Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Please do your part and speak out to your members of Congress today:

The US Senate will be voting again in the next few days on the pending health care "reform" bill and, despite what you may hear, little has changed.

The bottom line is that we are still looking at a government takeover of an estimated one-sixth of the US economy.

We still have no prohibition of any of your tax-dollars being used to fund abortions under the bill.

We still have no legal protections for the religious convictions of doctors and nurses who would refuse to participate in abortions or euthanasia.

We know that it creates a huge bureaucracy with over a hundred new federal boards and commissions that will make decisions about our health care.

We know that it will add untold amounts to our national debt.

And we know that it does nothing to provide more choice for consumers or eliminate the junk lawsuits that drive up our health care costs.

To put it simply, we must stop the bill.

Time is growing short, but we can still be heard.

Please do your part and speak out to your members of Congress today:

Also, please be sure to visit our Health Care Action Center and get other key facts and information to stay informed throughout the ongoing debate.

It is critical that conservatives stand together and let our elected officials feel the heat on this issue!

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