can tell her evil style anywhere. Of course, she is so much better than everyone else or so she thinks.

    Problem is that I am sure that post hit home for Lynn too. I don't think Lynn has the money to have Noritake dinner wear. I doubt Blink does either. Well, maybe she received a set from one of her many weddings. ;)

    All her comments are so nasty because.....well, she is.

  4. Clara Mae12:54:00 PM

    What is it with these people? If I'm reading things correctly, the man in the wheel chair is none other than the Salisbury Blimp.

    Why is he receiving welfare? Seems to me that if he would get a job, he wouldn't need an extra wide wheel chair.

    He, like the people that have landed on his site to preach about "the kids" and "find Christine" know all about "the system" and how to play it.

    Hell, the more kids that you have under your roof, the more assistance you can get. Why get a job when those who work for a living pay taxes out the kazoo to take care of those who don't want to work because a job interferes with their life style? These kind of people think that they are entitled to something and that everyone owes them.

    I agree with PPE - Get a life and a job! Or maybe first get a job and then a life!

  5. Clara Mae said...
    "What is it with these people? "

    That's a good question, But simply; They're stupid and mental. the same people that come here and talk bad about others go elsewhere and talk about us, the internet is not as private as they think, I can't wait for another nice email from a couple of them.

  6. Anonymous5:05:00 PM

    I keep thinking about the "system" and I can't help but wonder about christine's children.

    Of course for Lynn finding her daughter would be very important. It certainly would be to any of us. But I have to ask myself at this point, does finding Christine mean she would be legally declared dead and not a missing person thus enabling the children to receive SS and better death benefits.

    I am not saying this is her motive or the children do not deserve it, I am just wondering if there would be a difference in checks. No offense intended to anyone.


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