Wednesday, November 25, 2009

PETA's Ad and Thanksgiving

The Norfold-base animal rights group, PETA, (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has had their Thanksgiving tv add banned. The commercial scheduled to run during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade has been banned by four affiliates that will broadcast the parade on Thanksgiving day.

Stations in Raleigh, N.C., Columbia, S.C., Gavannah, Ga., and Little Rock, Ark., have banned the commercial depicting a young girl saying grace at Thanksgiving, giving thanks for the "turkey farms that pack turkeys into dark, tiny sheds for their whole lives".

While the ad is said to encourage veganism it was decided to ban the commercial because it was not appropriate for the spirit of the parade.

Now, for those of you that enjoy a nice juicy turkey and the stuffing please be seated to the table tomorrow and enjoy your meal. I sure will.

The picture above was taken in my backyard just a few weeks ago. Yep, those are turkeys. So I could have a real one anytime I want to. But that's alot of trouble and there is something to be said about going to the store and picking through the frozen 20 pounders.

For Thanksgiving PETA offers the Tofurkey. Ever taste one? Well, for me it's the nearest thing to eating a cardboard box.

Enjoy your turkey meal and all its trimmings. And if you dare invite a PETA member over to watch the parade.

for more info

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