Saturday, November 28, 2009

SNL Obama: Are We Fact Checking Jokes Now?

It seems that a new segment of the population with entirely too much time on their hands has taken to making sure jokes on television shows, such as Saturday Night Live, are fact-checked.

So if a comedian makes a joke at the expense of President Barack Obama, the writer is supposed to make sure the the punchline doesn't stray too far from reality.

CNN recently fact-checked an SNL skit on President Obama.

Are they serious?

I suppose we should check whether the chicken really did cross the road and get a positive identification on who was at the door for all "knock-knock" jokes.

While the idea of fact-checking jokes is ludicrous, I can understand why some folks are upset. As shown in the huge television ratings of comedy shows, such as SNL and the Jon Stewart Show, during the presidential election, these shows are increasingly influential in shaping public opinion.

But these whiners have to get a grip and understand that a joke is a joke and sometimes President Obama and the Democrats will be targeted, and other times, it will be Sarah Palin and the Republicans playing the butt of the joke.

As long as its funny, it doesn't matter who is being clowned.


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