Monday, November 23, 2009

Hospital Staff Boogies on Down for Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is long gone, but that doesn’t stop the staff at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center in Portland, Ore. From administrators to nurses, cleaning crews to surgeons, everyone threw on a pair of pink gloves and got down in the spirit of raising awareness for breast cancer.

Click on the video below to watch hospital employees cut loose for breast cancer awareness.

More Bollywood than ER, the video is an infectious, upbeat dance to Jay Sean’s “Down.” Kudos to the elderly man with a broom for the best solo performance. It’s a tie between the lab technicians and the surgical staff for best small-group choreographed dance. “Our employees put together this video to generate breast cancer awareness throughout our hospital system,” according to the video’s YouTube page. “We had a ton of fun putting this together and hope it inspires others to join in the cause.” The video shows that there’s more than one way to fight cancer. Although the clip lacks professional dance moves, it sure makes up for it in charisma, style and hope.

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