Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Remembering Our Veterans

Today is Veteran's Day.It is a day chosen to celebrate and give thanks to those brave men and

women that sacrifice their lives so that we may live freely in this great country known as the

United States of America. It will be a day of celebrations, flag waving, parades, patriotic music,

along with hand shaking and pats on the back.

Even if you have no celebrations to attened today be sure to thank a soldier. Most families today

have at least one member in their family that has served our nation. And if not, make it a point

as you travel through your busy day to see just how many veterans you do know. A veteran

could be your mailman, your preacher, a teacher, coworker, or just the guy next door. Take a

moment to thank them for sacrificing their lives so that all of us can sleep safely at night and

rise in the moring to go about our ways freely.

Take time to call a veteran on the phone and thank them. Take time out of your busy day

to listen. Listen to their stories. By listening and learning from them we can understand

and appreciate more fully and deeply what they did and why. Don't let any of the ones you know

think for a second you are not grateful.

Please don't forget to display your yellow ribbons and bows. If yours is currently faded and

frayed replace it. It is just a small symbol to show these great American's we care and they

are not forgotten. And by all means fly that great American flag!

Send a soldier a letter or postcard. Go to this website This site gives any

information needed for mailing anything from letters to packages. Another website is Here you can find so many wonderful things you or your family or organization can

do for those in the armed forces.

Get a group together to crochet or quilt a warm blanket/lap cover for any of our soldiers. They need

our help now more than ever. They need to know that we care!

Thankyou Gary, Cousin Greg, Todd, Patrick, Ronnie, Don, Mr. Hawkins,

Cousin Bobby, Larry and a very special thankyou to POW Lt. Col. Carlyle (Smitty) Harris and all others for caring enough to serve, fight and defend our wonderful country.

Proud to be an American

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