Sunday, December 27, 2009

Let me tell y'all about T. J. Leggs

What I know about T. J. Leggs;

For a number of years I was a bouncer at a local night club, I was working there about 3-4 years when T. J. was hired. It wasn't long before we all knew his past. Needless to say those of us that are naturally protective of others were very concerned and myself not being the forgiving type, I questioned T. J. with small questions here and there.

T. J. is/was a likable guy, throughout my interrogation he never showed any amount anger in the fact that I wanted to know what he did to be a registered SO. He had his story down though, he left me believing that what he did was got caught with a young girl by her mother in a situation that many young men deal with and that was, that he was just over age and his girlfriend was just under age.

T. J. did love the night life and he was at home in the bar even at such a young age, just old enough to work there. T. J. was a normal everyday guy, he did his job and did it well. He got along with his coworkers and never caused any problems.

T. J. would sit with me every night at the bar, even on his nights off, he would come in just to sit at my table. To me T. J. seamed like just a guy. BUT....

From the first time T. J. and us 'crew' met, everytime T. J. left our presents, my wife would say "I like T. J. but somethings not right about him, it's his eyes"

It was not only my wife that saw this either, a lot of the women that knew us and that knew T. J. would say the exact same thing, they could see something in his eyes. Now I'm one that trust in 'intuition' so I kept a solid eye on him but he never did anything out of the way, not in my presents anyway.

Now I am in no means taking up for T. J. If T. J. is the person that murdered little Sarah I hope to God he reaps what he sowed 10 fold.

I'm just telling this and keeping it very short in hopes that others will look into who they subject their children too. If you have a "feeling" walk away and never look back, you may just save a life, use that "intuition" and use the resources available to look people up. What can it hurt? It may save a life.


  1. Anonymous6:48:00 PM

    I had this discussion not so long ago before all this occured, when I was investigating private schools for my children. (still am) I was talking to folks about that feeling in your stomach, the hairs on the back of your neck, the inate vibe you get out of a stituation and learning to trust it.

  2. Anonymous8:36:00 PM

    PE, you got a dose of what a smooth talker those with criminal minds tend to be.
    RightCoast, trust your vibes and run like hell.


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